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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I have the Twist & Shout one, and liked it a lot too, though it doesn't thrust. I LOVE the kind that thrust. It's like, all you have to do is hold it in place!! Wonderful review! LMAO Ants in your pants!!!
  2. Typical guy!! My hubby won't go to the doctor or hospital unless a limb is falling off! There's been several times where he should have most definitely should've gone. Drives me crazy! LOL Anyway, I'm glad that you are ok. Chances are, even if you had stitches, at the tip of a finger, unless it's hanging off dangling or something, they probably would've just stitched you up anyway, and the loss of sensation would have still happened.
  3. Maybe I'm a "prude" in this way, & may get "flamed" for it, but, my parent's sexuality (or anyone else's parents for that matter) is not my business. What people do in their bedroom during their private time isn't my concern (so long as it's all legal and nobody's getting hurt). I do think it's important to have parent show that they love each other, infront of the kids, with hugs, kisses, and terms of endearment, & teach kids about sex responsibly, but other than that, it's not anyone's business unless they choose to make it such (like if they talk about it with friends).
  4. Wow! LOL Well, that's the glory of being an OWNER. You can stay home once in a while!! LOL Anyway, I hope you get some sleep! *hugs*
  5. Tyger

    Top 5

    I guess I should update mine!! LOL Lots of fantastic new products! Gawd, only 5, huh? I tried to pick out one from the majority of catagories that I own (Anal play with a partner, Dildos, Glass, Dual Action, and clit stimulators) Well, in no specific order: 1.The Double Delight Vibrating Strap-on with harness 2.Fun Factory's Tiger Dildo 3.High Octane Magic Fingers Dual Action Vibe 4.The Blue Swirl Glass Dildo And last, but certainly not least: 5.Pocket Rock It Mini Vibe with caps
  6. LMAO How about on your dresser, with a necklace on it, so people think it's a jewelry holder, yet still easily accessable! LOL As a joke, in a clean toilet bowl, so it startles someone when they lift the lid. Right outside the window, so it looks like it was cut off. Use it as a cell phone holder..... OK, I will stop now....
  7. I wonder if you can pose the fingers......Meg!! You should put one on your desk....it could be your "Mood Meter"!!! And, your "helping hand"...!!! LMAO!!
  8. WOW!! Gawd, I'd go nuts myself!! I hope he's ok, and you hear from him soon! Good response though, and good plan if he calls from jail. That's what my mother basically told me too, if I ever called from jail, after doing something stupid, and it better be a HORRIBLE mistake on the part of the officers! LOL
  9. If it snaps on its own, I'd heave it! LOL
  10. I LOLed at the peeing like a man too!! Gawd!! Hey, you can also use it as a dirty baster......I mean turkey! (Just kidding of course)
  11. I hope Thur sees this, he loves Twizzlers too! LOL Look!! It can also be used as a billy-club or a bat too!! Thanks for the great review (as always).
  12. Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know about another great Astroglide product!
  13. If it's on your personal page, delete it, and report them to Rob or Meaghan (get their SN first, before deleting it). If it's on your PMer, do the same, and block them. It's very rare here to have that happen. I've been here, oh, um, almost 3 yrs now, and have only had 2 people do such stuff, and after I told them that this was not a Hooking Up type forum, and not to do it again, they left me alone. You're bound to get some people like that here & there, due to the nature of the site, but it's few and far between. Hope that helps.
  14. Darlin' I have ONE word for you: BIRDHOUSE! You're fantastic to try and help those little birds out like you did!! *HUGS*
  15. This is her "I should'da got the birdhouse" look! LMAO Hey!! I'm so proud of you for leaving your walker out of the shot.
  16. If you're not exclusive with your SO, then he's not really an "SO", he's more like a casual thing. But it's very mature of you to let him know that there may be another fish on the line, but I'd refrain from specifics. Many people SAY it's ok, then, when it happens, THAT'S when they have an issue with it, because they never thought it would happen. That aside, no, I don't personally think that seeing a sibling of an ex is such a smart idea. I have a friend, who slept with one brother, but is now engaged to the other. They're half brothers. And, even though her SO says he's fine with it (she was honest with him about it), but he makes snide remarks, has insecurities, and can get very stupid about it all. And she had her fling with the first brother without ever meeting or knowing about the second until a year later. People will SAY it's ok, but, again, once it really happens, they realize that they really can't handle that sort of thing as well. Best wishes & good luck!
  17. Welcome to the wonderful world of TT! Can't wait to hear about your delivery.
  18. WOW!! Who can pass it up NOW!!!?
  19. I wasn't saying that women aren't visual either, because we very much are. But, men especially tend to get turned on MORE by what they SEE, Women by what they hear and think about. I won't say that I don't get excited by seeing a sexy man. Most warm-blooded women do! But, I think it's us thinking about WHAT we could do with that sexy-looking body that gets us hot and bothered usually. Just because men watch porn, does not make them good lovers. Again, porn is more visual, like "SEE HERE!! IT'S A PAIR OF UBER BREASTS!! WOW! There's a PUSSY!" Not for educational purposes. I've seen a lot of things in porn that I just think "WTF? Not in REAL life would that EVER happen!" Yes, you can get pointers, but it's not really a way to learn how to MAKE LOVE to a partner. Have a good "fuck", probably. But not to learn how to bond with your lover. It's also, again, for fantasy, not for learning how to deal with people, or how you should view the opposite sex. I guess how you treat others and how you view others is not only based on how you were raised, but your thought process as well. I totally agree with that. However, true partners and lovers that love and trust each other, don't make anyone dump any friends, even if they're of the opposite sex. If there's NO trust, there's no TRUE relationship. Though, some weaker minded & highly impressionable people may, in fact, think that porn represents how you should treat the opposite sex, stronger minded person won't believe it at all. Yes, I have been treated as an object, just like you have as well. Had a couple of men treat me like a trophy, not bragging, just making a statement. They were controlling, possessive, and this was before cell phones were readily available. So, if I wasn't sitting at home waiting for them to call, I was in big trouble. Only ONE relationship got real bad, and I defended myself, got out and told him to leave me alone. Thankfully, when he moved out, he left to go home, which was 4 hours away from where I lived. He tried stalking, but, one call to the phone company, and that stopped too. That man treated me like that because that's exactly how his father treated his mother. This really wasn't the topic of the post. The subject was "what was our opinions on breast jobs?" I said that men are more visual creatures, because, it's the truth. How can you explain WHY men like porn, usually more so than women? Why is porn usually focussing on the women, their body parts, reactions (as fake as they usually are), and physical attributes? Why aren't the men just as enhanced? Because porn is usually (but not always) geared for & produced for MEN. I'm in NO WAY saying thet men are the only ones that like to watch porn, because, I know of SEVERAL women IRL, & on this forum, that like and enjoy all sorts of porn, myself included. Please reread my post, and maybe check out the Adult DVDs section, you can see what I mean, and how others really feel on it! Best wishes to all!!
  20. Great pic!!! Very happy!! Thanks for sharing.
  21. In addition to what other's have said, I would give you a little suggestion: The more he knows that this all bothers you, the more he will do it. Even if you call a friend of his (or one of your mutual friends), and ask them to say something to him, that will get back to your ex, and that will just spur him on even more, give him encouragement, if you will. So, although it's hard, try to totally ignore him. So what if he says bad stuff? Anyone that believes him isn't worth your time of day anyway!
  22. Wow!! I am SOOOO sorry for your loss. But, think of it this way, he died doing what an "old time cowboy" would love doing, doing something with his hands, hard labor, and on his TRUCK! I know how it is. My hubby is a cowboy, and loves to tinker with his own truck. You now have an additional "tough" guardian angel watching over you! My deepest condolenses. *HUGS*
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