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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. True, horses are expensive, and a LOT of work, but sometimes you get reminded how much they can bring a lot of joy. We don't ride our horses half as much as we should, so right now, they're mostly like BIG dogs! LOL DH wants us to feed twice a day right now, so this morning I went to do the AM feeding. I had to go into the big pasture to retrieve the food dishes. I was able to scratch and give luvin's to DD's horse, Mikki. She is pregnant, and due in March, and so rolly-polly. She let me rub all over her belly. Then my jealous boy came up to me, and Mikki was pushed outta the way. Wrangler let me love on him, and rub his head. Then I gave him a hug around the neck, and he nudged me closer with his head, and gave me a "horse hug", by pushing down with his head onto me. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
  2. So, after DD's doctor's appt. today, which was at 10:25, but that's the time we actually got out since we were so early, I brought her to school, got there at 10:40. The teacher hadn't done her attendance yet, so the office did it. But, they considered DD an "Absent". She only missed about 2 hours, would be there for almost 4.5 more!! And they counted her absent??? And the secretary refused to change it, since I'd brough her in so late (10 is their cut-off time). Had I known that if she'd shown up for an hour or so in the a.m., I'd have dropped her off for an hour and a half to get counted in, then picked her up, and brought her back!! How stupid!! She missed just a couple hrs, was there for the majority of the day, and they acted like she was out. I wrote on the note that she was LATE coming in due to a dr.s appt, and the secretary wrote on my note that she'd been counted as absent. I was soooo pissed, but, I had to shut up, or else my mouth would've runnith over!
  3. I was wondering how this toy worked.....thanks!!
  4. A woman married three times walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding. 'Of course, madam,' replied the sales clerk, 'exactly what type and color dress are you looking for?' The bride to be said, 'A long, frilly, white dress with a veil.' The sales clerk hesitated a bit, then said, 'Please don't take this the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time, for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean. Perhaps ivory or sky blue would be nice.' 'Well,' replied the customer, a little peeved at the clerk's directness, 'I can assure you that a white gown would be quite appropriate. Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as a first-time bride. 'You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our hotel. 'My second husband and I got into such a terrible fight in the limo on our way to our honeymoon that we had that wedding annulled immediately and never spoke to each other again.' 'What about your third husband?' asked the sales clerk. 'That one was a Democrat,' said the woman, 'and every night for four years, he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be, but nothing ever happened.'
  5. I've seen this item on a few sites, with mixed feedback. Glad that it's still working for you!!
  6. I throw them away. After all, I wouldn't want some stranger's used sex toys.
  7. One of my best friends that's been in my life since I was 16, is Bipolar, and I was kinda thrown into learning about it. She's always been upfront and honest about it, however, since the meds were so expensive back then (not sure how much they are now), she was off of them a lot. I saw her go from happy-go-lucky, to a screaming banshee in a matter of seconds. She had 2 small children, who grew up calling me their second Mom! I love her, and I love her kids to this very day. We all went thru so much together. Not only is she a great friend, but I've learned so much from her. One thing that amazes me is her ability to still see the goodness that can come, no matter what life throws at you! I never knew it, but my Mother suffered/s from depression. I guess in retrospect, I can see it NOW, but growing up, I never realized it. I know I've been depressed off & on. I also suffer from S.A.D. which is Seasonal Affected Disorder, making me depressed mostly in the winter months. And, I believe that, like my mother, I too have a touch of OCD (hers is extreme). Many of my friends and family have some sort of "disorder" or issue that they deal with. We all have open relationships, however, and try very hard to help each other out. I know that many people say "Well, what's UP with all this shit coming out? Back in MY day, these disorders never exsisted, WTF?" I don't think that this these issues are NEW, but I think that people nowadays are more willing to discuss things like the stuff that's coming more and more "normal". We have a variety of resources and outlets making mental illness more "known". Who knows how many people suffered back before electricity, phones, TV, or whatever? Being a home-body, keeping to yourself, and trying to make do was so common, that sometimes people's quirks weren't really seen or as obvious. I mean, who's to say that "crazy man on the mountain" wasn't really suffering from Bipolar disorder, scitzophrenia (SP!!), or ADHD? I think that this is a great point to make Suzy. More often than not, people have some sort of issue that they may or may not want to admit too. Honesty to yourself, as well as trying hard to take advantage of the resources and support out there are really key to coping with these sorts of things IMO.
  8. OMG!! I LOVE that!! It's PURPLE AND it's a dragonfly!! Dragonflies are something I collect!! What a great thing!!! Thanks for the great review. Now I know it's worth it!!
  9. I'll answer for my hubby, he prefers BALD! And, if I was going to be with a woman, I would also prefer bald as well!
  10. The one part of Em's post I will agree with, partially, is that WF needs to seperate herself from this man, if only for a while. Where you can remain friends, WF, and anyone else going thru this, needs to seperate themselves from it all, all the hurt feelings, romantic love, and wounded pride, before you can continue a relationship, if only friendship, with someone you break up with. It's almost impossible to break up with someone, and a couple days later, hang out with them like there's nothing wrong. Especially when one really wants to be in that relationship, romantically. And what if he starts dating? How can she be happy for him? Chances are there's be a lot of resentment on her part, and that would damage things further. Getting over something like this is hard, and takes a lot of time. I will say that if Em wants to hate men, that's her perrogative, sad as that may be. We always say how we need to respect other's views, and Em has every right to think how she wants too. However, please try not to post posts with your hatred spewing forth, because that is NOT what this board is for.
  11. Not ALL men are users. I will have to respectfully disagree on that one. I think that your statement that you're a "certified man-hater" is really sad. That's like a man stating that all women are gold-diggers. I mean, now fair is that, to say such a statement? There are many bad apples in the barrel of life, but don't let them spoil everything for you. Just throw out the bad ones, and go for a nice shiny one. Many women have been burned. I would say that all of us that have dated, have been used in one form or another. Also, many men have been used too. To those women that have been burned repeatedly, please, get some help. I say get some help, not because I think there's something wrong with YOU, but there is a problem with the sort of men you seem to go for. For example: My sister's mother (half sister), went for abusive men after she divorced our father. She liked the strong, manly type, that seemed to be pleasantly possessive, then extremely jealous, then they'd abuse her. She finally got help when her 2nd husband hit my sister. She is an educated woman, with a batchelor degree in education. So, these sorts of things happen to ALL sorts of people. She got help, got out of the relationship, and is now married to a wonderful, kind man. Many women, especially those with low self esteem, seem to get into a rut when finding a man/partner. They tend to gravitate towards the same sorts of men, whether they're cheaters (not all men cheat, BTW), users, abusers (emotional/physical/both), jealous, fanatic, whatever, there usually is a pattern. A good counselor, or even a BFF can try to show you what you seem to be attracted too. Trust me, BFF's do see these things, and usually try and hint to the issue without coming out and saying it so they won't hurt your feelings. Also, working on how you feel about yourself can really help boost not only your POV on yourself, but how others see you too. Men that are controlling, mean, abusive, whatever, tend to try and scope out their next "victim/patsy" for a relationship. They look for certain things in a woman, though I have no clue what they are, and I doubt they would admit to it unless they're in counselling and trying to change. But I do know that low self esteem is one of them, and yes, that shows outwardly. I will say that I DO agree with Em, as far as not being able to change anyone's mind. If he doesn't want to commit, he won't. There's nothing you can do to change that. It's best to just let him be. Move on. It'll be hard, but you can do it. You have to, especially where you have a child. Best wishes to you.
  12. Please don't take this like I'm being mean, but, you kinda asked for this last situation. You called him, wanting to hook up, and he did it AGAIN, and you're upset? How much of a glutton for punishment are you? Surely this last ignore didn't surprise you. Move on, leave him alone. You need to be honest with yourself before you can really deal with any sort of casual or FWB situation. Not everyone can handle the casual thing, and there's nothing wrong with it. Just be honest with yourself.
  13. I don't think I look good in red lipstick either, though all of the "color guides" say I do. I don't wear a lot of makeup anyway, so that could be why I don't think it looks good on me.
  14. I've seen it as low as $1.98 today! I was sooo excited!
  15. YAY!! CONGRATS!!! I am SOOOO happy that he's been able to find something, relatively quickly (for this economy anyway!). *BIG HUGS*
  16. Hon, I am SOOO sorry!! I have no idea what to tell you! You always seem to figure stuff out, you're good like that! I have faith in you! You don't need anything else to stress over! *BIG HUGS*
  17. A woman stopped by unannounced at her son's house. She knocked on the door then immediately walked in. She was shocked to see her daughter-in- law laying on the couch, totally naked. Soft music was playing, and the aroma of perfume filled the room. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm waiting for Mike to come home from work," the daughter-in- law answered. "But you're naked!" the mother-in-law exclaimed. "This is my love dress," the daughter-in- law explained. "Love dress? But you're naked!" "Mike loves me to wear this dress," she explained. "It excites him to no end. Every time he sees me in this dress, he instantly becomes romantic and ravages me for hours on end. He can't get enough of me." The mother-in-law left. When she got home, she undressed, showered, put on her best perfume, dimmed the lights, put on a romantic CD, laid on the couch waiting for her husband to arrive. Finally, her husband came home. He walked in and saw her laying there so provocatively. "What are you doing?" he asked. "This is my love dress," she whispered, sensually. "Needs ironing," he said. "What's for dinner?" HE NEVER HEARD THE SHOT
  18. Best wishes to you darlin'. One tidbit of advice: don't encourage your DD to call any man Daddy, unless it's her real one, even if the guy's ok with it. That's waaaaay too much for a little one to handle. *big hugs*
  19. This topic came up a while ago, and it's nice to revisit! I watch porn on a semi-regular basis. I need to drop a few pounds, and am aware of it. Do I compare? Absolutely. I think all women do. Does it affect me badly, to watch porn stars go at it? No. I agree, it definitely depends on how one "views" porn unto itself. It can also depend on how their SO's verbalize their preferences. If someone says "Oh wow, she's HOT", that could be taken 2 ways. An honest statement of a hot girl, or depending on how it was said, it could make someone feel inadequate. It also depends on the woman's self esteem. If it's low, she will be uncomfortable with all of this. Personally, IMO, it's not PORN that's really the issue. Now, if a man (or woman) prefers watching porn to actual sex with his GF/wife, then, yes, this is a problem. The majority of media focuses on thin, small women. Models are suppose to be rail thin, and boobless. This trend, all the commercializm, and stigma of being "fat", can affect anyone, male or female. If men grow up viewing their Daddy's porn, magazines, and so on, without proper guidance, it most definitely can affect them & how they view women. What everyone needs to learn, when viewing porn, that it's a lot like watching a theater play. Everything's accentuated. Darker makeup, outrageously long nails, huge boobs, huge dicks, big muscles, EXTREME close ups, big hair. Why? To catch your attention. It's also fantasy. Porn is really designed to entertain and spark creativity. It's NOT designed to be educational as to how to MAKE LOVE to a lover. Porn=fucking. It's like anything else, you need to be taught how to view porn, in an objective manner, so that you can enjoy it. Yes, you can learn something from it, get ideas, and so on, but it's not made to be a "How-To" guide.
  20. Women are more prone to be attracted to a "virile"/healthy looking male, one that would look like a good "provider/protector". Of course, these aren't ALWAYS the case, but if you learn a bit about human behaviors before we were "civilized", the better you can understand yourself, IMHO.
  21. I read that as well. On top of men liking women in red, it's actually an instinctual thing. Red/pink tones are a sign of health. Red is the color lips get when sexually excited, as well as the labia. Your cheeks also flush red when you're sexually excited as well. Red is the sign of SEX. Men may not even know why they like red, but I have yet to find a man that doesn't prefer red!
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