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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Thanks for checking on your hubby's port-a-pussy! LOL You know, anywhere else, that would sound REALLY BAD!!
  2. Again, let me echo Thurisas' recommendation that you really read over the after-affects of 3-somes. Most marriages are NOT strong enough to survive the aftermath of one. Then, there's sometimes one or the other spouse trying to hook up with the 3rd party outside of the relationship, never a good idea. If you are up in the air about the whole thing, then, it sounds like you're not really ready to do such a thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound all preachy here. Personally, if there's no issues and everyone's ok with it, what happens in your bedroom is YOUR business. Most of us are pretty open-minded. But, we also know that marriage is hard enough, without voluntarily bringing in someone else into the mix, and sometimes drama, of regular life. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  3. I had one lover, that was so big (which was decieving, cuz he was only 5'5" at the most, height wise), that he had torn me internally. Not enough to really show or for me to feel much of it. But, about 2 yrs into our relationship, I had my yearly exam, so I didn't have sex for the 2 days before, as requested, and my GYN told me I had "some slight scarring from, um, an overly large penis" she said.
  4. That's one area my husband sucks at (and not a "good" kinda sucking either). I've gotten the same "I dunno" response. I'm like you HAVE to fantasize. Everyone does. He says, no, that he's happy with me, so he doesn't NEED too. Or that I've fulfilled ALL of his fantasies. WHAT? Just because you fantasize, doesn't mean you're unhappy. And, your imagination should always be working, so WTF?? One of mine, he's already done (with another woman waaaaaaaaaay back when....). I'd LOVE to have sex on a horse (with a saddle, and not WITH the horse!! LOL). He didn't seem overly thrilled with that, since he's done it already, but I told him that to get him started. Didn't work.
  5. I have a friend that is REALLY interested in this particular item, but has a question. Does this vagina have a hole at the "end", or is does it just have the opening's hole? I looked all over the place, and couldn't find the answer. LOL
  6. OK, think of this LOGICALLY then, if you will. If you were the ONLY man looking at porn, why would the movies be created? There is a market for them for a reason: there's a demand for it. So, you're not doing anything "wrong". You're a MAN. Men are visually stimulated. There is NOTHING wrong with porn. So long as it's "legal" (no underaged girls/guys), then, please don't feel bad. You're not replacing a REAL woman with PORN, so, this really isn't a mortal sin. I don't know how you were raised, but darlin', it's not making you a bad person. Porn is fantasies on the screen. Please don't feel guilty. It's not like you HAVE to have porn to get off, right? Finding a woman that's worthy of your kindness, care, and attention take time to find. You're young, take some time, date, learn what you like, what kind of girl (morals, personality, and so on) you prefer. And, have fun!
  7. Welcome to the forum. First off, fantasies are just that, FANTASIES. Your own personal pleasures deep in your mind. Why is this a bad thing? Just because you're fantasizing about this doesn't make it a goal of yours. And, even if it does, and you're single, use protection, & have willing partners, why is this wrong? What happens between consenting adults, not matter how many, is just that, private. No need to feel guilty about this, IMO.
  8. Subject: 1948 Is this just a coincidence? Thought you might appreciated this little known bit of knowledge. Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, almost exactly 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal Agencies and organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, (nine months after that historic day), the following people were born: Albert A. Gore, Jr. Hillary Rodham John F. Kerry William J. Clinton Howard Dean Nancy Pelosi Dianne Feinstein Charles E. Schumer Barbara Boxer See what happens when aliens breed with sheep? I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It certainly did for me.
  9. Darlin', toys are ENHANCEMENTS in the bedroom, not replacements. They're supoose to add fun to your love-life, not substitute it for love & affection with your partner. I can guarantee that NONE of us would say that sex toys should replace any aspect in your bedroom at all. In fact, in several posts & reviews, you will see phrases like, "I'd rather have the real thing, but", or "Toys are for adult play and shouldn't be used to replace human contact". So, where toys are GREAT additives, they won't give you everything you crave, especially emotionally, and they shouldn't. The only way to get more passion, affection, and the touching you crave, is to speak with your husband about it. After 21 yrs, you've both probably fallen into a rut where you've let your needs go for so long, that he doesn't think that you want/need it anymore. He won't know 'til you ask him and talk with him. Make him pay attention to you, but don't try blaming it all on him. The first response to when people blame you for stuff, is to get defensive. Talk with him away from the bedroom, without accusations, some examples, what you want/need, and when he brings stuff up that he wants to see change (and he will), then be prepared to fully listen to HIM too, and own up to what he's saying if there's a ring of truth to it too. These ruts in marriage are totally normal, but you need to have to be willing to do something about it, before it will happen. Good luck and best wishes!
  10. Looks at Meaghan and *winks*. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuthin'..............
  11. Spy Satellite to hit earth OK, so, I do understand that this is a dangerous thing, that didn't do it's job. HOwever, this also fries my ass. It never reached its full orbit, never did work right, and was "declared a loss in '07"??? Well thanks for wasted our tax dollars on a potential hazard falling from the sky, Mr. Government, please shoot a 10K pound item (and who knows how much $$) up there without making SURE that it worked 100%!!! I sure do appreciate it!
  12. Absolutely Blissful! Glass is one of my ultimate faves!! And I was very very skeptical the first time I got a glass toy, but, trying IS believing!
  13. OMG!! Yes, it DOES!! And I just aged myself, cuz I know EXACTLY what you're talking about!!! Or how about those Higgly Town Heros? LMG!! LMAO Now I fell all "dirty". Just kidding!! LMAO
  14. I LOVE bullets, so I was excited to get this little bullet to try out. Pretty in pink, I notice that the two 1.5 volt batteries needed for this vibe, come included. We know how much that is always appreciated!! I take it out of it’s cute box, unwrap the batteries, get them installed easily, screw on the cap, and was startled to find out that just screwing the cap back on turns it ON. You have to take the cap off if you want the toy to go off. And it only has one speed, which is like a medium high. OK, figured out. The vibes really aren't that loud either. The vibes were OK, but not as strong as I like (but I do like STRONG vibes). The main part of the bullet is that “soft” feeling plastic. That, to me, is just an amazing invention, which I also love. I also like the fact that this item has a nylon wrist strap on it, so you don’t have to worry about dropping it. This toy is waterproof too, so another added bonus. It's about 2.5" long total, and, at the widest point, about 1". I really liked the fact that this item had a cone-type shape to it, allowing for a more direct stimulation. As I mentioned, I was disappointed in the strength of the vibes on this item, and since you have to remove the cap and/or batteries to shut it off, if you put this toy in a purse or bag, it should be in it’s own little case of some sort. So the convenience of this toy is not that great either. Unfortunately, you win some, and you loose some. This one was a loss for me. Will this one be discreet enough for you?
  15. I think I may rename you Mikayla "Dickinsher". You know I love ya!! Great review!!
  16. This is kinda a catch 22 here. I've been with "small" men (under 6", and over 9"). Some of the larger men thought that just because they had a big cock, they didn't need to do anything. Um, WRONG!!! And, some men will try and make up for their, um, shortcummings. Sorry, couldn't resist. LOL There was one man that I was with, who was, MAYBE 5", hard. But, I was falling hard for him, so that didn't matter, and he gave great oral. We didn't work out for lots of reasons, and his dick size was NOT one of them. Froggy's right, it's talent that matters the most. But I DO love having my pussy feel really full!
  17. Resembling the glass from a thermometer, this toy is so cool to look at, and, of course, it’s glass, which is one of my favorite toy materials. 100% hypoallergenic, easy to use, sturdy, pretty, and easy to clean, this wand really knows how to cast a spell! And it even comes with a nice little pouch to store it safely in! If I were a “Hogwart’s” student, THIS wand would be the wand to choose me as it’s magical partner. It’s cast its own spell on me for sure!! After being chosen for the house of “Muffindorff”, my magical education will begin. Learning magical spells to protect one self is very important. However, I have also signed up for Pleasing Classes as well. I grab my books, and my 8” glass wand, and go to my first class. First, cast the spell “Titillando”, with my wand. which is a tickling spell, and the wand tickles my lips, and clit with its cold, hard tip. Then with the spell “Ascendio-Retractum” the wand moves in & out of my excited labia. I feel the magic swirling all around my hot opening. I can feel the blue upraised swirls at the tip really rubbing the right way, and the bulb at the base allows me to hold onto my wand as it does its magic on me. The straight shaft may look uncomfortable, but trust me, it isn’t! I love the feel of the cool glass slowly warming up to my own body heat. After a few good orgasms spurred on with a little clit help, my spell “Arresto Momentum” stops the thrusting, and I can lay back, and dream comfortably, being sexually satisfied, and dream of more magical adventures and spells with my glass wand! My next spell will be the one where I can block "Experiamus", which disarms your opponent, because I never want to loose my grip on THIS! Fall under the Blue Swirl's Spell.....
  18. Honey, I am sorry that you lost your baby. I hope that you have family & friends around that you've told about this, and are there to help you out. And, Nature being as it is, everyone here is correct. Miscarriages happen a lot, and there's NOTHING you can do about it. Even if you were told "Bed Rest", you STILL could've lost the baby. For some reason, your body said that now was not the time for you to have a baby. At such a young age, I'm not sure why doctor's diagnosed you unable to have kids, but, as mentioned in your other post, MANY people have been told they can't have kids, and they've gone on to have one, two, even three. So, unless you go to a fertility specialist later on, when you're completely ready to have kids, then I wouldn't be ringing the Doomsday Bell on that aspect yet. My hubby had surgeries on his testicles when he was a baby, and was told that he'd never be able to have children. Well, he has TWO now!! Anyway, please keep in mind there was nothing you could've done, and, as hard as it is, please don't blame yourself.
  19. Russell, welcome to the forums. At the risk of repeating myself, please take the time and go over the Sex Toy Review section here in the Adult Talk forum. You can do a search for dildos IN the forum (search box is down at the bottom of a forum's page), and find dildos that were reviewed by our reviewers, what they liked or disliked about each one. Real people, giving real, honest opinions. You will also see, once you delve in deeper, that, if something doesn't work for us, for whatever reason (which we give), we say that too. We don't get paid for reviewing, and no companies offer us reviewers any "bonuses" for pumping up their products, so we're always open and honest. A few keys to getting a dildo: What sort of material will she/you like? What kind of care are you willing to give to said dildo? How big/long does she prefer? Does width matter more than length? Phallic (penis looking) or non-phallic looking? And, of course, how much are you willing to spend? Personally, I just reviewed 2 similar items, glass dildos that have a helix pattern swirled in the glass. I LOVE glass!! I am one that prefers a strong vibe on my clit, but, for me, glass just seems exotic, erotic, and different! Plus, caring for glass dildos is sooooo easy and simple: wash & go!
  20. Your woman is a LUCKY one iha!!! Though, I can't complain. My man loves to perform oral on me too.....
  21. Please tell me that the "23 a batteries" was a typo......23???? About the wireless, did you test to see how far you could go away from the bullet before it lost signal? Please remember to include a pic AND a link to the item that you've reviewed. It's just easier for everyone to see a toy, and instantly access it, without having to take extra time.
  22. I too have been known, in the past, to fake it. I got rather good at it too. However, I too, have learned that I was only hurting myself by neglecting MY needs for HIS ego! And, just like men, each woman cums differently. Some are more toned by doing their Kegels, so you can feel it more, some women are louder, and do other things as they cum, and some just clench and spasm uncontrollably, unable to do much while in the throes of orgasms! So, especially in a new relationship, I bet it's almost impossible for a man to tell.
  23. Welcome to the forum! There could be many reasons as to why he doesn't go down on you, ranging from: ~he's out of practice ~he doesn't REALLY like it, and since you haven't pushed the issue, he's happy to not do it ~maybe he had a past lover that didn't like it ~he's selfish and only thinks of HIS needs and desires ~is inconsiderate in the bedroom Any of these are NOT acceptable. There could be many more, but, in my experience, these are the most common reasons why oral doesn't happen. The only way to make this better is to TALK with him about it, away from the bedroom. Just ask him why he's been neglecting his oral duties. If you bring it up, and address it, there is NO excuse for him not to do it. Best wishes!
  24. I think the price of insurance is ridiculous. But, the prices of cars, car parts, and fixing them up is also ridiculous too!! Jeez! I had, back in 1993, a 91' Ford TEMPO of all things, and, got into an accident with it. A piece of PLASTIC trim, about, MAYBE 4" long, new, from the factory, was $180!!! Thankfully, I had a "crooked" body shop, and they were able to fix my car at a lower rate, so I had no out of pocket costs. And, they guaranteed the work for the whole time I owned the car. We insure 2 vehicles, both relatively new, (both 2004), car and a truck, no accidents on our records anymore, and no speeding tickets. We've broken it down to monthly payments, and it just went down from $175 a month (full coverage), to $150 per month here in Texas, insured by Geico. It's a little higher, but, we've been with them for almost 4 yrs, and when Hurricane Rita came thru here, and I called them to tell them that my insurance payment was going to be about 2 weeks late since I was an evacuee, the FIRST thing the rep asked me was if I was ok, and if EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY was ok, not "when can you get the payment in?". That, to me, spoke volumes. GREAT customer service won out there for sure!!! One thing that royally pissed me off, is that, I was with State Farm from the age of 16, until I was 32 years old. Never cancelled, never had late payments, nothing. I sold my car, cancelled my policy, naturally. When we got our cars 4 months later, they wanted me to have a CREDIT CHECK ran!!! I was like, you have GOT to be kidding me!!! I was a customer for 16 yrs, and you want to run a CREDIT CHECK??? I told them that I would NEVER deal with them again. I was totally insulted by that. What also irritates me, is that, if you need assistance (state), they don't take your car insurance into consideration, yet they will your FREAKIN' CELL PHONE, since "everyone has them now". Um, hello?? Everyone HAS to have car insurance if they have a car on the road!! To me, cell phones are NOT a necessaty, but car insurance is state mandated. Totally crazy!
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