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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I would also think that any attachments that just slip on over the head of the massager, no matter how tighly, could come off up inside a tight anal canal......
  2. Me and DH were laying there, just trying to unwind one night, and as much as he hates to admit it, he loves watching the lava lamp. Says it puts him to sleep (must be the hiding 80's kid in him!! LOL). Anyway, we're both laying there, and all of a sudden, at the same time, we both ask "Do you SEE that?" I run for my camera, and took some pics of the lava lamp goop. To us, it looked like 2 naked people embracing. Odd, huh?
  3. Yep, gotta agree, Doc Johnson makes some great products!
  4. I'm so sorry that she does this. It sounds like, to me, your mother is clueless on how to word things. NO parent should LOVE one child over the other. It's insensitive that she would even SAY such a thing. It's ridiculous, and I am soooo sorry she did that to you! If I could, I'd come Mommy Slap her for ya!! My mother does the whole "picking on her" thing, when I voice concern over her addictive-like eating she has (and she had a gastric bypass...gee, why am I concerned?). So I know what a PITA that is! What I've figured out, at least for my mother, is that when I "pick on her", it's her feeling guilty because I am directly pointing out what she KNOWS to be a problem, she hates it, and doesn't want it thrown in her face. I have no other way to voice my concern, so I try not too. But it slips out every once in a while. I have to try, right? Your sister may not be the youngest sibling, but she IS, by your count, the youngest GIRL. Which makes her the last baby-girl, so the logic's still there. Many parents baby their girls more than they do their boys. Girls are considered more "delicate". Some girls learn how to manipulate people and their parents. I'd wager that your younger sister not only manipulates her family, but strangers, the system, and whoever else she can. She's learned to get what she wants, when she wants, however she can. Most people won't stop such behavior on their own. The only thing you can do, if you're a person she uses, is to put a big ole STOP to it. Say no, mean no, and don't bend at all. Explain to your mother that you're sick and tired of her using you personally, for whatever reason: rides, babysitting, whatever. She is unappreciative, vindictive, and rude, and therefore you choose not to be a part of it. I had to with my step-sister, and had to tell her mother JUST that. At first, my step-mother couldn't understand WHY or HOW I could do it, but, even though it took her 15 yrs longer than I, she finally understands. I really feel for you. I KWYM about the helping yourself POV. I am of that mind too. If you don't care about you, why should anyone else? Figure out a way to do something, you usually can. Totally there!! I'm sharing what I've been thru, just so you know that there are others out there that have/are going thru similar situations, and how some of it can be handled. It's frustrating, hurtful, and seems like everyone hates you for it, but realize that there are people here and IRL that DO care about you!
  5. Welcome to the forum! We don't bite....unless you like that!! LOL Maybe just a nibble?
  6. Unfortunately, some parents tend to over-baby the baby of the family. I don't blame you for being pissed about the HPV comment. THAT was insensitive on her part. My step-mother over-babied her first born, making EVERY excuse possible up for her behavior. And then she'd get pissed when her husband would put their foot down and say HELL NO, that won't happen again!! C'mon! I use to pay for car insurance and gas to have use of one of their vehicles. After about 3 trips for my step-sister, I told my step-mother's husband that I didn't think it was fair to have ME pay for the gas to drive HER ass around in. Since it was his car, when I drove, I was expected to replace what I used, why shouldn't SHE have too? He agreed, and talked to my step-mother, in front of me, telling her that I had a right to refuse to drive HER daughter anywhere, unless I got gas $$ upfront from either her, or her daughter (who, BTW, is 9 mos. younger than I). So, that ended that. The POINT here is, that if it's YOUR car being used, you tell them to give you gas money first, or you can refuse to drive an ungrateful person ANYWHERE. Don't take promises, money talks darlin'. They can't FORCE you to drive anywhere, nor can they force you to allow anyone you don't want to, to drive it. You're paying for the car & insurance, so tough shit to them! It sounds like you will have to sit down with your mother, not when either of you are mad at each other, and explain to her what she says, and how it affects you. Write stuff down, make a list, this way, you can concentrate on what you want to say, without getting too emotional all at once (at least it works for me). Try not to sound petty. Try not to sound like you're whining either. Because all your mother will say is that you're jealous, and brush you off. Admit to being jealous first, and tell her why. Until you do this, you will endure more. When I told my mother about me having genital herpes, she responded rather well. I was shocked to say the least. She asked why should I be shocked? I said because of the kinda snide comments she's made when she sees a Valtrex commercial. She didn't even realize she'd said those things! Sometimes things are said, and taken waaaay out of context! Especially if you're over-sensitive due to your admitted jealousy. So, please, sit down with your mother, explain how you feel, and how she's been making you feel. At least you can say that you tried. Usually though, parents really DO want all their children happy, and if they know that they're hurting them, even when they have NO clue that they are, they strive to do better. Best wishes!
  8. Ever hear the phrase, “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”? Well, with this DVD it’s more like “When the cocks are away the pussies will play”, because here you have an all girl-on-girl action extravaganza, starring: Ashton Moore, Tyler Faith, Jenna Haze, Cindy Crawford (not the supermodel, BTW, LOL), Kayla Paige, Brode, & Haley Paige, and directed by Skye Blue, who is also one sexy lady too! And when these pussies come out to play, they play…and play…and PLAY! The music reminds me of jazzy elevator music thru the whole film. First scene starts off with 2 blondes, one being Ashton, on a leopard chaise lounge (I WANT one!!), teasing, and pleasing each other, slowly and sensually. Truthfully, I wouldn’t mind either one of the women either! They take turns pleasing each other, making sure they both cum several times, and, we all know, it’s only right to take turns. And then they 69, to give simultaneous pleasure as well, which, again, is a great way to treat your friends! The second scene, a beautiful raven haired woman enjoys some wine, as well as a few other ladies in the room, each of which seems to be very horny, and willing to start pleasing herself. As they get braver, Jenna Haze crawls across the table to another, and Ashton starts playing with herself a bit more intently as she watches. Jenna is true to form: looking sweet and innocent, but talking dirty all the while! Poor Ashton just stays off in the foreground and watches, though she looks like she does fine solo! 5 lengthy scenes to choose from add up to almost 90 minutes of hot female action! You also get to have a few extras like scene selection, behind the scenes, trailers, and more! Ashton Moore really loves the ladies in this DVD, proving that she can give as well as she gets, and then some! A gorgeous variety of ladies, sexy lingerie, and a variety of sex toys will make you drip & drool with anticipation with each scene! To me, there’s nothing like seeing 2 women pleasing each other! The reactions seem a bit more realistic to me (less “faking it” scenes). With all this hot action, how can you resist? This DVD definitely gets 4 outta 4 Tyger Paws WAAAAAY up, plus a back arch and loud purr!!! Come Play With These Girls August 2008 DVD of the Month
  9. Ok!! You asked for it!!! INSENSITIVE!!!
  10. Ever hear the phrase, “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”? Well, with this DVD it’s more like “When the cocks are away the pussies will play”, because here you have an all girl-on-girl action extravaganza, starring: Ashton Moore, Tyler Faith, Jenna Haze, Cindy Crawford (not the supermodel, BTW, LOL), Kayla Paige, Brode, & Haley Paige, and directed by Skye Blue, who is also one sexy lady too! And when these pussies come out to play, they play…and play…and PLAY! The music reminds me of jazzy elevator music thru the whole film. First scene starts off with 2 blondes, one being Ashton, on a leopard chaise lounge (I WANT one!!), teasing, and pleasing each other, slowly and sensually. Truthfully, I wouldn’t mind either one of the women either! They take turns pleasing each other, making sure they both cum several times, and, we all know, it’s only right to take turns. And then they 69, to give simultaneous pleasure as well, which, again, is a great way to treat your friends! The second scene, a beautiful raven haired woman enjoys some wine, as well as a few other ladies in the room, each of which seems to be very horny, and willing to start pleasing herself. As they get braver, Jenna Haze crawls across the table to another, and Ashton starts playing with herself a bit more intently as she watches. Jenna is true to form: looking sweet and innocent, but talking dirty all the while! Poor Ashton just stays off in the foreground and watches, though she looks like she does fine solo! 5 lengthy scenes to choose from add up to almost 90 minutes of hot female action! You also get to have a few extras like scene selection, behind the scenes, trailers, and more! Ashton Moore really loves the ladies in this DVD, proving that she can give as well as she gets, and then some! A gorgeous variety of ladies, sexy lingerie, and a variety of sex toys will make you drip & drool with anticipation with each scene! To me, there’s nothing like seeing 2 women pleasing each other! The reactions seem a bit more realistic to me (less “faking it” scenes). With all this hot action, how can you resist? This DVD definitely gets 4 outta 4 Tyger Paws WAAAAAY up, plus a back arch and loud purr!!! Come Play With These Girls August 2008 DVD of the Month
  11. I do the same thing with my big Dual Cherry Vibe (one of the big boys!!). I don't like downward tipping cocks, they're uncomfortable for me.
  12. Well, my hubby does NOT like cock slapping, and neither of us like face slapping. But I do like my hair being pulled (as long as it's pretty much all of it, cuz I am tender-headed).
  13. First off, he sounds extremely immature and insensitive, though probably pretty smart, because he was able to play on your low self-esteem, and desire to be loved. He wanted some, new he could get some from you, and played you. You are SOOOO much better off without him. You were a reliable and safe booty call, and he used that. Women have a hard time disassociated love with sex, so, you growing feelings for him, especially when he was your First, isn't all that shocking. He's a player, and he isn't sure what he wants, so, it's best that you just leave him out with the trash, IMHO. I have to agree, though I've never been a smoker, the less time you smoke, the easier it should be, since it's relatively new, and your body isn't "as" hooked on it. If you don't like the habit, talk with your doctor about getting some help, taper off of them, make a decision, and quit. Smoking solves nothing, except maybe insuring that you will probably have health issues down the line. But, it's your body, so ultimately it's your decision. Best wishes!
  14. Welcome back! Glad to hear that you had a great visit!
  15. Hoping Mikayla feels better soon. Hoping Kat is out of ICU. Glad that a friend of mine was finally able to find out the truth. Glad it's not as humid out today. Scared and nervous about DD going to school tomorrow!!
  16. Have you seen this show on MTV, where 2 couples, the opposites are exes, and they get tricked into staying with each other (as in the exes stay in the same room, and the "new" SO's are confined to a bungalo, the exes get to stay in a honeymoon suite). Could you do this with who you're with now? Could you trust your SO with their ex, one that had a HUGE impact on them? How much would you spy? In the show, you're only allowed glimpses, and sometimes you can either choose seeing or hearing what is going on. Plus, you get to see where they are in relation to each other, and then there's an alerting light, showing you when they touch each other. Oh, and a meter/counter to see who brings up the current SO's name the most.
  17. That's a fairly new item, so I don't think anyone's tried it (here), yet. Though, as soon as someone tries it, I urge them (if they're not a Reviewer on the site), to post a review! I tried one similar to this item, a while ago, made of silicone, but, it was too uncomfortable for me. However, this one looks like it's built better to accomodate a woman's parts.
  18. Hey there! Love your avatar! I hope you enjoy it here, and looking forward to seeing you post more!
  19. LOL Yes, every man's fantasy! Wouldn't that be something like "Hollaback Mountain"?
  20. You know, you see everything advertised at doctor's offices. It's getting ridiculous really. Tissues, drugs, products of all sorts, just plastered everywhere! Who really pays attention? Though, this particular one is very effective and shows how well the product works!
  21. I like both set ups, to be honest. The new one reminds me of another board I frequent, so I'm use to this set up too!
  22. OMG!!! It's the missing 8th dwarf!! Anal Dwarf!!!! His specialty is rooting, digging, and being over-meticulous!!!
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