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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Taurus You are very stubborn, and your withdrawn nature makes you irresistible to hotties. You like sex to be romantic and passionate, and you know just how to make it that way. Your partners cannot resist your spontaneous and gentle nature. Sex matches: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn Take This Quiz: http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=35
  2. How fuckable are you? http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=63 I am 64% Fuckable. I was a bit disappointedl LOL
  3. "People make mistakes. Perhaps she needs guidance, support, and love and not ultimatums."~Meg I fully agree with this statement. A woman's choice to abort, keep, or adopt out is her choice. Misguided, troubled, and usually promiscuous kids have a low self-esteem, wanting to be loved (and having a baby, in their mind, insures that there will ALWAYS be someone there to love, cuddle, and dote on), and finding it wherever they can. Drugs, many sex partners (usually unsafe), stealing, and just doing things that they know are wrong. Trust me, I have experience with this. My step-sister is JUST like this, to this day, and she's only 9 mos younger than I am. She was given ultimatums, chose wrong, and now has 5, yes 5 kids that she is legally not allowed near due to her drug usage, mental problems, some stemming FROM the drugs, and her threats. That said, your daughter needs affirmation of love right now. Giving her the ultimatum "adopt or get the fuck out" is not really a choice. And, later on down the road, should she want her baby back, she may grow to resent YOU for making her make that choice. Can you live with that, and knowing you have a grandchild out there that won't know you or her? Don't get me wrong, I am ALL for adoption! There are successes out there (thank you Mikayla for showing us another one), but, again, it should be a voluntary choice, not a forced one. It's one of the hardest decisions a woman can make. If she chooses to keep her baby, possibly that may help her grow up. Maybe she will want to provide a better life for her child. There are programs for rental assistance, Medicaid, foodstamps, and WIC. These will help her. If she fills out for TANF, which is sometimes monthly monetary payments, the seriously encourage and help that person get a better education. And that service will usually be only for a certain amount of time. BUT, she MUST go in to those appointments, fill out the forms BEFORE the due dates, or all of those state provided services WILL be cancelled. She has a lot of growing up to do. If she is forced onto the streets, she will probably go back to drugs, so she will get that loved feeling again, and have to do stuff that most of us only read about in the papers. And that will make her want to keep the baby MORE. No, you shouldn't have to support the child. Whatever state you live in, once the baby is born, and IF she keeps it, WILL track the low-life down, and order support. Getting him to actually PAY is another thing. But, again, she can go on the state for the help that she needs. That's what it's for. But, having a child, even after they turn 18, you morally should help her become a stronger woman, with the help of her mother. She needs guidance, love, support, and the FREEDOM to choose what SHE wants to do. Good luck, and happy Thanksgiving to your family.
  4. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and remember all we have to be thankful for! And I hope you don't gorge yourself too badly!
  5. The husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind this very tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you." Yes, she says, "I remember it well." Okay, he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old times sake?" "Oh Charlie, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy but very good idea!" There's a police officer sitting in the next booth listening to all this, and having a chuckle to himself. He thinks, "I've got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble." So he follows them. They walk haltingly along, leaning on each other for support, aided by walking sticks. Finally they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in. Suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the watching policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about 10 minutes. Finally, they both collapse panting on the ground. The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life that he didn't know. After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman, still watching thinks this was truly amazing. "I've got to ask them what their secret is." As the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must have had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?" The old man says, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence."
  6. So, my Dear Daughter will be 4 in Jan. I've been trying off and on to potty train her. Much to my hubby's frustration, I haven't pushed it. My belief is when they are ready, they will start, and it'll be SO less stressful and successful for everyone! So, days ago, she decides that she wants to wear Big Girl Panties, and has only had a total of 3 leakages, and 2 out-and-out full accidents, with half days on the panties. The last 2 days, she has been all day and up til bedtime in BGP's and I am SOOOOO proud!!! My lil girl is growing up!!
  7. This also just goes to show that many people don't know female anatomy (and probably male anatomy either). There is a great article Mikayla wrote on finding the G-spot, with a great diagram of a woman's anatomy. Sexual pleasure can be fun, should be fun and can be very educational, if you want to learn to be a better lover.
  8. I thought that this would be a fun topic! There have been a couple that have made me LOL and also go WTF!!!? The one that made me laugh really loud at (at an adult store even!), was a blow up doll that they had fully set up. Unfortunately, it was a real cheezy one, and they also had put on some leather lingerie, bad strappy stuff, that did NOTHING to enhance the thing. AND (yes it got worst) it was on a sex swing, handcuffed. I almost peed myself laughing so hard!!! The one that made me go WTF was a 4 foot black double dildo. The thing was huge and thick!!
  9. What a great article! I gotta agree with Howard on the seafood. I was born and raised in Maine, so I KNOW seafood and love most of it. The keys of seafood Howard pointed out are too true, and to add one of my own, it's how the seafood is cooked. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lobster, but I CAN tell if they are real Coastal Maine Lobsters or not (they taste salter no matter how they are cooked). And, believe it or not, female lobsters are sweeter than the males. I'd have to actually have one infront of me to describe how to tell which is which, accurately enough. Seafood, IMO, should be boiled or steamed using SALT WATER, even if it's "homemade" salt water. Since they are born and raised in salt water, cooking them in fresh, to me, kills the taste of it. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Kirk, well, how about buying your wife a pulsating shower head, that you can take down and use on her? Surprise her with it. Then, maybe, while you're showering together, use it on her down there. Another surprise. Some people aren't overly creative in some aspects of life, and must be guided to new ideas! Good luck!
  11. Here is my newest delivery, and out comes The Ultimate G-Spot Kit from TooTimid, in a racy red! After reading the features of this toy, I was eager to try it out. I’ve received a couple of adult toys made by Nasstoys, and have yet to be disappointed. The kit comes with a slender, 7” vibrator with-get this-7 vibration modes! I cleaned them with antibacterial soap and warm water. The “new-toy smell” wasn’t overly strong, and had pretty much dissipated after washing. Then, I wiped the vibrator off, to make sure there was no moisture, since the box or vibrator doesn’t say whether or not it’s waterproof, and with the controls the way they are, I also wouldn’t risk submerging them. I twisted off the cap, making sure it was dry in there, and took out the battery compartment, put in the 2 AA batteries (not included) as shown, and replaced the cap. I look at the 2 easy to find buttons, plus a light that pulsates in time with the setting it’s on. On the vibrator, the bullet is right at the tip, for optimum power & pleasure. How cool! I push the button, and the first vibe is a low and steady one. The second is a medium strength steady vibe, third is a high steady vibe, the fourth vibe starts off slow and revs up to high, like revving a car engine. Fifth is an off then on strong vibe, sixth is the same, but a bit faster. The seventh, my personal fav, is a pulsating 3 quick vibes, then a long vibe. Let's not forget the 2 red sleeves! The G-spot sleeve is curved up a bit, with pleasurable nubs on the curve. The other one is penis shaped, with pronounced veins for added sensations. Me likey! The sleeves caught on the hard vibrator, so I added just a bit of lube, and it slid on with ease, and stayed on fairly well too. The key is not to add too much lube, just enough to get the sleeves on and off, but not so that they’ll slide off easily. First, I HAD to try the g-spot sleeve! I used it on my clit, and allowing the curve of the sleeve place itself on my nub. Since the vibrator can’t go all the way to the end, the sleeve wasn’t able to rub the g-spot with the pressure I needed. Though, it did feel pretty darn good! And the vibrations were still pretty strong. Wanting more, I slid that one off, put the penis sleeve on, selecting the high steady vibe. The veins felt great on my clit and inside too. A few shudders later, I remove the penis sleeve. I slowly slide the “naked” vibrator in and after a few minutes, BANG! Success! With or without the sleeves, this quality vibrator will give you pleasure. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5182
  12. There are very few things that will make me say this: EW! I'm not trying to sound judgemental, I hope I don't at least, but how do you not know a woman is having a yeast infection? They itch, cause redness, and there is a strange odor. This goes to show everyone that it is VERY important to ask about health, whether you're talking STD's or any kind of infections that may be occuring. And, just because you may do oral sex, and still use a condom on your dick, doesn't mean you can't get something via mouth. I hope that you're able to be a bit more honest and open with your partners. It may be thought of as a mood killer, but that's better than getting very sick!
  13. My ex-husband did that to me ALL of the time, and it drove me nuts! I told him that if I wanted to go and F*#k them, then I would be F*#king them right now. That may sound cocky, but it was true. I never asked about how so-and-so did this or that. I didn't care. It definitely can ruin a relationship. Insecurity is an awful thing if you let it be. It can lead to jealousy and possessiveness. I don't care what my current hubby has done in the past. When we lived up north, every so often, if he met a guy friend, he'd ask me if that was one of my past lovers, just kinda in passing, and it was usually no. He only met 3 of my past lovers, and I've asked and met about 3 of his as well. On my part at least, it was more curiousity than anything. I'm thinking/hoping it was the same with my hubby. Hopefully, you can ease his fears. Maybe you just just sit down with him, and tell him, once and for all, that you don't think that discussing your sexual past in detail is a good idea or a good thing for the relationship. That your past lovers are exes for a reason, and that he either needs to live in the present, or find a future somewhere else. I hope you can work it out. Good luck! *hugs*
  14. Well, I gotta agree, it sounds like he treats you more like the nanny, with benifits, than a wife. This is my personal philosophy on marriage: There are 3 parts to a marriage (if you have kids) 1-the parenting part, where you must be a team in raising your kids. 2-the emotional part of the marriage, where BOTH sides are heard, supported, and taken care of emotionally. Love, trust, support, and respect are key. 3-the business aspect. This is where the "household" comes into play. The cleaning, cooking, bills, monetary aspects of the marriage. If one part of this is missing, then the marriage isn't really a marriage, IMO, but an arrangement. It sounds as if he is treated like a king, you've got him thinking he IS king, and he doesn't have to put forth any emotional effort. So why should he? With the effort you put into the household AND yourself, YOU deserve to be treated with a bit more respect. Right now, you're a kept woman, taking care of HIS kids, cuz I am pretty sure that's how he views them. Feeding HIM, listening to HIM, sexing HIM. It sounds like your minivan probably give you more emotional support than he does! The poor baby got upset when you were running around in sweats after the birth of a child? AW! Too bad. Let HIM try handling all of the kids AND give birth. Money isn't everything. It's nice to be able to stay home with the kids, if you are able to do so. But each person has 2 roles in a marriage with children: 1-parental figures, which is what the kids see, respect, and learn how to interact as parents. 2-the husband/wife roles. The husband/wife roles are none of the kid's business, so long as it doesn't affect role #1. In this case, it sounds like that it does affect the parenting, because you are setting an example to the girl kiddos that it is OK to be treated like a maid, and get nothing in return. And the boys are learning that women were put on this earth to do their bidding, andtake care of them, cuz the women's feelings and thoughts aren't important enough to be bothered with. Is that what you want them to learn relationships are? Yes, it sounds like you're reaching out for any sort of caring, listening, sympathetic ear. Emotional affair? Possible. I guess it depends on how you "Feel" for this ex-now-friend. However, it probably isn't healthy for the marriage for you to substitute his ear for your husband's. Would you get the same feelings of worth if you confided in a female friendship? Here's a question for you: if you found out that your husband was actually TALKING to another female about feelings and worries, would you feel betrayed? If the answer is Yes, then you are most likely having an emotional affair. No couple is going to agree on EVERYTHING all of the time. That is unrealistic. Marriage can be hard at times. But, for it to work, BOTH have to give equally. A marriage never truly can be called a "marriage" if there's only one person giving all the time, and one taking all of the time. I hope he will be "bothered" enough to get to a marriage counselor before it's too late. I guess I'll get off my soapbox now. I'm sorry it got rather lengthy. I wish you the best of luck, and keep us updated.
  15. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting their kids overnight when Grandpa found a bottle of Viagra in his son's medicine cabinet. He asked about using one of the pills. The son said, "I don't think you should take one Dad; they are very strong and very expensive." "How much?" asked Grandpa "Ten dollars a pill." answered the son. "I don't care." said Grandpa, "I'd still like to try one and before we leave in the morning, I'll put the money under the pillow." Later the next morning, the son found $110.00 under the pillow. He called Grandpa and said, "I told you each pill was $10.00, not $110.00." I know," said Grandpa. "The hundred is from Grandma."
  16. It can be tricky for some women to go Doggie, depending on how their insides are shaped. No woman is shaped exactly the same. Try tilting your pelvis up and down, slowly, each time having him try to get his cock into you. It also depends on how his penis is shaped. If your shaped different, and he maybe, curved a lot, then there may be difficulties. You could also try Reverse Cowgirl, where you are on top, but facing away from him, then slowly, while he is still inside you, both of you get into the doggie position. Get the feel of him inside you, and then, before he pulls out, have him try and notice HOW his dick comes out, like what direction it is. Then, when he needs to insert it again, he knows a bit more. Though, I will warn you, men hate asking for directions. LOL *couldn't resist* Good luck!!
  17. Val's hubby works to support their toy habit!! Just kidding....maybe! Welcome to the forum! I too, searched the web for an adult website that didn't have people IM/PMing me wanting to meet for a little fun. I love the openness and honesty of the people's opinion's, reviews, and such. I also like the fact that our Fearless Leaders keep a close watch on the board to make sure that it's true to form, and safe for all. Enjoy, have fun, and I hope the egg works for you. I love both of mine!!
  18. Ahoy there, Maties! Come aboard and join us on an adventure full of lust, revenge, regrets, and sex! Aye! Ye shall not be disappointed if ye are wanting to see scurvy wenches get down and dirty with other wenches, deck hands, and whomever else they can get their lusty claws into. Go with the crew to an island full of savages that really know how to treat visitors! Vince Vouyer plays Captain Jack Blackheart, will captivate female viewers with his dark and sad past. Jenna Jameson plays Rachel Thorin, a wench that sees Jack for the first time, and falls in love with him. Both are tragically tied together by the desire for revenge of loved-ones deaths at the hands of evil Captian William James. Will their lust for revenge, and each other, prevail? Packed with lots of oral scenes, orgies, girl-on-girl action, a flamboyant Prince, sexy sea dogs, pirates, fight scenes, cheesy music, and an honest effort in keeping with a plot, this DVD will be a great addition to any sea-faring fans. They did fairly well with the period costumes, and tried to have the sets set in the time as best as an adult film could. Sometimes, the dialogue made me laugh though. But they tried. And the attention should go to the lengthy sex scenes. Pillage through the special features, able to entertain long after the movie has been watched, including some bonus extended sex scenes. I loved all of the bonus features. So, hoist the sails, secure the rigging, and settle in for a voyage on the stormy seas of Conquest. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4749
  19. The warming kind IS a very good idea. Some people with sensitive skin may have a reaction to it, so try a little bit on the underside of your arm first. Like K-Y, Or Hot Stuff. I like the TooTimid personal lubricant. Great stuff, and doesn't become sticky. Also, Astroglide is great too. That's what we usually use.
  20. Well, I must say, the WAY he said that he isn't getting pleased by your oral skills IS tacky, though it definitely gets the point across. I have always warned the men I was with that, if they like what I am doing, great, but, when I was a child, a bad thing happened to me, and if I feel forced into anything (like having them shove my head down on their dick with no warning), I will not be responsible for the possible panic attack and biting that may ensue. Warning them of a truth, well, I've never had that problem. Giving good head, is, as mentioned, a skill, like anything else, it needs to be practiced. Some men are just thankful that you've put their dicks in your mouth, and/or may have not had a lot of experience with BJ's. There is also personal preference. One man responding said he doesn't care for BJ's. OK, that's new, but not unthought of. Some men like a firmer suction, others, light. My hubby is about as big as you say your man is. If I am going to go down on him as far as I can (though I can't deepthroat him either, and he doesn't seem to mind), I have to start slow, sucking, licking, and hand motions first. Relaxing and getting into the groove to get the throat relaxed enough to actually take almost his whole shaft. *Don't laugh*~ but dentists have told me repeatedly that I have a physically small mouth (which NONE of them will put it down in writing, and NOBODY that knows me believes ), and I have asked a few friends that also have small mouths (physically LOL), if they have troubles giving head, and they do too. I've learned to do a few tongue motions on my men that never seem to fail me, and I have never ever had any complaints. There is also the Polishing of the Knob manuveur too (Mikayla has also written a post in the Oral Forum about it). I do a Figure 8 around the head of my hubby's shaft that makes him climb walls. Flicking the tonge lightly on the tip, and going down to right underneath his balls, tickling that area (which I have no clue what it's called), also has him clutching sheets. There's humming, Corn On the Cob (thanks again Howard!!), and something I do where I can almost wrap my tongue around his shaft and almost massage it. Ask him questions as to HOW he wants it done, not necassarily asking what others have done in the past, but how does he like to be orally pleased. Now, if he is totally insulting about it, then, maybe you should visit the possibility that he IS, in fact, a jerk. If any man had insulted my sexual prowess, or lack of, I don't think he'd have lasted long at all. The key is communication between the both of you. It goes both ways. If you try to please him, then he also should be trying to please you. Ask questions, and if he doesn't ask questions about how to please you, then TELL him. I hope it works for you. Read the suggested articles, and the Oral Forum too. They're very helpful.
  21. OK, so this is my second post to this topic, sice my 1st one isn't showing that there's a respose on the main page. Anyone else having this problem?
  22. What great advise for any time of year, but this IS a great time to be reminded of such things! I'd like to add as well, that the little pieces that hold children's toys in their boxes so they're harder to steal, the wire ties, and plastic retangular things, are also a possible, very common choking hazard. Make sure to pick all of these up, and dispose of them ASAP. Hopefully, this time shall pass as Merry & Bright as possible. Whiskey, I hope your daughter is OK. Please keep us "posted".
  23. Ah, the familar tunes of boredom in the bedroom. Trust me, you are NOT alone! If you scan the site, you will see that there are many many posters in the same situation you are in! My hubby was kind of sexually repressed~to a degree. He was a bit adventurous, but I had to really work at him to want to try more. He's JUST now, after almost 6 years of being together, willing to use sex toys WITH me. He's old fashined thinking too. I keep drilling it into him that toys are ENHANCING in the bedroom, not REPLACING. You said that you've hinted around to him what you wanted. Or joked. Well, hon, most men will tell you that they're not mind readers, and you need to TELL them what you want. Men, for the most part, unless blatantly obvious, do not get the concept of a hint. Men are wired to see, learn, and accept facts, things that are presented directly infront of them. Keep trying, but make direct suggestions as to what you want. Or, just do something a little different. Not much, just a little. He'll probably notice, since he's pretty consistent. For instance, if he likes you on top, turn around, and face the other way, while still being on top. Face your butt to his face, and ride him like that. It's called Reverse Cowgirl. It's a small step, but also a big one too. Don't ASK him if he wants you to use one of your toys one night, but maybe while your giving some oral attention, break out your vibe (hide it under your pillow), and started pleasuring yourself too. Show him how you like it. Some of us have also found that men that usually are fearful of toys, may be intimidated by them. Choose something that isn't phallic looking-doesn't look like a penis. But maybe just a clit stimulator. Those are small and not intimidating, plus give great pleasure too!! A man's sexual ego is a fragile creature. I also found from my experience and from reading other's experiences, that if you do use a vibrator, maybe get one that lights up. Men like things that light up. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth (no charge). Best wishes, good luck, and WELCOME!!! Let us know when you are successful!!
  24. I am, admittedly, sometimes a bit too suspicious. However, it sounds as if he is playing cautious with letting anyone know about you, for divorce reasons. As soon as the divorce is finalized, then, if he continues to keep your relationship hidden, THAT is when I would question things more. And, I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but he DID cheat on his wife, which entails lying to her, so, if things continue to be shady, you really need to think about how honest this guy really is. Where, it's true that some people (not just men) are repeat cheaters, others are not. It's a case by case deal. Don't be shocked if he is evasive as to how long y'all have been together, since the hurt is still fresh, and divorce paper's ink wouldn't yet be dry. He would probably know better as to how his ex would react if she found out he cheated on her, so best to play on the side of caution for now. So, if he doesn't specify infront of people, for everyone's sakes, don't volunteer it either. Even after divorced, the idea that he cheated on her would hurt her. And, let's be honest, why would you want to hurt someone you don't know personally? As far as family functions go, give him the benifit of the doubt, for now, as far as what he says. That he wants to be there for his kids. Some men have a harder time with the fact that they can't see thier kids every day. Like Mikayla said, just because you divorce, doesn't mean you just drop out of your In Law's lives. I've been divorced from my ex for almost 7 yrs, and I still chat with his mother and sister. Not often, but I do. I still consider them my extended family. It will take some time, depending on how badly things ended, for him to even try, but hopefully, sooner or later, he will either wean himself away from these functions, or invite you to go. If you go, please be gracious, respect the fact that each of you have kids with others, and that you're going to have to deal with the exes once in a while. It's hard to do, especially if the ex gets nasty, but remember that the KIDS should be the focus of the functions. Best wishes to you!
  25. Well Howard, maybe Gene Simmons from KISS has that length of tongue.....LOL
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