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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. It's been some crazy weather all around! It snowed here last week. I'm in East TX, and the old-timers know about snow, cuz I guess it use to snow here alot, over 50 yrs ago or so, but now, not hardly at all. It's been 20 yrs since the last accumulative snow, until last week! Thanks for sharing your pics though! Fantastic!!! I am a born & raised Yankee. I know snow! LOL Driving in it is really mostly common sense, and understanding what snow can do to a road & tires. Snow will get packed down onto a road and create some slick conditions. Especially if your town doesn't have plow trucks and sanding trucks. It will create almost an ice rink on the road. The major KEY point is to go SLOWER than you normally would. Don't drive on it thinking that your tires will grip it, cuz, unless you have snow tires on (even then you still need to be careful), you can actually be skiing down the road and not realize it. So, go slow. Take twice as long to come to a stop. If you go into a skid, the normal reaction is to turn your tires away from the skid to try and get back on track. That's not the thing to do. Turn your steering wheel with the skid, accelerate. Brake before you go into a turn, not AS you go into a turn. KNOW your vehicle. is it front or rear wheel drive? Most small sedans are front wheel drive, and better handling in the snow. AWD, like Subarus, are FANTASTIC in the snow! Chances are, the snow will melt rather quickly, since it was a heavy, wet snow. That stuff doesn't last too long, so long as it doesn't freeze. If it does freeze, or stays for a while, put some heavy stuff in your trunk. Like huge bags of REGULAR kitty litter (not the clumping kind). When I had my rear wheel drive car (Firebird), it was heavy in the front, but really light in the back. Using 4 50lbs bags gave my ass end the traction my tires needed (I also had studded snow tires for winter time up in Maine). Plus, if you get stuck, the kitty litter can be used to sprinkle under your tires for traction if you get stuck. People thought I was crazy for driving in the snow with that car, but I never once slid into a snowbank or had an accident in the 4 yrs I had that car up there. Here's a link I found with all the info you need. However, please remember that your instincts tell you to do some completely different stuff, and the best way to learn to drive in snow is experience. HOW TO DRIVE IN SNOW
  2. MOHDs is correct. Use a good razor each time. I've used extra moisturizing conditioner (usually Tresemme) often to shave my "coochie". There's also a couple of products out there that I've tried that I really like. There's a WET gift set that worked well, but my fav would hafta be COOCHIE CREAM!! It has a girlie fruit smell to it, but the results are SOOO worth it!! If you're able to do so, soak yourself in a tub for about 15 min (hot/warm) to soften the hair folicles, and, after you're done shaving, don't put anything else down there. No lotion, or anything. YOu want your skin to heal. Shaving is a violent thing to do to any sort of hair, facial, legs, or crotch. It's hard on the skin. So, any lotion or aftercream will usually irritate it and sting like crazy, from my experience. It also takes time for your skin to get use to the shaving, so, just give it some time, and be careful. The results are very worth it though!!
  3. This may just be the way he's wired. Some women LOVE to have nipple stimulation, others can't stand it. Many men love the feel of oral sex, and others don't. Maybe he has to have a certain amount of stimulation to relax and be able to let go. He may be worrying about lasting too long, and someone's complained or pressured him about it in the past, and so, it's stuck, and now, he worries, overcomplicating the situation. Get ideas to see if they'll make a difference, however, don't keep bringing it up to him. The more pressure he feels to try and cum quicker, the longer it may take!
  4. I feel bad too. The people that this has been happening too, has had it happen so many times, they're immune to it now. They had food out for their dog, and the other dog would eat it too, but that's all they did. Then, the morning I got a pic of the dog to put on the net, I got busy, then when I went back, both dogs ran off together. Guess the wanted to elope! LOL Anyway, it's been 2 weeks, and no dogs. So, they ran off. Hopefully they found a good home. More than likely, they joined the wild pack of dogs on that street. I hope they're ok.
  5. Thanks iha. Yeah, it's fluxuated up and down, even to this day. But, I am secure in the person that I am, who I've become, and that I'm stronger because of what I went thru. I think every woman has "I feel gross" days, or "fat" days. I KNOW we all have Bad Hair days! LOL It takes a long time to get over being abused. Some never do. The point is that you give yourself a chance to heal, learn you're a great person, and that you deserve better than what some asshole put you thru. There's really no point in beating yourself up, hating yourself, or thinking that all men will do that, because that's not the case. There are steps to grieving the death of a relationship, and a rebirth of who you want to be. Opening yourself up is risky, but, to be a healthy person, with no regrets, lots of possibilities & experiences to be had, it has to be done. Bad things happen to good people. Not to dwell, but, I was raped as a child (once), I've been called bad names by exes, hit, cheated on, used, and dumped. Hell, after what I went thru with my ex husband, I NEVER even considered getting married again. I was just going to fuck and have fun. My self-esteem went up, I got a great job, I was the healthiest I've ever been, and I went out and partied (responsibly) in AUSTIN, TX even!! Anyway, that's how I met my now-hubby, and have been married for 6 yrs. I had to learn how to trust and love someone else again. Funny thing is, is that I use to be a very jealous person. Now, I'm not. Hubby kinda gets insulted that I don't get more jealous!! LOL My philosophy is, is that no matter how possessive I may get, or whatever, if a man's gonna cheat on me, there's really not much I can do to prevent it. I could give him sex everyday (which I did do with my ex husband), or close too, take care of him, and not let him worry for anything, and if he wants too, he's gonna. Why stress? Worry & hate are 2 very wasted emotions, IMHO. Right after I divorced, Britney Spears came out with a song called STRONGER. That is a GREAT song to dance too, jam in the car too, and listen too. What hasn't killed me has made me stronger.
  6. I was abusive relationship for about 3 yrs with my HS sweetheart. He said the same things, and said that I would never find better. Now, when people ask me why I stayed, I tell them "I had a low self-esteem". That's it. I mean, that pretty much covers it all, and if people ask you that, and you answer with it, then usually, they seem to get that you really don't want to talk about it. I'm glad you got out of that situation. That guy sounds like a real ass. You are right, he's mean, abusive, and HE also has a low self esteem. He will find another woman to berate, belittle, and make them feel like shit, just so he can feel better about himself. Just remember, YOU are a smart one! You got OUT!!!
  7. Actually, if a man/woman has tact, especially if you or they are with someone, you probably won't even realize they're checking you out! LOL Which, is good for them, but sucky for the one being checked out. Some people will actually TELL you, or let you know in their way, with maybe a compliment, or, if you catch their eye while they're doing it, they may smile a nice smile that you can TELL, or wink at you. I had one guy come right up to me, while I was working, and say "I don't want you to think I'm creepy or anything (I was working in an Infants dept. in a retail store, and young guys didn't usually just come strolling thru several times! I was about to call security!), but I wanted to let you know that I think you are very pretty. I just thought you'd like to know that." And he walked off. Talk about making my ego float up to the ceiling. It was a welcomed compliment to be sure! Sometimes, you may not even think that you're "stylin'" or whatever, but everyone loves something, and you may just catch their eye. I love to give compliments. Not only is it nice, but it makes ME feel good too, knowing I've made someone's day.
  8. A fart it is a pleasant thing, It gives the belly ease, It warms the bed in winter, And suffocates the fleas. A fart can be quiet, A fart can be loud, Some leave a powerful, Poisonous cloud. A fart can be short, Or a fart can be long, Some farts have been known To sound like a song. A fart can create A most curious medley, A fart can be harmless, Or silent, and deadly. A fart might not smell, While others are vile, A fart may pass quickly, Or linger a while. A fart can occur In a number of places,And leave everyone there, With strange looks on their faces. From wide-open prairie, To small elevators, A fart will find all of Us sooner or later. But farts are all bad, Is simply not true- We must never forget Sweet old farts like you! Kinda brings a tear to your eye doesn't it?
  9. The snow melted the next day, much to my DD's dismay. 3 days after the snowfall, it was 75 degrees!! Yesterday, when I took the dogs out, it was warm and humid enough for me to be out in a t-shirt and pants, no chill at all. 15 min later (no joke) when we went to get in the car to take DD to school, we needed jackets cuz it got COLD and had a cold strong northerly wind. I thought northern weather was unpredictable!! It's insane!!
  10. Tyger


    Or, for the dildo section: Dicks for Dames........
  11. Chocolates by Doc Johnson Most women LOVE chocolate, and many women LOVE sex toys. This kit gives you the best of both worlds! You get 4 of their most popular items in this boxed set: a 1 ounce bottle of chocolate spread, 7” multi-speed straight vibrator, 4-speed bullet, & a Pocket Rocket. The toys are a nice pearl-of-essence brown color, & are a hard plastic. I’m not a big fan of the color brown, but the shimmery coating these toys have appeal to the “girlie” in me. The straight vibe & the bullet each take 2 AA batteries, and the Pocket Rocket takes 1 AA battery (not incl.). All of which are very easy to insert. The 7” vibe has multiple speeds adjusted by the screw dial at the base, & it’s waterproof. Then, of course you have the one speed Pocket Rocket, also waterproof. It has a spikey cap on the top, which is removable, and the main head has the 3 metal balls at the top. The Bullet has a decent length cord, and the controller has 4 vibe strengths which you have to go up progressively, then back down to shut it off. The “Chocolate Spread” is in a small bottle with a metal screw on lid. Once the lid is off, the small stopper in the opening has a small little hole so this stuff won’t come out fast. In fact, it comes out in tiny amounts. The bottle is sealed for your protection too. I loved the strength of all the vibes, especially the Pocket Rocket (always a fave of mine), and the bullet. The Chocolate Spread motion lotion smelled a lot like chocolate, spread like runny maple syrup, & sort of tasted like chocolate, but I wasn’t overly impressed with it & how it coated inside our mouths after we licked it. It did leave a slight residue on the skin, and we chose not to use it as a lubricant. The ingredients of the Spread are: glycerin, artificial flavor, caramel color, FD&C red #40, FD&C Blue #1, and FD&C yellow #5. Overall, this is a fun & pretty set. This would make a great fun gift for you, a lover, or a friend. All of the toys are basic and easy/self-explanitory to use, and hey, who DOESN'T like shiny things with the essense of chocolate? I give this 3.5 outta 4 Tyger paws, as a rating. Love da chocolate
  12. Also, look for the ones that have the small bullets that go on the finger. The covering jelly part is usually really flexible and not as hard. I also did a review a couple days ago on the Bliss Vibe, and the 3 heads are made of a soft silicone.
  13. LOL No, it doesn't. I never really liked the snow much. I had to deal with shovelling, sanding, de-icing, scraping, and cleaning off the car for YEARS. The only thing I miss about the snow is a white Christmas. Other than that, I don't like it, or the cold! LMAO So, this short stay of snow was perfect for me!
  14. So, I thought I'd share some pix with y'all. I know, I know, not a biggie usually, especially for this Yankee born & raised, but, they haven't had this much snowfall in East Texas since 1989!!!
  15. This is great advice. Parents need to be continuous vigilant with their kids being online. Even adults need to be very wary of dating people online, or even meeting R.L. people too. Thanks!
  16. Deer Camp Four guys were at deer camp. They had to bunk two to a room. No one wanted to room with Steve because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they voted to take turns. The first night, John slept in Steve's room and came to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. The rest of the guys said, "Man, what happened to you?" He said, "Steve snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night." The next night it was Garry's turn. In the morning, same thing--hair all standing up, eyes all blood-shot. Once again they asked, "Man, what happened to you? You look awful!" He said, "Man, that Steve shakes the roof. I couldn't sleep a wink. I just watched him all night." The third night was Herb's turn. Herb was a big burly guy who loved to fish and hunt -- a man's man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed. "Good morning," he said. The guys couldn't believe it! They said, "Man, what happened?" He said, "Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Steve into bed and kissed him good night. He sat up and watched me all night long."
  17. LMAO iha!! Jeez!!! Again, I wouldn't worry about the hair. Many cultures don't put such emphasis on shaving/hairlessness as American does, so I wouldn't worry. Many cultures think it odd for a woman to shave, even under her armpits! So, I really wouldn't worry about it. Oh, and don't worry, eminatic scares a lot of people.....
  18. I guess it would depend really. I don't normally go for overly hairy men. But, if I loved him, then I'd love his hair. I prefer no hairy backs, and it's a turn off for me if I see someone down the street like that. But, if it was with someone I was already with, and discovered it later, I'd probably tolerate it better. What I know I couldn't stand is a smelly hairy man. But that goes to hygiene. Most men know if they're hairy or not. If your woman isn't complaining, or hasn't hinted that she doesn't care for it, then I wouldn't worry.
  19. Tyger

    Bliss Vibe

    I have no idea if there's a big difference between the 2 silicones, actually! LOL I haven't noticed a difference. I would assume that it's the brand name of the silicone maker. This toy is BETTER than a Pocket Rocket, since it has the 3 heads, which are softer than a regular p.r. toy, but similar to one, since it's not insertable & has only one speed.
  20. Crystal Candy G-Licious If you’re looking for a toy specifically made to get that elusive g-spot, and get it well, have I found the cure for your “sweet tooth”…or would that be g-tooth…. Made by California Exotics, I have to say this toy is WONDERFUL! Though the site says it’s made of jelly, it’s actually smooth & sleek, clear-ish, hard plastic, which is phthalate free. It won’t bend or be too soft to hit your g-spot! Many women need a more firm stroke to stimulate their g-spot, I being one of them. Oh yeah, baby, this sucker….toy works! Only 6” long, and about an inch in diameter, it also has 2 ribs a little past the head, which you can also feel for extra labia stimulation. Plus, there are 2 ribs at the base allow you to hang onto the toy securely, even while your squirting all over it! It’s waterproof, and you can see the thick seal at the cap’s base, so you KNOW water won’t get in. Speaking of the cap, it’s a textured twist on, to also aide in your gripping, and, you get the battery plastic slide in/out insert, so you know the 2 AA batteries are going in right & tight. No rattling around with extra sound for this sweet thang. The vibes weren’t that loud either. The vibes are centralized pretty close to the head too, so that adds to the benefits! I loved this toy! I used a new clit stimulator, and twisted the G.L.’s cap to allow the low to medium-high vibes to stimulate by labia first, then in my vagina. After inserting & giving several firm strokes (tilted upwards a bit), I started to feel that familiar tingling of the g-spot being stimulated, and before long, I made a mess out of my sheets. We get 4 outta 4 Tyger Paws WAAAAY up, plus a contented stretch Purr after too, as a rating! Satisfy your g-spot here
  21. Ophoria-Bliss No. 3 When I saw this toy on the site, & read the description, I was very curious to see how well it works. To me, it looks similar to something a doctor would have in his exam room, like one of those tools that checks your ears. Made of 100% pure Japanese platinum silicone, this toy is “splash proof”, but NOT waterproof. It’s for EXTERNAL use only….no vaginal play. It has 3 hot pink pop-on silicone heads, and one setting turned on by a large single button that is on the base of the toy, and the handle is a soft pink & ergonomically designed (it’s tilted forward near the top) so that you can angle it a lot easier & comfortably. It’s also easy to hang on to. It’s wider at the base, so it won’t slip easily. I washed it all carefully, & let it dry completely before playing. It takes 2 AAA batteries, which go in at the base, which twists on & off. There’s even an Open & Closed label, so you know if you have it back on correctly. Pressing the button at the bottom, I noticed that it’s rather quiet, and, for me, the vibes are medium strong. I was impressed so far. Putting the heads on is just a matter of getting the lip of the t-shaped holder into the hot pink head, then sliding it on. They hold on rather tightly, so no worrying about it coming off accidentally. The heads are soft, yet firm, and feel silky to the touch. Remember, since this toy is made of silicone, so do NOT use silicone based lubes with it! There is a long pointy head, with a small ball at the very tip of it, for more direct stimulation. There’s a medium tall one with a bigger ball at the tip, for a little more coverage with stimulation, and then a rounded one, which gives fully rounded stimulation, as well as less intense. I love to have several options. Personally, I loved the longer one, preferring to have more direct clit stimulation. The vibes were strong enough to give me an orgasm after a few minutes of stimulation. Plus, the heads being silicone, make them a bit softer to the touch, and not as hard as some other toys, while still offering the stimulation most women crave. I give this vibe 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws and a tail swish too! Find Bliss
  22. Welcome to TooTimid! I think that this is a GREAT question!!! As long as YOU'RE comfortable with it, then, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm going to repeat myself here, and add a bit to it too: Men are, for the most part, visual creatures. They LOVE to watch/see things that have to do with SEX! Now, I have known a few gay men that think that a woman's body parts are EWWW. But, this is after they discovered they were gay, and had HAD sex with women before. Many gay women have also had sex with men, especially prior to coming out of the closet. IMO, for YOU, I think that you're a realistic gay man. You know that a woman has a vagina, and, though you may not enjoy having sex with it, you enjoy seeing a man having a GREAT time fucking one. So, for you, you're still focusing on the man, but also are accepting of the hetero sex. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
  23. I urgently needed a few days off work, but I knew the Boss would not allow me to take leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' he would tell me to take a few days off. So, I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb, so that the boss might think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off. A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What in the name of good GOD are you doing?' I told him I was a light bulb. He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.' Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.' I jumped down and walked out of the office.... When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her,'.. And where do you think you're going.... (You're gonna love this....) She said, 'I'm going home, too. You can't possibly expect me to work in the dark!
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