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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. These were a while ago, and this sorceress remains one of my all-time favorites I've ever done!!! And, I did this one about 3 yrs ago, to see if I still "got it", and I think I do!!!
  2. This is a mirror we found, and it was white, but, again, chipped, so I got some spray paint (I am the spray paint Goddess) and customized it for colors in my bathroom. I got this at Wal*Mart. They were selling some local's woodwork, and I thought this would be cute in Sami's room. She picked the paint out, and lo, and behold, she has a bluehouse!! OK, OK, my BATHROOM is purple!! I resprayed the above mirror a darker purple, to match this candlestand that I've had for a while. I got the stand at a yard sale for $10, and painted it (with paint, not the spray). LOL I love making things to be more to "our" tastes!!! It's a lot of fun.
  3. LMAO OK, you caught us!! You thought he was working, but those flights from TX to AZ are a bitch!! LMAO
  4. Are y'all finally starting to really thaw out?
  5. There are cabinets with doors on either side of the TV, and below that, all filled with DVDs!! The one on the bottom left hand cabinet is our PORN cabinet!! LOL Thanks! Yes, she is quite the camera ham! LOL
  6. My husband built the entertainment center (my daughter couldn't help getting in the pic to ham it up), And my Mother bought the ceiling fan for Sami's room (just a $20 basic one), and that was to replace the one that didn't work in our daughter's room. My daughter's favorit color is like mine...purple! LOL So, I got some spray paint, and sprayed some pieces purple, but still wanted white here and there. Our daughter LOVES her new fan!!
  7. Vinyl outfits, thigh high boots, and a battery belt!! LOL
  8. Please insert a pic of the item, thanks. Glad this was a good one for you. Some men don't like the brightly colored masturbators. I looked it up, and I believe that it's made out of jelly (rubber), which does grab lint and hair around, easily.
  9. I'm glad this stuff worked for you. I'm always a bit skeptical on these, having many that have failed before. BTW, if you have any STD, such as I do, L'Arginine has been link to flare-ups with certain ones.
  10. Magnum Torture Device..... Sorry it didn't work out so well for you.
  11. Very nice!! I love your rating system! LOL Screaming O's!! Sweet!
  12. Congratulations!!! What a fantastic accomplishment to rightly brag about!!! Awesome!!!
  13. Over in the Article submission forum, I put a pic of one of my vibrators.....a good friend, and a great vibrator, had gone thru some major trauma, sacrificed himself, unknowingly, for the good of the board. Please bow your head in silence for him, and learn from our mistakes.....let's not make his sacrifice in vein....I mean vain! Thank you.
  14. So, you know how we're always warning against using silicone toys and silicone lubes? Well, this was a big oopie on our part, but, I thought it would make a good lesson for the rest of the board. I had used some silicone lube on a dildo of mine (rubber), and THOUGHT I had cleaned it really well, but I guess not, cuz, some was left on the rubber dildo, and I had put a rubber dildo and this silicone dildo vibrator together, in a nice, dry toybox, in their own soft bag. And, well, you can see that even RESIDULE silicone lube can really deteriorate the silicone in a silicone toy!! Some of the "bent" looking areas, are STILL mushy, and very thin in some places. Imagine that happening INSIDE of you!! EWWWWWW!!!! And, I haven't used either toy in months!! I have now since seperated each toy that may even be questionable of what they're made of (since I had thrown away some of the packages), and have organized the toy box even more. So, just to let you all know, yes it really DOES happen, it CAN happen, and it can happen to the most experienced toy users!!! Please click on it and REALLY look at what a little lube on the wrong toy can do!!
  15. P.S.....I'm a good driver!! LOL Maybe not when he had to follow me in Houston, but if you don't like a mad-person there, it's on like "Donkey Kong"! LOL
  16. Tyger


    I'm really glad that you wrote the "PS" to your post, because, if you want for her to change, it's gotta be a 2 way street. She probably has issues with you as well, but won't say anything. This sort of non-communication has to start to change somewhere, and people like to see others trying too, especially when they're being expected to change. Not talking about anything in your relationship (sexual, emotional, financial, whatever) can't expected to get better if you don't address the issue. Saying "I love you" to her and your kids is a GREAT way to start changing, especially if she knows how you grew up, but, what else is there? You're wanting her to change her whole thought process, which can be a lot deeper for some people. Showing her that you are willing to do some heavy changing yourself, will help her feel that she won't be the only one making an effort, and feeling bad about herself, and possible getting a grudge against you too. Telling your wife that she doesn't do it for you, no matter how you word it, it's going to make her feel bad. What's going to be tricky, is letting her know that it's not HER your disappointed with, but the lack of passion in the bedroom. A woman is wired to want to please people in her life. However, if she was instilled with deep-seeded values about sex, then this will be extremely harder for her to try and overcome. Some people have it so ingrained into them that they can't get over it, or never learn HOW to overcome these beliefs. People need to WANT to change as well. If she's happy with how she thinks, feels, and acts, she won't want to change. After all these years, it's worked for her, and it may seem, to her, that you want her to do some uber changing all of a sudden. If she doesn't like your personality, well, that's a bit harder to address, since, your personality is what makes you YOU. Now, if she just has a problem with your sincerity, that can be worked on. Too much complimenting can sound insincere. So can the tone of the voice. If she has a low self-esteem, then, no matter how sincere you are, she won't believe you, and you can't help that. There are a lot of issues here that sound like they will need some heavy duty work, and possible some marriage counselling, so you both can learn the TOOLS & SKILLS to make geniune changes that will stick. Best wishes to you both!
  17. Noooooooooooo (although that would be nice......) . I seem to recall you doing some ceramics with me.......
  18. Thanks!! I'll be dusting off the other ceramics I've painted too, and getting pics of those up *ahem VAL!!!!! KNOCK KNOCK!!* sometime soon.
  19. I reviewed a great dual action toy called High Octane Thrusting Dual Action Vibrator: This toy is WELL worth the $$!!!
  20. Some toys don't loose the smell totally, no matter how much you wash it. Let it air out a bit, if you can. That may help. Other than that, I would suggest some scented lube to help kill the smell, when using the toy.
  21. Darlin', it takes a big person to admit their faults. And, your family is probably well aware of them too. That said, you SHOULD be proud that you are graduating, and it's NOT your fault that your sister failed something so her graduation will be later (I'm assuming that's why her graduation is getting pushed up further). I'm sure when she graduates a big deal will be made. So, you're an adult, and I would tell whomever it was that asked you that that you WILL do what you want, and if that includes a big ole BBQ party or whatever it is you want to do, then, if they don't feel comfortable going, they'll be excused. It's YOUR day to be proud, and for them to ask that of you is insensitve to YOUR feelings!! *raises a big ole bottle of Coors to you*!!!
  22. Many of my toys are in their original packages, just to help prevent melting. Excessive heat can cause some jelly, rubber, and even some cybersking toys to melt. They have a better chance of retaining their shapes in their packages. However, if you use silicone lubes with silicone toys, this can cause the materials in the toys to liquify/get mushy, and then you get silicone melting too. Goo-y mess! YUK!
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