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Everything posted by Mikayla1

  1. OH LL, I assure you, my every need was met. The misconception about this type of relatioship is that the Master has no concern for his sub's feelings or desires, when that couldn't be further from the truth! In a true Master/ slave relationship the Master truly loves his sub - like immensely. He (or she) cares about the sub and wants to see that sub pleasured. The pleasure that sub experiences makes the Master happy. The dynamic happens when the sub can glean pleasure from the same experiences as the Master. IF one like to spank the other to BE spanked, then it is all good. Make no mistake, there are many women and men out there who get extreme personal and sexual gratification from being 'owned' as it were. They get a high off of knowing that they are so desired. I felt like that. I loved knowing that I was his heart's desire. There does have to be trust - and there has to be an extreme amount of it. However, how is this different than any relationship? We can be abused in a 'normal' relationship just as well as in a BDSM relationship. I think that sometimes people get hung up on the games that DOMS/ subs play and think it is cruelty - it isn't. It is exciting and a truly interested sub knows how to incite her Master to do what she wants. I think the confusion comes where people assume that subs are just mindless sex toys. That is so not the case. For me it is a chance to relax and sink into things. I am such a high strung and high maintenance person OUT of the bedroom, that when I get to the sexual part of my life, I don't want to think. I just want to feel. Being in this type of dynamic always made that possible.
  2. OK, so now that a few answers have been added, I will add mine. I am sure that many of you might find this to be an interesting and oxymoronic answer, but here goes. (#3) The third position on my list of lovers has to go to by ex-GIRLFRIEND, Mia. I have to consider her one of my top 3 because she was my best female lover. We shared an intimacy that has been unmatched by any other. She showed me the sheer enjoyment and range of female sex. She allowed me to come to terms with my own bi-sexuality. She showed me just how different and magical female sex could be. She was extremely tender, loving, intimate and erotic. I had an attraction to her that has been unmatched by any other female. I was extremely comfortable with her. In some ways she showed me how important it is to sink into your own sexualness - to be who you are sexually speaking. She was not my first female lover or lover in general, but as far as my top 3 goes, she will always hold the spot as someone who brought me closer to myself. (#2) The second spot has to go to my ex-fiance (the one I was engaged to before my HB). He and I were rawly sexual. I was his mistress (don't judge people, there is a lot of information to go along with that including that his wife was cheating on him and I knew it). When I got into a room with him I just wanted sex. I was extraordinarily attracted to him. We had that 'rip your panties off and fuck for hours' kind of sex. He was in-tune with my body and could make me cum in seconds with his tongue or fingers. He was extremely sexual - touchy - and no afraid to experiment sexually. He had a HUGE cock - and was very good at using it. He had stamina like no other lover I have had. He literally could have sex for hours and hours and hours. He would bounce back quickly from orgasm, and in the meantime was very able to bring me to climax with his other assets. He would leave me breathless and sated but always wanting more. The problem with him was, I wasn't enough - he cheated on me (and yes, I think it was Karma) and to this day whenever we speak or run into each other, we both KNOW that we were so perfect in bed and both miss it (cause hey, I am nothing to smirk at in the sack either!) (#1) Ahhh, the coveted first spot. No, it is not my hubby. Listen folks, I love my husband. He is a good lover. He is a tender and caring lover. However, he is not and never could be my BEST lover. Why? Well, the first spot goes to Bondage Guy - the man I had a 7 year DOM/sub relationship with. yes, he was the devil incarnate and took liberties with me no man should ever take. However, sexually speaking he was THE BEST lover I have ever had. He introduced me to sex - real sex. He introduced me to multiple-orgasm. He introduced me to the pain/pleasure connection. He introduced me to what it means to be sexually connected to your body and mind. He showed me how to sink so far into myself that my entire body felt like it was on pins and needles with excitement. He introduced me to toy play. He introduced me to porn. In introduced me to voyeurism and sexual freedom. This man was completely responsible for who I am sexually. I know, without a doubt, that he formed my who sexual identity. I became an overt, sexual, pleasure seeking woman because of his influences. He was extreme, he was rough, he was demanding - but, at the time, that was what I needed, wanted and desired. The most important thing that he did that causes him to slide into the Number 1 slot was he allowed me to be ME. He allowed me and encouraged me to masturbate, to seek out what makes me feel good. He taught me the value of a good blowjob. He taught me the value of seduction. He taught me the skills I needed to be a very, very good lover. So, without him, I would not be me. He has to take the #1 spot! My husband is in a class by himeself, but as for being 1 of my top 3 - nope, not even close. Sorry honey - you know I love ya!
  3. THE CLOSET Her students watched her walk – back and forth, back and forth – across the stage of the lecture hall. She was impeccably dressed in a form-fitting, black, high waisted pencil skirt paired with a sheer corset top and a silky chemise underneath. Her too-high, black, sling-backed heels clicked like a metronome on the cold tiles as she walked front of her class. Her nude thigh highs barely peeked out from the seductive slit on the side of her skirt; giving her male students a bit of a thrill when she walked by, as well as giving a soft illusion of the floral tattoo on her right calf. Her soft, brown hair framed her shoulders and her tasteful, silver jewelry nestled nicely in between her voluptuous, 38D breasts. Her ‘professor’ glasses made her look intelligent in a very, wicked way. The lecture hall was full – as normal – and her students eagerly awaited every word as her mind captivated almost as thoroughly as her seductive walk. She liked having her students enthralled by her words as well as her style – it gave her a power trip that she very much enjoyed. This particular night she noticed a very handsome man sitting in the rear of her class who was not normally there. His gaze was constantly upon her, every time she looked their eyes met for a brief second. He looked seductively dangerous and a bit mysterious, it made her blood chill and her heart race. She found herself speaking almost exclusively to him in her mind. There was just something about him – and she did not know what it was quite yet. After her lecture, students came up to ask questions, turn in term papers and otherwise engage her. When she had a chance to look, she noticed that the handsome stranger was gone, having blended in with the crowd of students exiting the classroom. She was upset as she wished to speak to him, to know who, exactly, he was. Exiting the lecture hall, she realized that it was quite late. Her students had kept her past 10 pm, the school was almost abandoned – her favorite time. She loved to walk the halls feeling the presence of all who had walked them before her, listening to the sounds of the University, as in the building itself. She imagined if she were really quiet she could hear professors of decades past discussing any number of topics. Her office was on the 3rd floor – a long way from the lecture halls. As she rounded the corner of the 3rd floor she saw someone outside her office door. It was HIM -the handsome stranger! She walked up toward him and as she did her heart started to beat faster. There was something about him – something enticing. He was taller than her by quite a bit, soft brownish hair, very handsome. He had a very nice, athletic build. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, but he looked really sexy. His eyes reflected the dim light almost like an animal’s would as he watched her walk toward him. “Hello there,” she greeted him, reaching for her office keys, “what can I do for you?” “I have come to see you, Mikayla,” he answered, smiling. He had a very nice, yet though provoking smile. His warm, deep, masculine voice had a tinge of an accent, European she thought. He addressed her informally with her first name, not giving her the deference of Professor. This made her very curious, as any fellow professor or student would have done so. She opened her office, placed her laptop and books on her desk, clicked on the little light behind it and sat down, inviting him to sit. “Actually, I was wondering if we might take a walk,” he asked, as if it was so simple, so commonplace for her to just ‘walk’ around with strangers. Oddly, she felt no sense of danger, no sense of fear – only excitement – so she agreed. She locked up her office – leaving her personal items on her desk – and they walked down the nearly empty hallways. “So, are you a student in one of my classes, or a course auditor,” she asked. “Neither,” he replied simply. “Oh, well then, what has brought you here,” she questioned. “You, Mikayla. Just you,” he answered, taking her hand. This gesture should have been odd – at least - but instead was comfortable. It was almost like she knew him. It was almost like she had been with him before. She did not take her hand away, just kept on walking. Her heels clicking along and his soft shoes making no noise. It was almost as if she were walking with a ghost. A very intriguing, sexy ghost! As they followed the long, winding halls she found herself getting more and more curious. Every question she asked, he answered simply, with one or two words, divulging nothing about himself. She walked along, holding his hand, feeling enticed and, yes, aroused. She started to notice a very pleasant smell coming from him, a cologne perhaps? Or, maybe just his smell. When they reached the storage closets for the theater department he abruptly stopped. He turned to her, leaning against the wall and grabbed her waist, pulling her toward him. Their lips met and he kissed her – just like he had kissed her a thousand times. She attempted to withdraw, as this shocked her, but he only held her closer and kissed her harder. He bit her lip – gently – but it got her attention. She started to melt into him, yielding to his lips, tongue and mouth. Their kiss became more heated, passionate, needy. She heard the ‘click’ of the door opening and felt herself being pulled into the closet, and for a second panicked. Why was he pulling her in there? In an instant she was surrounded by darkness, the closet was extremely small. Their two bodies barely fit in the space, which made her almost claustrophobic. He turned her around so that her back hit the wall at the rear of the tiny closet, and reached back to shut the door. It was pitch black, no light at all to help her to see. It was almost like she were wearing a blindfold. He was still kissing her, and she was still yielding to him. His hand went up to her face, stroked her cheek, but then went to her neck. His large, strong hand encircled her neck, squeezing just a bit. For a split second she worried that he was going to kill her and leave her in this closet! However, the way he held her neck made her feel safe – as if he knew what he was doing. The kisses had become even more heated – their spit mixing around as he kissed her mouth, lips, neck. He pinned her to the wall with his hand on her neck and pressed himself against her. He was hard – very hard – and he was not shy about letting her know. She found herself grinding herself shamelessly against him. He must have taken this as a hint to continue because his free hand reached up and unbuttoned her blouse deftly. He grabbed at her breasts as he kissed, sucked and gently bit on her neck, shoulders and the tops of her breasts. He roughly pulled her breasts out of her lacy bra, exposing the hardened nipples to his hot breath. His hand pulled up her skirt one side, then the other, exposing her thighs and her ass. He never released his grip on her neck, but his other hand explored her body wantonly, eagerly, roughly. She felt her panties being moved aside and her legs being forced open. His hand explored her wetness, opening her petals, smearing the wetness all over her mound. His hands were so eager to enter her that his fingers began to sink in almost instantly and she muttered ‘Oooh’ as they did. The heat of her pussy was crazy and the excitement that she felt as he ravaged her with his fingers was divinely intense. He plunged his fingers firmly up into her, forcing her legs to open more and her body to actually go up onto her tip toes. She felt herself being lifted up and smushed harder against the wall. He took her left leg and extended it, it met the other wall with no effort; he did the same with her right. There she was, legs spread, panties pushed aside, this sexy stranger’s fingers fucking up into her pussy while she quite literally fucked his hand to orgasm in this tiny, dark closet! “Cum for me Mikayla,” he whispered in her ear. It was more like a growl, really. A commanding growl that she couldn’t refuse. “Ooooh, fuck……I’m……Cummmminnnngggg,” she heaved as her legs started to convulse and shake. His fingers did not stop, nor did his kisses. He simply groaned a bit and continued to fuck her with his fingers. Up and into her with just the perfect attention to her clit. He was good. He was damn good. As she came down from her orgasm, she felt the hard tip of his cock at her opening. She had put herself so deeply into her subspace during orgasm that she did not notice him undoing his pants and setting his cock free. He teased her only momentarily with his cock until thrusting it firmly and deeply into her waiting wetness. “Ohhh fuck…..Fuck me…..Fuck me now……” she said, breathing heavily and gasping with pleasure. He took her whole weight onto his cock now and bounced her up and down on his manhood, his large cock hitting her cervix with each and every thrust. She was so close to cumming again…..so close. She grabbed at his neck and back, scratching him with her fingernails. He kissed her roughly, sucking on her neck and biting here and there. His breathing was getting more rapid and she knew he was getting close to cumming. She put her feet back on the wall and used her strength to fuck him. Up and down on his cock she slid, their bodies a tangled twist of sweat and heat. The little closet was an erotic cocoon for both of them. The confinement had forced them to almost become one – one being stuck together in intimate closeness. His hand released her neck and went to her ass. He grabbed her up and forced her down onto him. His whole length was inside her and he was moaning in the most delicious way. She knew he was close to cumming – she wanted him to cum deep inside her. She bit his earlobe and licked his ear, whispering, ‘Its OK, I want you to fill me with your hot cum!” “Fuck…Fuck….Oh my God…fuck….” he breathed hard and whispered into her ear. With that his body became rigid and his grasp on her tightened. He began to empty himself into her. She felt his hot load filling her pussy. He continued to kiss her, less heated now. He slowed his motion and held her on him, grabbing her tightly and squeezing her ass. He picked her up and lowered her to the floor, the hot cum starting to drip down her leg and onto her thigh highs. She didn’t care. She stood there, motionless, breathing heavily in front of him. The sweet scent of sex filled the tiny space and his cum was literally snaking its way down to her ankle. He reached out, brushed her cheek and kissed her neck gently, lovingly. He pulled up his jeans, reached behind him and opened the door, backing out slowly. When the dim light of the hallway hit the small closet she blinked to focus, saw his devilish smile and then he was gone. Just like a ghost he literally vanished. For quite a while she stood in the closet smelling his scent – and theirs. She reached down and took a sample of his cum and put it to her lips. So sweet. When she arrived home she started to seriously wonder if it was all a dream – some crazy fantasy she had after a long, stressful day. As she undressed in front of her bedroom mirror she saw them – the marks. The bite marks on her neck, shoulder and breasts. The hand print on her neck. The flushed erotic marks all over her body. She smiled.
  4. She probably would. Anal sex is extremely stigmatized for many reasons, however, statistically, most women shy away from it because of the 'gross' factor. They also think, unfortunately, that the only way a man would want to have anal sex is if he were gay. This is so far from the truth. Anal sex is enjoyable because of the 'tightness' and 'taboo' factor. Now, some men like enjoying anal penetration too - and this does NOT make them homosexual. It makes them smart. The anal canal is an equal opportunity pleasure center. The nerve endings there are the same for both men and women. So, I say, everyone should give anal sex a fair try. When done right, it can be an extremely gratifying part of any relationship!
  5. That was an extremely astute, scientific answer, Hyokahey! Listen, do I think that cheating is 'inevitable?' No. I think that there is something that overrides all of those scientific things that Hyokayhey spoke about is FREE WILL. We are a society of pleasure seeking, instant gratification, everything at our finger-tips people. I know that I am very much a pleasure-seeker. I seek it emotionally and visually. Much like that 'reptillian brain' seeks out pleasing images in porn - I do the same. I also seek out intelligent communications, humorous interactions, and yes, sexual responses. I like to feel good, I like to make other people feel good. However, each and every thing that I engage in (or don't engage in) is a conscious choice on my behalf. I like porn - I choose to watch it. I like good food - I choose to eat it. I like to flirt - I choose how far to take it. Everything is a choice. I have had ample opportunities to 'cheat' in a physical manner. I have been approached by men and women alike - whether or not I 'cheat' is a conscious choice that I make. Do I think I am compelled to do so because I am a pleasure seeker? No. However, I do think that some people can not figure out for themselves that they have this complex dynamic in their psyches and as such do feel COMPELLED to make the CHOICE to cheat. To get to the nitty gritty, what this man did was much more than just have sex with another woman. He, in esssence, had a separate life with her. He was with her when he traveled, he got her pregnant, he chose to stay with her and be a part of his children's lives. He CHOSE to do all of that. He was not sleeping with a bunch of women all over (from what I could glean from the information) but instead had two serious relationships. Do I think he was compelled to cheat? No. Do I think that he was drawn in to what this other woman had to offer and found something with her that he wanted or needed? Yes. I firmly believe with all of my soul that you can love more than one person. I believe that even if you have a fantastic mate that sometimes you seek out what is missing in your relationship. Sometimes this is with friends, sometimes with hobbies, sometimes with sexual release. Do I give this as an 'excuse' for cheating? No. Each person has to justify this choice for themselves. I know that many people will say, 'But, if you get married you chose that person and it is up to you to communicate with them what is missing and work together on it.' Yes, this is true. However, to give a specific example, I am very interested in BDSM - in literal DOM/sub type sexual experiences. This is way outside of my husband's very vanilla upbringing. He and I have talked about this until I have been blue in the face, it will not change, it is not IN him to give me what I need in this area. So what are my choices? To just forget about this interest, to keep hounding him into something he doesn't want to do, or to find another way to get my 'fix?' For me, I read, write, fantasize about this type of sexual situation. I discuss this with people who are 'like minded' and I seek out others to talk about this with. For me, it is important to do this. So, from the standpoint of the poster's BIL, he found something he was missing in this other woman. Do I think that it was right what he did? No particularly. Do I think it is a moral or ethical choice? I can't judge him. Do I understand how it happened? Absolutely. I feel badly for the SIL in that this is a huge realization to come to. I applaud her willingness to go on without him. I think that is a very strong decision to make. I wonder if he just needed variety or if he was unhappy with his marriage in general and that was what caused him to seek out the other woman? I am not blaming the SIL at all, it is his responsibility to bring to light what he feels he is missing. It is not her fault at all. However, statistically speaking, men and women don't normally cheat just for variety. That is a broad and hasty generalization. People cheat because they want or need something they are not getting from their partner. Period. Yes, don't slam me, there are some people who are just horny and have to have a lot of sex, but those people are way in the minority here. So, again, do I think that it was inevitable? I think that if there was something missing in his marriage, it was inevitable that he would seek it out with another person. Do I think it is inevitable in a general sense for all people? I think if you do not acknowledge what you are missing in your relationship and try to communicate that, that it may become a driving urge to find it somewhere else, and then you make the CHOICE to do it or not.
  6. This is very true! I think that it is fun to experiment with dressing up, role play and the like, that sometimes the answer is a wee bit simpler. Sometimes all a man wants is to be seduced. Sometimes all tehy want is for you to take the reigns a bit. Let THEM sit as you pamper THEM. Lie him down on the bed, kiss him allllll over. Rub his hair, his ears, his lips. Kiss him gently. Give him the most wonderfully slow blowjob and handjob you possibly can. Get on him, ride him. Let him enjoy all the sensations of sex with you. Take the lead and just be his sex kitten. Now, if that doesn't work on him, I don't know what would!
  7. The funny thing is Hyokahey, when you are married to someone like me, who is so open and into sex and intimacy, sometimes you take that for granted. I love my husband, I do, but he does take it for granted that I am so sexual and open and experimental. Some of his friends complain to him about their lack of sex, and he is just like 'meh, I get sex all the time.' There sometimes seems to be a lack of appreciation for it. So even when you have a partner who is really intimate and sexual, it doesn't always work out so wonderfully. He is definitely the lower desire partner - and he is married to me, who is ON 24/7 it seems. If the wind blows a certain way I am aroused. Of course I know how to seduce him, so I don't often feel the pangs of going without sex. I do understand that when he feels desired and loved and needed and wanted and desired that he feels more sexual. Even having that, he sometimes does take for granted how lucky he is to have a woman who is so sexually driven. So, while you are more than welcome to tell my hubby how lucky he is, I think his answer will be something along the lines of, 'yes, I do know how lucky I am to be married to Mik, but sometimes it is a lot of work!'
  8. Oh there is SO much to learn! I have many friends now who are in various stages of 'the lifestyle' and all are very well-adjusted and HAPPY people. The common misconception is that 'slaves' or 'subs' are basically wimpy women (or men) who have no opinion and are made to do nothing. This is so far from the truth. It is a way of being committed to one another - and when you have that trust, that real, true trust with another soul, you can be safe and secure with them - what I like to call - respectfully using you. For many subs, being the object or muse of our partner is extremely satisfying. I learned a long time ago that the Master may be the one in control of the scenarios, but truly the slave is the one in control, as she (or he) is a true object of desire for the Master and that Master loves that slave with all his heart and would NEVER hurt her. Now, in my case, that love turned sick and twisted and he took advantages with me that he never should have. This breach of trust was the end of our relationship - and when I saw BREACH of trust, I mean a total breach. Like there was no way I could ever trust him again. I think that with discussion and with understanding the stigma of what a BDSM or Master / slave relationship can be dispelled. Keep in mind that not all Master / slave relationships are BDSM relationships - there are distinct differences. This is a great thread....
  9. is thinking naughty thoughts of someone......

  10. I finally have enough time to fully answer this post. For me, BDSM is sort of ingrained into my psyche. I have always been a pleaser. Always. As long as I can remember, I found myself wanting to do things for those whom I loved or liked. I noticed it really early on. Then, when I was an impressionable 15 I met HIM. He was older than I, my manager at my first job at a pizza joint. He had a very commanding presence, he got a lot of attention from the girls who worked there and the ones who came in. He just had something..... Anyway, I set out to become his girlfriend - even though at 15 I had no idea what that meant for me. Little did I know that he was grooming me from day 1. I did eventually become his girlfriend, and his full time 'slave' - and he told me that I had 'that character' that he knew he could get me to do his bidding. For almost 2 years he would bring me along places as his 'friend' and let me see how much power he had. He would have me bring him drinks, serve his friends, be a good little girl - and for this my reward might be a kiss or to be able to sit next to him. I was young and stupid, but it was what I wanted. I know many people will think that I was just young and naive and being manipulated by him, but I wasn't. I was making choices to be with him in this way. Looooong story short, when I finally became his exclusive 'slave' / girlfriend, I was 17. Our relationship began years before we had sex. In fact, he wasn't even my first sex partner - and that disturbed him from the beginning. He did find ways to take other 'virginities' from me. As our relationship grew, I continued to make choices as to how far I wanted to take things. Meaning, much as MsLayD suggests, I felt I was meant to be a submissive. I had a strong, almost primal, desire to serve him in all manners - sexually and otherwise. Once we had sex it was a whole other level. I had never had someone take me to such places sexually - he was extremely commanding in bed. I loved the feeling of him desiring me so much and wanting me so much. I loved to explore the fine mixture of pleasure and pain (which is not necessarily a component in all Dom/sub situations. I was with him for almost 8 years as a slave and more than 10 total and in that time I evolved into a fully submissive woman. Not misunderstand, I was still an independent person in that I was in college, I had my own friends, etc. However, when I stepped into his apartment (and eventually it was OUR apartment) I became his slave. I did as told, I was punished, I had chores, I lived completely as his submissive. The sex was out of this world fantastic for the most part - and while he did take me to my limits, I can honestly say I enjoyed every bit of it. I was given an eternity collar around the 6th year of submission. I remember the day, May 23, a Saturday 1992 - also my Birthday. He said it was significant that I have both my birthdays on the same date. I wore it proudly. I took no shame in my role as his sub, I was completely satisfied with my life with him. We had a ceremony in front of our core group of friends. Obviously, it wasn't a 'legal' ceremony, but it was a ceremony and celebration nonetheless. I wore a corset, thigh highs and garters. My hands were bound beneath me and I was on my knees the whole time. My eternity collar was a silver collar (Like this: http://eternitycollars.com/product_info.php?cPath=18_44&products_id=142) and I loved having it. It was much like a wedding ring to me. While most of my friends did not understand it or my relationship, I did not care. Now, I am sure those of you who don't know me are wondering why it ended. Well, BG took some liberties with me at the end of our relationship which were NOT OK with me and which were against my overall will, so I had to leave him. It was not an easy thing to do - leaving someone who I was so bound to in so many ways. He was truly a DOM and a Master - but, he took things much too far. As anyone in a BDSM lifestyle will tell you, once you lose the trust, the relationship crumbles around it. So, today I live with a man who is not comfortable being dominant. It is a hard adjustment to make, as I am truly a submissive. I sometimes really miss the sexual side of being a slave - although, I do thrive now being more 'free' in the rest of my life.
  11. OK, so I had to come see what all the hub-bub was about....wowza...nice, um....underpants...yeah, those are hot.
  12. This is very true - I had forgotten (bad Mikayla!) Many couples do an 'eternity collar' ceremony. A slave is given an eternity collar (one that is screwed on and isn't removed) in a sort of commitment ceremony. I had an eternity collar once, but no ceremony to go with it.
  13. Mikayla1


    Yep. I actually have written about this in a few articles on Thressomes and Spicing up your sex life. Basically, you find a 'stand in' woman. I find that the realistic pussies work REALLY nicely. They are a realistic visual and they can give you the real sensation of going down on another woman (minus the rest of her 'parts). Or, you could go the blow-up doll route - but those aren't as nice to look at, unless you get a higher end version. Depends on the money you want to spend. My best suggestion would be something like: or
  14. Hey guys....so, today I was having a girlie chat with my BFF and we were discussing our TOP 3 lovers. She asked me, 'Mikayla, who is in your Top 3 and why?' - Surprisingly, I knew exactly who they were and WHY! I realized that we usually do have some criteria that determine what makes someone a good or great lover (or a bad one). I also realized that I have a mental checklist of what makes a good lover (actually 2 if you consider that I am bi-sexual). So, my question is to you: Who is in your top 3 and WHY? What did they do to call attention to themselves or make themselves set apart from the crowd? After a few answers have been recorded I'll put in my Top 3 too....
  15. I have never heard of an actual holiday for Dom/sub, but....I have seen cards. Kinkycards.com has quite a few, if I recall! Actually, I just checked and it does say Master Week and Mistress week.
  16. You flatter me. I am MUCH more of a bottom than a top...but, I can adapt as the mood hits me. Mistress Mikayla sure has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
  17. Hello there! Well, I am sort of the BDSM 'expert' here on site. My first and best suggestion is to do some research and have some conversations about what you both want and don't want as well as how far you want to take the 'games.' The most important thing with any DOM/sub situation is to have trust. Without it, bad things happen. Now, I would suggest reading my 2 articles on Bondage in the Article and Tip section - as they are introductory and informational - as well as giving some ideas. I will come back on later and give some specific websites you can go to as well as some beginner's hints.
  18. Welcome to TooTImid! I am confident that you will find this a friendly, open and helpful board! Glad to have you here!!!
  19. I assumed, and perhaps incorrectly or prematurely, that when she said he 'won't' cum inside her, even with a condom, it inferred more that he didn't want to, and less that he couldn't get off that way. Of course your interpretation is completely plausible as well. I suppose the original poster should weigh in here...
  20. Let me weigh in once more: I don't believe that the original poster was saying that abortion is her 'birth control method' - as she is on the pill and uses condoms. Anyone who wants to use abortion as a BC method must be severely de-sensitized, as even the most nochalant and 'free thinking' person can't look twice at what an abortion IS. Not to mention, it is medically dangerous. Abortion is a hot button topic - so I agree with LGP, let's just move on and find out if the original question was answered!
  21. Great Question! You have described this perfectly. When I am about to have a G-spot orgasm there is this dual feeling of 'bearing down' with an urge to want to stop. The sensation is so heightened that I almost am afraid NOT to continue on. It is really hard to self stimulate the G - but it sure sounds like you are doing well. Let me give my best advice: give yourself an orgasm or 2 clitorally. Statistically, if you have knocked out a few of those, the G-spot O comes easier. Next, make sure you are putting enough pressure. If you get on your hands and knees, and then place the toy or fingers inside your pussy, you will be able to stimulate the spot more readily. Third, keep on going. If you feel like you want to bear down; do it. This is just pushing your spot to the stimulus! Good luck and let us all know how it goes!
  22. While I am personally (for myself) not for abortion, I AM for a woman's right to choose. So, we need to be respectful of that, even if we do not agree or understand.
  23. Honestly, I see this as being one issue: he does not want to get you pregnant. He knows that pills fail, condoms break, etc. The only way he can assure that you won't get pregnant is not to cum inside you. For some reason, he has this mental block. Maybe it was ingrained into him by his parents, or maybe he had a pregnancy scare. In any case, it sounds to me like this is his core issue. It could be other things, but I am guessing this is what it is.
  24. I deleted the post in question because it was, quite frankly, rude. We all need to play nice here guys and gals!
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