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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I KWYM. I hate cleaning, but I do it. This is a sensitive topic with me (and a few other SAHM's too) I'm a SAHM right now. But that doesn't mean that I will do 100% of everything, just cuz he brings home the $$! My DH is like "I want my week off to be MY week off". WTF??? When do I get a week off????? He knows better not to make stipulations like that with me, cuz I'm bitchy enough where I will tell him that he can get off HIS ass and clean whatever it is that he wants cleaner, cuz I did it my way, and if he doesn't like that, tough shit. I've always been like that though. His other wives (2), were slobs, so on the rare occassions that he slips and says something, I tell him to go back to one of them, or find himself another woman, cuz I am as good as I get, baby! LOL I've always been upfront about what I will and will not do....and I swear he thinks that he'll change that, but he won't. It's causing some issues, him not accepting who I am with that. But that's another story. I agree with you. Sex should never ever be used as a bargaining chip. Where he knows you're sensitive about it, he shouldn't have done that, but he may have forgotten, and just slipped up. If he brings it up again, tell him that if he wanted a wife that was anal about the cleaning, he should've stayed with his first wife. IMHO, we can't do it all, and still have time to spend with the families guys. Ya gotta learn that. Get off your duffs and help out too, or shut up and take it as it is.
  2. Glass is a fantastic sex toy material! As well as some of the silicone dildos, like the Tantus Line, which is surgical grade silicone, a little bendy, but still solid and they have all sorts of different shapes and features. TANTUS Line
  3. Muff, yes, some of the stuff is treatable, however some of it isn't, like AIDS, & herpes. AIDS is, well, self-explanatory. It may not cause cancer, but it can cause DEATH. Some cancer isn't detected until it's too late either. Herpes has also been linked with cervical cancer, and yes, you can get genital herpes in your MOUTH. They never thought you could, but it's been proven, in the last 10 yrs or so, to in fact, get passed on orally as well. So, be careful! Get tested, and once clear, enjoy!
  4. It sure does look like a little pink buggie!! LOL
  5. Oh!! Pretty and cute, but, since not overly strong, unfortunately, not for me!! Thanks for the honesty!!
  6. This looked interesting. Maybe they should redesign it with some balls (to hang onto!) or a handle. Thanks for the review!!
  7. Yes, it definitely was that!! LOL
  8. Yes, that's what the article is saying, it's not oral sex itself, but the viruses that can be passed on thru oral (and genital) sex. The topic's title was a bit misleading/vague.
  9. Hannah Harper’s Lil’ Wabbit I just love bullets! And those that have extra pointy features for more direct stimulation is what I usually look for in a bullet. Along came this little offer, and it was almost too good to be true! It’s latex/phthalates free, pink, and very easy to use. The controller has an indicator light and the power’s controlled by an easy-to-turn dial. It takes 2 AA batteries that go into the back of the controller. Neither the bullet or controller claim to be waterproof. The cord is a good length, so you can use it but not have to worry about it tangling up too badly. The bullet has a rubber-like sleeve on it, in the shape of a cartoon-ish rabbit. The rounded ears of that waskally wabbit are what really got me excited though! Vibes go from low to moderately high, and the bullet’s not all that loud. The rubber-like sleeve over the bullet is not only cute, but also helps insulate the sound too. Turning the dial all the way up, the wabbit’s ears just went back & forth like mad, and I was sooo excited to try it out on my clit! So, I washed it carefully, and allowed it to dry before using. When I was finally able too, I turned it on low first, running it up & down my labia, and then I slowly turned the dial, & on the highest setting and allowed that wabbit to weally work his wittle ears on my cwit…..I mean clit! Either way, my toes were curling in a manner of minutes, which made ME feel like “Thumper”! Not only cute and effective, but this toy is a BULLET, people! Bullets, IMO, are one of the most definite items in any woman’s Toy Box! The more the merrier! Get it as a gift, or for yourself, how can you pass up this wabbit? I give it 4 out of 4 Tyger paws, tail straight out, and a contented sigh rating!!! Don't be late for this date!
  10. I've got close to 5000 posts, and I haven't changed either........
  11. If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago you would have $49.00 left. With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00. With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left. But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all of the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have $214.00 cash. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle. It's called the 401-Keg A recent study found the average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found Americans drink, on the average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon. Makes You Proud To Be An American!
  12. Saturday morning I got up early, dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, slipped quietly into the garage to hook the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into a torrential down pour. The wind was blowing 50 mph. I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad throughout the day. I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. There I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, 'The weather out there is terrible.' My loving wife of 20 yrs replied, 'Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that shit?' I still don't know to this day if she was joking, but I have stopped fishing.
  13. Congrats! Along with the title of Guru, you must grab a blanket, sit cross-legged, and also don a TooTimid robe (your choice of pink or purple).......oooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmm
  14. Tyger


    It's sad when parents won't listen to their kids. However, I would really sit back and watch. I'm in NO way saying that she's lying, but, I've found, that most teens, especially girls, will blow things out of proportion. The teen has a set way of thinking how she wants things to happen, and just because it doesn't happen how SHE wants it too, then her parents aren't listening and ignoring her totally, when, in fact, they have probably decided that her idea isn't how they want to do things. For example, a friend of mine has a 17 yr old DD. She has opened up an account for her DD and has deposited the child support (via Social Security) in the account, and allowed her DD to use the account. Well, the DD got pissed off cuz her mother finally said that only half of the child support was going into the account cuz her DD first bought a $300 cell phone with it....broke that phone, and then got a $500 cell phone with her support money. Yeah, I know that I need a $500 phone to survive! The DD is pissed cuz she says that "that's MY money", and the mother explained to her that actually the money was for her care, not for her to spend foolishly on, but for things like food, clothes, and ensuring there's a roof over her head, which is in fact, what child support is for. As far as her parents having sex while she's awake.....tough! Parents can have sex in the privacy in their own room whenever they want too. It's none of her business. It sounds like this girl wants a bit too much control over the household. Like saying she wants them to divorce. Well, again, tough. Not her call. I don't know of any girl, myself included, that has ever been totally satisfied with her parents. Again, I'm not saying she's a liar, but, most 16 yr olds are still maturing, and trying to establish herself as a person, so everything has to be about them. No, that's not a bad thing, but some girls take it to an extreme. I'd really try and see both sides of the story. And, though you're her friend, unless her parents are truly hurting her (and, BTW, just in case this has happened, if she gets smacked in the face for sassing/disrespecting, that's not abuse, IMO. Now if he hits her to be mean, then yes, that is abuse), then stay out of the parent-child relationship. It's up to HER to confront her parents/father. I think it's great that you want to be there for her, don't get me wrong, just be careful, ok?
  15. WOW!!! I hope it wasn't a Disney doll, cuz I get those for my DD. Other than that, not that many talking toys. They kinda creep me out, if I put them away and they go off!! LOL It's really sad that people like that will do that sort of thing with children's TOYS!!! Scary!
  16. I would say that this is like 95% as good as Coochie Cream. Of course, you only get one size with this kit, where, when you order the CC, you get your choice of sizes, and I didn't feel as soft, as long as I do with Coochie Cream, but, with this set, you get one for the man, and some moisturizing lube too. I tried the man's shave cream yesterday, and I had the same results, just not as fruity smelling.
  17. Who doesn’t love a great deal? Well, have I got a deal for you! Not only a deal, but one that has been tried and one that works! All 3 items are made in the USA, and comes with rash-free total body shave creams, one for her kitty, and one for him, and a bottle of WET Platinum Premium Body Glide silicone lubricant. I’m always on the lookout for some great shave creams. I have coarse hair, and I shave everything from my bellybutton down, and one thing I hate is bumps, knicks, dry skin, and shave-burn! Since I have long legs, I thought that I had the perfect amount of testing area! Plus, my hubby has sensitive facial skin, and he also shaves *down there*, so, we are totally perfect candidates! The ingredients on the Hers & His shave creams are the same. There are only 2 extra ingredients at the end that are in the Hers and not in His (Blue 1 and Red 33). Hers has a slight pinkish tint to it, and a sweeter fruity scent to it. Mostly, you smell the Jojoba in both, but again, it’s not as sweet in the Men’s cream. They also have aloe vera and silk amino acids, helping soften the skin. Each bottle of all 3 items is 1.5fl. oz., sealed and with push up caps, that does warn that they should be stored upright after opening because they may leak. Grabbing fresh razors, & with me soaking in a nice, warm bath to soften my hair, we both tried our shave creams, and were impressed that it took so little to go a long way. Just a dime-sized dollop was all hubby needed for his face, and again on his pubic hair. No need to reapply. He said that it made his face feel nice and soft. He’s one of those “manly men” and doesn’t like fruity stuff, and commented that he could smell it a bit, but it was tolerable for him. For me, I used a bit more, obviously, since I shaved my legs and my pussy. I used about a nickel-sized dollop per leg, and a dime-sized one for my pussy. I didn’t need to reapply. In fact, if one part needed to be gone over again, I just rubbed the residue that was on my legs from shaving, all over the spot, and I was good to go! I loved the scent of my shave cream, and it left my skin feeling nice and silky soft. The real test, for both of us, is the next day, after our skin’s healed from the shaving, to see how it reacted with the shaving cream and harshness of a razor. I am happy to report that neither of us had any bumps, cuts, or rashes! The lube is long-lasting, silicone-based, and left us both feeling soft, not sticky. It won't harm latex condoms, and you can use it as skin moisturizer as well, though it will feel a lot like baby oil after applied, but washes off easily with soap and water. This kit is perfect for a romantic get away, bridal shower gift, or even a romantic little treat! All 3 bottles are so small and compact, that they’ll tuck away anywhere easily while traveling (remember to put them in a baggie or something if you’ve taken the seals off, in case of leaking). And they take up little room in the nightstand/side of the tube too. I give this set a rating of 4 outta 4 Tyger Paws and a smooth kitty too!! LOL Get WET & soft skin.
  18. Tyger

    New Toy

    Looks very interesting and exciting. Please let us know how it all goes!
  19. Being taken care of doesn't mean having a violent and self-destructive/selfish man in the house. She probably is "old fashioned" in thinking that you have to have a man to be taken care of. Her intentions are good, but totally misdirected for sure! I hope that everything's settled down a bit, and she now understands that him being there would be much, much more harmful for everyone, than good. *hugs*
  20. Oil Change instructions for Women: 1) Pull up to Lube Shop when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the last oil change. 2) Drink a cup of coffee. 3) 15 minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly maintained vehicle. Money spent: Oil Change: $20.00 Coffee: $1.00 Total: $21.00 ========== Oil Change instructions for Men : 1) Wait until Saturday, drive to auto parts store and buy a case of oil, filter, kitty litter, hand cleaner and a scented tree, write a check for $50.00. 2) Stop by 7/11 and buy a case of beer, write a check for $20, drive home. 3) Open a beer and drink it. 4) Jack car up. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands. 5) Find jack stands under kid's pedal car. 6) In frustration, open another beer and drink it. 7) Place drain pan under engine. 8) Look for 9/16 box end wrench. 9) Give up and use crescent wrench. 10) Unscrew drain plug. 11) Drop drain plug in pan of hot oil: splash hot oil on you in process. Cuss. 12) Crawl out from under car to wipe hot oil off of face and arms. Throw kitty litter on spilled oil. 13) Have another beer while watching oil drain. 14) Spend 30 minutes looking for oil filter wrench. 15) Give up, crawl under car and hammer a screwdriver through oil filter and twist off. 16) Crawl out from under car with dripping oil filter splashing oil everywhere from holes. Cleverly hide old oil filter among trash in trash can to avoid environmental penalties. Drink a beer. 17) Install new oil filter making sure to apply a thin coat of oil to gasket surface. 18) Dump first quart of fresh oil into engine. 19) Remember drain plug from step 11. 20) Hurry to find drain plug in drain pan. 21) Drink beer. 22) Discover that first quart of fresh oil is now on the ground. Throw kitty litter on oil spill. 23) Get drain plug back in with only a minor spill. Drink beer. 24) Crawl under car getting kitty litter into eyes. Wipe eyes with oily rag used to clean drain plug. Slip with stupid crescent wrench tightening drain plug and bang knuckles on frame removing any excess skin between knuckles and frame. 25) Begin cussing fit. 26) Throw stupid crescent wrench. 27) Cuss for additional 5 minutes because wrench hit bowling trophy. 28) Beer. 29) Clean up hands and bandage as required to stop blood flow. 30) Beer. 31) Dump in five fresh quarts of oil. 32) Beer. 33) Lower car from jack stands. 34) Move car back to apply more kitty litter to fresh oil spilled during any missed steps. 35) Beer. 36) Test drive car. 37) Get pulled over: arrested for driving under the influence. 38) Car gets impounded. 39) Call loving wife, make bail. 40) 12 hours later, get car from impound yard. Money spent: Parts: $50.00 DUI: $2500.00 Impound fee: $75.00 Bail: $1500.00 Beer: $20.00 Total: $4,145.00 But you know the job was done right!
  21. One of my now-ex's BFF's was a lesban. We went to a gay bar with her (which we'd done before). One girl that I use to work with came up to me, and started talking to me, which, at first, I thought it was just the polite thing to do. Then, she got a look in her eyes and asked what I was doing here, and I told her I was there with my BF, and that he was right over there *pointed*. She's like, "oh, well, as you can see, this is where I am at this point in my life...." Oops!! I brushed it off nicely and said, "well, as long as your comfortable". She gave me her phone number and told me to call her if I ever changed my mind! LOL I was flattered though, cuz my BF usually was the one getting hit on by the same sex. I think he was almost jealous that he didn't get hit on that night!
  22. It's my belief that one can never have enough bullets, and, after one of my favorites finally gave up the ghost, I decided I needed to try something a bit different. I have a couple other “Berman Center/Dr. Laura Berman” items, so I was eager to see if Nefertiti was as fabulous as the others in her line. Also, I’m a big Egyptian connoisseur, so I was intrigued to try it out. And remember, the Berman line of toys are for women, designed by women, so you have items that are specially designed to work for you! Upon getting it, I was super-excited to see that it came with 2, count ‘em, 2 sets of the watch size batteries needed to power them (4 each, in their own little plastic sleeve, so insertion & removal is sooo simple!). Inside the bullet, where the batteries go in, there’s a little diagram showing which way the positive end goes, which is always helpful. The bullet is a fuchsia color, and has a really LOOONG nylon cord attached to it at the base, so if it slips while you’re pleasuring in the shower or tub, it’s easy to retrieve. It’s a bit tapered at the end, almost to a point, which gives you more direct stimulation, and that’s never a bad thing, IMO. It also came with a cute little rose colored mesh pouch to keep it in. After putting in the batteries, I twisted the base back on, and a bit more of a twist, and you get the one speed this bullet has, which is HIGH! And it’s really not that loud either. I loved the strength of the vibes, and how easy it was to hold onto. Using the bullet on my labia and then paying special attention to my clit, along with a new dildo, I was able to reach my strong orgasm in very little time. Discreet enough to tuck in a purse for that middle-of-the-day stress relieving O, or to keep in your nightstand, this little bullet really lives up to its royal name! We have all 4 Tyger Paws waaaay up in the air, and a back arched-rating on this one! Worship Nefertiti
  23. With ANY cyber-skin product, always use WATER-BASED lubricants. Silicone based ones will destroy the cyber-skin/UR3/Real Skin material. The 3 terms I used are all made out of silicone themselves. For some reason, the liquid silicone will in fact, turn the solid silicone to mush. Sometimes those toys will come with a sample of lube, but, if you want something to use with them NOW, and not want to wait for S&H, then go snag you up some water-based Astroglide, which can be found near the condoms at most retail stores and pharmacies. Also remember to wash the toys before and after use, since they feel real, they have pores in them, so be sure to clean them well with warm water and antibacterial soap. I always use the liquid kind of soap, since it can get into pores, crevices, and dips better than putting some of the bar soap on my hands and then on the toy. Keep the toy's packaging too, and when it's all cleaned off, put it back in the box, so it won't rest against anything that may "dent" it. Have fun!!
  24. Well, I went to the gas station this morning to get a refund, and they did that happily. The girl at the counter had NO clue what was going on, so I filled her in, and she told me that it was their own damn fault cuz they knew that pump wasn't working correctly to begin with!! I went to the garage that I had the car towed too, (again, it's an American made dealership....Chevy, Pontiac, GMC, Dodge, Jeep, Chrystler) and they said that it was, indeed, water in the fuel. I told them that the station had these men working on the filters, had assured us that it wasn't water, and I was severely pissed off that they blatantly lied to all of us directly (the workers, not the station). The man at the station that owned/managed it asked me to let him know what it is, cuz the workers that were working on the tank were telling him the same thing! The garage is saving the fuel to prove to the station that it was water in their fuel too. I asked for one as well, just in case. My whole fuel system needs a full flushing, filters changed, and maybe even a new fuel pump! So, I told them that whatever they needed to do, and legitamitely bill them for it, go for it. Go back to the station, and tell the lady at the counter what I'd found out, and I was irritated. She asked me to keep my voice down, which I did lower my voice (I'm too nice). She had a customer at the counter, who had been leaving when I had started talking to her, but came back, and asked me if I'd gotten the gas there, and I nodded. She was a bit irritated that that man had asked that, and I answered him, but oh fuckin' well. I did NOTHING wrong here, and I wasn't about to lie about it. Then she was worried cuz she'd been selling SUPER all day, and I told her that if nobody came back by now, then the SUPER tank was probably ok. She seemed a bit relieved, but I told her that I wasn't a professional gas person, so I wouldn't know, but what happened to us, was immediate.
  25. I don't think there's much about you that's "average" Mr. Randy!
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