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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. My husband and I have been into anal play for a long time. Although we have never used an enema or anything prior to play, there really has never been much of a residue afterwards. I also HIGHLY agree with Tyger as far as for something that numbs, I wouldn't suggest it since it is your bodies way of telling you something isn't right. I also suggest that if it is going to be your first time that you start off with a finger, and slowly work your way up to his penis. The key to anal is LOTS and LOTS lube. Condoms and latex gloves are a great way for easy clean up. Have Fun!!
  2. That is wonderful ! Good to hear that you all have an excellent sex life, that is so active.
  3. Most of you know that I have gone threw some very tuff times, and my husband has stood by my side threw it all and has been amazing how he did it I don't know. So since we haven't made love since all of the issues started on Valentines Day I decided to surprise him, don't get me wrong we have cuddled, talked, foreplay but other then that I just wasn't ready. So Valentine's Day, well all day long I teased him since his cel phone is also a picture phone, I sent him loving messages and pictures. I made reservation's at his favorite steak house "Black Angus". When he got home from work that day, needless to say he was all bothered by all the teasing I did threw out the day. I told him not yet and he went to the shower, I didn't go all the way in the shower with him but I did wash his entire body. He was finding it very hard to control himself. I dried him off also in a special teasing kinda of way. He got dressed and asked where we were going I said out to eat, of course I didn't tell him where. We arrived and ordered, the food was fantastic, the entire time of course I had to tease him while I ate my lobster, dip it in the butter garlic sauce then suck it off. Once down on the way out I had to pinch his cute butt. He had no idea of the surprise waiting in the backyard . I of course rubbed him, kissed his neck and all on the drive home. Once home I told him to go inside and that I would be in.....in a min. I went out to the hot tub and lit all the candles I placed there earlier today, started the cd player that had the ocean relaxation Cd in it. I then grabbed the roses and placed them around the hot tub. I walked into the house, went up to my husband and began to kiss him. I then told him to close his eyes and grabbed his hand, I lead him to the backyard. He was sooo surprised when he opened his eyes. He then came over and started kissing me and trying to undress me, I told him no and to please get undressed and into the hottub. Once he was in I slowly started to undress myself rubbing every inch of my body as I did so taking my time just to tease him a little, he watch in awww. I stepped into the hot tub and gently began kissing himm his neck etc, I am sure you all know where this led to We had one awesome fun hot night under the night sky in the hot tub.
  4. I went to the mail today and ran back to the house looking like a little kid with this package in my hand. Nope it wasn't new toys, but something from someone very special with a great heart. I get in the house and knowing that in it was some earrings that Tyger had made. I opened the box and not only were they my favorite colors but they were PERFECT!!!!! Right lengh and all. Talk about one totally awesome lady!!!!!! Thing tonight I will have to put on my purple and black teddy with my earrings. Let me tell you all she is one talented lady. I bet she is very talented in alot of ways. HUGS Tyger you made my day !!!!!
  5. LMAO!!! The Hello Kitty just seems way to wrong but LOL!!! I have seen the Fist one in our local store here that one once I saw it my hubby and I laughed. Pogo Jump your way to an Oragism LOL.
  6. I scored a 4. Although if you ask my hubby he will say I am beyond a sexual addict
  7. Welcome, I hope you enjoy all the information here!
  8. I am sooo Jealous!! You promised me to. LMAO *wink wink*
  9. Great review,, Funny to. Hey Tyger now now quit bribing Meg with all those promises....
  10. The best sex I have ever had actually has been outdoors. I think have of the intensity of it was the fear that someone may catch us.
  11. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU ALL!!! KISSES and HUGS!!!! My Valentines is going to be Grrrreat!! I will fill you all in once the day is over. I have numerous surprises for my wonderful husband.
  12. I agree with Tyger here. Go with your "gut " feeling. I have never been on any site like that but I am sure they have when you logged in last like here. Sounds like you all should sit down and talk some more and get to the bottom of it. I myself would go with my gut feeling.
  13. Depends on what type of beads you are looking for, there are your basic beads that don't vibrate to ones that do. I reviewed a great set of beads that I thought were great for beginners along with advanced players. They aren't very expensive either. Here is the link to them. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4587
  14. I have numerous toys along with toy boxes that lock since I do have children. My favorites are in my oak chest at the bottom of my bed that locks.
  15. This happens to me ALL the time, and on my new car makes me even more mad. I would wait for the person and if they were taking to long I would leave them a note with my phone number etc.. I have never understood this and I will never be able to, but I am sure if it was there vechile then they would want some to leave them a note or something. The nerve of some people.
  16. Okay so I missed this post during all my stuff. My females would be Mikayla and Tyger!!! MIke I would take you!! Okay I am packing my toy box and grabbing stock in energinzer and heading out... LOL Where did you say to meet.
  17. WOW!! waves I need to tell my hubby to come look around since things are getting better with me
  18. I agree with Tyger. If you are best friends you should be able to talk about anything! There are ways to talk to him about it without making him feel bad. Communication is the key to not only a relationship but your sex life also. Talk with him about it, if you don't he will never know, men aren't mind readers, just like we aren't. Let him know what feels good and what doesn't and when your close to climax and what he can do to get you there. Best of Luck!! Please update us!
  19. Tootimid is awesome on replacing things. Just give them a call and they will be happy to replace it and the "Little Bear" I am sure will once again be pleasing. Sounds like you just got a defective one.
  20. Honestly it depends on our mood. I will say though that I really love porn with alot of women to women action.
  21. I love the glass!!! Sometimes chilled sometimes hot, what more could you ask for but more!!!
  22. I am sure up for that wooohoo sounds like loads of fun!!
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