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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Darlin', I am honored that you told me before you posted it here or on MySpoace. I worry about you from time to time. It's also that's a brave thing that you've done, acknowledging it to yourself. Your Dad will have a hard time (stepfather), and a lot of family & friends will too, just because you dated men, now, all of a sudden (to them), you like women. Some will think it's a phase. Only with time, and persistence, will they understand. Don't over-talk about it, or try to over-justify, but, answer questions open and honestly as you are comfortable with. That's all you can really do. It's not up to you to get them to accept it, it's up to them. You are doing what you "should" do, as far as that goes, even though it's none of their business what you do in the bedroom, they should be warned that you are more interested in women, so as not to shock them at an inopportune moment, if you KWIM. LOL Best wishes sweetie!!
  2. Yeah, I'd love to get my DH to do this, but he's not the "internet" kinda guy! LOL The problem with the panty hose idea, is that once you rip a pair of hose, it's a one-time shot deal. They'll keep running. Plus, where this toy is differently shaped, and heavy, if you don't have good vaginal muscles yet, it still may pop out. I would just use your hands. They may come out with a harness designed for this particular toy though. The best way, we found, to use this toy, is with my hubby getting on top of me, with me on my back, and using my vaginal muscles, and squeezing my legs together, it stays in place really well.
  3. Eminatic had a great idea, delete him from your MySpace. For a while, put it on private. After a while, he should give up, and if you want, you can open it up again. You can post a blog explaining why you put yourself on private, and what he's done, if you feel the need to explain your actions. He has no life now that he is jobless, so putting up snide things about the person that got him fired (heaven forbid that he admit that his dumbass got himself fired), needs punishing. If he's insulting you to other people, then that shows how immature he is, especially if he's attacking your sexual style. Smart & mature people will see that. Acknowledging his lies just fuels his fire, and he knows you're paying attention. Just ignore it. No matter how insulting he is, be the better person and ignore him. People with either believe him or not. You can't control how other's see you. So, as hard as it is, ignore, delete, and move on darlin'. Don't let him get to you. BTW, I LOVE the name "assclown"!!!
  4. BTW, that was MY dildo, and it got stolen from me. But I will take my spankings like a good kitty should. But, be careful, this kitty's got claws, and she loves to mark people with them, especially down the back!!
  5. Thanks! Power to the Probe!!
  6. How long is the cord? Is it long enough to comfortably hold, without having your arm crooked funny?
  7. I admit it, I had to take a break and reread the post again. LOL And, another thing, I forgot to mention. Yes, you should absolutely stop doing him sexual favors if he's not willing to reciprocate. Darlin', a man that TRULY loves you will NOT insult you by saying that YOU bore him, and that he would RATHER have a TOY instead of YOU. He just doesn't like all the "work" that goes into sex with a relationship. He's a lazy SOB that doesn't know his head from his ass. I'm sorry to sound so bitchy, but, he's treating you like sh*t, and you're wondering what YOU are doing wrong? The only thing wrong in the relationship, is that he's still there, you're tolerating his behavior, and haven't kicked his sorry selfish ass to the curb. That's my opinion, we welcome yours....
  8. If you can't get DVDs shipped to Utah, then that will be the case with the free ones too. Porn is porn, whether it's something you buy, or free. There is probably a law against shipping porn over state lines there.
  9. Easy on the ass!! Thanks for the review!
  10. Don't you hate it when you stress over something you really don't have control over, and can't get to sleep, and then get woken up in the AM a few times?
  11. It's great you're learning new things, and getting more comfortable with yourself. Please be careful though (the mommy showin' thru there). I love doing the "corn on the cob" where I take my hubby's cock, and hold the base, then just nibble GENTLY, up and down the shaft, all around, then "lick the butter" too.
  12. LOL Aiden "I'm 45 and I don't know Jack!" iha & Thur is right, no matter how old or young you are, you should always try and learn new things when having sex. You can learn new things with a lover you've been with for 20 years! People's likes and dislikes may change. Always try to be open to new experiences and ideas with your lover. Just try and relax, take your time, and, when you feel like you're feeling super good, try deep breathing. A lot of the time, I orgasm while exhaling, taking deep, slow, controlled breaths.
  13. OK, OK! Let's all calm down here. I've been thru this thread 3 times now, just to make sure I got it all. The original intent of the thread was to see what opinions there are of cut vs. uncut penises (peni plural??). I personally, have never seen an uncut one. I can't tell you if I would like it or not. But, as a personal preference, due to what I am use too, I probably wouldn't like it. Again, I am not sure. Maybe it's me, but I don't find anything insulting or degrading by asking a simple question on a body part that many women love (and some men too!). And, no, I wouldn't get offended if a man asked the question "Boobs: big or tiny titties, which do you like?" Everyone has a preference, POV, and experience they can share, and should be respected as an individual. I don't think that the added link to the uncut penis was meant to insult, degrade, tease, or shock, but to show an uncut penis. Not to say "OMG!! Lookit that!". In fact, Sun was very direct when she started that post with "Never seen an uncut man??" Well, if you take it with a wrong tone (knowing Sun_Flower the way I do, I don't think for a minute that she is trying to insult anyone with that), yes, it could be in a teasing tone, but it's not. (BTW, I too think that the man looks cut.) The man that posted the original intro with that pic DID post in the correct forum, and wasn't crude or rude in his posting at all. So, therefore, to me, it's no big deal. The point was made that intros of men displaying their erections in intros may be due to men thinking this is a dating or hook up site. True that. Same goes for women that immediately post their genitals. Or maybe the man/woman is so confident that he likes to show him/herself off. Either way, and I could be wrong, but, I have never seen anyone degrade, insult, or tell a man that shows off his cock, or a woman that shows off breasts/pussy, that they are unwelcome, and not to show themselves that way. Hence why this board is just FULL of classy people! We can appreciate the human body for what it is: a unique work of art, no matter how it's shaped, sized, cut, or enhanced. The few that said that they wouldn't post a pic of themselves or their SOs genitals were just making light of it all, and I doubt that they were being degrading or looking down on anyone that chose to do so. How you take a post is on YOU, unless they are sooooo blatant that they are most DEFINITELY being insulted. Being honest is one thing, being vulgar and insulting is another. Again, please keep an open mind to what a poster probably is meaning, and don't jump to a negative conclusion right away. I took the time to reread several "ify" responses that struck me as such the first time, but rereading them really does help put it into perspective. Honest it does. If, for some reason, you find something insulting, degrading, or not up to standards on the forum, then, please, make an Admin aware of it. Report the offending post. Sometimes the post is deleted, sometimes, it's not. It's all up to the discretion of the Owners and Admins of the board.
  14. Where I don't have a terminal or dibilitating illness such as your wife, I also have some issues that prevent us from having sex as often as we would like. It's very admirable and compassionate of you to be as supportive of her as you are. It takes a lot of love and devotion to be able to continue to be as supportive as you are to her, and that is wonderful! You truly are the MOHD!!
  15. I'm assuming that this "bitch" made your clit more sensitive though?
  16. Wow!! Thanks for mentioning that it isn't waterproof! Most silicone toys that I've seen ARE waterproof, so this is good to know. I noticed on the shopping site that this toy is curved for g-spot stimulation. Did it get there for you? Great review!
  17. Thanks, Val, for adding pics. You're always so helpful! Please be sure to add pics to any and all reviews (mandatory if you're part of the Review Team). I'm glad this toy worked well for you. I know it's always said, but please, remember, when using silicone toys (like Cyberskin and the like), stay away from silicone based lubes.
  18. Question: Was this your first masturbator sleeve? If so, most men are kind of intimidated by using something like this for the first time, so that's normal too.
  19. I, for one, am honored that so many of you value our input as much as you do. I hope that we all continue to do right by all of you.
  20. HOney, he is NOT going to get better without some EXTREME counselling. And, with controlling as he sounds, he won't go, IMHO. You are his prisoner. And, he throws fits and tantrums because you get out of his control, and have independant thoughts. Any man that has threatened you extensively is NOT joking. No matter what kind of spin he tries to put on it. Getting super horny while pregnant is normal, with hormones fluxuating, and things all over the female body engorging with some sort of fluid! And him saying you didn't look good after pregnancy?? WTF is that? Control, that's what it is. Nobody's body ever looks the same after having a baby, especially if you had the baby via-c-section. I know he's the father of your baby, but, while he's at work, grab all the stuff you can, and get out of the house! Do NOT call him, do NOT write to him, and put a order of protection out on him. That way, you CAN'T go back without him going to jail. He's going to hurt or kill you. He is uber controlling, selfish, and he doesn't really love you. He may think he does, and says that the thought of loosing you just KILLS him, well, darlin', that's the oldest line in the Abuser's Handbook. He can't stand the thought of loosing you and the control he has over you. If he truly cared, he would've given you the baby's things, and tried to work it out, not keep all that stuff to get you to come back. He is emotionally abusing you, and holding you hostage. I hope you re-read your posts. Really see how bad it is. A loving relationship isn't about fear, control, and selfishness. It's about love, respect, and a willingness to compromise. I can guarantee that he doesn't even know the meaning of the word compromise! Best wishes!
  21. I have the Feeldoe Slim (blue in color). This double dildo is different than other ones. It's curved shape is designed for a woman, by a woman, made out of medical based silicone. Due to the curve of this toy, it's not really designed for a normal harness. A normal harness has a hole near the pubic bone (of the wearer). A double harness has another toy for inside the wearer. Now, a pair of cotton or nylon panties may be cut for this, but I don't think that it would hold it in very well. You also could fashion a harness out of a pr. of leather panties, with a little bit of seing and cutting, you could do it, and it would offer a bit of a stiffer hole to hold the toy in place better. Harnesses and the toys that go with them, work together with hole placements and sizes and the bases of the toy, to hold the toy as firmly in place as possible (for that harness). The point of a Feeldoe, for the one that is doing the thrusting, is to work the vaginal muscles to make them stronger. You can also hold the toy with your hand, which, honestly, is a bit uncomfortable the first few times, since it's something to get use too. I hope this helps.
  22. I thought of a couple more: Don't you hate it when something you've been eyeing, finally bought, goes down on clearance and you can't get the difference back? Don't you hate it when your neighbors are inconsistent: they're nice one day and psychotic the next? Don't you hate it when you find out that a favorite movie of yours turns into an "American Classic"? Don't you hate it when you see styles that were "cool, dope, totally awesome" come back into style?
  23. I'm glad she's at least opening up to the idea. I hope it goes well for you both!
  24. This is hilarious - no wonder some people were offended! This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School California staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This is the actual answering machine message for the school. This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework. The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades - even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes. The outgoing message: Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection: To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1 To make excuses for why your child did not do his work -Press 2 To complain about what we do - Press 3 To swear at staff members - Press 4 To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5 If you want us to raise your child - Press 6 If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7 To request another teacher, for the third time this year - Press 8 To complain about bus transportation - Press 9 To complain about school lunches - Press 0 If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework and that it's not the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day! If you want this in Spanish, move to a country that speaks it!
  25. After having been served in a Las Vegas cocktail lounge, a real southern gentleman beckoned the waitress and said quietly, 'Miss, y'all sure are a luvly, luvly lady; can ah persuade y'all to give me a piece uh ass?' 'Lord, that's the most direct proposition I've ever had!' gasped the girl. Then she looked around the room, smiled and added, 'Sure, why not? You're nice lookin' too and it's pretty slow here right now, so why don't we just slip away up to my room? ' When the pair returned half an hour later, the man sat down at the same table and the waitress asked, 'Will there be anything else, sir?' 'Why yes,' replied the southern gentleman. 'Ah sure 'preciate what y'all just did for me; it was real sweet and right neighbourly! But where ah come from in Albama, we lack our bourbon real cold, so ah still need to trouble y'all for a piece uh as s for mah drink.'
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