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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. My hubby is totally turned off by the whole process of my period time, however, I did have a couple of exes that just didn't care if I was on my period or not. So, we'd put down a towel beneath me, didn't change positions much, but, if I knew we were going to do it a night I was on my period, I'd also bring in a warm wet washcloth for him to wipe down, and then, he'd rinse it off, and wipe me down too. It was rather intimate, the whole thing.
  2. Those shoes are hot!!! I couldn't wear them, I'm not that graceful! LOL Hey, am I the only one that noticed the funny? In the shot where her feet on on the coffee table, you can see the irony of the box in the background "Tred Safe"! LOL
  3. Dumbass makes excuses. Read it to believe it! LOL
  4. The Navy Chief noticed a new seaman and barked at him, "Get over here! What's your name?" "Paul," the new seaman replied. "Look, I don't know what kind of bleeding-heart pansy **** they're teaching sailors in boot camp today, but I don't call anyone by his first name," the chief scowled. "It breeds familiarity, and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my sailors by their last names only; Smith, Jones,Baker. I am referred to only as 'Chief.' Do I make myself clear?" "Aye, Chief!" "Now that we've got that straight, what's your last name?" The seaman sighed, "Darling. My name is Paul Darling, Chief." "Okay, Paul, here's what I want you to do -"
  5. LOL Square, how do you really feel? See, this is how I could see eminatic stating it. Em, you're so blatant and up front on here. I don't see why you would take it easy on a dude that doesn't deserve to be in your life. What I don't understand is how you are choosing guys that will treat you like shit, and why you tolerate it. You've misinterperated a lot of posts on here, and sometimes jump the gun, but you never put up with any shit. So, why do that in your Real Life?
  6. When I was single, I did carry condoms in my purse. However, knowing that sometimes us women put things in our purse that we may not even really think about, I put them in a hard case (an empty Sucrets metal tin). It was discreet, nobody knew what was in it (and when asked if someone could have one, I'd tell them I just ate the last one), and the condoms were in a dry, cool, HARD container, so that they wouldn't get poked, rubbed, or stabbed. Plus, where I went, so did my purse, so it never got left in a hot car, and I knew exactly where they were if/when I needed them.
  7. Great point Suz, & yes they did cover that, but it is a great point to stress!!!
  8. Any man that calls you disgusting, especially when he's suppose to be a potential BF, and blatantly says that he doesn't respect you, won't make life any happier for you. Then there's the whole HIS EX issue. I agree, everyone deserves to hear something, even if it's not what they want to hear, the closure part is very important, as you have found out. I'd say something like "clearly, this isn't going to work. You don't respect me to acknowlege my exsistence when certain people are around, and I don't play those games. Don't call me or try to visit, because you are not welcome. I deserve better treatment than what you're giving. Buh-bye". He doesn't deserve to come back.
  9. Very pretty. Useful and pretty! You're very talented!!
  10. Taken from the Trojan website: It’s simple to use a condom, but using it incorrectly can lead to condom slippage or breakage, which reduces its effectiveness! So here are the four basic things to know about using a condom. Before Sex: 1. Use a condom every time. Use a new condom for every sexual act. If the penis has a foreskin, pull it back before putting on the condom. 2. Put condom on before foreplay and before the penis gets near any body opening (to help avoid exposure to any body fluid that can carry infection.) Always handle condoms gently. Put the condom on as soon as the penis is hard/erect. Be sure the rolled-up ring is on the outside. And leave space at the tip to hold semen when you "cum." 3. Squeeze the tip gently so no air is trapped inside. Hold the tip while you unroll the condom...all the way down to the hair. If the condom doesn’t unroll, it’s on wrong. Throw it away and start over with a new one. After Sex: 4. Pull out slowly right after you cum. After ejaculation, while the penis is still erect, hold the condom firmly at the base of the penis to keep it from slipping off while withdrawing from your partner. Wrap the condom in a tissue and throw it in the trash. Don’t flush it down the toilet. Afterwards, wash your hands with soap and water or a waterless hand washing product. Never re-use a condom. Use a new condom for every new sexual act. Helpful Hints: * Put the condom on as soon as the penis is erect! "Pre-cum" (fluids released from the penis during the early stages of erection) can cause pregnancy or pass on an STD. * Be careful opening the condom wrapper. Don’t use your teeth, fingernails, scissors, or other sharp objects. Be careful with jewelry, zippers, belt buckles, piercings, etc. that might tear the condom. * Never let a latex condom touch oils in any form. No petroleum jelly, no baby oil, no mineral oil, no vegetable oil, not even talcum/baby powder. Oil causes condoms to deteriorate. *Lubrication helps the experience. If you want additional lubrication, use a condom-safe, water-based or silicone lubricant on the outside of the condom. * Keep condoms in their packs in a cool, dry place (not in a wallet!). Avoid exposing condoms to direct sunlight or storage for prolonged periods at temperatures above 100° F. Also, always check the date on the packaging to make sure the condom has not expired. * If a condom feels sticky or stiff or looks damaged in any way, toss it. Use the spare that you are carrying. * For first time users, practice with condoms before having sex with your partner. It may seem a bit awkward, but you’ll be better prepared when it comes time for the real thing. Copyright 2006, Church & Dwight Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  11. Well, there could be a few things going on with your friend. I guess it would depend on a few things: Is he getting the right size condom? Trojan Magnums also make an XL size for the really large guys (though not sure in the Ecstasy line). One of the BIGGEST mistakes guys make is either putting condoms in the wallet, which you should NEVER do, since the heat and rubbing of his body heat compromises/weakens the latex. Or, they leave them in their car, just so they can be more accessable. Where this seems like a good idea, again, it's not. These are 2 of the 4 biggest mistakes men make. Condoms need to be stored in a cool environment, but not cold, and not hot. Think of their storage as you would your medications. You want them to be stored properly, even though you want them on-hand, I suggest you go get a fresh box before you know you need them. Or store them IN YOUR HOUSE, grabbing a couple before you leave, put them in a jacket pocket, or your purse. Does he OVER-roll them? He would know because they would be really tight, and have a lot of latex left at the base of his cock. If he over-rolls them, this wil also weaken the latex, and cause breaking. If he uses lubes, with latex, he should be using water-based lubes. If a lover grabs a bottle of lube, he NEEDS to ask if it's water-based. Silicone lubes can be used with latex condoms usually, however, usually it's stated on the box, as to what kind of lube to use with the particular condoms you have, so, with them, I always like to be on the side of caution and use water-based only. What's the point of wearing a condom if you use things that are going to make it break? The 3rd biggest mistake men make, is to reuse condoms. Don't laugh, it happens, quite frequently. After each time he cums, he needs to take the condom off, wait until he is fully erect again, and then unwrapping & using a new condom, EVERY SINGLE TIME. The 4th mistake is not checking the expiration date of condoms. Don't ever assume that, if you just bought them at a store, that the expiration date hasn't arrived. Check the box for the expiration date. Most stores do a great job getting things off the shelves that have expired or are really close to doing so, but, mistakes are made, so make sure BEFORE you buy! All of these things are actually listed ON THE INSIDE of the condom boxes, or the outside, or in a pamplet with the condoms. Just because a man has a cock, doesn't make him a condom expert, and I would suggest that you read the instructions, even if you've been using condoms for YEARS. Especially if you're using a new type/brand/line. Only HE will know what he's done to cause the breakages. Most men won't admit that they didn't practice common safe sex sense, but I would suggest he read this particular posting, because this is a great question. He can hide the truth if asked, but, deep down, he will know. And, for the record, we have used Trojan Magnums for going on 5 yrs, and, though breakages sometimes do happen, we have NEVER had one break on us *knock on wood*. Now, I just reread your post, and you said that he uses them with other men, so, he may want to look for a sturdier condom, because, most of the thinner condoms to say that they aren't designed for anal intercourse, and I do believe that this particular line does say that on the box. I threw the box away, so I can't look that up. I am researching it right now for you, and will post in the ANAL section of the forum with what I find. With anal sex, even if a condom is lubricated, LUBE MUST ALWAYS BE USED when having anal sex. The anus doesn't self-lubricate when excited, so, the condom can, and will tear, if no lube, or too little lube is used.
  12. I hate taking pix of myself, but I was feeling kinda dark & mysterious the other night, so I thought I'd take a few quick pix. So, this is a rare glimpse at a Tyger....
  13. OK, I've been thinking a lot about this post since I read it. Please don't take this as me attacking you, because I truly am not. Here's my take on the situation: You are settling. You are settling because it's easier to stay. You are settling because of your kids. You are settling to not be happy. You are settling because you don't want to be alone. You are settling because you don't want to be another "failed marriage" statistic. You are settling because you don't truly think, deep down, that you deserve to be treated better. Here's a VERY true, and common statement: If Momma Ain't Happy, NOBODY'S Happy! Here's a newsflash: he is SUPPOSE to help you with the kids, snuggle with them, bathe them, feed them, change them, ect....it's not like he's doing you a favor, he's doing what he is suppose to be doing. I'm not trying to "dis" what he has been doing. I think it's fantastic. But, the way you worded it, it was like he was doing you a favor, but, he's got you trained to think that he is. I am living proof that some Dads, when they seperate from their kids mothers, are actually BETTER fathers than when he lives in the same house as the kids. They hafta be, because, even if it's for 2 days, they're more 1 on 1, and have better quality time with their kids. Some of my best memories with my Dad was AFTER he & my mother divorced! Just because a man isn't in the house anymore, doesn't make him any less of a father. Sometimes, it makes them a BETTER Daddy! Many guys (and some women) are under the false impression that, if they're occupying the same space, even with no interaction, that's spending quality time with the kids. Newsflash Slacker-Dad, it doesn't. Basically, you've settled because you've allowed yourself to be a welcome mat. BTDT. Once I got a backbone, things changed in my last marriage too. Notice I said "last". Yeah. It sounds like your husband thinks that, because he goes to work, and provides for his family, that gives him a free pass to be as lazy as he can get away with, in AND out of the bedroom. No darlin. I have a similar issue with MY current hubby, which makes NO sense cuz he knows I am a stubborn Yankee & a bitch to boot!! LOL He works one week on (away from home), and one week off (at home). He thinks that when he's home, he shouldn't hafta do much of anything (but not a slacker in the bedroom). I've been putting my foot down for about a year now, where, I give him a list of about 5 things to do while he's home, cuz I am SOOOOO mean. I forwarn him that if it doesn't get done his way when he's home, *I* will do it, and he probably won't like it. For example, we had this push lawn mower that he found. He glanced at it when he brought it home. I told him that, by the end of his stint home, if he didn't take a tool to it, I would get rid of it. He didn't believe me. I had a friend look at it, and told me that the motor was a solid block of metal, and the mower was no good. So, I hefted it into my lil truck, myself, and took it to the scrap yard. Got a whopping $3 for it. LOL He asked where it was when he came home a week later, and I told him. He got mad, but stopped when I said "I forwarned you what would happen if you didn't try and fix it." He's slowly believing me. Witholding oral pleasuring isn't a punishment in cases like this, IMHO. It's a way to show some people that are control freaks, that, hey, if you don't, I won't either. Trust me, they will notice the difference. What's fair is fair. It's not saying "Neener neener" at them, but, showing those that won't do oral, that this is what it feels like to not get any, not fair is it? Turnabout is fair play. He hurts you. I am assuming emotionally. And, if you're staying for "the kids sake" you are doing them more harm than good. This is some of the kids MOST impressionable times. They are learning how to interact with others NOW. You are showing them that, how he treats you, is OK. You may think they don't see it, or hear it, but, darlin', they do. He says he loves you. Probably. You are the mother of his kids. But I think he sees you as a Nanny, housekeeper, and book keeper, not a wife, lover, and a friend. The latter is one of the most important things in a marriage. He doesn't RESPECT you, another IMPORTANT aspect in a marriage. If he did, he would listen to you, and not expect you to settle. He would do his best to listen, and, at the very least, try and compromise with you. This will be hard to read, but, he may love you, as a mother to his kids, and for what you do, but it sounds like he's not IN LOVE with you. Or, if he is, he feels he doesn't need to show it anymore. A marriage takes TWO, count 'em, TWO people to succeed. One person can't always give, and the other always take. It's gotta be a 50/50 thing. Sometimes one will do a bit more at one time or another, but it should even out in the end. He gave you oral sex when he thought you were leaving him. He was almost literally, kissing your ass. You stayed, and didn't give him the impression, truly, that he had to change. And he's proven that statement right, because you are still there. He is lazy. He has been allowed to be a lazy HUSBAND. And you can tell him that. "You are a great provider, a hard working MAN, but, you are a LAZY husband". Why? Because it's true. He is lazy because he doesn't have to make any sort of effort to have sex with you. When he does "give it up", you are so horny, you do what he wants, how he wants, and when he wants it. Unzip his pants, let you blow him, and he says THANKS??? Are you kidding? Never again should you ALLOW YOURSELF to be treated like a hooker. The only thing he didn't do was leave a few 20's on the bedside stand! Do you think he'd allow himself to be treated like that? Like, you go in there, shove your pussy in his face, have him lick you til you get yours, and then walk off saying "Thanks"? You are soooo much better than that! I am all for people watching porn, if they choose. NEVER should it be a substitute to sexual encounters with your spouse. Again, the lazy part comes into play. Porn is a quick release for him. He sees something, gets excited, knocks one out, and can go to sleep. Literally, bing, bang, snore! Lazy. You can choose to watch it with him, however. You know he does it. He knows you know. Walk in on him, give him a hand, or better yet, while he's watching, straddle him, naked. If he pushes you away, that is a STRONG indicator that, chances are, the marriage is over. I disagree with DADT's advice. Keeping this to yourself will only fester the wound in you, IMHO. Women are usually natural born communicators. Yes, men are usually brought up to "not disclose, discuss, or acknowledge that they have feelings too", but if a man wants to have a good marriage, he needs to get that stupid way of thinking out of his head. However, you said that your DH is usually on the defensive. When talking with him, use words and phrases like "I think", "I wish" "I've noticed", "I want to help change things". It shows him that you've been thinking of what you want to say, and that you are willing to help change things, if he is. I really wish you the best of luck. However, I feel that, if you just allow things to go with the flow, you're going to end up resentful, not only to him, but yourself as well. Life is too short to be miserable. *HUGS*
  14. I'm working on a response....please be patient......
  15. PONDERISMS · I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. · There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead. · Life is sexually transmitted. · Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. · The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. · Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. · Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to? · Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. · All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. · In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. · How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? · Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things and drink whatever comes out?' · If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? · Why does your OB-GYN leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up there anyway? · If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? · If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? · Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup? · Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster? · Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? · Do you ever wonder why you gave me your email address?
  16. It really is crazy. It's all about drama, and it's sad that 2 children were born to trap a guy, but, that's the truth. Since he has a child in another state that he never sees, she knows that it kills him not to be a part of his first child's life, so, she used her ability to get pregnant to keep him at her side for so long, and it's worked. I keep telling him to USE CONDOMS, every single time, especially with her, and if she asks, tell her that he doesn't want anymore kids. Too bad, so sad. Think with the head on your shoulders, and not the one with the balls under 'em. Too bad if she can't take the truth, but, he's preparing to leave again (so he says, I've told him I'll believe it when I see it), and I have a feeling she'll try and get pregnant again. And, of course, NOT getting it hasn't crossed his mind. If she's willing, so is he. Again, I'm not advocating cheating, cuz, if you do it, especially on a regular basis, re-evalutating your relationship is really in order!
  17. SAFE SEX! Nothing is MORE important that practicing safe sex, even if you’ve been with your BF/GF for a while, you should ALWAYS use condoms if you’re in the dating world (or even if you’re just living with someone). I’ve heard ALL of the excuses: “It doesn’t feel right. I can’t feel anything when I wear them. They take away from the experience. It’s not spontaneous. It kills the mood. I’m allergic. They don’t fit me right”.....the list goes on & on! Blah blah blah blah blah!! Guys! What shows you care more than not only wanting to protect your significant other from any possible harm/unwanted pregnancies? It’s the responsible, loving, & mature thing to do! Now, for you guys that are more on the “larger side”, have we found the condom for you! Trojan makes a line of condoms that are designed especially for the guys that say “normal condoms are just too tight”, to which my hubby happens to be one of them. I saw this particular item, and KNEW we had to try them. We are a BIG fan (pun intended) of Trojan Magnums. When I read “Feels like nothing’s there” in the description on this particular lovely, I knew we had to try it. This particular condom has a lot going for it. It’s tapered at the base for a secure fit, textured near the base for extra stimulation, has a comfort shape that allows freedom of movement for a more natural experience (no reservoir tip to move around uncomfortably), & is coated with UltraSmooth Premium Lubricant inside & out for a more natural feel. Each condom is electronically tested to ensure reliability (which is always important), and they’re made from premium quality latex We use condoms along with other things, as part of our birth control practicing, & anything I can do to help heighten his pleasure, I’m willing to try. So, gimme!!! So, the other night, we have some fun, lots of oral, teasing, well, you get the idea...anyway, time for the “unwrapping”, & so, I roll the condom on. He gets inside me, & OMG!!! After a few thrusts, I had to check & see if the condom was still on, because it really DID feel like there was NOTHING on him!! I even said “OMG, it feels like nothing’s there!!”. Yes, I can hear all of the collective groans from the guys saying “oh no she didn’t”. Apparently, in the heat of the moment, saying “feels like nothing’s there!” is NOT something a man wants to hear. I got THE LOOK. Needless to say, I had to apologize, and re-word my exclamation! Laughing the whole time. I had to check a few more times (strategically, of course), to ensure the condom was still on, and it stayed on like you’d expect a Trojan too. Hubby said that it really felt like nothing was there, and it was as best to the no-condom feel as he’s ever been with using one! For a guy to say that is HIGH praise in my opinion! Thank goodness this is a 10 pack!! We give this a mutual 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up, and a Tyger Hubby seal of approval! Love to wrap it, wrap it to love
  18. Beautiful work MOHD! Very nice. Do you ever try putting your things on www.deviantART.com? You should really check that site out!
  19. I totally agree with this response!
  20. Although I won't say I advocate violence, I will admit to giving a silent "you go girl" when I read about this. The fact that this man thought he was sooooo slick, as to not only cheat on his wife, but have a string of women tells me that his moral fiber wasn't really all there. Personally, I think that he probably was more worried about how his dick was going to be after all this, than anything else.
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