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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I can see why they wouldn't want to have "uber-hung" men in porn. Most porn is geared for men, and, making their audience feel a bit on the inferior side probably wouldn't be helpful.
  2. I have decided that I am going to call them and TELL them what I am going to do. Apparently, if I bill the SURGERY to the insurance, it'll cost almost $300 more than if I paid cash price. So I will pay for the surgery, upfront, cash price, and pay my Outpatient deductable with our insurance at the hospital ($200). They can freakin' bill me the rest, damnit. After all, I'd be getting a bill from the hospital and the anastethiaologist (NO clue how to spell "the guy that knocks your ass out") anyway, so, so long as the surgeon is paid for, that should be the major biggie right there.
  3. Final Thought: The other $110, I found out, was overcharged by the dealership that fixed my "cuck". They admitted to it, once I dove in, and was trying to get reimbursed for it thru the At Fault Insurance company. I got the check today, and now, it is all taken care of. It only took, what? Almost 4 freakin' months!!!
  4. On the go? I am! Sometimes you just need a little release when you’re on the go. You KNOW what I mean! Having a bad day at the office? Kids screaming at you too much? Missed/late for an appointment? You need a de-stressor. For those on the go, there’s this little toy, the Fukuoku Travel Buddy. This “kit” also comes with a black, velvety drawstring pouch, adding to the “on the go” & discreet capabilities of this vibe. AND the batteries (2 “N” sized) are included! Just buy, clean, stow, & GO! The waterproof, purple, plastic vibe, feels velvety to the touch, is easy to clean, & helps give a stronger vibe. There’s a phthalates free, purple, TPR (jelly) sleeve that slides over it (use a drop of lube or water to slide it on easily), is bumpy on the shaft, & on the head there are 4 soft prongs sticking up. It kind of reminds me of a 3.5” long, 1” diameter, bumpy slug! LOL The vibe is fairly powerful & quiet. The base is a twist on/off, & has a dial on the bottom to turn the vibes up from low to a medium-high. The sleeve makes the vibe quieter, which is great for those quickies in the office, bathrooms, planes, ect. I used this toy, rubbing it all over my labia & clit. But, I found out that the sleeve also absorbs quite a bit of the vibe strength as well, though adding some textured stimulation to my playing. I will admit that I am a tough Tyger to please, when it comes to my vibes. I like ‘em strong. This toy was exciting, but, with the sleeve, it didn’t make the trip. When I took the sleeve off, and just used the plastic vibe on my special parts, that was much better. It felt good, & I had a nice orgasm, but not mind-blowing. I give it a 2.5 Tyger Paw rating (out of 4 Tyger Paws), for effort, potential, and discreetness. Take A Trip
  5. See, here's the thing: Many people don't look over their reciepts so long as they know the correct price/change was exchanged. If he doesn't call in say, 5 days, do it again. However, next time, be a bit more obvious with it. Tell him that "Here's a little bonus for you today", with a slip of paper with your number on it. That way, he KNOWS to look at it. Then, if he doesn't call, you know it was because he didn't want too, not full of "what ifs". Good for you girl! Takes a lotta guts to do that, and we're all proud of you! Admit it, it's a rush too, right?
  6. OK, well then!!! I'm sorry about your ass, I hope you get some rest, and you're welcome!
  7. The closest I've ever come to a "Bridezilla" was about 12 yrs ago or so. I was with my ex husband (we weren't married yet) at the time, and struggling to make ends meet. His best friend asked his GF to marry him, and asked my BF to be his Best Man. His GF, whom I barely knew, asked me to be her Maid Of Honor. I asked her if she was sure, since she didn't know me that well, and I would totally understand if she had someone else in mind and was in NO WAY obligated to have me in her wedding. She was sure. So, things got really tight about 6 mos before the wedding. During this time, I went to all her dress shops, helped watch HER son, took her to places, did research with her, listened to her bitch, moan, and complain about everything under the sun. Even got a really good deal with an acquaintence to photograph their wedding (saving them about $600). She hadn't given me the requested list of friends for a bridal shower or batchelorett party either. I drove her around 4 cities/towns, with no requests for gas, at a moment's notice, only having to cancel on her once due to a family issue, but she'd cancel on me within minutes of me due to be at her house! During this time, I kept asking her to let me know what kind/color/style of dress to get fitted for. Never a word on anything but "it has to be blue". Oye!!! So, when it was about 5 mos before the wedding, I finally had to tell her that money was sooo tight, and time was growing short that I could only afford about $100 for a dress, did it HAVE to be new? You can get some GREAT dresses at Salvation Army/Goodwill/thrift stores that have only been worn once. I was also 5'10", a size 6, with a 36C chest, I would probably need some alterations. No she insisted that it be new. I told her that, since I was paying for it, even though bridal etiquette states otherwise (bride's family is suppose to pay for the dresses), I had a set limit, couldn't go over, and that putting heating oil in my tank was more a priority, and if she had an issue with that, I would totally understand if she wanted me to step down, and I would do so voluntarily. She said she was fine with all that, and there was no need to step down. 2 WEEKS later, she calls me and INSISTS that I step down (after me talking with her EVERY DAY), cuz I can't afford her wedding. She said her soon-to-be-mother-in-law said that I was being "unreasonable" and difficult. I was in shock, but said "whatever". My BF's best friend called me and apologized, stating he had NO clue that she was going to do that. I told him that I didn't blame him, but not to blame me if I wasn't super-enthusiastic, or going to help her anymore. And I wouldn't do it if she called me and told me she'd reconsidered. He said he didn't blame me a bit. I went to the wedding, had to suck up and put on a brave, yet courteous face. Swallowed my pride when my BF danced with the bridesmaid, who had a crush on him anyway. We got them a decent gift (I used the dress money for that, and then put some aside for gas to kinda reimburse myself! LMAO) Oh, and the Bridesmaid's dress turned out to be BRIGHT PINK AND from Goodwill. Her SIL was her bridesmaid, and couldn't pay for the dress at all, and the BF (brother of the bridesmaid too), their mother had to pay for the dress!!!!
  8. You question does make sense. I think that this is a double-edged sword here. Being alone & unhappy/unsatisfied is one thing. You can do something to get out there and socialize. It's not a complicated situation. You get the excitement and thrill of a new relationship, which can be a lot of fun. But, you gotta put yourself out there to experience it. IN a relationship, if you are unsatisfied and unhappy, it can be JUST as lonely as NOT being in one. You have the benefit of being with someone you know, and hopefully trust. You have the regularity and comfort that comes with being with someone for a while. And, with open communication, things can get better, but only if you BOTH are trying to make it better. Either way, efforts have to be made, and the issues addressed. If you were to ask me whether or not I'd rather be alone and unhappy, or with someone and unhappy, I'd have to say alone. I can always fix/make my life better. After all, life's too short to stay with someone that doesn't help make you happy.
  9. OK, so my DD needs her adnoids & tonsils removed. Got that. Now, I'm trying to find out, thru the insurance, and the doctor, how much, what, where, and all that jazz. First the doctor said it was an outpatient proceedure, done right in the office. Ok, how much will that be in total, since we haven't met our deductable yet? I think around $500, but let us get back to you.....3 mos later, still no info. With everything going on, we weren't planning on doing this until this month anyway, an to be honest, it's slipped my mind. So, now we have some money saved up, and really close to what we were quoted, and I call, to get some more information, and hoping that the doctor's office actually did their homework, as they said they would. Apparently not, cuz they haven't had any sort of info in DD's file. Hmmmm, ok. Well, the nurse that does all this is out to lunch (of COURSE she is), and could I call back...... Yeah. OK, I consider myself fairly intelligent. I can learn lots of things, I ask questions. Seems like nobody can answer them though. Jeez!! All I want to know is how much I have to bring with me, do I have to pay for the entire surgery (we have a $1000 deductable), or will the insurance cover some of it, even though our deductable hasn't been met, or what???? I don't want to get there and find out we have a butt load of money we have to come up with. I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!
  10. I like Nina Hartley's intentions of giving some great education/ideas on how to do all sorts of sexual acts (she has a lot of informational DVDs/films out there). She is a long-time porn star, and very informative. However, I really have to hold back a lot, cuz the woman has a bad lisp. Not that that's a bad thing, per say, but it's hard to take one seriously when they're talking about sex and they sound about 3 yrs old, if you know what I mean. So, be warned, that if you're not ready for her lisping (or have never seen her before in a DVD), it's there.
  11. Awesome!!! Another great glass toy!!
  12. Welcome Buckshot! You're right on target for the right place to get some great info!! (Sorry, couldn't resist! LMAO)
  13. So, I am always on the lookout for a new & fun harness to use with hubby & our anal play. And this one intrigued me. The “anchor” is purple and velvety soft, on both sides. It has nylon straps that will fit up to 60” hips (though I think it could go bigger, in my opinion). Looking at the purple plush pad for the dildo, you think, at first, that it’s kinda small, but, trust me, it is perfect. The straps slide tight & loose easily for that personal, individual fit around your waist, as well as on both legs. Yes, you read right, there’s a waist strap, then a strap for each of your thighs. Every woman is different, and this harness is perfect for most women who may have some trouble finding stuff to fit everywhere. Pull the strap to tighten, and lift the buckle and pull to make it bigger. How simple is that? It also came with 3 O silicone (so be careful with the lubes!) rings, so you can snap in your favorite dildo with a flared base. There is NO dildo included with this particular set, so we used our own, & we used the G-Freak (hubby really likes this one now). We used the medium ring to keep it in place. The O rings snap in place by straps on the front of the harness, which we found that it’s easier to put the ring in first, then add the toy into the ring. There’s even one of those push-button silver bullets (batteries incl.) with it, that slides into a small sleeve at the top. I was a bit skeptical at the placement of the sleeve, but, after putting the toy on, and slid the bullet in & down, the placement of the sleeve/bullet was PERFECT for my clit! The vibes were powerful enough for hubby to feel them thru the toy as well. At first I was also scared that, with the small harness, there wouldn’t be enough to keep the toy anchored in place, but with all of the straps at their strategic positions, not only did it keep the toy up, but in place during our thrusting, repositioning, & playing! It was not only fun, and stayed in place, but it was comfortable, and I felt much better with this one on. I didn’t feel like I was being squeezed unattractively. Gals, you know what I mean by that! LOL And, as a fantastic bonus, you can wash the harness! I recommend getting one of those netted lingerie bags to wash any of your washable harnesses. They stay safe, and the straps don’t get all tangled in your other clothes. We both loved this harness and it’s versatility, comfort, and ease of use! If you’re looking for a new harness, or one to experiment with, I recommend this for every level of toy user. Yes, this gets the HIGHEST rating this Tyger can give: a Tyger Roar of approval!! Perfect Purple Harness!
  14. How in the hell would they know if clowns had the highest sex drives? I mean, seriously? Anyway, would I do a circus clown? Probably not. I'm all for having fun, but I would feel a bit "dirty" if I were to try and do a clown.
  15. I live in East Texas, about an hour north of Houston. I think it's going to get a bit worse before it gets better. As far as how we've been affected, well, quite a bit. I don't spend a lot of money to begin with, but, where everything is up in the air, and hubby works for an oil/gas company (he drills for natural gas), you never know what's going to happen. Their yearly bonuses weren't even a quarter of what they were last year! I don't order stuff thru catalogs or online as much, I've cut down on the groceries, I don't even really drive anywhere, to save gas. We did spend some extra money this last week, cuz we threw our DD's b-day party today, so that was a treat, but, other than that, we've really been just doing what we NEED to do, just to make sure. I'm getting to the point that, if I squeeze a quarter, I'll make the eagle scream!! LMAO
  16. Totally agree about the gifting part! The back is a clear plastic.
  17. Hey, ever wonder why you can’t have a cute little bag in your purse filled with things you need? Oh, wait! Most of us already do! Make up, medications, jewelry, and other little things all make up a purse, or even an overnight bag. Well, why don’t we have one for our sexual escapades? Now you can! This cute little 7.5" x 5.5" plastic zip up bag has quite a few things in it that we should always have on hand for some fun sex! 3 Sexnap packs are for your intimate/toy cleansing on the go. They’re pretty sturdy and help clean you up well. 3 Durex latex condoms (cuz 2 will just never do) & are a MUST for your safe sex practicing. 1 pillow pack of ½ oz Climax H2O lube (cuz dry is a drag), which I love & is safe for condoms and toys. 2 sexy dice that tells you what to do on what body part, which add fun to your sex play. There’s also plenty of room to put in your own little vibe, or small favorite sex toy! Simply remove the paper insert, and one side of the cute little bag is clear, and the other side has a pink “Grrl Toys” logo on it, with a removable sticker so you can have a more discreet little bag. I give this little kit 3.5 Tyger Paws (out of 4)! It'd be all 4 if it had included a little clit stimulator, but maybe they'll add that on later! Although, with all the freebies TT offers, you could probably get something cute & small in addition to the bag, and make it allllll good!! It's In The Bag!
  18. Well, let's see, I already took a bath & shaved, made love to hubby, did the dishes, swept the floors, vacuumed, ate supper, um, I guess I sould be writing reviews.
  19. Congrats on the big step!!! I'm glad we've been helpful. Now I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from ya!! Welcome!!
  20. OK, so, most of us should REALLY be doing something else, than be on the computer!! LMAO..... What should YOU be doing right now?? Feel free to add new replies whenever.
  21. Wow, they kinda look like those old fashioned door knob covers......well, I guess, in a way, they ARE knob covers!!!
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