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Everything posted by Mikayla1

  1. Hey all......you know what time it is - CHRISTMAS TIME!!! How many of you are thinking of getting something a little flirty and fun for your loved one? Me! Me! Me! Here is a new article for this years top "Mikayla" picks for great erotic gift giving any time of the year! Check it out: Sexy Gift Giving
  2. Grrrrrr Baby, yeah! This little toy sure does pack a powerful punch! Tap in to your wild side with the Bears of Passion dual action vibrator, it has just the power you have been hunting for! With 4 1/2 inches of insertable fun, this little vibe will have you growling for more. This delicately detailed lavendar vibrator is very interesting to look at. The shaft resembles a female Indian head sitting atop a totem pole. Then, the clitoral stimulator is a little bear sitting on top of a larger bear. The bear has his TONGUE sticking out - and let me assure you, you WANT his tongue to stick out, because it delivers the most delightful clitoral stimulation! These bears are not afraid of the water - oh no, in fact they LOVE water. A totally waterproof toy you can play wet or dry - and it is so easy to clean after play with hot, soapy water. Just make sure that the cap is tightly closed after inserting the 2 AA batteries! I am not completely sure what the actual material this toy is made from, so I would err on the side of caution and only used water based lubricant. I can say that the texture is very smooth and pleasing upon insertion. Yes, what about insertion? I was very anxious to get down and dirty with these bears, so after batterizing (yes, I made that up) and washing my new toy, I settled in for play time. I turned on this multi-speed wonder and experimented with the vibrations. There are 2 bullets in this toy - 1 in the shaft, 1 'in' the bears. I began to slowly insert this toy and immediately noticed that the vibrations in the shaft were not terribly strong. As I reached maximum insertion, the bears tiny tongue started dancing on my clit. Yummy. I spread myself open a bit so he could reach (yes, the bear is a HE) and instantly felt a great clitoral orgasm building. In continued to slowly push the toy in until I found just...the.....right....spot......and BAM......orgasm time. While I think that the vibrations could be stronger overall, I was definitely not dissapointed. I continued to play and had a few more orgams before putting the Bears down for hibernation. Overall, this toy was gently satisfying. I would say it would be perfect for a newcomer to the dual action world. For those women who like a little more power, this might not hit a home run. However, I would definitely recommend this item - so, let's SAVE THE BEARS! Go BEARS!
  3. First and foremost, welcome back, Sir. I trust that your time away was rewarding. Secondly, this CAN'T be it. Forgive me for saying, but it seems a bit.....rushed. They are sharing this intimate moment, which undoubtedly brings up bad memories and feelings for Ana, but he cuts it all short to what? Give himself to the light? No. No. I won't accept it. Don't get me wrong - masterfully written, extremely erotic, sensual, full of emotions (and yes, please add in your psychological commentary), but there needs to be MORE. Such intense longing for someone surely can't be quenced only by death! Thirdly, for using my name. Lovely, and I feel honored. Hmmmm, must be a repayment of some sort, what shall it be??? Thanks for spending your valuable time entertaining we greedy slaves....
  4. I am quite sure that we can find SOMETHING to amuse ourselves with in your absence, Sir. Yes, indeed.....I so very much enjoy the game and I am sure it will provide a wealth of pleasure. Yes indeed.
  5. Yes, I very well may be petulant, but I know two things my fellow devotees may not know: (1) petulance pays with pretty punishments...... (2) in a true DOM / sub dynamic, the sub has much more control than one would think.....and most times, what they desire, they get....for I too can withold my devotion, and wouldn't that be a sad, sad fate indeed? I spend the rest of the time patiently sitting atop my slave mat........on my knees......secretly smiling.....
  6. Well, I am not so sure I would like to use a 'free' sex toy. TT does offer some freebies, shipping only. In the absence of being able to afford that, you can substitute with some things - but be careful about what you choose. Make sure whatever you use you CLEAN and DISINFECT. I can make a few suggestions: Cucumbers. Yes, I said it. They are smooth, can easily be cleaned, are firm and don't have a sugary content. Using a cucumber can be a good substitute for a dildo. Hairbrush handles. Using a smooth, non-pointed hairbrush handle can also be a good substitute. Just make sure it is cleaned THOROUGHLY before and after. Candlesticks can be a good alternative (tapered candles). Stay away from breakable items (wine bottles) because when you use non-tempered glass, there is a chance of breakage. If you are thinking about things that vibrate,I would stay clear of those. Some will recommend electric toothbrushes, but be careful with that. Also, don't use wood items (splinters or tears in the vaginal lining can occur). Pretty much smooth, plastic, cleanable items MIGHT work, but remember, plastic is porous (has holes) and bacteria can hide in those holes. My best advice: save for a real toy, you can get a standard vibe for around 12 bucks!
  7. The long and short of it is this: Anal sex CAN be dangerous if it is not done correctly. Lots of lubrication (LOTS), a gentle touch, never too rough. It can be dangerous by tearing the sensitive, non-lubricating lining of the rectum. This can lead to infection and hemmorroids. However, if you have a caring partner or take the proper precautions, it is perfectly safe. Now, as for the health 'benefits' of anal sex for men it is simply this: when we engage in sex (anal or vaginal) the recipient is working muscles. The PC muscles. When having anal sex, these muscles are being used, and any strengthening of muscles is a good thing. That is about the only 'benefit' of anal sex. It is always a good idea to keep your muscles in good working order, including the 'sexual' muscles.
  8. What, pray tell, are you waiting for? We slaves have all weighed in....
  9. I posted this on my blog, www.wickedbed.com, but thought you all might enjoy it too! Driving past the church parking lot always made me smile. Not because I had some great connection with the Lord. No, it made me smile because it was the best spot for phone sex that I had found thus far. Yes, you heard me, phone sex. My lover and I often took advantage of the heat of the moment while I was driving, and in order to give him my full attention, parking was necessary. I often parked in this secluded church parking lot. Now, driving past it, my pussy began to ache. Literally throb with just the mere suggestion if his voice. I had to pull in. I was compelled to pull in. I sat there imagining the last time we had played. I reclined my seat and just imagined his sexy voice whispering the most delicious naughties into my ear. Suggesting that I do the most divine things with him. I felt the heat rise within me as I closed my eyes and began to snake my hands under my skirt. Remembering his smooth voice saying, 'I want you to feel fantastic Mika, I want you to ache with need for me.' Fuck. That always gets me. I started to slowly run a finger around the hem of my panties. First one side, then the other. THe wetness was already evident. How DOES he do that? I am not even hearing his voice at the present, but I am so wet thinking about him. One finger makes its way inside my panties, running up and down my puffy pussy lips. I pull my panties to one side, kick off my shoes, and place my feet on the dashboard, spread slightly apart. The cool air hits my wetness and I shiver - just a bit. I sink into the sound of his voice saying, 'spread your legs wide for me Mika.' Fuck. I love it when he says that. I spread my legs wider, opening at the knees. I unbutton my sweater, exposing my breasts to the cool, afternoon air. I don't usually do this, but today I feel really hot with desire to truly play here in 'our spot.' I pinch my right nipple between the fingers of my left hand. Mmmm, feels so good. My right hand still stroking my pussy just so. Slowly, delicately. I slouch more in my seat and pull the panties up between my pussy lips. My clit is already engorged. Remembering the last time we played, how he allowed me to suck on his magificient cock before he placed me on all fours and fucked me freely from behind with his strong fingers. THe thoughts of those words and of doing those hot things was driving me crazy! His seductive whispers urging me on, visions of bucking back against his fingers, making them go deep inside my wetness. I found myself spreading my pussy open with my left hand and deftly and quickly rubbing circles around my clit with the other. Bucking up against my own hands as I imagined it was him - not me - giving me this pleasure. "Sink onto my fingers Mika, make my fingers go deep," the words echoed in my mind as I lifted myself off the car seat, sinking onto my own fingers. The pulsation of pre-orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks. Moving my right leg into the middle of the dashboard I heard, 'please, Mika, spread your legs for me' and like magic they spread. I was completely entranced. Hearing my lover's voice and feeling his hands on me even though they were my own. Now completly wet and extremely aroused I wanted to cum. I needed to cum badly, here, in our spot in the Parking Lot. I continued to fuck my pussy with my fingers and wildly buck up my hips. I thought of the one thing that always sends me over the edge. "I want you to fuck my face Mika. REALLY fuck my face. Grab my hair. NO, REALLY fucking grab my hair. Pull my face into your wet pussy. Make my nose go into you. Fuck my face until you cum. I need to feel your wonderful juices all over my face!" With this sexy inspiration I began to spasm in orgasm. My hips froze in an upward position, my tummy tightened, my nipples so hard they ached. My pussy convulsing on my fingers and the juices spilling from my pussy. My thighs were shaking and the sounds of my orgasm rang through the parking lot louder than the church bell on Sunday morning. "Fuck...fuck......oh my fucking GOD.........I am cummmmminnng...........ahhhhhhhh" Coming down from my orgasm, my ass finally hitting the seat again. My panties still between my pussy lips and my fingers drenched in my own cum. The entire car smelling of sweet sex. I look around and am relieved to see no one has seen me in my little self-induced tryst. I button up my sweater, pull my panties on, lower my skirt and sit upright in my seat. All this wonderful activity dedicated to the man who makes my tummy do flip-flops and my pussy tingle with just a 'hello Little One' on the other end of the telephone. I doubt he even knows - or dares believe - the affect he has on me. It is the most wonderful of feelings and as long as I have my parking space, I hope that it continues.
  10. All role playing aside, this is really well written. I love the mixture of real fact and historical clues with the underlying vampiric theme and love/lust contrast. It is really forming a nice tale. You might want to think about continuuing (please, please) and making it into a little novella. Sex and vampires SELL man....and this is why! I agree, Bite me.....BITE ME!
  11. Oh no Sir, you have a duty to continue. You absolutely must continue, I implore you to continue to tantalize me (and others) with your thoughts and words. I am literally beholden to you to continue your tale. What can I do to seduce you to continue? I am on my knees, Sir....
  12. Just an FYI....I have 2 FB accounts, one is for fun and one is for family. You can have more than one....if you so desire. Also, you can be anonymous, I mean, I have a friend named Ben Dover! LOL
  13. Sir, I am on my knees, begging forgiveness. Please, Sir, forgive me for not seeing this post. I am not quite sure how it happened, but I did not see this wonderful, amazing, compelling masterpiece of literary prowess! I am aghast by your ability to bring these character to life (even in death) and am amazed at the astute manner in which you capture the subtle details of their deficiencies. Also, Sir, if I may, I found myself becomming aroused while reading this exerpt, I hope that this is pleasing and does not offend thee. Sir, while I am on my knees, is there anything I can do to atone? The humblest of apologies, Mika
  14. OH LL, this is so not an easy situation. How do you know? You ask. If you are talking about being able to tell 'across the bar' - that is not always so easy. In a time where the lines of hetero / homosexual are blurred, it is not easy to figure it out all the time. Some men are totally, 100% hetero, some are 100% homosexual, not many are truly bi-sexual (for men, that is not the norm, most align one way or another) and sometimes you can't tell. If you see a man kissing another man, then you probably know for sure, but short of that - it is hard to tell.
  15. I totally think you are overthinking this. You had sex the night before, right? He came the night before? Well, for some guys, it is like masturbating before sex, it takes them a long, long time - and sometimes they can't. Maybe he masturbated in the shower. Could be anything. In any event, totally wouldn't worry about it. I give *awesome* blowjobs and had an ex who I couldn't get to cum every so often. He said he was on the cusp for sooooo long, and just couldn't get over it. It was usually after we would fuck a lot the night before, he was just harder to get over the edge. Wouldn't worry.
  16. Dude....that was just harsh and so uncool, in my opinion (for her to do that). Wow.
  17. While Hyokahey is much more professionally qualified to answer you, I also want to weigh in a bit. First, I totally believe that sex addiction is a real occurrence, although I don't believe that it is the actual 'sex; that is the addiction as much as being desired is, or feeling good. Since I personally believe that an addiction can come in almost any form (food, sex, porn, drugs) it does seem to follow that sex could be an addictive behavior. In my opinion, whenever a need to engage in the certain behavior (eating, drinking, smoking, having sex) interferes or controls one's life, it should be termed 'addiciton.' If your friend is consumed with sex, thinking about it, having it, engaging in it. If he or she is engaging in risky behavior to feed that need or letting it damage his or her personal, social or work relationships, then I feel it is an addiction. In that case, would you say he or she is 'addicted' to the need for sex? It is a fine line. I think about sex - a lot. I would even term myself to be hyper-sexual. I have been told quite a few times that my sex drive is unnaturally high. I love sex. I love to orgasm. I love to please and be pleased. However, I have a life, children, a career and relationships outside of sex - so I don't feel I am addicted. Does that make sense?
  18. First, this is VERY serious. Anytime we engage in sexual activity that we do not remember is dangerous - even if with a loved one. Listen, I know this seems all hearts and flowers for your hubby, as he is the one benefitting. However, what happens if one night you wake up and walk out the door? Or, what happens if you give birth and leave the hospital? Sometimes people that have this very serious disorder get hit by cars, wander away and get raped, bad things happen. THis is serious and I just don't want you to think that it is not, or to make light of it at all. Did this behavior start when you got pregnant?
  19. Actually sexsomnia can be a really serious disorder. In rare cases, sufferers leave their homes and approach random strangers for sex. Or, in some cases, if there are children nearby when a sufferer falls asleep, he or she can inappropriately engage in sexual activity with a child. I just think when we speak about these issues it is best not to minimize them (by saying, "I wouldn't call it suffering") because if you really have this disorder, it is extremely serious. Think of the ramifications of having unprotected sex? Think of the damage you could cause by making moves on friends, family, friend's spouses, etc. This is a serious issue and should be treated as such.
  20. I want to try and fully understand the question: are you saying you have a desire to have sex with your partner, but then during sex you think 'why am I having sex?' or is it "why am I having sex with her?" or is it 'What is sex?' I am a bit confused, could you clarify?
  21. Hmmmm, I am very curious as to where this is going to lead. I absolutely LOVE the historical accuracy here, you are surely taking a lot of time to painstakingly offer each portion - thanks for your diligence here! I also love the mixture of romantic and lust - very lovely combo. I love the naughty aspect of Ana snaking her finger into him....so taboo! Makes the dichotomy of their relationship very interesting. I am not sure about LadyLove's 'seat' but mine is definitely quite moist....
  22. Rubber rings. Listen there are hundreds of cock rings available - from simple rings, to thick bands, to cincers, to studded ones! Don't worry about them, just get these, there are 3 sizes, they aren't too thick and you can find one to fit. Just remember: they should NEVER hurt, it you have numbness take them OFF, have scissors handy, and NEVER keep it on over 15-20 minutes at the max! Magnum Force Cock Rings
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