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Bad Hair Day



Yeah, I know, been tooo long since I added an entry into here.
I cant help it, work has been keeping me on my toes, even though I have been scheduled for 5 days, I have been working 6 to 7 a week.

We hired in 5 people, 2 never showed, 1 stole from the till, 1 pulled a no call no show and the last gal just up and walked out halfways through her shift, said she couldnt handle dealing with all the people.

I had a customer ask me if my daughter was my grand daughter, he said he assumed she was because of all the grey hairs I have.
Normally I am not a vain person, I try and take care of myself, but when someone guesses my age to be 50, and I am still in my 30's, something has to be done.
So I decided I was going to take the leap, and color my hair for the second time in my life, the first was my goth phase and I dyed it jet black.
I decided on a shade of strawberry blonde, not a major change, enough to cover the greys, and add a little somin somin extra to my normal blonde.
I bought the color, read the instructions and followed them to the T
I rinsed it out, dryed my hair and looked at the results, I about had a fit, it was not strawberry, it was purple, and not red purple, it looked like i stuck my head in a pitcher of grape koolaid.
I wanted strawberry and got stuck with mixed berries instead.
So now I have purple hair, least till it fades.
I called the company, they offered to pay for it to be stripped out, and of course they are sending me free coupons for more hair color, I have a feeling this is a mistake I will not be repeating, Next time Ill just shave my head, or wear a baseball cap.

Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite, if they do, get the bug motel, they check in, but they don't check out!


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