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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. A nice, calm respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the Pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I would like to buy some Cyanide." The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big and he exclaimed, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband. That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, "Well now, that's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription."
  2. While she was "flying" down the road yesterday, a woman passed over a bridge only to find a cop with a radar gun on the other side lying in wait. The cop pulled her over, walked up to the car, with that classic patronizing smirk we all know and love, asked, "What's your hurry?" To which she replied, "I'm late for work." "Oh yeah," said the cop, "what do you do?" I'm a rectum stretcher," she responded. The cop stammered, "A what?............ A rectum stretcher? And just what does a rectum stretcher do?" "Well," she said, "I start by inserting one finger, then work my way up to two fingers, then three, then four, then with my whole hand in. I work from side to side until I can get both hands in, and then I slowly but surely stretch it, until it's about 6 feet wide." "And just what the hell do you do with a 6 foot asshole?" he asked "You give him a radar gun and park him behind a bridge..." Traffic Ticket $95.00 Court Costs $45.00 Look on the Cop's Face....... PRICELESS For everything else, there's MasterCard!
  3. I was in the pub yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to fart. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my farts with the beat. After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my pint and noticed that everybody was staring at me. Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod.
  4. Welcome to the boards, and I LOVE your SN!!
  5. You know I love ya darlin'!! I'm proud of you for having the courage to face your problem, and wisdom to seek help! Stereotypes suck, and, I'm sure they're strong in the dancer's field. On top of that, being as young as you are, and everything seems to matter on what the scales say, you are the strong one to go and get help!!! *HUGS*
  6. WELCOME!!!! It's nice to have you aboard finally!!!!
  7. For everyone, rabbits/dual actions are different. Some people, such as myself, love the bumps that sometimes are on the shafts, others, like the beads that rotate, or even a thrusting shaft. It's all according to your preferences. Not everyone's the same, so one thing that works for you, may not work for another, of course. I have 3 faves: High Octane Magic Fingers Read my review on it, cuz this baby does it all!! It is pricey, but well worth the investment!!! Thumbilina Beyond 2000 Ultimate Vibrator
  8. Small towns have their good & bad points, just like cities. I'm glad you moved to be happier!! Best wishes!
  9. It depends on the film. Sometimes we laugh at the cheeziness of the films, sometimes, we want to be into it, but something is said or done on the film that cracks us up, and other times we get into it, and usually are going at it like crazy before the movie's half over.
  10. So what are you doing to cut costs? We have an AC/heating unit for cooling and so on, and this summer, so far, has been brutal. I don't care how "white trashy" it looks, but I've put tinfoil in most of the windows to keep out the sunlight, and drawn the curtains. I hate the fact that there's no sunlight, but, by doing that, and turning the AC way down, and putting on the ceiling fans and 2 other fans, I've cut $150 off our electric bill. Yes, we have old, crappy windows, that leak, and so sucky energy bills, but that really did help. I'm also dilluting the cleaners that I've bought. Hey, the still work, and nothing like a little elbow grease to get some stuff off the counters anyway. I also hang out most everything to dry, including towels, use more fabric softner, and then I put the towels and Dh's jeans in the dryer to get their fluff on. I use those dryer balls instead of dryer sheets too.
  11. We use a couple of dildos we use with the harness on a regular basis, though we've tried many. The great thing with that, is that the rings that snap on, keep many different sized based-dildos in it so well! One of our faves is the G-Freak. It's jelly, so it's very accomodating, and fills in the spaces where you want it. Plus, the base is awesome for that harness!! Plus, he really likes how it's curved, but not too curved. Yes, it LOOKS curved, even in person, put, since it's jelly, it bends and straightens to your body. Plus, we have some silicone dildos that are fantastic. And, they come with bases for easy gripping, and therefore, you can use them with the harness as well. Tantus Echo , Fun Factory Tiger , and we have something similar to this one (I couldn't find what we DO have, but this one is really close):The Mistress Vibe I hope this helps!!! Happy shopping!
  12. First, I am sorry that you were unhappy. That said, I would go with Mik's suggestion of the special requests as far as shipping goes. They ship your item according to cost & size of the item. They really do do as much as possible to ensure that your order arrives as discreetly & quickly as possible (for what you pay in shipping). I would say, between personal orders, and my assignments here as a Reviewer, I've recieved well over 100 packages. Only ONE had a tear in it, and it was the bubble wrapped envelope, but those things do get weaker at the edges. On your special instructions, you could request extra taping around packaging, if it's coming in one of those envelopes. Also, please keep in mind that, where YOU know what you've ordered, nobody else can really guess just by looking at the packaging. People get DVDs in the mail, but you can't tell WHAT kind is in there. Like Em said, makeup can have similar shapes to many toys, as well as other items people buy. So, unless they ripped it open to see what was inside, people at the post office handle so many packages, that, they don't have time or really care to guess who's getting what. I hope this doesn't discourage you from ordering here. I've ordered from other sites, and never have had the quality of delivery, products, and the guarantee that I have found here. And, no, I don't get bonuses or incentives to say that.
  13. We enjoy strap-on sex often. I really loved the Double Delight set, which offers both the dildo for you and for the wearer. It's comfortable, easy to put on, and, being a woman of "child-bearing hips", it's really easy to keep on. I like a fuller feeling, so we actually cut out the smaller dildo, and can now put other dildos in the hole that was left behind. Now, one of our faves is the Sportssheets Velvet Vibrating Harness Set. It's REALLY comfy, and, it comes with 3 rings, to accomodate a variety of different types of dildos with bases. It really gives you a lot more options, especially if you have a favorite dildo. Plus, the pocket for the little vibrator, which is usually off in other harnesses I've found, in this one is in the PERFECT spot to hit my clit while I'm thrusting inside of him!!! I hope this helps and that you find something that will work for you both!!
  14. Congrats on the new addition!!!
  15. Where spermicide itself doesn't promote STDs, if it DOES irritate you inside, then YES, you can be more suseptible to an STD. If you are irritated, and possibly have open sores, that can make it easier for viruses to get inside of you and infect you. Great point Em! We've been using a condom and a spermicidal foam that I use an applicator to push up inside before my husband enters me. I have an STD, and, even when I was on the Pill last year, we used the foam (never hurts to be extra safe since I don't want any more kids), and I didn't get irritated, nor did hubby, and he has yet to get my STD (herpes). I'll also be on the lookout for Amphora!
  16. I agree totally. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  17. I'm a non-smoker, but not a "crybaby", and I will say that I think adding ANYTHING else to cigarettes is asking for trouble. Hell, 50 yrs ago, nobody knew the dangers of smoking. Now, with all the additives they put in it to keep you addicted, added more seems like the tobacco companies are just trying to kill of their customers even faster! I can see the good & the bad for this. Yes, it's a "safer" cigarrette, which makes the smoker and the smoker's family safer in cases of where fires are more possible. That I can see, as a mother. My husband smokes, and I HATE it. I do NOT allow smoking in the house (I have asthma and am allergic to cigarrette smoke too) at ALL!! Smoking killed my father, so you really won't get the "smokers have rights too" speech from me. And I won't apologize for MY beliefs either. But, I DO think that it should be a CHOICE to purchase these sorts of cigarrettes. Smokers need to be more conscious of their actions. Most smokers I've come in contact with/know are very considerate, smoke outside their own homes (for their kid's sake), and are very careful with how/where/when they smoke. Some are NOT so considerate. Yes, I do think that these cigarrettes should be a CHOICE to purchase, not made a law that all cigarrettes should have that retardant stuff in them. Or maybe have it so that people that are in institutions (like mental wards, nursing homes, and the like), that are allowed to smoke, on the government's dime a lot of the time, have those buildings make it mandatory that they have those sorts of cigarrettes in house, to make it safer for the other tentants. I don't know....just a thought. What else are they gonna put in them to make them even MORE dangerous? To me, it seems like smoking a stick of dynamite will be safer in the future!
  18. Pappy hit it right on the head again, per usual. There is a way to educate people without jumping all over them. We LOVE passionate people here, but there's a respectful way to let people know how things are. Many people do NOT realize, having never having to get assistance, that, yes, even though you get assistance, you STILL have the taxes taken out of your paychecks. BTW, ladylove DID say that she was just making an observation, NOT trying to be insulting. So, please, again, try to be respectful in your answers to people. If someone offends you by something they said, reread the response, checking for the common explanations or whatever, such as ladylove putting her comment in (), so that you know she wasn't trying to be rude. If it still bugs you, WAIT to post. I've had to do this several times. Otherwise, my responses may not be as articulate as I'd want them to be. Again, I will say that I am not being hypocritical. I have recieved assistance. I've seen the abuse that many people do (lying) to get more benefits, then they get so pissed that they run out of $$ before the end of the month, because they buy tons of snack food (already prepared), and the like. Where I am, there seems to be more people that get more benefits and lie on how to get it. It's very frustrating. I felt this way when I was getting assistance too. Most of us are pretty respectful when it comes to posting, even here in rants. Please don't try to take everything personally, because we really aren't attacking anyone here on the board.
  19. Oooooooooooo....2 whole weeks. Well, there, he's proved himself. LOL Sorry, but, in such a short relationship (time wise), still I am pessimistic. Your excuse for "wanting sex all the time so I have to sleep with him, since he's there" is about as lame as his "I was depressed & lonely, so I cheated". Do you see the similarities? Yes, young people are horny. It's true. But, I have ONE word for you: MASTURBATION! I have a concern. If he's cheated on you like he has, though he hasn't admitted to actual intercourse (though it really wouldn't shock me), are you practicing safe sex until you're both tested? I hope so. Because, and take it from me, I KNOW, lust is one thing, but herpes & other STDs can last forever. You think your menstrual cycle can mess with your sex life? Try a sore!! OMG!! I really hope it works out, but personally, you are opening the doors to your heart that, IMHO, doesn't deserve it, and he's going to steal from your heart. Best wishes!!!!
  20. That's not what I meant by this post, and I believe (though I can't remember), that in my first post, I did say that I have been on assistance before, and was totally honest about what I had, and what I didn't have, and didn't get that much, but I was happy with what I'd gotten. I know I'm not stupid or lazy. We just needed help. Especially after Hurricane Rita! Everyone needed help in one way or another. My case worker even TOLD me, on the downlow, that I would've gotten more assistance had I been a "minority". I'm in Texas.....WHITE is the minority!!! LOL And, yes, as a TAXPAYER, I have the right to complain! LOL And, yes, even when we got assistance, I felt the SAME way! We got off assistance as soon as we were back on our feet. I could've gotten 3 more months of benefits, but I was HONEST and told them we were fine. There are several people that are smart that are on assistance. If things get much worse here, we may hafta go back ON assistance. However, in a "poor county" such as we are, I've seen an ABUNDANCE of users, abusers, and "thieves" when it comes to the system. And, for those that say "oh, it's fair all around", that's bullsh*t. it's not. Again, had I said I was one of the "minorities", I would've gotten a higher benefit allowance. Or if I lied about the car I drove. Hell, when applying, they even consider your CELL PHONE & CABLE BILLS as part of your "expenses" now!!! However, do you KNOW how much a bakery cake costs??? It's over $20!! That could be like 3 meals, if budgetted correctly! Plus, don't forget the probably ice cream and soda/chips that go with a birthday party. Again, you can always ask for help from a friend or family member. Instead of a gift, ask someone ELSE to buy the cake, AS their gift!!! Or, if you get a birthday money check, or cash, use THAT for a cake, as the sender's gift. One of the things that, here in TX, food stamps don't cover, are the prepared meals, like those rotiseirre chickens, the hot stuff kinda thing you get in the deli. Other than that, it's pretty much whatever you can put in your grocery cart, food wise, is covered. Yes, kids deserve a nice birthday, Christmas, and other holiday. However, times are getting tougher & tougher, and people NEED to be smarter with whatever benefits/monies that they recieve, whether it's work, assitance, or charity. My daughter can have a fantastic birthday with a homemade cake, or store-bought cake. But it's what WE can afford at the time, that makes the difference as to what she gets.
  21. Fall Fantasy Fulfillment ~by Tyger It was a beautiful Canadian fall day. The leaves were radiant on the trees. The setting sun illuminated the bright colors of the leaves, reds, oranges, yellows, and brownish-golds, almost making the woods look like they were on fire. There was a slight breeze from the north, adding to the chill in the air. A nearby brook bubbled and gurgled, offering up a cold refreshing splash to anything that ventured too closely to its banks. Porche stared out her big picture windows that fully covered the west side of the house, overlooking the mountain forest surrounding her home. She had picked this spot out specifically for the solitude and tranquility the Canadian woods offered. She liked her privacy. Whether it be to reading by the large stone fireplace, soaking in the warmth of the fire, or for more personal pleasures. She had a large family to take care of, including 5 kids, so it was rare for her to be able to escape into her woods sanctuary to enjoy herself for some much-needed alone time. She was still a knockout at 40-something. Slim, curvaceous, standing at 5’7” her legs were long, blonde medium length hair, curves that would make any man or woman stare in appreciation, and bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief most of the time. She took pride in how she looked and acted and she carried herself with approachable dignity. Everyone said how funny she could be with her quirky, sometimes perverted, sense of humor. Turning away from the gorgeous view, she pondered on her life so far. As she stoked the roaring fire in the den, she lost herself in thought. She considered herself pretty lucky, smiling to herself. She had a nice home, beautiful family, and a big network of friends. Her and her husband also enjoyed the Swinger’s lifestyle and open marriage. So long as they both knew what was going on, neither one of them had problems with other’s in their sex lives. She had had several lovers over the years, both male & female, learning a lot on how to pleasure and be pleasured. She’d just had a baby 4 months ago, but she was reclaiming her body back, and feeling pretty good, but with a nagging self-esteem issue. Porche was anxiously awaiting a friend that she’d met a couple of years ago on the internet. They had become very close. Well, as close as 2 people could through the bright light of the monitor, and clicking of the keyboard. They’d even shared some postal communication too. She was nervous, for she wasn’t sure what to expect in real life. Was this person everything they’d said they were? Would she be disappointed in what walked through the door? Would the online flirting lead to something more, or was that just what it was, just friendly flirting? Porche hoped it would be more. Porche’s husband, Ramone, knew how much she was looking forward to the meeting, so he had volunteered to drive to the airport to get this online friend for her, allowing her to putter, clean, and get the house ready for a visitor. He had graciously agreed to leave the next day, allowing 2 friends to get to know each other better. It took what it seemed like forever to be able to get plans together that fit both sets of family’s, schedules, and budgets, but the meeting was finally going to take place. Porche’s mouth seemed to instantly dry at just the thought of it. Many nights, she had stayed up, just chatting with her friend on the computer. They’d even shared some rather intimate photos of each other. But they had never really said what would happen during this visit. They had hinted, and flirted, but they just weren’t clear. The suspense was almost unbearable. She’d chosen her outfit carefully for their meeting. She wanted to make a good impression, as well as relay the message, “If you want me, here I am!” She had on a tight, low-cut, soft, wool sweater in her favorite color: red. Tight jeans accentuated her curvy thighs and taut ass. A gold leather belt hugged her waist. She had on black high heeled leather boots that reached almost up to the knee. She chose a simple gold chain to grace her slender neck and 2 sets of gold hoops dangling from her delicate earlobes. Her only rings were her wedding set, one gold ring on her right ring finger, and a gold thumb band. She’d had her fingernails French manicured that morning. She had only light makeup on, for, not only did she not need it, but she also knew that her friend liked a natural look more. She also knew that her friend like hair loose and long, so her blonde hair was down, hanging just below her shoulders, the firelight played with the auburn highlights naturally found in her locks. Nervous, she kept pacing the floor, rearranging small things on tables, shelves, and finding miniscule particles of dust and lint to pick up and keep her hands busy. Just puttering and picking here and there, trying to pass the time. This was her way of pacing. Finally, she saw headlights coming up the long and winding drive. She took one more glance at herself in the hall mirror, and tried to steady her nerves. Checking her makeup, and applying a fresh coat of lip gloss, she patted her hair a bit, and went to the door. When they finally got out of the car. Ramone went to the trunk of the car and retrieved the 2 pieces of luggage from the trunk, and brought them up to the house. Porche’s friend was looking all around, trudging up the driveway behind Ramone. Porche opened the door, illuminating the walkway with the soft light from the hallway, blinding the 2 people approaching. “Thank goodness you made it! I was beginning to worry you lost your way” Porche said teasingly. “Hi hon. The flight was 35 minutes late, then, of course, we had to wait for the luggage, but we made it!” Ramone responded smiling, his whitened teeth flashing. They hugged and gave each other a light peck on the lips, and Porche turned her full attention to her long-awaited guest. She stood almost 6 feet tall, slender, yet still curvy, long brown hair, hanging loose down to the middle of her back, with blonde highlights. She was about 10 years younger than Porche herself, “but what is age but a number?” they both had thought. She wore travel-comfortable clothes, dark blue jeans and a purple not-too-tight sweater. She too, had leather boots on, reaching almost to her knees, over her jeans. Yet hers were dyed a dark purple leather, the heel slight. Her long, yet feminine strides brought her quickly up the walkway, and up into Porche’s waiting hug. “Hi there you!” she said. “Hi Tabby, I’m so glad you were finally able to come!” answered Porche with a big smile on her face. Tabby, short for Tabitha, returned the smile fully, exposing straight white teeth. “Yeah, it was hard to do, but we finally did it, and I’m finally here!” answered Tabby, with a slight southern drawl. The 2 women walk inside the large foyer, with high ceilings, hand in hand. Tabby looked around at the spacious hallway. There was a mirror near the door, with a gold painted antique table underneath it, with a black vase, and matching platter that held keys and mail. On the opposite wall, there was a huge painting of a red rose, the detailing of the rose was exquisite and life-like. There was a small spotlight dangling from the ceiling, from a thin wire, showcasing the rose painting. Tabby smiled, happy that Porche liked her gift that she had painted and then sent to her a few months ago so much to display it as such. Ramone brought Tabby’s luggage up the large staircase, to the room that she would be sleeping in. They walked from the foyer through the arched doorway to their left, into the den, where Tabby was instantly thankful for the warmth of the fire in the fireplace. She looked up to get the full picture of the monstrous fireplace. The white granite stones were from the land that the house sat on, so Porche had told her one night while they were on the computer. All they had done was dig the stones up. They didn’t treat or polish them, and it added to the rustic, yet modern feel of the den. 2 walls were covered in a huge variety of books, most of them well read. The third wall had personal photos on it, all in different frames. Porche had a large extended family, plus, their friends, and friends of their kids, and probably all of them were gracing this wall, in at least one framed photo. There were a lot of pictures! One the fourth wall, those were the huge windows that Porche had been anxiously staring out of earlier. Tabby walked towards them, looking out at the clear, dark, starry sky. The moon was almost full, and illuminated the mountains and trees eerily. The window’s glass was very thick, and was a thermal type glass, so it wasn’t cold, but Tabby got a slight chill anyway, due to the drastic climate change. Tabby came all the way from Texas to finally meet her online friend face-to-face. Ramone had gone to make some hot toddies, to help relax and take the chill off. Porche and Tabby had seen each other’s pictures via the internet, but they both stood there, in comfortable silence for a few minutes, taking each other in. Tabby may be from the south, but she wasn’t overly tanned, but rather pale. Her deep purple sweater complimenting her skin, and natural beauty. It also flashed a bit of tummy too, exposing, teasingly brief, a belly button ring, gold hoop with an amethyst. Her face was long and narrow, but her small features fit her face nicely, though she herself never really thought so. The only makeup she wore was some purple eyeliner framing hazel eyes, and some lip-gloss. She had on gold jewelry as well, 2 sets of hoops dangled in her tiny earlobes, and at the top set of holes in her ears, were a pair of fairly large amethyst studs. She had rings on all her fingers, including her own diamond wedding set. Her nails were all natural, medium length, with curved tips, and painted a pearly purple, to match her sweater. Tabby always loved painting her own nails all sorts of different colors to match her outfits. Her light brown hair was long, hanging to the middle of her back, blonde highlights adding a nice contrast. “How was your flight?” Porche asked, knowing how much Tabby hated to fly. “It was alright. I didn’t have any screaming kids in my ear, smelly gal, or a drooly old fart sitting in the seat next to me, and we walked away from the landing, so it was pretty good.” Tabby responded with a big grin. They both laughed. Tabby rubbed her neck a bit, feeling a bit sore from sitting for so long on a plane, then on the long drive to the house. Ramone came in with the tray of hot toddies. Ramone was a sight to behold too. His Italian heritage was very noticeable. Tabby watched him almost stalk into the room, like a wolf. He was about 6’2”, lean, athletic, black hair with just the start of gray in it, here and there, adding a bit of distinguished elegance to his face. He had brown eyes, with long black eyelashes. And broad shoulders that would make any woman want to rest her head on. He strode in, knowing he made a great impression. He wore blue jeans that showed off his well-toned ass, and a tight black sweater, that rippled with his muscles as he moved. He had an unmistakable aura of sex surrounding him. He was gorgeous, and knew it, but wasn’t cocky about it. He just had years of compliments, other lovers, and even perfect strangers, telling him how handsome he was, so it stuck. He was a chiropractor with his own office. His patients liked him a lot for he wasn’t rough or expensive. He wanted to help those in pain. And his female patients also liked going there for the whole eye candy aspect of getting their back readjusted too. Ramone took the tray to the large, dark coffee table in the center of the room, aligned with the fireplace. There was a red, suede, wrap-around couch surrounding 3 sides of the table. 3 large mugs held the drinks. Porche invited everyone to sit down on the comfy couch. They sat on the couch, Porch on the left side, Tabby took the middle, and Ramone sat off to the right, each of them occupying a side of the couch by themselves. Soaking in the fire’s warmth, they enjoyed their hot drinks. Allowing the alcohol to warm them from the inside, and create that comfortable relaxed feeling. All of the small talk that goes along with a new arrival ensued. The how are you’s, travel stories, how are the families, and such. It was a nice, relaxing hour or so. Ramone could tell that the ladies wanted some “girl-time”, so he graciously made the all too true excuse of being very tired, and said goodnight. He left the room, after he gave his wife a peck on the lips, and was well aware of the 2 sets of gorgeous eyes that watched his ass leave the room, and he smiled. He also knew that there may be a bit more action than just conversation in a little while, and the thought of those 2 hot women in there, by the fire, made him rock hard. Both of the women gave an appreciative sigh when he left the room. “So! Thank goodness he finally left!” Porche said as she moved closer to Tabby. She sat a comfortable distance away, but still a bit closer than normal friends would, allowing Tabby to not feel uncomfortable. “I know, right. But, hon, you gotta admit, that he is definitely some great company, especially on these cold fall nights. I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed if I were you!” Tabby winked. Porche smiled, knowing that women would always desire her husband, and was proud of that fact. “Yes, he is quite the eye-full. And, he’s a sweetie. He’d move the world for me if I asked him to,” Porche said without any tone of bragging. She continued, “We have a comfortable life, marriage, arrangement. So long as we’re open and honest with each other, we’re OK with each other’s extra-curricular activities. And if one of us has a problem with the person we chose to have other intimacies with, we voice it, and deal with it. We love each other, and take comfort in each other as well. There is NEVER a dull moment, especially with all of our kids, their friends, and the dramas that follow them.” Tabby smiled at her, already knowing all of this, but enjoying the musical quality of her voice, and the obvious ice-breaking conversation. “Are you tired, or would you rather stay up for a bit longer?” She asked Tabby. “Well, I am tired, but still pretty excited to be here with you. So I doubt I could sleep right now anyway.” said Tabby. She continued, “My husband and I don’t have an open-marriage per say, but he did give the OK for me to come up here and possibly explore a female-female relationship. He knows how much we talk and share things. I also know it excites him to think of me possibly having sex with another woman. Of course,” she said with a wink and a giggle, “what man wouldn’t?” They both laughed at that. Tabby knew that Porche wouldn’t make any sort of move on her, so, she slid over closer to Porche, and took her hand, and was looking at it, not daring to look up into Porche’s eyes. “I told my husband that I would most likely have sex with you, if the time was right. He’s ok with it, although, he’s feeling a bit left out. I told him that if I was going to sleep with a woman for the first time, I wanted it to be private, at least the first time. That way, I can fully enjoy myself, and also to know whether or not I liked being with a woman. Now that I’ve finally met you in person, I would like for you to be the first woman to touch me, if you want to, that is.” She looked up to see Porche’s eyes welling up, just a bit, sighing with relief, Porche leaned in and gently kissed Tabby’s soft, warm lips. With a sigh, Tabby leaned into the kiss, slowly putting her hands on Porche’s firm legs and rubbing them. Porche let Tabby take her time, remembering how awkward being with a woman for the first time can be. Porche put her arms on Tabby’s waist, slowly massaging the area. Never did Tabby think that her waist was an erogenous zone, but she was proven wrong. Tabby moved her hands up to Porche’s waist to return the favor. Both women were really beginning to feel a bit more warm, and not due to the fire. Porche was the first one to initiate a deeper kiss by just opening her mouth slightly, and Tabby took the cue and slowly put her tongue into Porche’s mouth. They caressed each other’s tongues, slowly, tasting the toddies on each other’s tongues, almost trying to drink each other in. Porche could tell that Tabby was really enjoying the kissing, and was ready for a smaller step, so she slowly eased her hands up, sliding them easily under the sweater, softly skimming her hands over Tabby’s stomach. Tabby gasped with pleasure and instinctively leaned into Porche’s experienced hands. She took the cue, and slowly slid her hands up a little higher, finding Tabby’s bra, undoubtedly purple, she thought. She felt the underwire of the bra, and then the laciness of it. Knowing how coordinated Tabby could be, she almost came at the thought of seeing the matching panties that were sure to be gracing Tabby’s lower region. Both women were breathing a bit heavier. Tabby started to become a bit braver, trying not to think about anything but the sensations that Porche was bringing forth. She slowly raised her hands underneath the red sweater, imitating what Porche had done to her, skimming and slowly working her way up to Porche’s firm C-cup breasts. They were leaning into each other, exploring their upper halves, feeling every luscious curve. Porche expertly massaged Tabby’s D cup breasts, enjoying the heaviness and firmness of the natural beauties. Then, to Tabby’s surprise and pleasure, Porche tweaked her nipples. Not hard, but enough to get the already sensitive nubs to full attention, straining under the confines of her bra. It made her ache and almost cum right there on the couch. Porche smiled, broke the kiss, much to Tabby’s disappointment, and looked into Tabby’s now green eyes, trying to convey her desire. Then ever so slowly, pulled Tabby’s sweater over her head. She gazed upon Tabby’s pale chest and stomach. Instantly noticing that her breasts were covered by a lacy, dark purple underwire bra, her nipples strained against the silky fabric. Tabby shivered, but not because she was cold. Porche smiled and slowly lowered her face to Tabby’s right breast, taking the nipple between her teeth through the fabric, gently, oh so gently. Tabby groaned and pushed her chest forward, instinctively. Porche nibbled on one breast, and then the other, while Tabby had closed her eyes, and had her fingers in her friend’s hair. They both leaned back into the couch, with Porche partially lying on top of Tabby. Tabby started being a bit more adventurous with her hands as well. She started moving her hands towards Porche’s breasts, her hands going up the sweater, teasing Porche’s belly and ribs. Porche groaned in anticipation, while she fondled Tabby’s ample breasts and sucked on her nipples. Tabby’s desire got the best of her, and she shifted enough so that Porche sat up, and was able to lift the red sweater off of Porche. Tabby was thrilled at the paleness of Porche’s skin, and how soft and smooth she was. Touching her was like touching silk. Hesitantly, Tabby leaned forward to put her lips one of those gorgeous breasts. Porche’s skin was warm against her lips, and Tabby imitated what Porche had done to her earlier, taking her nipple between her teeth, and nibbled on it like she herself liked to be nibbled. Porche arched her back thrusting her breasts into Tabby’s face. Porche gripped Tabby’s head with both well-manicured hands, and massaged her head in encouragement. Both women were really breathing heavily by this time.
  22. Well, I hope you can work it out. I am VERY pessimistic at this though. Saying that "he was lonely & depressed cuz he got laid off", to me, is a pathetic excuse on his part. He LIVES with you for crying out loud. If you're at work for a few hours, he should be able to keep his affections to himself. It's called MASTURBATING. I mean, he isn't alone for DAYS/MONTHS on end!! Just be careful, especially when things go wrong, cuz I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again, just to make HIMSELF feel better. IMHO, he sounds very selfish to me. I worked with a long-time BF. It's harder than it seems. It's great in the beginning, but there IS such a thing as spending TOO much time together. Work was usually my GET AWAY time. To do my own thing, and made going home that much more sweeter. I agree with sun, people can become very very good liars, if they want too. You may "think" you know when he's lying, but many times, you believe what you want to believe, and if the person you love is saying that they'll change, and you WANT them to change, you will believe it, and then be totally shocked and hurt that they did the same thing to you again. Good luck to you. I hope it works out for you, and you don't get hurt anymore.
  23. Some women just don't like porn, or the thought that their men watch it. And that is OK. However, the reasons behind it vary, you can change your reasons, if you really think about it, and not take it personally. Men are visual creatures. You know how he likes to see you in lingerie? Of course he does!! And that's a great thing!! Men get turned on by what they see. That's not all that turns them on, but it's a big part of it. Everyone compares themselves to the media "norm" for women. However, the "MEDIA" norm for women is NOT reality. Media, porn, magazines, books, posters, hell, even Barbie dolls, all show women that, if they stick out sideways & stick out their tongues, they'd look like zippers with boobs! LOL It is getting more & more popular now, to show women with curves, and love it. Marilyn Monroe was a curvacious size 12/14 and she's considered the sexiest woman ever!! Once you become more comfortable with YOURSELF, curvy, flat, skinny, plump, or fat, you will be more self-confident, and that shows and makes you even MORE sexy than you already are!!!! You are not alone. Many women want to be their man's "everything", but that's impossible. You can't be his sister, aunt, mother, or best guy friend. Women should KEEP your own identity in a relationship, while including being a couple too. I'll let you in on a lesson I learned thru another girl: if you are his EVERYTHING, if, heaven forbid, you break up, you would feel sooooo lost, and not have a clue how to function as one person. Keeping your own identity is very important. Porn is a fantasy get-a-way. It's not meant to be a replacement. If your men are watching porn and not having sex with you as much, then yes, it's a problem. There is such a thing as being addicted to porn. However, addicts usually can't function sexually with real women if they are addicted to porn. But if it's not, then think of it as their guilty pleasure. Kinda like many women's guilty pleasures of reading romance novels or buying shoes kinda thing. If it's something he enjoys, and it doesn't hinder your sexual relationship, then why let something that he can put away in a case or drawer, bother you? You are THERE, and he loves YOU. You are so much more a part of his life than porn is. If porn seems to be what he does all of the spare time he has (and from your other posts, it doesn't), then there's an issue. Should you LIKE porn? Should? No. It's like saying everyone should love the color yellow (I don't like yellow). You like what you like. It took me a few years to like porn, and understand that it can actually help stimulate each person. You can get ideas (though don't use it as a "how-to" tool) on what to do, or even ideas on how to tantillate your BF). Plus, it depends on the type/quality of porn. You may find that, with some searching, you enjoy porn if you find the right genre' (yes, there are different types, like books), director, and stars. There have been some porn that I absolutely HATED. And others that I LOVE! Some have even made me laugh due to the obvious humor in them. If not, that's ok too. I hope this helps.
  24. I think that this is ok. Although you do it as a treat, or buy bulk "generic" stuff, making your EBT bennies go farther. It's a smart way to get the occassional treat, and still have money left over for the things that you need. What I find insane, is those people that get like one grocery cart FULL of junk, one cart full of the "good stuff", and then wonder, by the end of the month, why they don't have any food/money left. Honesly, I think that, if you're on foodstamps, you should go to a class that teaches how to budget, look at amounts, and teaches you how to get more for the money you are allotted. That's just my opinion though, such as it is. 12, if you try the cakes with the whipped frosting, they're SOOOO much better than the creme frosted ones. Creme frosted ones do taste heavy & oily (IMO), but the whipped is soooooo good!! LOL
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