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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I'd love to have that sorta blues!!! Thanks for the review!
  2. Hey, don't apologize. To each their own.
  3. How you taste and smell *down there*, for men AND women, depends on a lot of things: overall health, habits (smoking, drinking, exercise, hygeine), diet, and of course, your own body's chemistry. I've had some men taste like onions, sweet, spicy, and one even tasted a bit like mint (he chewed a lot of gum). Each person is different.
  4. I haven't really noticed a darkening of my skin, and I've been shaving since I was 19. Moisturizing is always a good thing, however, I've never known for "dry skin" to get darker. If it continues, I would consult a dermatologist.
  5. Stop calling him. If you continue to do so, you will sound like a desperate girlfriend. You said yourself that you're basically a FWB. If you keep calling him, he will think that you've got stronger feelings, and that may scare him too. You've called him, what, 3 times? It's his turn now. He said call, you called. Though, NEVER assume that someone always looks at the caller ID after the fact. If you want to be sure that someone KNOWS you've called, leave a message! Unless it's a cell phone, it's really easy to just ignore the caller ID unless you're screening your calls. Most men will tell you that they like a more direct answer/approach. Just calling and saying "he'll check the caller ID so I don't hafta leave a message" is a wimpy way of trying to contact him. LEAVE A MESSAGE if you decide to call him one more time. IF you do call him back, leave a short, to the point message. Like "Hi, just checking on you since I haven't heard from you. I miss you but I know you've got a lot going on. Please call me and let me know what's going on." Boom, done. It could be very true that he's stressed out about the possibly pregnant girlfriend. I know that when I'm stressed out, I withdraw, for the most part, to try and figure stuff out. Maybe he's like that too? A possible life-time commitment of a baby is a big stressor if it's not something that you were expecting. You said that this is your first FWB situation. Are you being realistic with your feelings? Do you know that you're OK with him seeing other people? In a FWB situation, you hafta go into it realizing that the other person (as well as you too) should be going out with other people, dating, having fun, and yes, probably having sex with others too. It's the way FWB's works. Most women can't handle it for very long. Trust me, I've BTDT, bought the t-shirt! LOL I had to stop seeing my FWB cuz I was starting to fall in love with him. We'd been sleeping together for about 7 mos. I knew that I was falling for him, knew it wasn't the best idea in the world, and started putting myself back into the dating scene heavily. Men DO have feelings, and they also like to cuddle and feel close to someone. If it's a FWB, the endearments really don't carry a lot of weight. They're just a way of feeling close. Men do do that. So do women. Sometimes it doesn't mean anything. If a man doesn't take you to see his friends and family, doesn't call you his girlfriend, doesn't call just to say hi, but will call for a booty call, then it's a casual thing, and yes, they're probably gettin' some somewhere else. Best wishes!
  6. I also love the color!!! BTW, "rubber cote" is just a way of saying that the item is a plastic vibe with a rubber coating on it, which makes it soft, yet firm. Thanks for the review!
  7. I don't feel that women who wear tight clothing, wear make up, or show their thongs are "asking for it". Having been raped as a child, I know the violation that women feel upon being raped. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't take what I say wrong, but, if that woman goes into these situations KNOWING that men have broken their word with bondage play, had sex with her anyway, and she shrugs it off, yet CONTINUES to do so, then, in this case, she IS asking to have this happen to her. Having a fetish is one thing, but not practicing it safely is totally another. If she wants/ed to do such activities (or did, cuz judging by the post, she's now in a relationship with this guy that didn't break his word?), in a safer environment, she really should've gone to a DOM club, where you do pay to do such things, but, the SUB is in total control, and if she didn't want sex, it wouldn't happen. Yes, it would cost $$, but, at least she'd be safe. I would think that the therapy costs would be staggering! Both men & women can lie to get what they want, sexually. People in committed relationships usually don't. However, on the dating scene, I too came across many men that would lie, decieve, and omit stuff, just so that they'd get sex. Do all of single-doms do that? No, but it's very common. Especially with men/women that aren't looking for a partner, just a good time fling.
  8. I GOT MY CAR/INDEPENDANCE BACK YESTERDAY!! Yesterday, while in town driving the rental that GEICO approved, trying to get as many errands as possible done, so as not to have to ask for rides, or run outta stuff......and, at 3:50, BOUNDS called me and told me I could come get my car. I told the guy that I was appreciative of that, however, they were adament yesterday, in telling me that I couldn't get the car until the check was in hand, and now I can?? Forgive me if I no longer trust anyone's word here, but what was the change? They said that GEICO had called and spoken with the owner. I have a feeling they reamed HIM out too. So, I turned in my rental, had ENTERPRISE (which I would recommend to anyone) drive me over there, unloaded that car into my car and DROVE OFF!! My beautifully dusty "cuck" took DD to karate, then us back home, and has run a few errands for us today as well!!! I'm going to clean it tomorrow. I was going too today, but after walking the neighborhood last night, for trick or treating (I'll post another topic on that), I am super-tired, sore, and realize how outta shape I really am!!! Plus, there are some dark clouds, and we all know that when Tyger washes her car, it rains within 24 hours!
  9. Hey, I posted one a while ago, the Tyger Ta-Ta's in Teal!!!
  10. Sex Spell Ultimate pictures brings you another Adam & Eve movie starring Briana Banks. Go back to the 19th century, where sex is a taboo subject, but it’s one of those things that you know most people do. The aura of mystery, layered clothes, and fancy frills ads to the allure of sensual, hot, sexy scenes. “Bolivia”, a married woman, feels sexually repressed by the times, and tries to break free of her confinement. “Mark” comes back from war-torn colonial Africa with a gift. An African warrior spies on Mark, as he’s trying to rest at his post. Mark prays his visions are only dreams, but as he prowls thru the night, looking for anything amiss, he finds a hole in the earth, and he climbs down to investigate. He finds a small package, unwrapping a mysterious gift of a stature of a woman straddling/holding onto a large cock. Hmmm….is this a gift, or a curse? You get to decide if his find is worth all the cum, oral, and fantastic sex that it helps bring out in people. Will you get sucked into the power of the statue? Go to The Gift store, where you can find the perfect, cursed gift from a crazy black man who will try and help you find what you need or want. I will say that, I too, have it in for the stable boy in one scene! He’s a hottie! I just hope he’s not lactose intolerant because he seems to like to play with milk…. Speaking of milk, there’s a hot scene between 2 gorgeous women in a gazebo, that will make your pulse race too! Catching flashes of what’s to cum, I mean come, before the actual scenes, you get a nice erotic tease before delving into the sensual & fantasy-like, lengthy scenes. The techno music enhances the “dreamy” feel of it all as well. This DVD has a lot of story to it, narration, mystery, & a decent plot. Though, for the time period it’s suppose to be taking place in, the dress, mannerisms, fake breasts, jewelry, and décor are a bit off….but, not hard-core as a lot of adult films I’ve seen, I think that this film would be a good starter or even a nice one to add to any collection. Scene selection, special features, cast & disc information, and the “All Sex Menu”, which just gives you only the sex scenes, are the extras you get with this DVD. I give this film 3 Tyger Paws up, and a tail flick rating! Fall under the Spell
  11. Well, the person GEICO spoke with at the dealership lead them wrong. I was unable to get my car out today. But, I did pay the $660, so that part's done, and I don't hafta stress about loosing or spending the $$. The dealership bodyshop isn't allowed to release the car til the check is IN HAND, even though GEICO even told them that they'd FAX over proof of the check that they sent. A rep from the shop had told my insurance co. that if I paid the deductable off, I could pick it up today. Nope, no-can-do. GEICO got me a free rental for 2 days, so at least tomorrow, I can go to my DD's school and enjoy their little pumpkin carving activity, and take her to karate at least once this week. I'm so frustrated. I haven't been eating or sleeping well, I've had almost a constant headache, haven't eaten much, felt more and more withdrawn, and am growing more and more doubtful of people's ability to get stories straight and keep their word. Down south, a person's word is as good as a contract written in stone, and most people pride themselves of that....except when it comes to cars apparently! I got soooo frustrated and felt like the world was pushing down on me. I wanted to scream or punch a wall. Stupid female emotions made me bawl, so I had to go into a small room to be alone for a bit. I usually try and find the positives in stuff, even with Hurricane Ike! But this is just getting to me. On top of the hurricane, now this? PULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!! I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but I'm just not understanding why I am being made to suffer when I did NOTHING wrong. I live waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the country. It's not like I can easily walk into town to go get groceries. I'm a super-independant person. I HATE relying on others to help me out like that. I hate calling people asking for a ride. I tried giving FIL some gas $$ today, and he refused it. Gimme a little pride back, at least! Although, he did call me after we got home to make sure I was ok, and told me he wasn't poking fun at me when he told me to not cry and that it wouldn't solve anything. And that he understood how emotions and being over-tired and stressed can affect people. I was shocked! This hard-ass man was trying to comfort me? Wow. I'm just tired of the BS. Thanks for letting me rant. And, yes, I would recommend GEICO to anyone!! They've been super nice, helpful, supportive, informative, and honest!!! GREAT company to get insured thru!!!
  12. Warning: Aggressive bitchiness to ensue!! Well, I got downright pissed, irritated, and uber frustrated enough yesterday to really kick it into higher gear! Upon the recommendation from my step-father, I called my car insurance company....GEICO ROX BTW!!! Time to call in the ones with the BIG balls!!!!! I told them everything I've been going thru, how frustrated I am, and it's almost been 3 wks now. And that, it's not MY fault, so WHY in the hell am I being made to suffer, especially since I've been trying to remain nice, yet firm. I told them of how the other company's insurance company said that they'd pay for the damages, but, for some reason, I'd hafta sign a form, have it notarized, and mail it back to their office, BEFORE a check was issued!! WTF????? I asked what the form was for (thru the offender's insurance co.) and they told me it was a liability release form, and that, after they got that, it could take 2 more fuckin' weeks before I get a check. UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Usually, in claim cases, the CHECK IS the liability release form!!! Cashing it means that you won't go after any more money thru them. I mean, this is a cut & dry case. Nobody was being mean, stupid, or careless, they had a bad delivery of gas, accepted responsibility, so WHY in the hell should I hafta wait, rely on others, and beg for rides???? I asked if I submitted a claim thru them, my insurance company, would our rates go up. I got profusly reassured that since this wasn't my fault, then no, my rates wouldn't be affected at all. WOOT!!! So, I submitted the claim-YESTERDAY AFTERNOON!!!! They were soooo nice, sympathetic, and told me that I was being a lot nicer than they, as an individual would be. They asked to get the info I had, which I e-mailed to them, and they got, no problem. They had even turned it over to the adjuster within a couple of hours of getting it!!!!! They have paid the garage all but the deductable, TODAY!!! I'm waiting for my FIL to come to pick me up so I can pawn a few things until I get reimbursed for my out-of-pocket expenses, to get my car out. I have to come up with $660! Which is my deductable and part of the car rental that my insurance won't cover (only $25 per day, and my rental was like $35 per day). Why in the hell did it take GEICO less than 24 hours to do all this, and this other insurance company's taken 2 weeks so far to deal with this??? Yeah, now Momma's got the BIG GUNS out....go ahead pissy little insurance company....mess with my GEICO!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
  13. My bad, I wasn't clear.....I meant the one that I reviewed a while back......though the WE Vibe states it can be, I still think that even with the W.V, that it'd be uncomfy.
  14. I don't think that this toy is really designed to have penis insertion while you're using, it, but, I guess you could TRY it.....especially if you like to feel REALLY full. I'm also not sure how comfortable it'd be for the GUY......
  15. I tried something similar, a while back, called The Rock Chick, which looks a wee bit different, but basically the same. Read the 2 reviews on it, and see if it's something you'd like. Please remember, a slight design difference can mean the biggest results!
  16. Thanks darlin'. I spoiled myself 2 nights ago and took my time and did my nails. That always seems to make a lot of things better. I have a tendancy to keep things bottled up inside, as I try and deal with them internally, ya know? If I constantly dwell or bitch about it, the more stressed I'll get, and that won't help anyone.
  17. Just to update, now I have 2 rechargeable ones, and I will stick to the "battery operated" toys usually, for conveniences and such. I don't normally plan on what sex toys I'm going to use, unleass I get a new TT shipment, so charging can be a bit on the inconvenient side....especially for those of us with "Mommy Brains"! LMAO
  18. Hmm, interesting! Was it a loud toy? Thanks for letting us know about it!!
  19. Wow!! Now, see, if I hadn't read the review, I'd pass this toy up just by seeing it on the site! Nice to see that the old addage "you can't judge a book by its cover" rings true here. Thanks for the great review!!
  20. It's amazing how many variences of a "rabbit" that there can be!! Probably because they WORK so well!!! I love the color, and the design. So simple, yet effective! Thanks for the great review!
  21. My hubby asked me if I thought he was gay because he liked anal stimulation, and stole one of my realistic looking dildos to pleasure himself. I put it to him this way: "Do you fantasize about a real man in your ass?" "No." "Do you feel that you would like the feel of a real man being intinate with you?" "HELL NO!" "OK then, not gay or bi." He was worried because of the phallic dildo he uses. I asked him if it was the thought of a real penis entering him, or if it was the size of it, and he said the size of it, definitely. So, he feels much better about it!!! He even went, on his own, to a sex toy shop & purchased his first anal lube all by himself.
  22. It's better to go to the doctor's and let them look at it ASAP, that way you won't have a clot or possible anurism (sp). Good luck darlin'!
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