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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. First off, I am sorry that your wife went thru this. It's very hard being raped/sexually assaulted. I myself, am a survivor, so yes, I know where she is coming from. Now, as far as doing anything about it: DON'T. Usually there's a statute of limitations, and that's (on average) about 6 yrs for rape. After that, no charges can be pressed. So long has gone by, that all that'd be accomplished by trying to take the ass to court is a lot of hurt feelings. And, if he hasn't done it again (though he probably did), or didn't get caught, he can turn around and sue YOU for defermation of character, and then y'all would be on the loosing end. Unfortunately, there is no legal recourse now. If your wife doesn't want to talk about it, don't push it. I am assuming she is close to your age, so, she's hopefully dealt with it and moved on. If it was fresh, I'd say she needs to talk to heal. If she's been to counselling before, that's great. I'm not saying that it takes some time & then you're over it, because that stays with you forever. However, once one has "dealt" with it internally, they don't like to have to keep talking about it and reliving the pain all over again. She probably just wants to forget it (as much as she can) so she can function. I know I don't like to think about what happened to me all the time, or try and relive it. There's nothing I can do to change it, but I did learn from it. If she wants to talk about it, great. Just LISTEN to her. But, don't let the anger you feel toward the guy that did this to her consume YOU, and then you go off and do something stupid. YOUR family needs you too. Men naturally want to protect their family (good thing), and get back at those that may have wronged their women, even if they didn't know those women at the time. This can be a bad thing. Because all you're doing is stirring stuff up again. If she wants to let it lie, then let it lie. Don't push her. You can just tell her gently, that you're there if she wants to talk, and drop it. Instinctively, men want to protect their women, which is admirable. However, I know I wouldn't want my husband to go and find the ass that attacked me, and beat his ass or kill him. Cuz then he'd go to prison, and then, as a family, we'd loose out. Personally, I don't think that the man that attacked me is worth the effort or even thought of going after him. What empowered me, and made me really feel strong, is, when I was 14, me and my mother ran into him & his family at a restaurant. I stared him down, not saying anything to anyone (after I said hello to his mother). He couldn't even LOOK at me. It felt really good to know that he was a pussy in the end (as most rapists truly are). I am happy, healthy, and living life. Which is the perfect way to "get back" at your rapist. Letting them know (even if they "know" only in your mind) that you have survived. You live, and you love life. Encourage her to do that.
  2. As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get on, she became aware that her skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus. Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would give her enough slack to raise her leg She tried to take the step, only to discover that she couldn't. So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little more, and for the second time attempted the step. Once ag ain, much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg With a little smile to the driver, she again reached behind to unzip a little more and again was unable to take the step. About this time, a large Texan who was standing behind her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step of the bus. She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and yelled, “How dare you touch my body! I don't even know who you are!” The Texan smiled and drawled, “Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured we was friends.”
  3. Cowboy rules for: Arizona, Texas , Colorado , Oklahoma , New Mexico , Wyoming , Montana , Utah , Idaho, Nevada and the rest of the Wild West are as follows: 1. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot. 2. Turn your cap right, your head ain't crooked. 3. Let's get this straight: it's called a 'gravel road.' I drive a pickup truck because I want to. No matter how slow you drive, you're gonna get dust on your Lexus. Drive it or get out of the way. 4. They are cattle. That's why they smell like cattle. They smell like money to us. Get over it. Don't like it? I-10, I-40, I-70 and I-80 go east and west, I-17, I-15, I-25 and I-35 goes north and south. Pick one and go. 5. So you have a $60,000 car. We're impressed. We have $250,000 Combines that are driven only 3 weeks a year. 6. Every person in the Wild West waves. It's called being friendly. Try to understand the concept... 7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of geese/pheasants/ducks/doves are comin' in during the hunts, we WILL shoot it outa your hand. You better hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time. 8. Yeah. We eat trout, salmon, deer and elk. You really want sushi and caviar? It's available at the corner bait shop. 9. The 'Opener' refers to the first day of deer season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday to the first of November. 10. We open doors for women. That's applied to all women, regardless of age. 11. No, there's no 'vegetarian special' on the menu. Order steak, or you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the 2 pounds of ham and turkey. 12. When we fill out a table, there are three main dishes: meats, vegetables, and breads. We use three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup! Oh, yeah . . We don't care what you folks in Cincinnati call that stuff you eat IT AIN'T REAL CHILI!! 13. You bring 'Coke' into my house, it better be brown, wet and served over ice. You bring 'Mary Jane' into my house, she better be cute, know how to shoot, drive a truck, and have long hair.. 14. College and High School Football is as important here as the Giants, the Yankees, the Mets, the Lakers and the Knicks, and a dang site more fun to watch. 15. Yeah, we have golf courses. But don't hit the water hazards - it spooks the fish. 16. Turn down that blasted car stereo! That thumpity-thump crap ain't music, anyway. We don't want to hear it anymore than we want to see your boxers! Refer back to #1! A true Westerner will send this to at least 10 others and a few new friends that probably won't get it, but we're friendly so we share in hopes you can begin to understand what a real life is all about!!!
  4. Bill and Sam, two elderly friends, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels and discuss world problems. One day Bill didn't show up. Sam didn't think much about it and figured maybe he had a cold or something. But after Bill hadn't shown up for a week or so, Sam really got worried. However, since the only time they ever got to gether was at the park, Sam didn't know exactly where Bill lived, so he was unable to find out what had happened to him. A month had passed, and Sam figured he had seen the last of Bill, but one day, Sam approached the park and -- lo and behold! --there sat Bill! Sam was very excited and happy to see him and told him so. Then he said, "For crying out loud Bill, what in the world happened to you?" Bill replied, "I've been in jail." "Jail?" cried Sam. "What in the world for?" "Well," Bill said, "You know Alexis, that cute little blond waitress at the coffee shop where I sometimes go?" "Yeah," said Sam, "I remember her. What about her?" "Well, one day she filed rape charges against me, and at 89 years old, I was so proud that when I got in to court, I plead 'guilty'." "The damn judge gave me 30 days for perjury.'"
  5. This mattress is perfect for those men that can't sleep. It's guaranteed to create that feeling you had as a child, all safe and secure. It's available at Boob, Butt, & Beyond.
  6. That's totally true. I worked at a very popular call center, and yes, you can call out, especially to resolve customer issues. There's usually a code, or a button to stop the incoming calls (like when they go to a break, or need to resolve issues). If this happens again, you can demand to speak to the Supervisor's boss, which is usually the call center's manager. It sounded like they were just being lazy. Anything that is charged, can be cancelled. Of course, they don't like to do so, cuz they loose the $$. However, if this is how they do business, I would not do any with them in the future. In fact, I am such a retail "bitch" that, if it were me, I'd find the address to their home office (usually on their homepage), and write them a complaint. Give specific dates, and if you know the operator(s) you spoke with, give their names too.
  7. I will mirror Sun's response to you. You are NOT cheating on him just by looking at lesbain porn. Hey, just think of it as something you can view together. Most men that are as open as what you've told me he is, would love to watch almost any kind of porn with you. I watch girl on girl porn alone, and with my hubby. I admire your commitment to this guy, and I would just go with that. You can't help whom your attracted too, whether it's male or female. You haven't found the gal that turns you on and that is turned on by you, and that's fine. Even openly bisexual people (just ask Mikayla) say that when they're in a relationship with a certain sex, that's the person they're committed too, and gender usually has nothing to do with it, it's the PERSON that they (and I have a feeling you too) are attracted too. So, stop beating yourself up about this. You need to try to accept WHO you are, and love yourself for it.
  8. Welcome! Wow, you must be feeling confused, scared, and self-doubting. But, darlin', it's NOT you. The masturbating thing is common with men, even with erectile disfunction. When a man masturbates, his "concentration" is all about HIM. The quick release & thrill of orgasm. When men have sex with their lovers, it's NOT all about them. They hafta worry about "does she like this, how much time do I need to give her, ouch this position hurts, what is THAT?" sort of stuff. Not to mention trying to give their lover an orgasm. It can be quite stressful. Think of it this way: what you're probably thinking about when trying to please your man, they are too! It can be a lot of pressure. Men, like us, are more relaxed and mellow after an orgasm. This can also make their heads clear up, giving them the focus that he's talking about. It also relieves some stress. Add to that, them KNOWING that you're probably upset at their lack of performance, all adds to the stress, giving him a softer soldier. It's NOT that he doesn't WANT to please you, he's just psyching himself out of it, unintentionally. Please don't feel like his masturbating is a replacement for you. It's not. However, the FIRST step into helping him deal with ED, is to go see his doctor ASAP. Not only can it be stress-related (and with his job, I KNOW he has stress), but it could be signalling an underlying health issue that needs to be treated. HATE to admit that their sexual prowess may need a little help now and again. However, if this is something you BOTH want to accomplish, he needs Men to speak with his doctor, openly AND honestly. Good luck!!
  9. C'mon people, only ONE responder? You gotta have some faves!! Let us know about them!!
  10. Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was, "Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk," worth 70 points or none at all. One student, in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages. He wrote: 1.) It is perfect formula for the child. 2.) It provides immunity against several diseases. 3. ) It is always the right temperature. 4.) It is inexpensive. 5.) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa. 6.) It is always available as needed. And then, the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell indicating the end of the test rang, he wrote... 7.) It comes in cute containers. He got an A
  11. No, the flowers were silk (on the cake).
  12. I kept thinking of stuff, so I've editted it a few times!! LMAO I've said it before: no relationship is perfect, and every relationship has areas that need working on. However, cheating is one of the hardest things to get over, whether you're a man or a woman. This is because of 2 things, IMO : violation of TRUST, because without trust, there is NO relationship. AND EGO "How dare they cheat on ME?" The latter is usually felt more by men, but I know I felt that way when I was cheated on too. Plus, I hate being played for a fool.
  13. Well, if I haven't said it before, welcome to TooTimid!! As you will find out, if you haven't from reading already, many of us are going to tell it how we see it. I happen to be one of those people that just tells it how she sees it. I don't want you to think I am being disrespectful or rude, ok? It's great that you were able to discuss this with him, and, in the beginning, he seemed genuinely sorry and wanted to make things work. However, the last text, and then the "IDK" to your "please call me" makes me wonder how sincere his efforts really are, and how sincerely he felt bad. Did he feel bad that he hurt you, or did he feel bad that he got caught? I mean, he got caught with the texting, and then he cheated on you AGAIN. You know the saying, "forgive but not forget"? This is so true here. You can forgive him, however, don't forget about it. He cheated on you again, which is why I asked was he sorry, or sorry he got caught. If he was TRULY sorry about what he did the first time, he wouldn't have made out with another girl, and in such a short period of time, which also is why I woud question how much of a relationship he really wants with you. He may think that you're going overboard with all the check-ins, but, to establish trust again, if that's what you feel will help YOU, and will show that he IS sorry and IS trustworthy, it will take more than a few days to do. It sounds like he thinks that just those few times of calling should do it, but his cheating was not only the texts/pix, but now a physical contact of another woman. It's gonna take a while. He should be calling you anyway, since he lives with you. I'm sorry to say this, but, IMO, it sounds like he isn't as serious in this relationship as you would like him to be. He sounds like he wants to go, flirt, have fun, and not worry. Then, you're home, and he gets his piece of ass whenever he wants it= have his cake & eat it too. You asked if anyone had similar experiences: My ex husband had this thing, where, even if I flirted online, he considered that cheating. So I didn't. Well, I got some info from a friend, and checked out HIS stuff. I had always respected his privacy on the computer and with his stuff, cuz I believe that, even in a relationship, you still need a piece of YOU to yourself. Well, I dove in, found histories, pix of local girls in lingerie, chat histories, hook up dates and times, blatant cybering, and even a disc that said "*His name* Please don't look at or touch". Well, after all this other stuff, ya know what I did? Oh yeah, I touched it, and looked at it. He'd actually SAVED pictures of women in lingerie, and nude. He was also sending a pic of himself, fully nude and fully erect, to these women, and that pic was saved on the disc too (for easy access without putting it onto my computer). It was then that I put it all together. I worked long hours, so a lot went right by me until that point. He'd be on the computer, close out his window when I walked in, shut the door to the office, leave me in bed alone, even got a pager and had mysterious pages on it, which he always claimed to be "mistakes". He was a HUGE hypocrite!! So, that's my story, and one HUGE reason he is my EX husband. In a relationship, there are things you should tolerate, and things you should NOT tolerate. What you need to ask yourself, is how much of this behavior are you willing to put up with, because, the more you accept/forgive his cheating ways, the more he's going to do it, since you let him get away with it. I just saw this quote, and I really liked it: The worst thing about being lied to, is knowing you weren't worth the truth. (And cheating is a form of lying.) Best wishes!!
  14. Actually, the large DVD collection is mostly MINE!! LOL Hubby has the magazines, of course, and a couple of DVDs that he got or that his co-workers passed on to him. Hubby LOVES the benefits of having a "freak for a wife", so he tells his co-workers! LMAO Porn is all about fantasy. I agree that, if it's causing your SO to replace YOU with the porn, then it's a problem. But, I've never been offended by my man asking me if I wanted to watch it.
  15. Group Sex 6 The Mistress Vibe Yep, TT does sell these items, and I included the links for y'all too. Remember, we LOVE to hear feedback of toys, even if you get them from somewhere else, and TooTimid sells it here too. Also, please, if you find a toy that you find that is just AWESOME, e-mail Meaghan with the details, such as the UPC # from the package, model # you have, & the company that makes it, so that she can try and get it into the store for TooTimid's customers to purchase. They're always looking for new & exciting toys that will please their customers & entice new customers here too.
  16. Hope you like the pix. I really can't show too many more, since they wouldn't be so anonymous. LOL
  17. No problem Pappy. BTW, he's a derrik hand.
  18. I wasn't trying to crucify you. Just going by what you posted, darlin'. If a guy looses interest in you, as you stated, it's probably not YOUR fault. Men that aren't ready for steady/serious relationships will loose interest. Hell, look at all the drop-dead gorgeous ladies that were cheated on! Like, for example, and an infamous one, Jennifer Anniston. I find her totally hot. She was cheated on. No matter who you are, how attractive you are, people DO loose interest sometimes. Don't blame yourself for what THEY did to you. No matter what YOU do, whether it's you, or another poster reading, if someone wants to cheat, they will. There's NOTHING you can do to prevent it. It's NOT a reflection on YOU as a person. It's on the cheater. I was letting you know that, from your post, you sounded like you were accussing every guy cuz they all cheated on you. Maybe I took that wrong, but that's what I got from it. Hell, I've felt like that. My ex husband accussed me ALL the time of cheating on him. In fact, HE was the one cheating on me. I told him one day (before I found out he cheated on me) that if he kept it up, I may as WELL cheat on him, if he's gonna accuse me of it so much. LOL So I've been there, done that. There was a girl in town, that looked very similar to me, and drove the same kind of car, same color and everything, as mine. Except her car had a gray accent on the bottom and t-tops. She had a BF. My husband at the time, accused me of having a guy that looked like this girl's BF, in my car, and that I was kissing him. Hubby's friend saw me. So, we were big CBers at the time, and this friend was on the CB. So I hopped on mine, and asked the CBer if my car that he saw the guy in had t-tops and a gray stripe on the bottom (it was a Firebird and everyone knew my car). He said yes, and I had my husband with me when I did this. I threw him the mic and walked off. Nope, not me, thank you for the trust. You're not a nut-case. You just really need to try to work on your self-esteem. Unless your man really gives you indications that are blatant (and not just in your head), like hotel reciepts, hang up phone calls, girls showing up, and so on, I really wouldn't worry about it. You ARE worth a great relationship, truly. Just be yourself, and enjoy your time with him.
  19. You've been thru a lot. And I must say, that it's normal for you to worry.....to a degree. However, if your relationship is all about "what is he doing now?" then it's really not much of one. You're wasting valuable energy in the "what-ifs" and not enjoying the reality of the relationship. Can you trust him? Do you think that you can let the past go? Don't punish him for what other men have done to you, it's not fair to your relationship. I will say that a man that is just looking for a fling, doesn't talk about the future of your kids with you. Most men, that are just in it for the sex and a casual relationship, won't pay the kids much attention at all. I'm not blaming you for your past lovers cheating, however, I will tell you that many men have the feeling (as do many women) that if they're going to be constantly accused of cheating, they may as well go ahead & do it. If you are constantly accusing men of cheating, and they're not, again, you're wasting energy that could be put elsewhere into the relationship. He explained the texts to you, and he was probably hiding them, knowing how you'd react. You needed to calm your suspicions, however now you've made HIM feel violated and betrayed by sneaking. Did it help things? Probably not. What you wrote about fantasies is true, however you sound like you're contradicting yourself too: "I know it's normal to fantasize about others, I fantasize about other men, but it bothers me that he fantasizes about other women". HUH!? It IS normal to fantasize about other people, even if you are DEEPLY in love with someone. It helps keep your mind sharp, and desires up too. You really can't expect him to stop doing fantasizing. Telling him that you fantasize about others and then get disappointed that he understands that ("how do you feel about that?"), and is OK with that, is almost equivelant to sticking your tongue out at him and going "neener neener neeeeeener". It's childish behavior. Fantasies really can't be controlled. It's like trying to control your opinions. You feel how you feel, right or wrong, it's how you feel. IMHO, I would just take his word for it. There ARE good men out there. Not ALL men cheat. Unless you find HARDCORE proof that he's doing you wrong, you either need to trust his word, or move on, cuz you're making both of you miserable. No relationship is perfect, trust me, I do know this. OPEN communication is key, as is being mature about it. Blame-games don't work. Every relationship has its ups & downs. To a point, he is right, you can't be EVERYTHING to one person. I mean, you can't be his MOTHER or sister, right? If you were his EVERYTHING, what would you be to your kids? Your mother? Other people in your life? Do you really want to have your lives so secluded that, nobody can come in and be a part of it? Such as friends? Family? Co-workers? I hope that things work out for you both, I really do. Good luck!
  20. Welcome to TooTimid! I'm all for sexual exploration, however, make sure that you are safe, as well as keeping your SO informed. Every relationship has its problems, however, sneaking around while you "fool around with another chick" can make things a lot worse, and not better, in your relationship with your fiance'. I hope you like the immense amount of information here, and welcome! Looking forward to reading some of your posts!!!
  21. Yes, I see what y'all are saying. I think that our stubborn independance helps this situation actually work, most of the time. I'm strong-willed, and so is he. However, the last few years, I have been the one to give in, and he won't at all. The last 8 mos or so, I've been putting my "foot down" so to speak, and letting him know that it can't always be HIS way. Of course everyone wants things THEIR way. LOL But it's just not realistic in a relationship. As for the "allow", that's why I put it in quotation marks. I don't say "allow" to him, but what I mean is, I don't guilt him into staying, or call him 20 times a night when he goes out (on the rare occassions I do go out, he DOES call me 20 times!! LOL). The last time I went out, and he called me so much, I told him that I was going to do that to him, just so he can see what it's like. And I did. He hated it, so he doesn't do that much anymore. I trust him, and I would think, that, after all this time, he'd trust me too. Hell, it's not like I haven't had the offers or opportunity to cheat on him! LOL If I "give in" and do the work myself, he just takes full advantage. I have said "I can't do it ALL darlin'" and he has yet to hear me. I totally get HIS frustration at me not folding his laundry. However, with everything else I do around here, I feel 100x more frustration. I understand that marriage is all about compromise, but not ALL give and no take, if you KWIM. He has said to me in the past that he kept a very clean house when he was married to his 2 other wives, since they were lazy and didn't do anything. I told him that he couldn't prove it by me, and that he can't "punish" me for their laziness, cuz that wasn't fair. I told him he wouldn't like it if I punished HIM for my ex husband's behavior, and I got a resounding "aw hell naw" for that comment, but I was trying to make a point in a way he can understand it. Which is really what I try and do. Think about what it is that is bugging me or him, and approach it in a way that he, as a man, can understand it, without getting all blubbery and all that. I do want to go back to work, but, at this time, I have nobody reliable to help with our daughter if she gets sick, or during summer break and other vacations. His father said they'd help, but I called one day, and he refused to wake his wife up and ask her if she could watch DD for a few hours, and I needed an answer (I had to go to work, and she was sick). Plus, he's not home a lot, and we can't schedule when she gets sick!! LOL And the house suffers. He cooked, twice, and I was very appreciative of it, but not of the mess he made (he absolutely refuses to do dishes). I feel that the small areas I'm bitching about I need to stand my ground on. I know for a fact that he will NOT go to counselling, and I've always known that. Usually, we get along pretty well, and the arrangement of our lifestyle/marriage works for us. It's a hard life to have, but we make do with what we have. I do love him, but I'm not going to bow down to him either. LOL So, I will continue to talk to him, until, if need be, I decide enough's enough. I'm not at that point though. I will give him credit, he did listen to me last night, and didn't argue with me when I calmly explained things to him. He didn't agree, but he didn't disagree either........so, let's cross our fingers!
  22. OK, I don't think I've bitched about my hubby here. And, I know that each time he's home isn't going to be all sunshine & roses, however, this stint home really sucked the proverbial ass. First, he got sick with the flu. OK, not his fault. He slept most of it away. Can't say I blame him. However, there's been a few issues that never seem to get resolved, no matter how many times I try and discuss it with him. I swear, sometimes he views me more as a person he is in competition with, or almost like rivalry. It's wierd. Everytime I ask him to do anything around here, he pitches a literal fit. He can go off and help other people, and not complain once, but, he seems to fight me with everything that I ask him to do, which really isn't much. He seems to have the archaic view that, since he makes the majority of the $$ that, on his weeks off, he shouldn't have to do a g.damn thing around here, at all. So, I basically have told him that it's not fair to think that way. He has 4 things he needs to do for his 'chores': take the trash to the dump, feed the horses, take care of his laundry (fold & put away), and mow the lawn. Wow, is that A LOT or what? I totally appreciate how hard he does work, however, I don't ever get a week off......and really, can he truly expect me to do EVERYTHING all of the fuckin' time? Yes, he can, and yes he does. Even when I am sick, I still need to do stuff around here, but when he's sick, the world stops revolving....honestly, it does! Hell, even if I take a NAP, the house goes to shit. He doesn't pick up, DD makes messes, and he just lets me take care of it all, knowing how tired or sick, or both I am. It's very sad, really. One issue that struck tonight is the trash issue. Here's a bit of a background: 4 yrs ago, DH cancelled the trash service, against my wishes. Said that it's cheaper to take it to the dump. So, I told him that that was going to be HIS chore. Each and EVERY damn time he bitches about the trash. First, he'd use the excuse that we used cheap generic bags, which is why the animals shredded the hell outta them, and tore the trash all over the area where the trash is put. Yeah, ok, news flash cowboy, no matter WHAT sort of bags you use, racoons, possoms, cats, armidillos, and whatever other critters are out there have these sharp things called CLAWS & TEETH with which they shred & tear into things with. Hmm...... OK, I get the really good contractor bags, Hefty brand. Well, I'll be damned, the animals SHREDDED those too!! Who'd uv thunk it? I kept my sarcasm to myself. He was suppose to take the trash to the dump the last time he was home. Asked me not to "nag him", even though my "nagging" is asking him (literally) "please don't forget to take the trash to the dump hon" 3 times during the week. Yeah, I know, I am sooooo harsh. He forgot, cuz I didn't "nag" him. So, I told him that I was going to tell him as often as I felt necessary this time. So, I told him that I had cleaned up the trash 4 times this week, (plus all the normal housework) and it wouldn't have been so bad if he'd remembered to do it the last time he was home, and that, since I'd already cleaned it up I wasn't helping him do it yet again. Plus, he knew my allergies and asthma had been acting up the last few days, and STILL he got pissed off at me that I wasn't going to help him. He said "I'll remember that". I told him to go ahead and remember it. LOL I didn't care. Several months ago, I told him that I wouldn't bitch about having to get the horsefeed (which I am NOT suppose to be lifting at 50lbs a bag, having had a c-section & also a car accident so I have a bad back), if he'd just do the damn trash. I'm such a bitch, huh? He gets most of it up, and swears up and down that I was to take some bags to the dump, end of discussion. I said, no, not end of discussion. And then I asked him to please listen to me, and that I wasn't going to yell or be yelled at. I told him that I don't appreciate being spoken too like I am his slave, and that, although I appreciate what he does, I shouldn't feel like I have to tiptoe around asking him to do stuff around here, when he goes all over the place for everyone else. I ask him to do very little around here, and he really should consider himself lucky how "easy" he has it here. What other woman, would not bitch, moan, whine, or complain about the amount of time he's gone? Stay faithful to him for these past 3 years while feeling lonely and a bit neglected? What other woman would let him go hunting for days on end, even when she is lonely as hell, just so HE can have fun? Or "allow" him to go out with the guys for a few beers? Support him in many decisions, and be willing to help out as much as possible, financially? Yes, I do all of this. Yes, I am lonely as hell. And yes, I've told him this. Even his own FATHER has told him that he leaves me alone too much, and that he's surprised I haven't had an affair on him, and that he wouldn't BLAME me if I DID!!! His father spoke to him on his own, no prodding from me either. His father had asked me how often he was gone, and noticed that, even when he was suppose to be home, he wasn't, and that he was going to speak to his son. I told him that that was on him, and I wasn't asking him to do so. I also reminded him that, if he'd wanted a "good lil' wifey" that went with every decision he made, nodded and said "yes dear" to everything, with no mind or will of her own, he knew from the get-go that he was NOT going to get that from me, and I don't appreciate how he's been with me lately. When I was done I said, thru some slight stupid involuntary teary action (I hate crying) that I didn't appreciate his attitude, and that I didn't think I was asking too much. Anyway, sorry for taking up so much time. Just needed to rant a bit.
  23. I can understand that. She's probably just trying to gain affirmation that she is still desirable to others now that she's getting a divorce. I felt the same way when I got my divorce in 1999. I asked this question because I know of one person in particular that is like this. She is my step-sister. She has sex with different men, even when she just meets them, within a couple of hours, to feel desirable and needed. She moves in the next day too. She never ever has just DATED. She mooches, fucks, mooches some more, and fucks. Thankfully, she is now "fixed" so she can't contribute to the population anymore (she has 5 kids. 3 with one father, one with a different father, and the other another father). She was married for almost 10 yrs, but in that time, she'd have sex with any man that made her feel sexy, complimented her, and made her feel like she was needed, even if only to satisfy their lust. It's very sad, and yes, she has a low self-esteem.
  24. So, what's your favorite: Bullet Rabbit Vibrator Dildo Male masturbator Lube BDSM item (hand cuffs, whip, crop, ect) Where did you get it, and WHY is it your favorite? Feel free to add to the list, or just give us the info on what you DO have!
  25. Wow! Thank you for the great recommendation!! I will hafta look for that one!!!
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