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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Whether it's with your ex spouse, or current spouse, where did you honeymoon? Was it everything you'd hoped for? Was there something that you wish could've been different?
  2. For those of you that haven't seen that movie, a "Coyote Ugly" moment, is when you wake up next to a person that, in your right mind, you'd never sleep with, so, yeah, it's a hung-over issue, and you would rather chew off your arm that they're laying upon, than wake them up, and risk being even MORE scared....or worse....expected to repeat the performance you KNOW happened!! So, have you ever had a "Coyote Ugly" moment?
  3. So, tell us one story that involves a favorite pet interupting either foreplay, sex, or even afterglowing. SHARE!!
  4. I love that pic!! Good for you!! Putting it over the bed!!
  5. News article and segment on water in gas pumps sold in TX Well, the ONE good thing about this, is that I don't feel so stupid.
  6. There are many women out there that are post-menopausal that have great sex lives, as well as women who've had to have early hystorectomies, which can cause menopause. The thing is, yes, you can be a bit dryer/less able to lubricate even when sexually excited. You're familiar with lubes, which do come in edible flavors, so IF this is an issue you experience, there are ways to help it. Plus, many women get supplements to help balance out their systems during menopause. Or, of course, hormone therapy. I can't tell you that YES! You WILL be dryer, or NO, you won't be. Every woman is different, and their hormone fluxuation during hormones, so it's impossible to give you a definite answer. I will recommend that you discuss this with your GYN. TRUST ME!! They've heard it all. Now, if you're embarrassed about divulging all of your reasons, though you shouldn't, just ask about your self-lubrication issues you're worried about. Like "I'm worried about not being able to have as much self-lubrication during intercourse with my husband. What can I do to fix, or at least help it along?" Of course, the GYN will tell you about lubes. But, s/he will also help you thru it, and hopefully design a regimine that works with your chemistry. Mind you, it may take a few tries to get it right, but it can happen. Best wishes!!!
  7. WHY MEN SHOULD NEVER BE DEPRESSED: Men Are Just Happier People-- Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat You know stuff about tanks and engines. A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. Your underwear is $5.99 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original colour. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one colour for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 24 relatives on 24th December in 24 minutes. No wonder men are happier.
  8. Gas is now, at the lowest I've seen in the area, $1.85 for regular. Milk is still about $3.64 a gallon though. I think it's gonna take a little time for what was expensive to ship to be sold out for the lower items, but hopefully, it'll be soon!
  9. So, the neighbors behind us are nice enough. However, they are REALLY good friends with a woman (and I use that term loosely) that HATES my guts. She hates me basically because I made her and her BF, who's a good friend of DH, pay me back for storage fees (thru a real storage unit). I had told them not to fuck me over, because I was done with all of that, and they tried, so I locked their side so they couldn't just take their stuff and run. This is AFTER DH told me that I should stop letting people walk over me, and yet, he said "Oh, you shouldn't have said that". WHAT?This was over 3 yrs ago. Anyway, they are all staying together, cuz this girl and her BF are making SOOO much money, that they got thrown out of their rental, and are "saving to get the electric hooked up in their new rental". They've been there for a month now. They LOVE to party. Now, I'm all for partying, don't get me wrong, but I am respectful. Maybe "too much" to be "cool" I guess. Plus, we are 35 yrs old, though the BF is like, 31 now, so he should be growing up a bit, and the "real" renters of the house behind me, are a bit closer to my age as well. Plus, if you're out in the country, like with no houses withing AT LEAST 1000 feet, then, ok, get loud and rowdy if you want, but, when you live in a subdivision, even if we're spaced out a bit (I'm close enough to tell who's who outside, so they're close enough), you should be a bit quiet. Last night, they were all extremely loud, even setting off about 10 fireworks (no kidding), and yelling/screaming. I mean, c'mon!!! They KNOW we have a 5 yr old (they all have kids too, which are TOO young to be outside, near a fire with the wind blowing strong, past 10 pm, IMO), dogs that bark, and they don't give a shit whether or not they're being obnoxious. I was up til 1:30 a.m. this morning, and I was oh, so peppy when I woke up! LOL Though, they didn't shoot fireworks off long, about an hour, but STILL!!! C'mon!! Last time they did this, it was the 4th of July, and we expected fireworks, which they obliged, but they were at it until, again, almost 1 a.m. We called the cops on them, and we found out the next day, that it was DH's friend shooting them off!! They all were so drunk that night, that they were SHOOTING fireworks at each other, yes AT EACH OTHER. One hit our shed, and that's when I got pissed, and so did DH. I did NOT call the cops last night/this morning, however. I did text DH at the rig, to let him know what was going on, and he was kinda shocked that I didn't call them, but, he's going to go speak with them when he gets back. I'd hate to get a family thrown out of a house (I'm good friends with the owner of the house), but, then again, they don't seem to give a shit about anyone else.
  10. Well, I've posted pics of mine before, but I will do so again, just for you Suzy!! Wrangler, an American Quarter Horse. DH's horse, Blaze. She's about 14 yrs old. A rare treat! LOL This was me, last year, not expecting to have my photo taken. We had to get pics of Wrangler for his AQHA paperwork. That's my DD on the left. She's pretending to be a horse too. LOL This is Mikkie, DD's horse on the left side, mine on the right, this last Spring, while they still had some winter coating on.
  11. I will admit it, I've spoiled my boy, Wrangler. He thinks I am HIS pet. I know I'll regret it, and I've been working on him respecting me as his OWNER that loves him, but, I just melt when he eyeballs me, and dips his head down and nickers at me. I probably offer him a bit too much trust too. But, he's never done anything to hurt me being mean. He's stepped on the back of my feet a couple times (which definitely HURTS, BTW), but that was just as much my fault as his. He's not fully trained yet, but, when I get on his back, he has yet to hop, kick, or even drop his ears down. He seems very careful. And he's only 4!! He is VERY jealous. He wants ME to himself, chasing other horses away from me. In a way, this is good, that he will protect me. In a BIG way, this is BAD, because I may not be able to control another horse with him right there. For example, one day, we had a friend, who's a part-time farrier, come by to trim their hooves. He asked me to get something, while I was holding Wrangler's lead. Well, I told him that I couldn't, Wrangler would get territorial if I went near the horse he was trimming. Hubby was there too. Our friend's like "Just bring me that stand!", so, I stepped forward, trying to give DH Wrangler's lead, and Wrangler saw where I was going, pinned his ears down, put himself inbetween me and the other horse, and started to posture the "That's MY Momma" stance to chase the other horse. DH told our friend "she CAN'T because Wrangler's attached to HER, and will protect her to keep her to himself because he's SPOILED." Needless to say, I didn't get the stand!! LMAO I think it kinda irritates DH a bit, because his first horse we got when we moved down here, protected me from other horses that were running towards us, and the mare that he bought trusts ME more and will let ME catch her. She gives HIM a hard time!!! Bwahahahahahaaaaa!!!! Wrangler was one DH chose for himself, but when my horse Lightning died (old age and neglect from previous owners), he gave me Wrangler, and now Wrangler is a definite Momma's Boy!! LOL
  12. LOL Suzy! I got a kick out of the "I wonder if somehow we're related" comment!! LOL
  13. Absolutely, it's better to know what's going on, and most people want to, just to be able to move on. That's totally normal and natural. And, a lot of the time, the truth hurts. Sorry you took my post as negative, however, yes, I do speak my mind, and I'm not overly flowery when doing so. When going thru lots of emotional ups and downs, sometimes the things we don't want to hear, we brush off, or think as negative. I put it out there, in the most direct, honest way I could. I boiled it down, because I've been thru all that before, and that is what I had learned. However, I stand by what I said. Basically, because I've been thru almost an identical situation with my ex husband. He was not close with his family from the age of 15 up. I was, and still am, closer to them that he has been, even NOW. Though I don't contact them much at all, we still have love for each other (his family, NOT him!! LOL). I let things cool down for over a year before I contacted his sister. She & I had been as close as real sisters. My ex had asked me not to contact his family, well, because their HIS family, so I respected that for over a year. Then he started screwing up and not doing what he was suppose to be (spelled out by the terms of the divorce), and I contacted his sister. She was expecting my call. I did not call her out of spite, but because I missed her. I told her that I would only speak of him if she asked questions. She's asked several, most I've answered, some I have refused to do so, just because that's her brother. His mother's asked me a few things, and I answer them as how I saw it, leaving my disappointment and hurt feelings out of it. She even commented to me one time that I didn't seem overly angry with him, and, in all honesty, I wasn't ever overly angry at HIM, but MYSELF for not seeing things a lot sooner! But, the best thing I did in that whole situation, was let the hurt, anger, and ego stuff go thru it's stages, away from his family. It wouldn't have been fair to dump on him infront of all them, even though they know how my ex is, and agree that he was the one that screwed it all up, I didn't want to put them in that sort of position. If your ex's mother wants to know her son, then she really should be asking HIM things. It's true that men don't usually confide much most of the time, however, she can't have a relationship, a good quality one, with her son thru other people. It's not fair to her, or him, or even YOU for that matter. Nobody can have a meaningful relationship THRU someone else. I guess I wasn't overly clear. I DO think it's disrespectful of him to be so callous about seeing someone while you're in the house still. No, it's not your business if he does so, however, he is being rather hateful and insensitive by what he's doing. His timing could be better. Him sneaking off to the far side of the house, is, in his mind, probably his way of being discreet and not rubbing your nose in it. At the very least, if he chooses to do so, he should tell her not to call or text. He should be the one initializing contact, so they know that it's a safer, more polite time to talk and do that sort of thing, if they have to do so. So long as it's not in your face. All this shows how immature he is, and how unready he is for anything but short-term relationships. Men honestly don't think the way we do, and we don't think the way men do either, for that matter! What the injured party considers nice, polite, and respectful, probably is NOT what the offending person thinks at all. He also may be doing all of this to show you that he means it, wants to move on, and this is his sly little way of proving it. At least you'll be moving out soon, and won't have to worry about his silly little games anymore. And that's what you should be happy about. That, and, how he's handling all of this, shows his true character NOW, and so you can be happy that this part of your life is going onto a different chapter, for the better! Plus, all the things that you've been able to accomplish in such a short time! You go girl!
  14. The only thing I can think of which MAY work, is to get a cyberskin "Make your own cock" kit. But, in the longrun, that will cost more than replacing the toy. Cyberskin is a tricky critter. I really don't know if this can be fixed, especially safely, truthfully. IMO, you should just apologize to your Real Man, bury him with the respect he deserves, and order his brother to replace him. Sorry!
  15. This particular office is a "sub-office", where the doctor's main office is almost 2 hrs away. And this office is only open 4 days per month, scheduling is always full, and they closed at 3 pm. Otherwise I would've made it an after-school thing for sure. Had I known the school was going to do this, I'd have brought her to school in the AM, picked her up, then brought her back! I e-mailed them earlier, and the state board of education made the guidelines, to which there was NO reason why the secretary just couldn't explain to me, instead of being a super-bitch about it. I had e-mailed the principle, so it was she that told me about the guidelines. That wasn't so hard, huh? So, live and learn, and now I know.
  16. Also, depending on age/maturity level, he may not have the "mindset" to even care about feelings or pleasing his lover. Now, men DO get tired, and, like women, they don't ALWAYS cum, especially if they've already cum once. I would stress reading and learning about how to be a better lover, giving AND taking.
  17. Wow! Where taratulas aren't my "thing", those are beautiful.
  18. Hon, you're not BAD at sex. You're inexperienced. There's a BIIIIIIG difference. Plus, GREAT lovers are made, not born. What does that mean? Well, many men think that just because they have a penis, it's all about them, and that they're GREAT at sex. Many women feel that a vagina is ALL they need to get a guy off. We have the tools to be great lovers, but just having the parts doesn't do it. A willingness to PLEASE AND BE PLEASED is how one becomes a great lover. Learning what pleases your lover is great! Ask questions. And, don't worry, you won't sound dumb. If you want to make it sound sexy, ask him "Do you like it when I do........*insert whatever action you're doing*?" Or ask "what do you WANT me to do?". You can do this in an act, speak huskily, and mean it. Don't sound shy. Men love confidence. And telling your lover what you like is also very important. After all, satisfying sex isn't just for one of the lovers, but BOTH. Tell him you like what he's doing at the time (if you really are liking it). If you don't like, gently move him away, or ask him to do something else. Don't fake it. Again, I will repeat: DON'T FAKE IT!!!! Women are geared to be people pleasers. We don't like being the one to say "I am not happy with that". But, there are nice ways to say that you want your lover to do something different, as I've stated. But, making a guy feel good, and boost his ego, when, in fact, he was lousy in bed, is NOT the way to make the experiences pleasurable. Please peruse the site. There are LOTS of posts about this, tips as to what you can do to make things better. Trust me, hun, you're not the only one that feels like this. Welcome!!
  19. I just e-mailed the school's elementary principal. I think it's BS that she be counted absent, even though her teacher hadn't even DONE her attendance yet! So, we shall see. I know it's a small thing, but still. I don't need the truent officer knocking on my door (and yes, they do do that here!!).
  20. Looks like a lil' green caterpillar!
  21. Yes. This is exactly what you're suppose to do to "feel" them more.
  22. I know you and his mom are close, but I'd recommend you leaving her out of it. Don't open up to her like that. That's HIS mother. You wouldn't like it if he went to YOUR parents and told them something you did that pissed him off, right? No, of course not. It's none of her business. You have to respect that that's HIS mom, and that she, in the long run, will be more "loyal" to her own son, than an ex GF. Yes, it sounds uber-fishy, but, if y'all are broken up, then he's free to see other people. As are you. Granted, you're staying there until you get into your own place, but that doesn't mean he can't see/date/fuck someone else now. The texting early/late is something a potential GF would do, so, yeah, I don't think that was any "Scott". But, again, it's now none of your business what he does, or whom. Now, if he starts trying to sleep with you too, then there's a major conflict there. In NO WAY am I saying that it's right, however, y'all are broken up, so what each of you do on your private time isn't the other's business, though he should be a bit more tactful.
  23. OMG!!! How could I miss this post?? LMAO I'm pretty bad.......OK, well, here goes: *My car is MY car. I don't care if DH & I are married, but he has HIS truck, and I have MY car. And, in MY car, it's MY rules. Keep it clean, take your shit out of my car. *I like to group my pics together in catagories on the computer. *Our DVDs are sorted and displayed by genre. Don't mess with my system! *My knick knacks have to be in groups, no matter what. Like, on top of the entertainment center, is JUST tigers, over my desk, Texas/cowboy stuff. *My fingernails HAVE to be the same length, or as close as possible. Cuticles trimmed. I have clippers everywhere in the house to make sure they stay that way. *If my DD gets a set (toys), I try really hard to keep all the pieces together. Sad, I know. LOL *I have to carry lip gloss where ever I go. Plus hand cream. I hate dry hands & lips! *When doing laundry, I sort by colors. No, not just "darks, lights, and whites", I'm talking black & gray, white, purple pink and red, blues, lighter colors like tan & yellow. They have to be done like that. Don't mess with my system. *Another laundry thing: me and DD's clothes are hung up to dry, except socks. DH likes his clothes in the dryer. Towels go in the dryer (and only towels in their own washing load). *My car NEEDS to be locked up at all times. Even in the driveway. *Food in my cabinets is also "grouped". *Having worked at TJ Maxx, you were trained to group stuff, and fold towels a certain way, so, yes, I still group stuff, AND I fold my towels like TJ Maxx does!! LOLI haven't worked there in over 10 yrs! *I prefer sets, or matching stuff. Like, with my horse tack, I am working on everything being purple. My bathroom theme is purple & dragonflies, and I don't defer from that. All accessories are purple or dragonflies. *If I read one book in a series, I HAVE to read the others, even if I don't care for the series. There's only been 3 series that I've been able to not do this with! LOL *My books are grouped together by genre too. *My magazines are grouped by name, then date. *I CAN'T run out of anything. I stock up on EVERYTHING. Soap, shampoo, conditioner, dish detergent, condiments, personal hygiene stuff. I even have clothes for DD for her next 4 sizes up!! Not enough for an entire wardrobe, but I still have a start (shoes too). *My photo albums are numbers and sorted by time-frames. *I'm unusually anal about my spelling. I make mistakes, but I hate that!! LOL I will edit a post 10 times to get it all right! Even if my point is made. *My sex toys are even grouped! *My perfume bottles have to go from biggest/tallest on down. I like them organized.
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