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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. THere isn't too much that's too graphic here, so long as your not crude about it all, which you weren't at all. I will say that the average man is about 6-7" long. So most toys are made for the average male. My husband is 9" long, and has the same problems. I would say that for mastubators and such, do not put it all the way down your shaft, just use it on your head and slightly below that. When buying toys, look at the dimensions of the total toy to see if it will indeed accomodate your needs fit wise.
  2. I would say "No" to the controller being waterproof, especially where the toys/plugs can be switched on it. Read the reviews for this toy to see how others liked and used it. Some women love putting these types of toys on the clit, outter lips, or inside. Since this controller has 2 plug ins, you can use one on the clit, and one inside, or on your lover. If the bullet doesn't feel good inside, try using it on the clit, or on your lover. Have fun! See the Product page with reviews
  3. I'm sorry your husband is a selfish lover. I say selfish because, from what you've told us, he is unwilling to listen to what you want, only in it for HIS pleasure, therefore, selfish. It sounds like you don't trust him. With good reason. He didn't stop doing it when the clues were given. If he couldn't tell that you didn't like what he was doing, then blatantly saying "STOP DOING THAT, I DON'T LIKE IT" is in order. There is nothing wrong with saying that. And, if he doesn't stop, then there are bigger issues there. For you to trust him, is for him to listen when you say stop, you like something, or whatever the case may be. There has to be a give and take in the bedroom, for BOTH overs. Not just one or the other. Doing whatever it was that he didn't like back on him probably isn't a good idea either, because "an eye for an eye" doesn't go well in the bedroom if something isn't pleasurable. Again, I would highly suggest couple's therapy, and addressing the major sexual trust issues.
  4. FYI, there are some online picture companies that will print film with Boudoir/naked photos. I'm not sure which one my friend used, but, they are out there.
  5. I've had sexy photos taken and am a semi-pro photographer, so I feel as though I can respond rather well. First off, if you hire someone to take the pics, and they are a professional or semi pro, it's unreasonable of you to expect that they not use their own camera. A photographer gets use to their own equipment, making them more comfortable and practiced with their cameras and props. The quality and perhaps even professionalism could be compromised due to distraction (trying to figure out the new equipment). The thing to do is either get them to burn you a disc, and delete the files and/or if they use film, then to give you the negatives and all of the proofs. Both of which need to be spilled out in a written contract. This should all be addressed up front, before any money changes hands. Find a reputable photographer, willing to do those kinds of pics. It will be hard, but not impossible. Mopst photographers want to do weddings, kids, pets, parties, that sort of thing. You will probably have to go to a private individual that does photography on the side or something. You will need to think about what kind of shots you would like, as far as settings, and props go. What you want the pictures to portray. Photographers are creative, but if you don't like what they come up with, understand that they are working for you, and the end product is YOURS. So, they should be happy to listen to you and your ideas. But, understand that a photographer knows what angles are going to be more flattering than others. It's a creative process, and both the subjects and photographer need to listen to each other. A friend of mine did some sexy pics of me several years ago. I don't regret it one bit. I even got published in some adult mag (don't ask me, cuz I really don't have any idea which one I was in. All I know is I got a check for it).
  6. There are actually several posts on shaving. When looking at the forum's, you will see a search box at the bottom. Type in Shaving, and see what pops up! I'll answer your question though. I love it when my hubby trims himself, or shaves himself. I know that it gets itchy for him, so either way is fine with me. But I love the fact that he trims himself up for me. I've been shaving myself bare since I was 19. I love the feeling of a shaved kitty. I feel sexy & clean at the same time.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Please take some time and read the past posts, cuz not only is there some great advise & ideas by many people, but you will also see that you are not alone! And, the Sex Education tab has a lot of great articles of sexual issues and ideas on how to spark everything up. BTW, a half hour to reach an orgasm, with foreplay, really isn't that long of a time! Some women can't at all, or it really takes a long time. Women are more emotional sexually, they have to relax, and let go, and FEEL loved and connected to their lover. Sometimes that takes more time than others. If you may want a quick release from time to time, there's nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself, having a self-quickie. Or, teasing and flirting with your lover all day long via phone calls, kinky love-notes, or even mentally exciting yourself-thinking about what you want to do with/to your lover when you're back together! Anyway, have fun and enjoy the forum!
  8. First, welcome to the board!! Wow! Lotsa issues here! But, if you and hubby are willing, it can be fixed. I have to agree with the previous poster, nobody really TELLS you HOW hard marriage really can be. Yes, we see our friends & family in their relationships and think "they're being silly. I would NEVER fight about something so small!!!". What people DON'T see are the underlaying issues that the small little thing may prelude too!! And, like so many others, you found counselling helped, things were starting to get better, and got the "I can take it from here" road, and stopped going. The only way counselling works, is if you stick to it, go, even when things are good. I mean, whoe wants to go to a counsellor and continually bitch? Sharing the good, as well as the bad, is a GREAT way to positively enforce the relationship. I am highly suggesting that you go back into counselling ASAP. As far as the sex drive difference, honey, as you have seen, you are SOOOO not alone!!! Some of your issues, may be that of trusting your spouse. You said that you tried bondage, and, you *think* he "accidently" hurt you. Either he did mean too, or it was an accident. That is something to also be addressed with each other, as well as in counselling. Maybe he likes pain? Maybe he did that thinking you could do that to him, and found out you did NOT find that pleasurable? Maybe it was a big f'n OOPS?!! Was he sincere in an apology? Did you get one? If you're scared of him due to this accident, that will need work. For, what relationship can last without the trust? When experimenting with any sort of sexual activity, such as bondage, then there should always be a "Safe Word" to let the other person know that you are scared, uncomfortable, not liking whatever is being done, and the action STOPS right after the word is spoken. And, it should be a word that can easily be recognized as NON-Sexual, such as "paper, paint, soap, fan, car, photograph" something like those. That also may be why your sex drive has gone down: lack of trust. Are you scared it will happen again? Relationships do cool off a bit. Things aren't as electrifying as they once were. BUT that does NOT mean that it has to completely fizzle. Getting the trust back in the relationship is highly instrumental if this relationship is to get better, and even survive! Anyway, I hope you read the forums and sex ed tab articles. And, I also look forward to seeing more posts!! Enjoy and welcome again!
  9. Welcome to the forum! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts!!
  10. See my response to your same question in "Ask a Sexpert" please.
  11. Tyger


    First off, don't listen to your BF. He's not a woman, or overly experienced, and therefore, does not know about the working's a woman's body. I'm not trying to sound insulting, but it's the truth. A woman KNOWS when she has an orgasm. Being aroused, and lubricating yourself by being aroused does NOT mean you've cum. Sorry, that's not the way it is. Some guys do think that. Unfortunately, they are wrong. Women's bodies lubricate themselves when they are stimulated/excited. That's the body's response to sexual stimulation in preperations for the act of sex, not that you're cumming. Most women, when the cum, get breathless, feel like they're about to explode. There is vaginal muscle clenches that are involuntary. There's a tingly feeling all over, and there's a release that happens, that, well feels GREAT!!!! Sometimes, there can be a wash of fluid that comes out, from a G-Spot orgasm, but not all of the time. Moaning and groaning with true pleasure (and not for show~which some women do to make their lovers feel good about their sexual prowess) is good. BUT, that does NOT mean that you're cumming. It means that he should continue to do whatever it is that feels so good for you. Please, read the Sex Education tab's wealth of sexual info. Also, cruise the site, reading about the workings of not only a woman's body, but of a man's too. This can help you learn to pleasure yourself as well as your lover. You aren't alone with feeling lost when it comes to orgasms. Encourage your BF to learn how a woman's body works too. Just because a man has a penis, doesn't mean he knows HOW to use that, as well as his fingers, tongue, and most importantly, how to make a woman FEEL seduced. And, always remember, a good lover is made, not born. Being a good lover means not only a willingness to learn and please your lover, but to also teach them how to please YOU as well!! This takes time. In most cases, YEARS! Having an open-mind, a willingness and eagerness to learn and be taught is important. So is listening, not only to when your lover SAYS the like what you're doing, but also the verbal cues, like moans, groans, and seeing the reactions of your stimulations. Sex is adult play, and shouldn't be a chore. Best wishes!!
  12. Well, congrats on the upcoming baby, and welcome to the forum! You said a lot in a short post!! OK, as far as spicing things up, that can happen, with a little imagination (which we encourage you to copy ideas given here on the board), making time, and a willingness to explore. Toy usage is fun, role playing, costumes, or even changing up the time you normally have sex! With one small child, and another on the way, I'm sure it's hard to get any time for yourself. Ask a close friend or relative to babysit, and have a nice date night with hubby. Make it fun and flirty. Or a romantic evening. Whatever you want to make it! Just make sure that it's all about you as a couple. As far as taking so much time to orgasm. Some women take more time than others, just like men do. However, from what you've said, it sounds like you may be trying too hard to achieve orgasm. Trying to relax, take deep breaths, and just concentrate on the feelings. Your brain needs to let go and not over-think it. Read on, go to the sex ed tab at the top, and have fun with the wealth of info right on your computer! Welcome to the forum, and have fun!!
  13. Welcome to the site, and I hope that you and your hubby are able to get a lot from the wealth of sexual info and advice here!!
  14. This is absolutely NOT normal!!! A few questions: Was lube used? A different type of lube, or something that you've used before? If it's a new one, it could be the lube. If there was no lube used, was she lubricated herself, or dry? If she was dry, it could've tore her slightly, causing the burning feeling. Does she have any allergies? Like to maybe latex? She may be allergic to the jelly material itself. Look for toys that either state that they are hypoallergenic, or some materials that people are not normally allergic too, such as glass toys. Good luck and I hope you're able to find something that works!
  15. Tyger


    Nibble maybe, not bite!! LOL Have fun with the forum, and welcome!
  16. Instead of going out and buying a sex toy to practice oral on (yes, I actually said it), try practicing on a pickle, lollipop, popsicle, or even an ice cream cone. It's very similar (minus any biting/crunching). Teasing with the tongue is almost like licking and sucking on those, just slower. Also, teasing your BF by putting on an oral show while eating such items will make him wish he was that food item! Another thing to remember, is one of the most sexiest things to do while giving your man's cock some lovin', is looking up at him, EYE CONTACT!!! Muey sexy!!
  17. Welcome to the forum! I hope you have fun with it, and learn some new stuff. If you would, please PM me the message board you belong too, I'd love to check it out.
  18. My ex husband cheated on me via the internet. He tried telling me that all these girls sent the stuff to HIM. Well, I was also an instructor at a computer training center, and found the cookies, and dates of where HE visited the sites, and the e-mails were obviously sent to him. More than one woman e-mailed naked/sexy pics, and the same women more than once. So, it's something you can research if you want. If he's stopped it, great!! But, it's very hard to stop all of that kind of stuff once started. However, I will agree with Howard, if he has been doing this while with you, then no, he doesn't respect you. He may love you, but he also loves the attention that all these sexy little flirty e-mails give him. It's flattering, and ego boost, whatever. Plus, if he does all of this still, then he doesn't respect you, and if he doesn't respect you, his love is pretty weak, IMHO. If you don't trust him, there's really no relationship. Trust your gut instinct, and go with it.
  19. That's great that you did all of that. A lot of men don't think "hey, I just had time for myself, I bet my wife would like some time for her too". Hence, why I asked those questions. I must then, go back to what I had originally said and say that it just sounds like the 2 of you grew apart. It's sad that a marriage fails, but they do. And, if there are only half-efforts on one or either party's side, then any reconcilliation getting back together really won't succeed. Good luck to you and your wife. I hope that things are able to move forward in a more positive manner.
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it's a great one!!!
  21. That was a great story Howard, and probably a bit true to Sam's life too. It also shows that there needs to be a realistic view of relationships. Sam, you say you shower everyday, twice a day, probably due to all of your workouts. Did you give your wife the opportunity to do so as well? Did you tell her to go and have a nice, long,hot shower/bath while you watched the kids on a regular basis, not just once in a while? Did you respectfully and caringly ask her about the odor *down there*? There could be a medical reason for it? If you just shut up and took it, then that issue was never really addressed. Some women get a bit resentful that they're always the ones having to deal with the kids, housework, bills, and shopping. Never really getting ANY time for themselves. And, no, I don't really consider going grocery shopping for the house, time to yourself either. Some well-desereved ME time. Going out with friends, shopping for herself, going for a walk by yourself, THOSE are things that let you have some ME time. Everyone needs some ME time. I know that that's one thing MY husband needs to learn, and I keep trying to explain that to him. Especially where you have a physically challenged child, she may be tired, emotionally worn out, and depressed. Now, I'm not blaming you entirely here. Please don't take it that way. But, there needs to be a realistic view on what can be given as well as taken. You were able to pursue your hobbies (and mountain biking is not only expensive, but time consuming), was she allowed the same luxury? As Howard's friend's ex wife learned, she had to accept and place blame where it truly belonged in the relationship. It's sometimes a hard lesson to learn, but one worth learning. These are lessons that should be learned, and hopefully in the next relationship, those mistakes won't be repeated on both of your parts.
  22. Well, the oral action here was pretty good. No anal though. Hard telling why these "reality" porns don't show that much. Maybe it's in their contract? I don't know. Try not to over-think it Mik!! LMAO!! *hugs* I forgot to add that I was impressed with the "Responsible Sexually Active Adult" statement in the beginning of the movie, recommending abstinence, condom usage, and a selective number of sexual partners.
  23. These are a little more expensive than the average antibacterial wipe. The single packs are decorated in such a way that people will either think you have something like a comic card collection, or, if they see you taking a wipe out, that it's something else. There is a almost naked woman on the front of the single packs. Kinda like a semi-naked Catwoman, since they're made by Top Cat. They are also a bit sturdier, meaning, they're made for cleaning, whether it be sex toys, or yourself in a pinch. They have aloe in them, as I mentioned in my review, so it's good for your skin. They do have a slight, almost baby-wipe scent to them, but not so much that it's overwhelming. They do seem to stay moist longer, since there is no alcohol in them, which is what probably seperates them from regular wipes, IMO. I hope that helps?
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