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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. That looks so cute!! How'd I miss this one?? Did you get the orange one?
  2. I think that some people have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on their hands to second guess, and over analyze. More effort should be made in learning, not disproving. I'm all for finding out the truth, don't get me wrong. However, this is yet another example of people over-analyzing something that, even though it IS wonderful writing, and it IS a part of history, and in NO way am I down playing (sorry, couldn't resist that one either) it, but, in the grand scheme of everything, how important is it to discredit or prove THIS particular thing? I have to agree with Mikayla. It's really up to the believer. In the words of Reba MacEntire "I got one word for ya: letitgoooooo!"
  3. I have some "adult games" that I got from Spencer's, which are fun. But your question was for homemade games. Why not modify games you have at home? Such as poker: strip poker, or sexual favors poker? Have the chips represent a different act:blue for shower games, Red for oral, white for positions. Go fish, same idea. Each match means a different piece of clothing off, of the one that gets a successful pairing. Or Scrabble. Have dirty word scrabble. Or sexual act scrabble. The one with the most points gets to have their sexual wishes fulfilled. How about a Find and Seek game thru the house/apartment. Leaving little clues here and there, directing them to another clue, and making sexual references? Make up your own Sexual Trivia. Using the internet, this site, and other sites, making up "cards" and having a point system. Thing of something fun for the winner. Like a bubble bath, massage, or mad oral fun! Hope some of these help.
  4. I have to agree with Howard. A successful relationship is based on TRUST & open communication. Of course you want to be willing to try new things, so long as you're BOTH comfortable doing so. Putting forth ideas is good, but, a good partner will accept a "no thank you", and move on. I'm all for experimentation, but, BOTH parties have to be willing to try it. If your GF wants to experiment, that's great, but, it can't be behind your back, or not against what you are willing to do. If she keeps pushing and pushing, the relationship should be rethought. It's disrespectful and inconsiderate. If she's bi-sexual, gay, or straight is only something that she can figure out, and it should not be at the expense of your morals.
  5. We need a "neener neener neener" smiley here!! LOL Sorry Emily, I just HAD to try it out, and was excited to post my results. Don't be such a slacker next time!! *Hugs*
  6. No, sorry, that's not me. I wouldn't post myself like that on here. Too chicken I guess!! LOL That kinda pic would be reserved for my personal kinky scrapbook!
  7. This toy looks SO cool!! Some battery packs slide out for easier insertion. I don't have this one, however, if you have questions or concerns, call Meaghan at TooTimid, and she will be glad to help you our or send a replacement.
  8. Well that is a GREAT anniversary surprise!! I hope it really happened too!
  9. I'm thinking that THIS is what she meant, since she said "clitoral hood piercing". At least this is what I would want to get, if I got brave enough to do so. I got the photo from Wikipedia, just for those who are curious.
  10. 1. Would you be in control? IF YOU WANTED ME TOO 2. Would you pull my hair? ABSOLUTELY 3. Would you whisper in my ear? DIRTY FUCKIN' WORDS OF COURSE!!!! 4. Would you talk dirty to me? SEE ABOVE! 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? GUESS IT WOULD DEPEND ON WHERE AND THE MOOD 6. Would you say my name? YEP 7. Would you go down on me? ABSOLUTELY 8. Would you let me give you a hickie? LOVE 'EM! 9. How many rounds would we go? HOWEVER MANY WE COULD STAND 10. What would you wanna do afterwards? PROBABLY LAY DOWN LOL 11. Would you take off all ur clothes then take mine off slowly? YOURS FIRST 12. Would you lick and bite me all over? LOVE THE LICKING AND BITING 13. Would you like 2 play or get straight to the point? PLAY FIRST 14. Would you want me to take my time? OF COURSE 15. Would u fall asleep with me when we were done? MOST LIKELY 16. fast or slow? BIT OF BOTH 17. Where would u wanna "do it" at? IN A ROMANTIC BEDROOM, SOFT LIGHTS, AND AN ASSORTMENT OF TOYS!!! LOL 18 Would u be loud or quiet? PROBABLY LOUD 19. Would you mind if i licked you? ABSOLUTELY NOT! 20. Would you do it 2day? IF YOU WERE CLOSER LOL 21. Would you do it 2morrow? WHAT TIME'S THE FLIGHT? 22. Are you going to re-post these so I can answer them for you? SURE
  11. Unfortunately for you, Worm, sex toys/masturbators aren't made to accomodate piercings, especially several, such as you have. But, it's a good thing to keep in mind. Now Mikayla has me wanting to think about a clit hood piercing......hot hot hot!!
  12. I loved these!! I have a list somewhere of Tech Support calls too. Some people!! LOL
  13. Three handsome male dogs were walking down the street when they saw a beautiful, enticing, female Poodle. The three male dogs fell all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first but ended up arriving in front of her at the same time. The males were speechless before her beauty, slobbering on themselves and hoping for just a glance from her. Aware of her charms and her obvious effect on the three suitors, she decided to be kind and said, "The first one of you who can use the words 'liver' and 'cheese' together in an imaginative, intelligent sentence can go out with me." The sturdy, muscular black Lab spoke up quickly and said, "I love liver and cheese." "Oh, how childish," said the lovely Poodle. "That shows no imagination or intelligence, whatsoever." Turning to the tall, shiny Golden Retriever, she asked, "How well can you do?" "Um I HATE liver and cheese," blurted the Golden Retriever. "My, my," said the Poodle. "I guess it's hopeless. That's just as pitiful as what the Lab said." She then turned to the last of the three dogs and asked, "How about you, little guy?" The last of the three: tiny in stature, but big in fame and finesse, was the Taco Bell Chihuahua .. He gave her a smile and a sly wink, then turned to the Golden Retriever and the Lab and said. . . "Liver alone. Cheese mine."
  14. Never heard about the saline solution trick....I will have to try that one. After all, can't be TOO smooth down there!! Thanks for the info! I get razor burn pretty easily. Another key in successful shaving, is finding something that works for HER. Unfortunately, this can take some time and money, because you're buying different products. My favorite product that I use to use, is no longer sold, as my luck. However, Coochie Cream really worked great! Also, is she applying lotion afterwards? If so, she needs to stop. I don't know if she is or not, since that wasn't mentioned. But, if she IS, and she's doing it right after she gets out, she needs to wait for a few hours after shaving, to give the pores time to heal up. Any lotions applied on a freshly shaved area, especially one that's not use to being shaved, will irritate the skin.
  15. The hair pulling question got me wondering who likes biting? Do you like to bite, or be bit? Both? Hard, or just a nibble? I love to bite, and be bit, both firmly. Nibbling is nice too. Puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr!!!
  16. Just goes to show that no matter how long you've been together, you can still discover new ways to please each other!!
  17. Just to give you a laugh, one day, I was at work, sitting down (retail), doing something in a showcase. This fairly attractive man started flirting with me. I stood up, and I was at the very least, a head taller than him. He blurted out, "Oh, sorry. You're just too tall". Before I could stop myself, I said "No, you're just too short" and I walked off, with confidence. If someone is so superficial as to not want to have any sort of relationship due to height, then they're really not worth it. Yes, my husband is 6', however, my second longest relationship, the man was 5'5" or so. Much noticably shorter than I. He was sweet, wonderful, and we had a great time. Our relationship never had an issue due to height.
  18. I'm glad that you decided against this type of relationship. The major key to any relationship such as those, is TRUST. The dom AND sub(s) need to trust each other. Having safe words, and saying things that are TRUE, are extremely important. Nor should something like that be racially supported in that kind of situation, IMO. Some people have a hard time letting the past go by the wayside, and that could end up becoming painfully, and unwillingly violent. It's great that you were able to see that, and thru the lies, and get outta there!! You will find someone who will be willing to be everything you want and need. Sometimes the searching is half the fun! Best wishes!
  19. Call Meaghan at TooTimid. I'm almost certain that the guarantee extends to the freebies as well. Like 99% sure. Glad you found us! Read & Post! Glad to have ya!
  20. GKSextoys comes out with their very own version of the Pocket Rock-It, and not much has changed with the design. Why mess with something that works really well? The main massager looks pretty much identical to the Hustler P.R., but this pink plastic cutie has 4 additional options: different hard little cups that go over the tip of the vibe. Each cup has a different feature: smooth and rounded, 6 round nubbies, one has a few more pointier nubbies, then there’s one that kind of looks almost like bristles. Then, of course, you have the choice of just using the 3 metal nubbies that are already on the vibe itself. The cups easily snap on and off. Plus they’re very easy to clean. You can just pop those in the dishwasher after use, to clean in between those pointy nubs. I don’t recommend that you put the vibe itself in there, because of the metal connectors inside of it, but that washes off well in the sink, with soap and warm water. Only taking one AA battery (not incl.), inserting it in as the picture on the base shows (which is handy), twist the top back on, I twisted it to turn it on to it’s one setting and this toy very, very powerful. Which is perfect for this gal that demands those strong vibes! It’s a little loud, but it lights up, AND it’s waterproof for some shower fun! My favorite cups were the more pointy 2. I’m the type that loves firm, direct stimulation, so those really worked well for me. Plus, I am always able to have some powerful orgasms with the metal nubbies too, which this toy did for me several times. You just can’t go wrong with that!! This toy is great for many reasons. It’s so simple that it works, which is one of the most important ones! Inexpensive, waterproof, easy to care for, it has many many options for those people that love to switch it up in the bedroom. It’s also so easy to tuck in your pocket or purse for those times where you just want a solo-quickie. Like flour in your kitchen, this type of toy should be a staple in your sex toy box, in my opinion! Sure enough to please almost anyone, I recommend the Pocket Rock-It to every level of toy user. Rocket in your Pocket! UPDATED 9-10-07 I used this toy with my hubby last night, and, I noticed after we were done, that there was some condensation inside the toy, up near the "head" of it. I cleaned it up, and then opened it up to allow it to airdry, but it still continues to work. There was no condensation when we started, for I showed the toy to him while the lights were on, so I could see it. Maybe mine has a leak, but I still stand by my recommendation. These toys are definitely a toy box staple!!
  21. Yep, a graveyard, on top of a big hill, with a small airport on one side of it. Val, you know which one I'm talkin' about!!!
  22. Sex Toys & Elegance. Those 4 words don’t usually go together…until now. Lelo comes out with this “pleasure object”, and I was thoroughly in awe of this one. And that’s saying something. First, I was impressed with the packaging: a simple black box, with simple silver and white lettering. I open that up, and slide out another hard black case. Removing the lid, I was impressed with the elegant simplicity of this curved, 3 toned item. It’s slightly curved shape was intriguing. The handle part is pearly white, with a circular push controller. The band around the middle is metallic silver. The insertable part is a satiny feeling black silicone. The picture on the site here makes it look dark blue, but it's not. It's only 6.5" long, but not to worry, length isn't everything. They specifically state in the instructions NOT to use silicone lubes with this toy. They also recommend storing this toy away from other toys made of different materials as well. This toy is also not waterproof. I lifted the toy out, and noticed that the box still felt rather heavy. I lift the tray the toy was sitting on, and lo & behold a plug, satiny black bag and instructions……whoa! Wait a minute! “A plug?” you say? Yes, that’s right, this baby is rechargeable!! The plug in is in the handle, at the very tip of it, under a small rubber piece that you pry up to expose the outlet. Then, just plug it into your wall outlet. I peek at the instructions, and it only takes one hour for this to charge up, and it gives you 1.5 hours of vibrations. And, when it’s charging, the white LED light blinks. When it’s all charged up, the white light stays on steadily. Do NOT charge for more than 24 hours. More is NOT better with this toy. And if the battery starts to run low, the LED light will turn to a red sheen, instead of white, when the dial is pushed. The dial controller has 5 modes: continous vibe, short intervals pulsations, intermediate interval pulsations, extended interval pulsations, "before & after". You can control the intensity in the mode by pressing the “+” part of the dial, to lessen, press the “-“. You can lock the dial to prevent accidental activation too. The control dial may be a bit intimidating, at first, but, reading the instructions alleviates that. Ok, enough of the directions and aesthetics of this object, let’s get down to how this worked out! 3 words: It was wonderful! I charged it, and it took less than an hour for the blinking LED to stop. I was wondering how strong a rechargeable battery would be. Not to worry! I used the control dial to play with the vibes, and, of course, I loved the stronger ones, which were very strong, and amazingly quiet! I rubbed myself all over, which felt silky & sensuous. Using my TooTimid (water-based) lube, I was able to insert Liv with ease, and it stroked me very well. The curve really caressed my inner walls, and, I was able to reach that elusive G-Spot orgasm with a little clit stimulation, the pleasure was intense! My muscles clenching around the Liv, and I was in heaven! This toy is small, quiet, rechargeable, and elegant! It’s perfect for those who may be intimidated by a more realistic vibrator. So maybe intermediate toy users to the more experienced, because of the care and possibly the price. The price is high, but this toy is definitely worth the investment! LIV a little!
  23. Honey, honey, honey!!! There is NO such thing as TOO TALL!! I don't know why you say that! There is nothing like a tall,leggy woman. I love looking at tall women. Just being tall has a sense of, well, authority I think. I have always been tall. I was taller than most of my friends in HS.....actually, I am one of the tallest in my group of friends NOW too!!! I'm 5'9" and I revell in it!!! I have long legs, and am fairly flexible. My hubby (and past lovers) have never ever complained that I am too tall. They love(d) my long legs, loving that they stick out, or can completely wrap around them. I can bounce over my man like a frog, match him in 69, and put my legs above my head, while he pounds away at me. I can also just bend over, and he and I match as far as doggie postitioning. He's 6', so he may bend his knees a bit, but not by much. He doesn't even have to lift me up much if we're standing up. I just need to go tippy-toe. I use to walk and job a bit (which I need to start again). I also took kickboxing and bellydancing. All of those are great, and you don't need to know what you're doing when you start either. They're fun, and good for you to do too! They help build confidence and coordination. So darlin'!! Embrace your height. Love those legs! And, if anyone says "you're too tall", kick them in the ass with those gams!!!
  24. How'd I miss this one??? Aside from the "normal" places one usually has sex, I've had sex in a friend's pool, outside in the woods at a college campus, in a Jeep during a thunderstorm (that's fun!!), in a fitting room at an adult/lingerie store (yes really!!!), friend's bathroom, at work, in a graveyard, in a church, in a boathouse, and in the deep woods. Also a baseball diamond!!! Hope those help!
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