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About mrswheelerman55

  • Birthday 01/21/1967

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    Dayton, Ohio
  • # of sex toys you own?
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  • What is your age & gender?
    39 female

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  1. Oh though here in West Central Ohio, we picked up about 2 inches of the white stuff, it came down during the night, so we didn't have any problems with the electric or even driving in it. We took Howards adviced and stayed in. The real fun came when my hubby and I went out to shovel it off the driveway and to dig out our vehicles. It was too wet to use the broom and too heavy for us to shovel. We only done about half of it and gave up. Since the cold snap, our bed is piled with a few extra blankets and alot of body heat!! Hope everyone is staying nice and toasty during this cold snap.
  2. I am sorry to hear that your son is having to deal with ADHD at such an early age. I know that it is VERY taxing on you , trying to do all that you can for him. Just trying to keep up with his endless supply of energy, is wearing you out mentally and physically. At the age of 3, my son had such energy, that I took him to the doctors and was told that he just needed to be spanked more. That was the last time I took him to that doctor. By the time he entered kindergarden, he was out of control. Not sitting still during class, looking out the window, basically ants in the pants. Just about the same time a new doctor came to town and I made an appointment. Hopefully he could answer some of my questions and suggest a treatment. To my surprise he not only suggested treatment but made all the neseccary appointments and then started him on a low dose medication. Yes my son was a Ritalin child.Three times a day 5 days a week. That helped along with bio-feed back. By the time he was in middle school, the medication didn't work that well. Once puberty started, the medication didn't. It had just the oppisite effect. He sped up. So the doctor said that we could try an anti-depressant and counseling. That worked until 8th grade. By then he had refused to go to school and tried to drop out, but I wouldn't sign the papers. "What good is an education if you don't use it." So with no meds I dealt with it the best way I knew how.... 1 day at a time. He was now getting so out of control that I finally had to ask for my parents help and they assumed custody. The were old school and took no crap from anyone. They made him go to school, learn a trade, and graduate. Then he made the decision to go to a technical school in another state to further his education. Within 8 weeks, we noticed a drastic change in him. So once more I took him to the doctor and he refered us to a specialist and he was ultimatly diagnosed as being bipolar. Yes during the years I had noticed changes in him but just thought that he would out grow it. The sudden out burst and the deep depressions did not occur to me as being bipolar. Until my husband came home with an article from Time magizine and there in print was all the information that I needed. I didn't want to believe it. But I had to face the possibility. Don't get me wrong, PLEASE. I'm not saying this could happen to your son. I hope and pray that another child doesn't have to go through what my son did. Nor any mother walk a mile in my shoes. You are not alone. A wise woman once told me that knowledge is power and power is knowledge. Keep your chin up and your spirit higher. God only gives us what he knows we can handle. And keep searching for answers. But most of all, cherish the little things that you see through your sons eyes.
  3. A few months ago, my husband and I bought this King Kong. OMG!!! What had I gotten myself into? After a few warm up toys, we tired to insert it. Yep... it was big and quite filling!! Some how we managed 3/4 of it. I think thats when I tensed up and couldn't proceed any further. MMMMMMM... go figure! So we went back to the site and ordered Terra Patrick's Big One. At 8" by 2" I was able to handle it by myself. With this one I can insert all of it, and it doesn't matter which way you insert. Either way, it feels good!! Needless to say my husband likes to watch me play with it and then fuck me after I have stretched out my pussy, he can out last me... at times!! In his words.... not only does it stretches, theres no friction,so he can pump me all night long. As far as broken toys........ well so far I have 2 that needs to be replaced. One of them the inner shaft broke in 3 places and won't even vibrate and it clicks!! I still use it without the batteries. Now it's more flexible!! The other one, the cap to the battery compartment popped off and it's now being held in place with duct tape. I refuse to give it up!!! I'm sure they will be replaced soon enough with Christmas fast approaching. You can find either one of these at www.adameve.com.
  4. Please don't get me wrong, both of my children know that they can and do talk to me about sex, boys/girls,and really anything that is important to them. If I don't have the answers, we look them up together. My daughter and I have have a closer relationship than my own mother and I do. We ( daughter and I ) can sit for hours and talk about who's going out with who, who is having sex and who ain't and how all this makes her feel. She has told me on several occasions that she is still a virgin and will be that way until the day she gets married. She keeps telling me that she is too involved in school and bmx racing, that she doesn't have the time or the interest for boys. I know this will change in a few years, but for now, I beleiver her, and THANK GOD she is bull headed!!! When I was growing up sex wasn't talked about. You basically had to learn on your own and that was risky, even in the mid '80's. The one time I asked a question about a sexual position, my mom turned the shades of red and clammed up!! So I went to the book store and and bought a book that was very helpful. I wasn't embarrassed to buy nor read the book in front of her. I think she may have looked at it a few times. ( my book mark had been moved) Which was fine with me. If she could add a little spice to her 20+ year marriage, then I was happy to help her. Although no words were spoken, I could tell just by her attitude, that she was happy and very much satisfied. This is what I want for my daughter. Only I want her to be able to talk or show me anything and I won't get embarrassed, turn red or clam up. This why I had asked for help. Thanks Mikayla for your opinion. I never thought of it that way, until now. P.S. daughter is on birth control to help her stay on a regular monthly schedule. Every 10 days was wearing us both out.
  5. I'm in need a few ideas to help my daughter begin to learn how to please herself without the help of a boy. When my oldest was about 15 years old, he came home and asked how to put on a condom? My husband and I showed him the proper way, with the help of visual aids.(my purple vibe and my husbands condom) Neither one of us were too embarrassed to show him. Atleast my son trusted us enough to ask before he got into trouble!! Now that my daughter is 15, we think that she needs to know how to use a vibe. She is already on birth control for other reasons. I have explained to her that does not give her permission to have sex with a boy. I have bought her a slim vibe and a pocket rocket, both still in the packages. I'm not sure on how to appoacher her with any of this? Do I show her the toys first and then explain or do I buy a dvd and watch with her and try to explain as it goes along?? I need HELP!!! Any ideas or sugestions would greatly be appreciated.
  6. All thru high school, I weighed between 125-130 pounds. With 5'2" frame, I felt horrible. I looked like I was starving. It got to a point where my mother and I could wear each others clothes.(size 7-8) I thought this had to stop. Then I became pregnant with my first child and gained 30 pounds. I turned heads. I thought it was because I looked like I had swallowed a beach ball. After I had my son, guys were taking a second look at me. What was the difference?? I had a FWB tell me that I looked awsome. It wasn't because of the baby factor. It was the way that I was carrying myself. The extra 15 pounds gave me a few more curves, a little more meat on my bones. A size 11-12 jeans, and fuller breast, made the guys eyes bug out of their heads. I had more dates then I could shake a stick at. I wish someone would have told me this in high school. I could have had alot of fun. Even after another baby, I maintained a 160-170 weight. Then came the medical problems. S.A.D., arthritis in hands and knees, and a host of others. I gained more than I had realized. An extra 45. I didn't want to be weighed, not even at the doctors office. I finially asked for help. With the help of the doctor and depression medication, I began to lose the weight slowly. That was 5 years ago. I have lost all 45. My self esteem is higher than before, thanks in part to my husband. He stood beside me, helping me, encouraging me. Now I'm in love all over again. With myself and my husband. I don't mind if I'm labled BBW. To me it's the inner attitude. If you got it, flawnt it!!!
  7. I have always swallowed. Even at an early age, I thought it was exotic. The feeling of the cum on my tongue, tantalizing the taste buds, holding it in my mouth, just to savor it a bit longer, only to want more. And yes, what he eats and drinks, does make a difference. High salt diet= salty cum Beer diet= bitter cum Balanced diet= mild,pleasurable cum
  8. This brought back a far gone memory for me . Years ago, i was in the hospital having one of several surgeries, and a teenage was just admitted and assigned to my room. Granted she was not eye pleasing, but still a person who needed a friend. I introduced myself and gave a warm smile. The next day, she had to have a spinal tap and while i felt helpless, she asked the doctor if i could hold her hand and smile. The doctor allowed me to do this for her. After the tap, I asked her why she wanted me to do this ? The answer was simple...because I had smiled at her the day before. A SMILE can go a long way. To this day, I have a smile on my face, no matter what kind of day I'm having. People tend to approach me more often than before. I learned years ago that beauty is only skin deep. Inner beauty is for a life time. Show off that inner beauty every day. You will see what a simple little smile can do.
  9. I need a boss like that!! Where would someone find a job with that kind of FRINGE BENEFIT??? I enjoy masturbating every day. It helps to relief the tenson that my job tends to throw my way. Since I have a busy schedule 7 days a week, I usually fine ME time around 10:00 pm. There have been a few occasions that my husband has joined me in this nightly ritual. He enjoys watching me play. He, too, will get a closer look and then taste the sweet nectar. Enjoy the office encounters.
  10. Just wanted to say..... Good For You!!! I had my first "sqrirt" about 5 years ago. I, too thought the same thing,Damn I peed the bed!!! Hubby was shocked!! He too thought the same way. Until ...the next night... He was fingering my pussy, and happened upon the G-Spot, once again. And a again, I squirted!! Just like OLE FAITHFUL!!! Now after 4 years of "practice", I can have multiple ejaculations in one session. We are constantly changing the sheets. LOL I have found that a beach towel, folded into thirds, does a great job in protecting the bed. I"ve been told that a shower curtain works well too. Haven't tried that one yet,but willing to try anything once!!!
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