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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. When you have one of those 'I Hate My Job' days, try this: On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy, go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson Be very sure you get this brand.. When you get home, change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken. Now the fun part begins. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement: 'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized.' Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, 'I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson & Johnson.' HAVE A NICE DAY AND REMEMBER, THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE WITH A JOB THAT IS MORE OF A PAIN IN THE ASS THAN YOURS!
  2. Thank you Randy. I have NO idea why I couldn't remember "squatter's rights". Um, it's the heat......yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
  3. Em, great review!!! And what a great idea for the controller!! That would be a good thing to try and sell!! Sex Toy Remote Garters!! You ought to see if Rob would be interested in selling them for you!!! Different colors and sizes....the possibilities!!! We also love love love hearing from the members of the forum on their purchases. The more info that's out there for potential memers and customers, the better it is! After all, if there's a SUPER toy out there, who DOESN'T want to hear raves on it??!!
  4. OK, I've heard all of this via phone calls, but I'm going to write what I think should be done. Others can chime in if they want. You've tried to be a lot more neighborly than I would've been (especially with the van incident!). So, she has basically shown she doesn't give a shit about you, your sons, or your property, nor the boundries, so, it's time to put your foot down. As far as the property lines: No matter how much of a sliver it may be, 10' is 10'. It's YOURS. You're paying for it, and the taxes on it. Therefore, she should have NOTHING on it. Rock garden or not. You said that the trees she planted are on your part & now they're dead. Rip them out, and toss them back on her yard. You told her that you didn't want stuff that looked like crap over on your part. To get this done, just tell her that you don't feel comfortable with her rock garden on YOUR property anymore. It's causing trouble, and YOUR son got yelled at for being in something that, technically, is in YOUR yard. That's bullshit. I do know that in ME, after a certain amount of time, you can actually "earn" property because you've been doing the caretaking on it, and all that, so YOU could loose that 10' spanse after so many years of her planting and putting stuff on it. I don't know how long or whatever, but the property lines would change. My Mom was able to claim an 8' spanse next to her property line because she's been mowing and weeding and maintaining it for over 30 yrs. That doesn't sound like much, but, 8' wide by maybe 150' feet long, that's quite a bit! You've done the mature things with the other issues as far as the kids go. Older siblings, though they may be in charge of watching THEIR sister/brother, is NOT in charge of the other children in the area. First telling your son not to pee on their property, well, that is ok, depending on HOW he said it (cuz kids can pee really quick). However, he should've then gone to you and told you that he told your son not to pee on their tree. Boys are boys, and they pee almost anywhere they want too. I hate it, cuz I don't want our property smelling like pee (hubby goes and pees by his truck a lot!!). But that's a personal choice you have a right to do. I did tell you honestly that I would feel uncomfortable with my 5 yr old (and when she was 4) playing with a naked toddler. But, you pointed out that I would tell YOU so, not just take my DD away, and be snide about it, and you're absolutely right. "Hey, I don't mind if my child comes to play, but I DO feel uncomforable with your younger one being naked around her. Could you at least put some shorts on him?" How hard is that?? I mean, it's honest, and direct, and how you feel, so why not say it? It sounds as if you need to go to your neighbor's and ask "OK. I'm sensing issues here that have yet to be discussed/addressed with me. What are they, and can we fix them so our kids can play again?" Again, direct, to the point, and stating your opinion. No more freebies for her mother either. I'd let her know that her mother is NOT to speak to your kids that way again, end of discussion, and that if she didn't feel comfortable telling her mother that, then you would be happy to do so. People being downright snide right infront of you and your kids is unacceptable. You're not the type of person to let it go on, ever, and you've tried to keep the peace, but there's a time to shut up, and a time to open up. Now's the latter! Luv ya babe!!
  5. Wow! What kind of cheezy hospital did you go too? I've never heard of a hospital that doesn't give crutches in cases like this! Even when my mother twisted her ankle, they wanted to give her crutches. And the hospital here is really low-quality for the most part! Wow!! I'd be worried that they let you go without relocating your leg/knee too. I'm sure that could cause high amounts of undo pain! I'd go back to a different ER and get a second opinion, cuz this hospital just doesn't sound like it knew what it was doing!! I hope you feel better soon!!
  6. You're right SuzyP. I think as parents, we get all kinds of worried when we hear about side-effects that may happen to our kids. It's scary, since our babies are soooooo important to us, and we'd give our lives to protect them. Any chance is scary, IMO. It's true, you have to understand what you're protecting yourself from, to understand the vaccine. You also have to try and educate yourself into realizing that it's a generic coverage for most vaccines. It won't guarantee protection against different strains of the same virus, no matter which vaccine you're talking about. When they're testing for drugs, they have to disclose any and all of the side-effects that may or may not have been contributed to the vaccine. Even if that person got a cold, flu, or had a heart attack within a certain amount of time after given the shot/medication.
  7. Well, Froggy got one in purple, so I guess mine should be in tiger stripes (just for Aiden)?
  8. Em, in MANY states, a child over the age of 12 or 13 have a say in what sorts of medications they can and will take. You can refuse to take certain medications, except those mandated by law, whether or not your mother wants you to have it or not, even if you're under the age of 18. Most kids don't know this, but, in cases such as this, you should be aware. Even underage, you are STILL in control of your own body.
  9. It sounds as if your SO is on some heavy meds, that he really can't risk taking any higher dose of the Viagra due to conflicts of the medications could have with each other. He has a lot of health issues, some of which, he really could take care of, like loosing weight, quit drinking (that he shouldn't do since he's on medication). Some people find it impossible to quit smoking, though he should really try. You can only insist so much. HE'S the one that will have to WANT to change. Though, he should speak with his doctor.
  10. Thanks Pappy! Yes, I sometimes have bigger balls than even my hubby. What can I say? LOL Yeah, car preferences are personal choices. I got a Subaru because most of my family has had one at one time or another, and they just LAAAAAAAAAAAAST!! Plus, you can't BEAT their gas mileage rates! And, it's a safe vehicle, which was very important. If it makes ya feel better, it was either that, or a Dodge Magnum, but there was a 6 week waiting period when I was in the market. Tyger's not the most patient person! LMAO But, it's not the car maker's fault I was treated like that, it's the shop's, and now they know that I am NOT a dumb broad. A bitchy broad!! LMAO
  11. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you like it/us here!!! If those are yours, you have GORGEOUS eyes!!!!
  12. I was TOLD to post a boobie pic. And, iha, if you're looking, I am NOT responsible for whatever reactions may pop up! I hope you like 'em!
  13. Thanks for the feedback Korn! BTW, the trouble you were having with the lube and the toy slipping is actually very common. If, for some reason, there is a rough spot in your toy(s) that you get from TT, whether it's the freebie of the week, or something you purchased, please contact Meaghan. The freebies are covered under their warranty too!!! If you feel that you don't want to do that, if I were you, I'd trim off the piece that digs into you, so you won't hurt yourself.
  14. Let me tell you what I’ve been dealing with for almost a week. So, last Tuesday, my hubby, myself, our daughters, are going into town to do some errands. All of a sudden, my Check Engine Light goes on, and my speedometer just STOPS working, then it goes on, and then off. Of course, hubby HATES my “cuck”, so he immediately starts bitchin’. Well, I tell him to calm down, chances are it’s something minor, since the car is working just fine, probably electrical, and when we get stuff done in town, we get home, and I call Subaru of America, get a claim number, & make an appointment at the nearest Subaru dealer, which is in Houston (ugh!). I get an appointment for the following day (Wed) to drop my “cuck” off, and pick up a rental. All of which is covered by the extended Gold Plus warranty I purchased when I bought the car. 60k mile or 6 yrs worth! Whoo-hoo! I’m at a little over 57K miles right now, so almost by the skin of my teeth, but still covered. I also thought to mention that about 4-5 mos. ago, I noticed that my speakers on my driver’s side were fluxuating, going in and out randomly. I told them not to worry, that the rep. had told me that they probably couldn’t get to my vehicle until late Thurs. anyway, so I was in no hurry. I get a 2009 Subaru Forester to drive as my freebie “rental”. Not a bad Subaru “minivan”, but I like my “cuck” better. Sami LOVED it, very roomy, BIG sunroof, handled well, and it was like a seafoamy bluish green color. Pretty. Just not my particular style. Coincidently, the day I called and made the appointment, I got some coupons FROM Gillman (which is the Subaru dealer) for a cheaper oil change, so I told them to throw one of those in too. May as well, it’s THERE, right!!? No worries, that got done. I get a call that Friday. Here’s where the issue comes…. The manager, who I have dealt with before (more on that in a bit), tells me that the oil change was done. No biggie. Then the major complaint is addressed and that a connector that went into my car’s computer got bent, and they bent it back, and that was what the problem was. That they drove my car 20 to 50 miles (yes, that random), and that the problem seemed to be taken care of. But, there IS a possibility that, due to the bent connector, a short could occur, and short out BOTH of my vehicle’s computers. WHAT????? I said, well, WHY did it happen in the first place, and I got “well, due to the car jiggling around and such”. I said that I don’t go anywhere, or even take my “cuck” off road at all, and have lots of people to vouch for the fact that I really don’t go anywhere. So, how come the connector got bent with normal driving? He said that there was really no way to tell. Erm, huh? Then he tries telling me that ALL 4 of my speakers need replacing (not realizing I know how to wire a stereo), and that will cost me about $450. I said “No, it won’t. I have the extended Gold Plus warranty on my vehicle, & I was covered”, really wanting to say neener neeeenner neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeener, but refrained. He said, “Oh! Yes, you do, ok, then you’re covered. Nice try buckwheat, but NOW you’re committed to replacing ALL 4, when, in fact, probably just the 2 needed replacing. HA! Tunes of Weird Al’s “Eat It” plays in my head. It’s late afternoon by the time they call me with all of this, so I tell them I will be in in the morning, to avoid Houston traffic. Ok, no problem. Well, the whole “fry both your vehicle’s computers” and the fact that I am SO close to the end of my warranty keep nagging at me. I think about it all day. AND all night, keeping me up, and making me want to be more of a bitch to make sure my vehicle, that I paid for, and is my baby, is at optimum performance as well as safe to put the girls in! DH goes off the deep end, of course, ranting, raving, and bitching about Subaru, and how he’s unimpressed (he never wanted me to get what I did, so loathes my “cuck” to begin with) he is, though this is the first majorly thing to go bad on the car. Whatever. I tell him to basically shut up, I will handle it, and no, I am not going to threaten a lawyer at this point, for crying out loud! But, I did make a list of questions, concerns and things that I would NOT be ignored about, when working on my vehicle. After all, it’s MINE, they’re providing a service, and even though it’s warranty work, MY satisfaction is KEY. I call them on Saturday morning, and the manager’s not there that day, so I talked with the customer service rep. (who is AWESOME, BTW), and told her how things were explained to me and that I was NOT overly comforted with the diagnosis, and would she be, if she got the explanation I did? No, she admitted she would not be either. Cool for me. So, she told me, though she was worried about getting in trouble, keep the rental until Monday, and talk with the manager then. I told her not to worry, that I would make SURE she wouldn’t get into trouble. If she did, her manager would be getting into trouble, I guaranteed it. I ask her to give me the mileage on my car when I dropped it off, and when she got a chance, to call me with the mileage on it NOW, to make sure they drove it as much as they said they did, since I got too big of a range. Found out with a follow-up call that they drove it 44 miles. OK, feeling a bit better. I told her of the other experience I had there when her manager tried to only replace PART of my wearing tanneau cover on the back, when Subaru of America told me it would be a FULL replacement, and how irritated her manager seemed when I told him that a FULL replacement’s what I was promised, and THAT was exactly what I was going to get. He begrudgingly had it done. So, I felt that this is the second time I feel my car’s been “jerry-rigged” by their dealership, and until proven otherwise, I was NOT comforted. She totally understood. I get transferred, by request, to the manager’s voice mail, where I pose my questions such as: Why did this happen, what’s to prevent it from happening again, I was worried about wire structural integrity and if the wire had been bent, why won’t it break? If it took rewiring the car, even though it’s time consuming, tough. That’s exactly what I got the warranty for to begin with! I wasn’t happy with how things were explained, and I don’t feel comfortable putting my kids in the car until I get answered. Oh, and that whatever comes OUT of my car, I want to see. I know they have to send it to the company, but they CAN & will wait to do so, until AFTER I see proof that it really WAS replaced. So there. I have a good friend, who’s a Master Mechanic. I call him, explain to him what happened, what I was told, and he explained to me exactly what the connector looks like, which, think of a coax cable plug that goes in the back of your VCR/DVD player, with 6-10 prongs or more, and THAT is what is. AND those connectors are usually connected by a SCREW directly INTO the computer. So, the chances of one prong, or 2 being bent, is unheard of, unless a tech did it accidently. Here I was thinking it was more like a fuse type prong. OK, another question to add to the list: How did one or 2 prongs get bent? Was it an accident from the tech when trying to plug it back in, or what? Also have them check my speed sensor. He also agreed with me about the speakers, but, hey, if I am going to get them replaced, and they’ve pretty much screwed themselves by diagnosing the way they did, YAY me. And the Check Engine light going on with the speedometer issue is normal. He also said that he has bent prongs back into place, and that normally, everything’s fine, so it’s really NOT as big of a deal as he made it sound, but sounded like they were trying to cover their ass. OK, I can understand that. I call the dealership, apologizing to the girl if I sounded cross or a bitch with her, and it was the UNKNOWING that scared me and made me uncomfortable. That I know a lot more about my car than people realize, that I may have breasts, but that automatically doesn't make me a vehicle-idiot, she laughed and agreed that that does happen often with mechanics. I apologize to her, and also to the voicemail of the manager, and looked forward to hearing from him on Mon. Send off an e-mail to Subaru of America, stating my concerns, with my claim number as reference. Monday rolls around, I call in the AM. I sound a lot more educated, calm, asked my questions, which sounded like he was a bit surprised. He explained it better. The screw holding the connector in place, had come loose. Only 2 or 3 prongs where slightly bent, and 5, maybe 10 degree angles, they were bent back in place, and there was no code popping up for the speed sensor on the computer (my friend had told me all issues have a code, so I was fine with that). He reaffirmed that the speakers were needing replacing, and that they’d ordered them, and it’d take a week to get here, and only a couple hours to replace. I thanked him for his explanation, and that he really should try and be more specific with people about the mileage put on their vehicles, because 20-50 is WAY too much of a generic response. I want to know EXACTLY what’s being done, I understand computers and vehicles, to a degree, and want to know what’s going on, and to build up customer trust, it’s key that they be honest. He agreed. I go there, they’d driven my “cuck” another 20 miles to make sure that it was still working properly, and I was happy. Drove home, and everything’s fine. I thanked them all, especially the rep. And now my “cuck’s” back where she belongs & so far, running fine!! *Knocks on wood* I got a follow-up e-ami from SOA, and responded that I am satisfied so far, and that things were explained to me better, and what they were.
  15. I'm still up in the air as to whether or not my daughter will recieve this vaccine. I wanted to point out that Gardasil does NOT eliminate the risk at all. It "helps prevent" some strains, but, even in the advertisements they clearly state that it does NOT eliminate all of the risks for cervical cancer, nor does it prevent against getting HPV at all. Since there are MANY strains of HPV, and the shot only guards against around 3, I believe. I still believe that the best sort of preventative medicine is the kind that you get from home and your doctor: education!
  16. I've slept with ONE of my male friends, but, other than that, no, I haven't, and no, there are NONE of his that I would consider. They're either too lazy, too ignorant, or just too, well....It's hard to explain without sounding insulting. There's ONE other one of mine that I would consider, but not while I'm married. So, it's a NO. However, there are a few females that I would consider! Hubby's already given me the "go ahead" with another woman! LOL
  17. I've always wanted this one! Now I want it even more! Thanks for the great review!
  18. OMG Aiden!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! I've been eyeing that box over there for an hour!!!! True story! TPBM has dishes to do.
  19. It's true, most men can have sex, be a FWB, talk like they are getting close, when in fact, they're just being a "guy". Yes, men can have sex and stay unattached. I had a FWB, and most of the attitudes, confusion, and observations you wrote, I swore I thought you had taken from my experience with my FWB too. The one big difference is I didn't get pregnant. I am sorry for your loss. If things seem to have change, well, they have. There's a level of emotion that is hit, when a pregnancy happens. If you're confused as to how he's feeling, and how he sees this relationship, and he's your Best Friend, then you need to ask him. I regret that I never asked my FWB how he REALLY felt. Sometimes I think that he wanted to be with me, but we were BOTH out of bad relationships, and we BOTH stated that we just weren't ready for another relationship. So, both of us keeping our mouths shut may have hurt us. I want to think that there was something more, but who knows? I still talk with him, though not as much, out of respect for my hubby. I may bring it up with him, someday. But, you don't want to have these sort of regrets. Get it out in the open, ask him how he sees this relationship. Is it purely sexual, or, is there a bit more, worth exploring? Be prepared for him being honest, whether he thinks of this FWB thing as sexual release, or more. But, also remember, he's cheating on a girl with YOU. A true relationship is built on TRUST, and will you be able to trust him? Good luck & best wishes!
  20. Don't be jealous darlin'! LOL Dongzilla has conquered this tower!
  21. HOW TO SAVE THE AIRLINES Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell -- They don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss? The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.' Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women.. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues. This is definitel y a win- win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset. Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself? Sincerely, Bill Clinton
  22. Only cyberskin/UR3/Realskin type materials need the cornstarch powder to help keep them feeling "real". Jelly doesn't. Wash with warm, soapy water, make sure it is rinsed thoroughly, store in original packaging (if possible), don't rest it on other jelly toys if you can't put it in original packaging, store in a cool, dry place (too much heat can melt it).
  23. No, I am puttering around the house, though leizurely. TPBM likes loud music.
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