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Well, last night my hubby and I had a Halloween party to go to - and I had a lot of fun (at the party, in the bathroom at the party and when we got home too!)

Anyway, this year I went as a sexy kitty - which would have been sexier if I could have worn heels - but alas, no go. I had to wear my thigh high boots with a chunky heel - but it was OK. I didn't feel quite as sexy this year, as my lack of exercise has got me gaining weight - but I still feel sexy inside - so I did my best to be the sexy kitty I wanted to be!

I got the news that I have to have surgery on my knee - again - because I was stupid and wore heels on my anniversary trip - my doctor was UNPLEASED with me, as I now have a new meniscus tear and an ACL injury - lucky me!

I will take my surgery with a grain of salt - but the worst news is that I can't jog or run ever again. Sure, I can use an eliptical - but they don't move. I really get off on my jogging and this is a big blow to me!

Oh well, I will find something else to do for exercise, and sex burns calories too!

Well, for now I have to run - not literally of course - it is pumpkin carving time with my son....GOTTA LOVE THAT!!!!



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