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I am so bummed! Many of you may know that I enjoy jogging as my exercise as choice. Well, since I have hurt my knee - AGAIN - I have not been able to walk let alone jog. I am bummed out about it, cause after a week, it still doesn't feel any better.

I hate being a whiner, and normally I'm not, but this is just pissing me off! So, what do I do. Just sit and do nothing. That is SOOOO not me. UUUGgghhh!

Well, there are other people in this world with much bigger problems than I, so I should quit complaining and just truck on in life, right?

That is all for today, for once, I don't feel like writing!



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Did you go back to the Dr. after you hurt it this time? How long will it take to heal? Must be rough with a bum knee to keep up with your little one running around....plus everything else you have to do.....well CHEER up....and hope you feel better soon.


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Thanks HC. No, I haven't gone back to the Dr., he will yell at me cause I wasn't supposed to be wearing heels....ever again. I thought, what the hell, I can do it. WRONG. I am just trying, unsuccessfully, to heal it myself, but it is hard with my son going to school, work, volunteering at school, cooking, cleaning, sex...ughhhh.

Oh well, I might have to break down and go.

THanks for the thoughts!

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Yes Mikayla I know we all hate to hear the DR tell us we can't and shouldn't do things like wear heels etc. I am sorry to hear about your knee. I think you should prolly break down and go to the Dr, you could always use the kid excuse, I forgot you told me that laugh.gif Hope you feel better soon.

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