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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I have this kit too (bought it), and have yet to do a review on it. I know, I know, BAD TYGER!! LOL I'm glad that this worked out for you so well! Thanks for the review. Thought I'd add a pic and link for those that are interested in such a great kit!!! BTW, the lube that comes with this kit is some of the best stuff we've used for anal play (Astroglide Anal Shooters is the other "best")! I wish it was sold seperately!!! Juli Ashton's Anal Beginner's Kit
  2. Sorry Kat, but that IS funny!! And that you fell for it twice, well, that's a riot!! (You know I luv ya!) You gotta admit that they're clever! This is why I like the little packets of sugar and sweetener. My hubby would try this on me too.
  3. I LOVE my Lucid Dream #14 too!! Fantastic toy!!!!! The glass toy that helped me discover my g-spot was a curved glass one, called the Blue Swirl (which is different that the straight one....). The Double Helix curved glass toy did a fantastic job too.
  4. There is a small amount of women that can't or don't get any enjoyment from g-spot stimulation. You may be one of them. However, the majority of us can. It takes time to practice. The first thing to do is to find where YOUR particular g-spot is. It's usually about 2" up inside, but it can vary, woman to woman, since, of course, we're all different. It's an easy spot to miss, since it's generally about a 1" in diameter spoungy spout, that, when stimulated, can cause a woman to take a deep breath, and push down real hard (usually natural/instinctual). Some women can ejaculate, some can't. Here's a pic that I stole from Mikayla's article, to help point out where your g-spot is (in general): There are several books out there about the G-Spot Orgasm: "THE GOOD VIBRATIONS GUIDE TO THE G SPOT" by CATHY WINKS, published by DOWN THERE PRESS, "UNDERSTANDING THE G SPOT" by DONALD HICKS. If you are curious about the chemical make up of G Spot fluid as compared to urine, check out "The G SPOT" by LADAS, WHIPPLE AND PERRY, published by DELL POCKETBOOKS. Mikayla's fantastic article: Mikayla's G-spot Orgasm Article I hope this helps!
  5. Looking at this toy, it doesn't seem like it'd be overly firm at the g-spot stimulator part. A lot of women need a firmer/stronger toy to really rub that spot right (me and Mikayla are 2 of 'em). So, you may not be doing anything wrong, that just may not be the toy that you need to do the job right. I would recommend that you try a hard plastic one, or a glass one, to see if that helps. My first g-spot O was triggered with a glass dildo, clit stimulation, and was a total surprise!
  6. I would recommend that you speak with your doctor about this. It's not usually a semen production that is an issue (after all, men that have had vasectomies usually can still have the same amount of erections as before), but the inability to get/maintain an erection, which is common as you age, or stress levels increase, medications you may be taking, or other health issues. Best Wishes!
  7. Does anyone ever leave comments on profiles here anymore? LMAO

    1. Barrone


      Hey Sexy:) I gotta Tyger by her tail;) Howya Doin, Tyger? I Doin:)

  8. I have a couple. One is a repeat suggestion: Writing a POV of a sex toy seeing and experiencing its new owner (something like The Diary of a Sex Toy). A letter to your genitals. Has to be original (I've seen the Dear Penis joke online). Dear Cock, Vagina, Anus, Breasts....you get the idea...
  9. Wow Rob!! OK, I'll get it organized for you. I've already e-mailed Meaghan too. She my usual Go-To Gal (like she needs more to do LMAO). Reviewers, please check our forum for more info!! Oh, BTW, your post inspired me to clean my desk off too. Sorry, no candy here though..... LOL!
  10. Happy Anniversary! And, that sounds like a very romantic night!!
  11. OK, so, if it's a GO, then, what may be better to happen, would be to send the pics to me (to which I will respond to a PM with my mailing addie from each person on the Review Team), and then I will send it all to Meaghan. I will e-mail her, and see if it's something that TooTimid would like to do. Pics should be JUST of the REVIEWER listed on the site, put your real name ON THE BACK, and maybe write your SN on the front, in small letters. Then, I will send it to them all at once (that way they're all there, and not comiing in at random.).
  12. Gawd!! don't even THINK about asking to see my desk....clutter, paperwork, and broken kiddo stuff that needs to be mended!! LOL Oh, and the occassional cat! Hey!! That'd be kinda cool!! A collage of your Reviewers. I'd send you a pic of me (hardcopy) for it!! We could handwrite our name on the site on the pic too, so there could be faces to names for you! Who's with me!!!?
  13. Hey, when it looks like a light saber, ya gotta say so!! LOL Wow, if just talking about a toy gets you excited, then that is the type to add to a wish list!! Thanks for the review and pic!!
  14. You can call Meaghan and have an exchange done, because there's a one yr. guarantee on all toys here! You just need your packing slip and the original packaging the toy came in, call her and she'll get the info to you to swap it for a new one, so you won't get the pinch!
  15. Congrats!! I wish you much success and wet sheets!!
  16. I'm glad y'all like my article. Thanks for the feedback.
  17. Tyger


    It's great that you were able to find love (or possible) with a friend! Some of the best relationships start out as friendships! Good for you! Men like feeling a pussy around their cock, it's true. If you're worried about becoming "loose" with that big dildo (The Dual Cherry Dong I assume, to which I did a review on it last week), then do your Kegel exercises. Clench your vagina muscles, hold for 3 seconds, then release. Do 10 reps for a while, and when that's no longer a challenge, move up. It will give you better control, and help give better orgasms!! Most men usually love watching a sex toy of whatever they like, going in and out of their woman. It's exciting to them to be right down there in the trenches, and seeing it up close. Men are visual beings. They LOOOOOVE to watch! That's why porn is usually geared towards men's usual preferences. So, it's not surprising that he loves playing with you with a toy that he picked out, and you like using! Best wishes!
  18. Congrats!! I hope you have a lot of fun with it!!
  19. I don't know about the crossdressing by experience, but I did know a man that was a drag-queen. He shaved his legs, waxed his chest & his face too. He shaped his eyebrows a tad, but mostly made them into 2 (in other words getting rid of the unibrow). He wore women's cologne too, which, actually, if it's on a man, sometimes you can't tell. I prefer CK ONE. That's for either or, and you can wear it out without someone really picking up on it. Smelled it on a man, and it's uber sexy! He also chose colors for his skin tone that were flattering, and clothes that fit his shape. After all, women come in many shapes, sizes, weights, and heights, and there are clothes designed for them, so it's possible. Maybe read some of your wife's fashion mags (Cosmo and Glamour are fantastic for tips from clothes, makeup, colors, hair...ect.) to get some helpful tips & advice. As far as the anal cleanliness goes. There is almost always a tad bit of residue on toys when engaging in anal play. No matter how much you clean it out. Once that's understood & accepted, then the more comfortable you will be with it. If it's a really big concern, put condoms over the toys/fingers that you use. Makes clean up a breeeeeeeze!
  20. Wow!! That was soooo hot! Thanks for sharing!
  21. If it didn't smell like urine, and was clear, then, yes, you stimulated your G-Spot. It doesn't always produce an orgasm though. The best way to get a g-spot orgasm, in my experience, is to stimulate that AND have clit stimulation. Plus, relax, and, as you did before, make sure to go to the bathroom BEFORE you start your play. If you're worried about a mess, put a towel down beneath you first. If you're not sure what's coming out of you, use a white towel, and after, smell it. If it's not yellow, and doesn't smell like urine....then URINE LUCK! Just kidding. But then you will know that you have had a g-spot orgasm/stimulation!! Good luck!!
  22. Most companies won't risk it, and have an automatic denial for addresses in locations to send to banned areas. So, even if they wanted too, the order wouldn't even go thru. Here in TX, there are those Adult Superstores like theones already mentioned, and they're everywhere in the big cities, with big billboards, and huge lit up signs over their stores. WELCOME TO TEXAS!!!
  23. Damn. Their pool is OK. Well, I guess that it's good for the kids at least. Yeah, Thur, but, as clumsy as I am, I'm not too worried about it. It'll all even out. LOL Plus semi-hoping really isn't casting a spell, so I'm all good. I was more thinking on the lines of KARMA! LMAO
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