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Everything posted by Dancer

  1. Depends on my mood. If I'm in looking for pure, unadulterated, raw sex, then somewhat rough. Note that rough is a relative term, tho. In those cases I prefer a little pain but not too much. Some guys have a way of knowing just how much is right. 😃
  2. Yep. But I need someone else's tongue. Mine won't reach....
  3. I have an old vibrator, but my fingers are my most used tool of choice. Just feels more natural. And I agree it's probably just a mental thing.
  4. Strictly heterosexual. Having said that, yes I have wondered what it would be like. And I find it hard to believe any women has not at least once fantasized about it.
  5. I'm here. But would be nice to have more women to talk to.
  6. Update: A. 1 or 2 times per week B. Once daily, some times twice. If I spend too much time on TT, occasionally a third time.
  7. Dancer

    Can't stop

    I can understand that. For the same reason, there is something very erotic about watching a guy stroking his cock. But the expressions on his face are really the best part of the show. They tell the whole story. There is a journey as his sexual excitement gradually builds like a mountain rising from a valley, you can see the effort in his stare, all the way up and to his ejaculation. Very distinct expressions change continuously, and are a clear window into his naughty mind. So thrilling!!
  8. Lights on, please. Sight is a very important part of being aroused for me. I want to see every little curve and bulge. I want to see where his hand is going, and see the look in his eyes and what their looking at. Darkness is only for sleeping.
  9. Oh no doubt. But being a woman I guess I expect more from women. What's sad is that so many women can pretend to be your best friend, and in reality are your worst enemy. Talk behind your back is the worst kind of wound. Just the other day a supposed friend was complaining about my "slutty" attire to another friend of mine. She was in reality just green with jealousy. No matter, if you have something to say, just say it to my face. I'm sick and tired of this grade school attitude from adults.
  10. Sounds like she's finishing the summer strong
  11. Yea. But sometimes it's nice being told what to do. 😉
  12. My first naked pic was taken long ago. Well, I guess at my age, 15 years ago is considered long ago. I digress ... Anyway, my how time changes us! But looking at that pic of me, even today, motivates me to keep exercising, so I keep it close for that very reason. Which makes me think of that great story by Oscar Wilde called "The Picture of Dorian Gray". I guess there's not much chance I'll get that to happen to me, so I keep exercising......
  13. So Lonely and I are the actresses, and you're the cameraman. Now all we need is a director and the script writer. Before long we'll be ready to vie for next year's Oscar Awards.
  14. Dancer


    And that's the part I think I'd like about orgies.
  15. The only way I could video my orgasm would be to use a tripod. I need my hands free for the best "result", and I can't be thinking about what's happening with my camera.
  16. My fingers are apparently unstoppable. They love to explore.
  17. Would love to. Just wear sunglasses as the glare off my untanned ass might blind you. 😜
  18. Unfortunately very common even in adult women. I experience it often in life. Not verbally so much, but I got the message if you know what I mean. Sad really.
  19. Don't let it get you down. Some people are just mean. I see nothing wrong with your pics. And nice tan, by the way. Please stay and enjoy all of the other nice people here. 😘
  20. I hate when that happens!! 😮‍💨
  21. OMG I think about sex every chance I get (i.e. when not forced to think about something else, like WORK). But I only average 1 per day. I will say the days I'm above average I am a lot more relaxed and happy! Imagine that!
  22. Yup. Masturbation and porn definitely help knock the edge off with situations like ours.
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