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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I would also like to Thank you for being there. I know how hard it is to be away, I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and keep yourself as safe as possible over there. Another idea I just thought I would throw in there is while on the phone to her imagine her right next to you, the things that you would do to her,, tell her in detail and her you. Like where you would start, let her know if it is making you hard etc... I do this from time to time with my husband. When I get bored or just feel like getting him worked up at work I will leave dirty nasty messages on his cel phone. Your imagination is a wonderful tool. Take care and Thanks for being there for all of us.
  2. Well back at your Tyger and don't worry I think I can handle the lots and lots of playing. LMAO
  3. Actually CGem I honestly like watching my main play with himself there is nothing grouse about it at all. In fact it makes me very wet watching him. Just recently we had a masturbation night. We were aloud to kiss but that was all no touching of each other or touching of each others toys. I was soo excited I came way before him. I have more of these nights planned it was so much fun and very exciting to.
  4. I will say it would be way to hard for me to say I like one type of material over another. I have tried all different types and as far as the material it doesn't matter to me. If it can get me to have that O and my husband enjoys the show, then the product was WELL worth it.
  5. Okay I am going to answer this for my husband! Since I know him way to well. It goes legs, butt, smile. He is such a man and I love him.
  6. Okay CGem I checked your age just to make sure I wasn't way out of line here, but that doesn't mean I am not. Kegal is exercise that both men and women can do to streghthen the pevlic muscles. I would think with being 30years old that you would know that. You can't buy a kegal that I am aware of. I think sometimes you just like to see your name posted on the forum. I don't mean to sound rude or anything but if you read the post here you would have relized what the discussion was. Let me feel you in a little bit on the discussion at hand. Want2 know was asking if anyone else got turned on by doing their kegal exercises. Then Howard replied to it and said yes there have been other women here that have posted that they get excited doing them. Just firgued I would sort of fill you in on the discussion here. I am sure by now technology has prolly made some type of device to help with the exercises, but then again I don't know. I flex mine alot while I am either playing alone or with my husband, I do them watching TV, driving or whenever I think about it. This is to Want2know, Yep yep yep I am guilty sometimes I will be driving and doing my kegals and next thing you know I am wet, and want to go home and play. I am one of them, I must admit how fun it is to be doing a exercise and get turned on some of the little pleasures in life I think we take for granted.
  7. Tyger Great review. I was very skeptical to when it came to vibrating cock rings with clitoral stimulation. THis just goes to show that they a developing products better everyday. I must admit though it looks kinda cute. I might have to add this one to my wish list I have the clit buddy I did a review on but this one sounds and looks like alot of fun to. THank Tyger!!!
  8. Sounds like you had a great trip!! Thanks for sharing with us. The things I could thing of, with no rugrats WOW and just myself and my hubby and not having to worry about anything. Talk about fun!!! I am so glad to hear you had such a great time.
  9. My husband loves it! Exspecially when I push my breast togeather around his cock firmly, then I release it a little. As far as for me the enjoyment I get from it is watching how excited he is.
  10. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5184 Why not triple your fun? As most already know I am a huge bullet (egg) fan. I was excited to find this in my latest box. Three bullets one control, what more could I ask for? I went to get the batteries; this product takes 2AA batteries (not included). Once I opened the package I noticed how smooth they were with a satin type feel. One of the bullets is fairly small, the 2nd is a little bigger, and finally the 3rd bullet is not much longer then the second but a little wider. I thought to myself, WOW I can have clitoral stimulation along with anal and vaginal. I noticed at the top of the multi-speed control there is a little black switch. I first turned the dial on the control and only the small bullet started to vibrate, so I then moved the black switch over, 2 bullets began to vibrate, I moved the switch back into its original position and all 3 bullets were vibrating. This product is actually pretty quiet considering there are 3 bullets vibrating. I originally thought that the strength of the vibrations wouldn’t be that strong, boy was I wrong. I ran to my bed excited to try this product. I began with the smallest bullet, allowing it to vibrate my clit, I was instantly aroused. I then lube the middle size bullet, and slowly inserted it into my anus. The insertion of this was easy and smooth; this bullet is not to large or long for anal play. I was already beyond excitement. I then took the last and widest bullet, lube it and inserted it, into my already extremely wet vagina. I could feel every one of the vibrations. I will admit playing with this toy sure didn’t take long before I was having multiply orgasms. I am still very excited about this product. I can’t wait tell my husband gets home and we can play with it together. I will let you know that I did mark the wire on the bullet I used for anal play, since you don’t want to take a toy used for anal play and insert it back into your vagina even though you have properly cleaned it. I recommend this product to anyone looking for that extra excitement. Spice up your life with a little triple fun!
  11. I honestly believe that alot of men want a 3some. It can be harmful to a relationship in alot of ways, but then again others have had a great experiance. I would suggest reading Mikaylas article she has written on it and then have a serious discussion about it with her. Here is the link to the article http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc/06/threesomes.htm Best of Luck to you!
  12. I own a set of balls. Well that sounds a little funny. I love mine and to me the are great when walking the dog, cleaning the house etc... Even just rocking in my rocking chair watching a movie. Natalie if you get some lets us know how well they worked for you. I love mine.
  13. Wifemomslave, I just had to comment on the MAY THE KIDS NOT FIGHT!!! I think in my house that would take a MIRACLE, or a whole LOT of duck tape.
  14. No you don't have to have the clamp tight at all to keep them on. The remote thing sure didn't distract me from playing. I was having way to much fun with these. They look heavy but the really weren't that heavy to me.
  15. Very well spoken Howard. I have to agree with the other posters. He really should talk to his DR regarding this issue. I don't know the side effects of Viagra either. I am curious to know that if it has been this long why hasn't he talked to his DR about this sooner?
  16. Well let me say this to start, Welcome to Tootimid. I will agree with Tyger here that it took guts to open yourself up critisim and ridicle. This is of course just my opinion on the situtation. To me it sounds as if you only love her for conditional reasons, in a sense. I mean LOVE is a UNCONDINATIONAL thing. If you are just going to be sooo obcessed with breasts then you are in for a really hard life. I mean they say love can be blind, blind to the size of a womens butt, blind to the size of her breast, blind to alot of things that are well perfect. As Tyger already stated, something attracted you to her, you knew before you hit on her that she didn't have big breast. I think Tyger put it very well stated. I honestly believe that with the question you asked as if you should be with a big breasted women or not ? That question alone noone can answer for you. I will tell you though that if that is all your looking for in a relationship then yes and with that you will have nothing but a shallow physical thing. A relationship should be something that is fullfilling in all ways, I am not saying that you should be happy all the time, all relationships have their ups and downs but a real one will find a way to discuss it etc. I believe that your age has alot to do with this way of thinking on your part. I am also hoping that you don't take that the wrong way. I mean women mature faster then men and you being so young you in my opinion are looking for one thing, big breast. I honestly think you need to take a hard look at yourself, you said you love your new girl etc, then take a look in the mirror, and ask yourself this. Does she make you happy? Do you have great communication? Does she make you laugh? Are you attracted to her? What do you really want in a relationship? Well let me say this are you willing to go threw life with conditions or expectations on breast, and maybe miss out on a chance of a life time relationship. Okay I think I am done rambling on and on. Tyger put it great. Good Luck and I wish you the best.
  17. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5237 This product is more then AMAZING these vibrating nipple clamps are absolutely FANTASTIC! I have always wanted to try vibrating nipple clamps. I will admit that I was extremely excited to try this product. I have heard numerous things about nipple clamps, I have heard people say they hurt, they're uncomfortable, and some say how much they love them. Well I am glad that I get to try this product myself. I opened the package and noticed each clamp has it own bullet attached to it. At the end of the two bullets are the wires that go to the remote. Which is a multi-speed remote. I ran to get the 2AA batteries and install them into the remote. I noticed that the clamps have a soft rubber end, also at the base of the clamps there is a small screw looking object, which I knew how to be how to adjust the clamps. I turned these on to see just how POWERFUL they are before testing them out. Even on the low speed these had a lot of POWER. I then turned them all the way up; I must admit that these were the strongest vibrations I have ever felt in any vibrating product thus far. They were literally vibrating out of my hand. I ran to my bed with them in hand to play. I began by first rubbing the bullets over my nipples to get them nice and firm. I then opened one of the clamps to put on my erect nipple, as I slowly began to adjust it at the same time, which is very easy to do. Then I placed the other clamp on my other nipple and turned the remote to HIGH, this product is not very quiet, but when it says TURBO it sure isn't kidding. The vibrations on my nipples made me instantly wet, along with keeping my nipples erect. I never experienced an orgasm with just nipple stimulation tell now. Let me be the one to tell you, this product was everything it claimed to be and more. This was my first experience with a product like this and I will tell you that these clamps will stay at the top of my toy box. I didn't find them to be painful or uncomfortable in the least. In fact I found them to be stimulating and incredible. I was truly impressed with this product. I recommend this product to any person looking for a little extra nipple stimulation. In fact I think tonight I am going to try them out on my husband.
  18. I believe that is the site that Mikayla was talking about. I have seen that site also. I hope that you find it helpful to you and I am sure others will to. Good Luck please keep us updated.
  19. I just wanted to WISH EVERYONE here HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I hope everyone's holiday is filled with love,laughter, and of course new and exciting wonderful things. BEST WISHES TO ALL! May your holiday be fulfilling! From my family to yours.
  20. I had my tongue pierced about 6years ago, I to took it out. Now my X had his pierced and also had a vibrating tongue ring, was it a turn on yes. Even when it has a typical bar bell in and not his vibrating one he could hit my clit with it kinda like a boucing on and off to my clit, did it feel great Oh yes, but it sure was enough to make me reach climax although the vibrating one did. I got my tongue pierced because I like it, I also had my navel pierced until one traumatic day I was in the swimming pool with my daughter, she was very young at the time, and I went to throw her to her daddy and didn't reliaze that her toe was caught in my ring and OUCH it got ripped out.
  21. Guilty as charged!! Well I have done it and I have also had a partner do it. Years ago with my x while we werein the heat of passion I yelled my other x's name. My partner at the time just seemed to ignore it tell we were finished then he asked, " What was that about?" Well I must say I felt a little strange trying to explain this one. So I was honest, I said, " That what he was doing at the time was sooo good it reminded me of some of the things my x did, he stated looks like I will just have to fix that then won't I. Well needless to say he fixed it good and it bypassed and was forgotten about, never to be brought up again. My husband now though not long after we got married about a year later, we were hot and heavy and he yelled out his x's name. Well me being the outspoken type of person I am said,"WHat?" Mind you this is in the middle of some hot and heavy sex. He said," Sorry babe would you just fuck me harder then she ever did." With that as my cue it was on. How could I get mad or even jealous on that note? When all said and done and a fews days had pasted we talked about it. I will admit it has never happened again and we have been married 10years. I think it happens because if you are just newly out of a relationship say a month or 2, I think that person is still on your mind and accidents happen.
  22. Hiya Russel, and yes there is a happy medium out there. There are alot of products and alot of different sizes I think if we all knew what she considered to be to small and to big I am sure alot of us could recommend quit a few products. When she says to small is she talking about the girth or the length? I think if we knew a few of these answers then we will be able to help alot more. Also what types of vibes is she looking for I mean there are alot. Duel action? your everyday "run of the mill" type ? vaginal? anal? One with numbies, one without etc.. With a little more information I am sure we will be able to help ya. Thanks!
  23. Hey CL, Well I am not sure but I can tell ya that at one time in my life I was in a very abusive relationship and suffered a brain injury and was left in acoma for period of 3months due to the trauma. In my opinion I believe that yes post accident issue with the brain can cause this. I suffer with it from time to time. In fact I hate crowded place and feel claustrophic when I go to Walmart and there are to many people in it. I also hate to be touched that way to. I have discussed it with my DR a few times and he has stated to me that it can be from the trauma. Don't get me wrong I mean my husband and my sex life are great. I use to love to snuggle and things to but anymore I have found it very hard and this happened 13years ago. I honest think age really doesn't play a factor there. I mean my In-laws who are well over the age of 60, I have seen them snuggling on the couch watching TV etc. I myself can't do that, although I do try to. I think anything that is traumatic to our brains, changes us in different ways. I have worked long and hard to try to reprogram that, I try to snuggle on the couch with him, it is hard but I know that it is something he enjoys. I feel like I can't breath and my heart starts racing when I try to snuggle up with him or that I am being locked into a cage and I can't get out. I have been working threw, hopefully some of these tips will help you. I take very deep breaths and kinda talk to myself, WOW I know that sounds a little crazy, but when he sits next to me on the couch and trys to snuggle up against me I begin to take deep breaths and tell myself that everything is okay. Kinda like trying to reprogram my brain. I feel for ya CV, and it is a hard battle to fight. Have you talked to your DR to see what he has to say. I just wanted to let you my opinion on this and that you are not alone with this feelings. Take care and good luck!
  24. I promise to post the link as soon as I can. I looked for it and was unable to find it.
  25. Just when I thought there were no more new dual action vibes, here comes my latest box from Tootimid. I couldn't wait to try this new dual action vibe out. Here is a little bit of the basics on this one: It has your clitoral rabbit stimulator (this one says that the shaft not only vibrates but rotates as well) - what more could I really ask for? This is of a jelly material; this product also came with its own Frixion sample silicone lube. I noticed right away when I opened the box, that on one side of the vibe, just under the ridge of the penis, there was a little face; I mean little nose, eyes and a smiley face. I also noticed immediately with the face, that this vibe had two little ears, really nubbs, on each side, and what looked like an outline of a v-neck top under the face. I thought to myself how unique and very cute! Just toward the base of the penis are about 3 rows of pearls. This product has a hand held remote, so also at the base is a cord that goes to the hand held remote, so your partner can have control if you would like. This product is multi-speed, with a separate control on the remote for the vibration of the ears of the rabbit; the other for the rotation speed of the vibe. I went to get the 3C batteries (which are not included). The control on the right is for the vibration, and the control on the left is for the rotation of the vibe. I handed my husband the remote, while I lubed the toy - the lube that came with this product wasn't sticky at all and had a very satin feel to it. Once lube I began to slowly insert the vibe, while my husband slowly was turning up both the controls. The ears hit my clit, and I about fell on the floor. The rotation on high was not as powerful as I would have liked, but it did feel good. My husband continued to tease me going from high to low; just when I could feel the build up beginning he would turn it down on me. I was begging for him to turn the power all the way up, he did and BAM I had the orgasm I was waiting for. I did enjoy this dual action vibe, but I must admit that the pearls on it didn't really rotate, I could feel them but it was more of a pulsating feel and not very strong. The rotation of the penis even on high speed still was a little slow for me. Just because this isn't one of my favorite dual action vibes doesn't mean it won't work for you. In my opinion there are quit a few better dual action vibes.
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