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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I've heard that some men feel responsible for their SO's miscarriages, and, to me, that shows how much the man cares for his woman when that happens, if that makes sense? You are SOOOO right! It takes 2 to make a relationship work. If one person puts forth all of the effort, the relationship won't succeed, since it takes 2 people making conscious efforts. It sounds like, to me, that your wife is use to seeing an "unhappy relationships" as normal, and so she is perfectly comfortable being in one. What she needs to be willing to be shown, is that a Happy Relationship is soooo much more fulfilling, fun, and great to be in. Good luck in all you try!
  2. OMG, I know!! If I'd spoken to customers like some of the associates NOW do, when I started, my ass would've been out the door in a heartbeat!! Now, it's like people working in stores think that they have the right to be shits to everyone, and this is just a J-O-B. Loyalty to a company has gone out the window, since, getting hired in a retail store, isn't that hard to do. Staying on, and getting promoted doesn't seem like much of a big "to-do" anymore. It's a passing phase type thing. Anyway, all we can do is try to be pleasant enough to each other, and hopefully pass on some Holiday Cheer! And, if we decide to work retail again, try to show them "youngun's" how it's done!!
  3. Used book stores are also great, but they don't have a normal "running inventory". It's whatever people bring in, or they find at swaps, to sell. But, it definitely doesn't hurt to try!! Also, Barnes & Noble does place orders, so if you don't feel like running around, the store should be happy to get it in for you!
  4. Echoing everyone's welcome!!
  5. It IS a great book. I've found many hard-to-find items on Amazon.com, great prices, new AND used. I usually go for used if they're in Like New condition. Although, I did get mine from a book club, and paid like 17 cents for it (with membership). Alex Comfort DID write it, and has put out a fully revised copy for the 21st century even!! Unfortunately, as of now, TT doesn't carry this book. We DO carry a DVD called 10 Secrets To Great Sex however. There's also a book called "Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex" by Sari Locker. Those "For Idiot" books are great, IMO, cuz they break stuff down SOOOO simply, that anyone can follow it (which can be amazingly helpful no matter what your intelligence level if you're simply baffled on HOW TO.)
  6. LMAO Mike_D!!! I didn't see your response til now!! I bet our combined toy boxes would definitely put a dent in the nation's battery supply!
  7. I'm sorry to sound harsh, but 3 sentences REALLY bothered me there: "My boyfriend doesn't care if I have good sex, its all about him, which is fine...sometimes, not every single time. He lasts 20 seconds, and I really mean 20 seconds. He always justs want to get it over with, so he can orgasm" Um, WHAT??? No, that is NOT FINE!!! He's a BOY, not a man, and he's not a very good BOYfriend, if it's all about HIM getting HIS nut, and you get what? A mess? Um, HELL NO!! Just because he has a penis, does NOT give him the right to just get his, and not worry about you. This is NOT the way to develop a relationship of meaning, this is just a Booty Call. You deserve SOOOO much more/better!!! First, read the articles written about masturbation, how to find your special hot spots, and do some self-exploration, finding where you like to be touched and what kind of pressure you prefer. The best way to find out what gets you hot, is to try it yourself. Then TEACH your BF. If he's unwilling to listen and learn, then he's not worth your time. Best wishes & good luck! Happy reading!
  8. As always, what a GREAT article!! I can certainly attest to the fact that some men really ARE intimidated by a massager, and so are a lot of women! My hubby use to think that if we had such a great sex life, then we didn't need a vibrator in our sexual escapades! Which, as we know is simply untrue. Nobody really NEEEEEEDS a vibrator to survive (sorry Rob LOL). But, sex, between 2 loving people, is about fun, and connecting as a couple more deeply. And how much deeper can a couple get if they can both please each other sexually??? Now, after a couple of years, my husband has truly blossomed from a "HELL NO", to "what new toys did you get this time???" We love seeing and trying out new things, and having a large selection to choose from.
  9. I totally agree. The lack of manners seems to be a growing trend, and people are INSANE in the stores, working in the stores, and in parking lots as well!! I hate going shopping cuz of the crowds, rude behavior, and downright mean people! Older people in those battery mini-carts that don't pay attention while driving them (I had one lady hit the back of my ankle, to which I said "Please watch where you're going" and got a dirty look from HER!!!), to people walking right infront of you without saying excuse me. I've worked retail most of my adult life. I didn't get paid a lot in many of those places. When I did "back-talk" to a customer, I was upper management, and once I did so, it was AFTER I had told the customer to please watch how they were speaking to me or my associate under me. I had one customer, who was trying to scam my department, yell and insult me, to which I replied that "I didn't get paid enough by this, or any other company to be insulted, and if you have an issue with me, then let's go talk with the store manager and set this straight." She declined, knowing she was wrong, hung her head, and rushed off. But, I was always courteous. I've always tried to maintain an air of NICE when dealing with customers, even when I was having a bad day. I had many associates, fellow or ones that I supervised, that didn't have that attitude, and had to reprimand several for being "bitchy" to customers and associates. We were there, by CHOICE to make money, and didn't need to have the negative attitudes. It's very sad that customers have to deal with this sort of associate, really. That said, I KNOW how I, or anyone I am with, are to be treated. I compliment great customer service to supervisiors, and I also complain when I get bad customer service. I truly hope that all these Rants really make everyone stop and think what this time of year is REALLY suppose to bring out in people. I try very hard to shut up when I get frustrated, and keep thinking that all this is for my daughter's happiness......for my daughter's happiness.......for family, and to let people know how much I care for them. BTW, I WANT some of that Christmas candy!!!! *drool*
  10. If you were shaking, and it wasn't directly from the clit stimulation, I noticed that you said you were hungry, but not enough to "really bother you". Your blood sugar may have been low, causing your leg to shake. I say this because you also said that you didn't feel too good after you were finished either. Sometimes, people don't realize how hungry they are, or vitamin deficient their body is, until some sort of reaction happens with the body. If this continues to happen, I would seriously consider that you get yourself checked by your doctor to see if you're lacking some sort of needed vitamin/mineral. Best wishes!
  11. Barnes & Noble has an "Adult Health" section (or something of the like), and there will be numerous books such as that, and yes, it's a GREAT read!! Other book stores have that kind of section as well. Usually under ADULT something. And, I'm glad that you and your mother have such a great relationship. What I meant by my comment was that there are 2 roles in a marriage with kids: parents/spouses. Until the kids are old enough to truly understand (which you are now, but it seems as though you've known a heck of a lot more about their sexual relationship a lot longer than just a year or so), sex ed, IMO, should be generalized. Honest, yet generalized. Again, this is only MY opinion. Everyone differs. We each make our own decisions as to how we will raise our kids. And, of course, my philosophy isn't the only one out there. It's really sad for your mother to have stayed in an unhappy marriage for so long, but, at least you've learned what kind of relationship you DON'T want to have with a man. And you can make your relationships different, and put forth more of a conscious effort to make it so. And, if you're as close to your mom as you say you are (which I have no doubt), again, I doubt that she would disown you for having an adult toy. If she finds it accidently, or you do actually want to tell her that you have one, you can always be honest with her and tell her you didn't want to hurt her feelings by bringing up owning a toy since she has issues with them, but to kindly point out that her issues are just that, HERS, not yours. And, everyone's entitled to have their own opinions and try new things. And maybe then you can ask her why exactly she honestly hates the thought of toys. That would also be a great learning experience as well, maybe for the both of you. Best wishes!
  12. Hey now!! Let's not pick on the Starsky & Hutch, k? Anyway, I don't think telling your mom about your vibe is a good idea. It definitely sounds like she has an issue with toys, which could be that her hubby may come across as wanting to play with the toys rather than her, and if that's the case (especially after she use to like to use toys), she will not have a positive spin on toy usage. There won't be any way to change that. Neither of their sexual practices are really none of your business, and I find it disturbing that they've allowed you so much info on their sex life, or lack thereof. But that's MY opinion. I have to agree, there are a few things that should probably stay private from your parents, like stuff that you do in the bedroom. It also may "hurt" your mother's feelings somehow, but, I know, as a mother, she probably won't disown you cuz of you getting a toy (because she loves you. If she does, no offense, but the woman has some SERIOUS issues), but it would probably bother her. Let me also extend a welcome and I hope you have fun here!
  13. What's up, Chuck?? Sorry, I couldn't resist that old pun!! Anyway, I hope you and your family have a great Holiday season, and Thank you for your well-wishes. Welcome to the forum, and have fun here!!
  14. Where I agree with Howard as to the origins of most of these silly "sex" acts, I think that if this person likes learning about those kinds of things, then that's her perrogative. Besides, that doesn't MEAN that she endorses them, or thinks that they're good, but, probably like I, she may find them revolting & amusing all at the same time. Hence her subject title "Just for fun". I'm a visual person.....and, even though if one of these acts were to be done on myself, I'd probably be pissed, I also can see them in my head and get a slight chuckle. This is a place to feel free to ask questions about sex, so, in honor of her request: Smurfing~not really a sex act unto itself, but it's when a man hits/taps a woman with his penis wherever he can and just cuz he can. And, yes, this one HAS been done to me.
  15. No biggie! I KWYM about early too!! I was rudely awakened early this AM by a army of kittens determined to take over my side of the bed..... (The same applies with DVD reviews too, just so you're aware...)
  16. Great review! This item has already been reviewed by several members. Please remember, before posting a review, check this forum to see if there are any reviews for an item and post it under the original first posting. Here's the link to the first one done by several reviewers: Coochy Cream Review
  17. What I found totally ridiculous by this, is that you were discreet in what you said, by whispering. Your friend laughing probably gave it away, but if he got offended by it, then obviously, his mind was already there. His problem!! The only time I EVER have issues with people discussing sex, toys, or genitalia, is infront of my daughter (she's almost 5). When I decide that it's time for her to have age-appropriate discussions about this stuff is up to ME, not those surrounding me. I've really only had to speak to one person (a family member) a couple of times, cuz she just honestly forgot. But, I agree, the guy was being an ass, if he was giving looks of disgust, when his mind was in the gutter too!! LMAO
  18. Also, so long as your GF doesn't have hepatitus, then, I doubt you can catch it by performing oral on or around her anal area. I'm not a medical professional by any means, but I am pretty sure that you have to HAVE the infection to pass it on to someone. I'm sure that if your GF wants you to do this, and she's hinted, then she's aware that cleanliness is important in such activities. Also, Mikayla mentioned it, and it's worth mentioning again: NO double-dipping!! It's ok to go from the vagina to the anus, but NEVER EVER go back to the vagina after you've dipped anything in the anus, be it a finger, toy, or cock. This CAN produce some serious bacterial infections to occur. Have fun!
  19. If it were me, I'd pick him up in a sexy outfit, let him rest or talk on the way home, allowing him to get comfortable & a bit more relaxed, have his favorite supper waiting for him, with dessert, candlit dinner, with casual talk (no talking about bills, stresses or anything else). Then seduce him after dessert slowly by starting with a nice massage, then other things, and maybe work your way into the bedroom (or not LOL). Let him sleep afterwards. He'll need some rest after the long trip, and all of that. If he just wants to sleep the first night, please don't get discouraged, and plan all of that the next night. I'm sure he's very, very tired. Don't take it personally, and just plan on doing it the following night. Have fun! With much respect for you and your hubby's sacrificing!
  20. Congrats!!!!! Now I hope you can go get you some!!!
  21. Welcome to the forum and "adulthood"!! I hope you have fun here!
  22. 85%+ women need clitoral stimulation to get off, so you are not alone. Plus, there's the fact of being a virgin, and inexperienced too. It takes time to get yourself use to giving yourself pleasure. Just because you have a clit & vagina doesn't automatically make you knowledgable in pleasuring yourself. And, different strokes, for different folks really applies with everything in life~including sex and masturbation. So, just take some time, learn to relax with some deep breathing, and it will come (or you should cum!).
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