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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Okay here we go. One night when my girlfriend and I went out to the club, there was this really hot guy. Well I love to dance so I walked over and asked him to dance, he said sure in a kinda shy way. While we were dancing(mind you I was pretty drunk)my hand slide up his inner thigh and I asked him if I could play with that one day. He was shocked and I think he wasn't really sure what to say after the song ended, I told him, thank you, walked back to were my gf was and wrote my name and number on a napkin. He called the next day and we dated for a year. I just broke up with my bf and was walking to a Mcdonalds to get a drink, mind you I was in High School at the time. Well my X bf worked at that Mcdonalds to, but wasn't on the schedule that day. There was this really cute guy that always eyed me when I went in to see my X. So this time I went in to get a drink, he served me and I asked him for a extra lid, he looked at me a little strange but gave me an extra lid. I went to go sit down and on the way grab a napkin, wrote my phone number inside it and folded it in a heart shape with his name on the outside of it. Then inserted it into the straw hole of the lid. On my way out I yelled his name and told him to catch. Before I made it a block my phone was ringing we went out that night and stayed togeather for about 3years.
  2. WOW! I missed this topic to. I can tell you that when I say the "not tonight" term it is either because I am completely exhausted, stressed out, sick or any of those. I must admit though even though I say not tonight my husband has a way, he has woken me up in the middle of the night, rubbing my butt or rubbing his cock against me. He has even woken me up eating me out. So even though I might say not tonight he still gets it and trust me by the time he has woken me up in this fashion, oh he is gonna finish and the not tonight turned into later that night. Then again if he isnt in the mood, then I have been known to wake him up in ways that he can't refuse. SO I guess the "not tonight" in our house is really later during the night. I also agree with the other posters here, this is really a great topic with alot of information to it.
  3. I love a good spanking every once in a while, I think it can be such a turn on for both myself and my husband. I Love it more while we are in the doggie style postion, talk about a turn on.
  4. Sorry to hear, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope all goes as smoothly as possible. We will all still be here when you are ready to come back. Take care, wishing you and your family the best.
  5. Virgo You are shy at first, and because of that is is hard for you to find lots of random sex partners. You are very Intelligent and very into sex. You will have sex with clean people in fear of getting an STD. You are also very kinky and imaginative in the sac. Your partners always have a hard time keeping up with you. Sex Matches: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio
  6. I am 91% and since I am married I always have a Friday night date to. Neat little test.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I to was searching the web for a clean adult place to find help and toys. I love my vibrating eggs they are one of my favorite toys. Hope it is as great for you all as it is for us. Keep posting and welcome again.
  8. Awww sorry to hear. Yes what a great reminder, I hope your daughter will be okay. My daughter when she was about 4yrs old, she is 10 now but when she was younger, I accidently left a AAA battery on the counter, Lord only knows what she was thinking when she decided to eat it. She didn't choke, someone must have been watching over her. I relized it later though that it was missing so I asked her and she said yummy. My heart sank and I called the DR, we took her in and low and behold she did eat it. It passed without a problem thank goodness, trust me we knew when it passed the poor girl. I have to say since that accident I think I am a little to cautious anymore. Even though she is 10 kids will be kids and do the most usual things, say the sillest things etc. Hell to this day I am still wondering how the hell she swallowed it without choking I guess someone was at our side then. I am sure your little one will be okay and hopefully it will not be a painful pass like my daughters was. Bless her little heart, Good luck and take care.
  9. I know if my hubby did that well there had better be a cream filling with it to. I will have to admit that was a great idea on his part.
  10. I myself love to have my neck kissed, and sucked on. It is a instant turn on for me and the harder it is sucked on the more I get turned on. and for me it is the left side of my neck, it will send me beyond the stars.
  11. [color=#993399] Woohoo you are soo unselfish. LOL but I don't think any of us thought you were anyway. Let us all know how he likes it. Can't wait to hear all the wonderful details. I have this strange feeling though it is going to be a hell of a great night.
  12. The funniest thing that has happened in my bedroom. Well the first time I ever gave my husband a BJ was on our honeymoon. Not only did I get a nice, buring eye wash of sperm, but while I was giving him a blowjob I swear I thought the roof caved in. HE farted so loud and I tried so hard not to laugh but well I lost it and he was just about to come, well I started laughing and at that time he came and lets just say not only did it get in my eye up my nose and did I get a hair gel that wasn't ment to be there our honeymoon night end up great anyway. I swear I never laughed so hard in my life. When laughing hysterically and giving a blow job make sure that when he comes out of your mouth your head is far away snorting sperm is not the way to go.
  13. My husband has a fake pussy and let me tell you he loves it just as much as I love watching him use it. IT is such a turn on for me as much as it is for him. He at times will play with his pussy as I use my toys and play with mine. Believe it or not it does help him to build up his stamina. I have woken up from a dead sleep before and have caught him playing with his fake pussy, it was such a turn on for me. He didnt want to wake me, since as he said I soooooo needed my sleep and he sooo need a little release. He said he knew in the back of his mind though I would wake up. I did and starting talking dirty to him and one thing of course led to another and we had a great morning. I think that if women have toys why not men. I mean I think it was Tyger who said it, make it an all toy night. I have done that before in fact I love to wake up and see my hubby stroking himself of course he is the one who woke me up. Just by rubbing my butt. I think fake pussies bring a whole new light to the bedroom and they are great if I am to tired to play or have to many things going on and just well dont feel like it, I know that my man will not suffer due to my mood or anything else, just like if I need some when he is gone I just grab a toy. Toys are for SEXUAL ENHANCEMENT for BOTH people in the relationship. Just my thoughts!
  14. I will tell you I was very skepitical of cock rings, their have been a few that didn't help at all. Now let me say this my opinion of them have changed alot. There are a few here that are wonderful and easy to use and my husband enjoyed them just as much as I did, and yes he did last longer. Here is a link to a few of them. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5033 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4859 Also I know I purchased the velcro one for my husband and he said it was comfortable and easily adjustable since it is velcro. Hope this helps some and good luck. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3488
  15. Well needless to say I am touched. I think I may have taken it a little to personal. Yes it happens in the pm by one person mostly and I have yet to see this person post or anything else. I think with the death of my son I have taken things a little to personal, It has not been by any of the members that review or post I think that critizism can be good in alot of ways in fact it helps you to become a better person to. So therefore I think I took it way to personal since losing my son. I have taken a break from reviews though due to this emtional rollercoaster I am dealing with right now, but I wanted to let you all know that it nothing personal and has nothing to do with any of you all.
  16. Well I would like to thank everyone for everything. When I first came here I was having problems in my sex life in fact I think I called it boring. that is was but sure isn't anymore. I must say I also had a great time writing reviews and testing products, but I have come to the conclusion that I have decided that it seems like no matter what I write or say or the opinion I give it just isn't good enough, or the products I test and find amazing are also knocked down by mostly one person alot. I don't mind being critizied but when it is everytime I think I will pass. I will still continue to shop here from time to time, but for now I think it is best I leave. Take Care. Good Luck to you all and I will check back from time to time just to see what all is being talked about. Take Care.
  17. I masturbating sometimes watching a movie. I would say most of the time though I enjoy fantasiing. I of course always have a few of my favorite BOBs. To be honest I think it depends on my mood. I will admit I masturbate everyday and sometimes more then once a day since I find it to be a great stress relieve. I do not always use my toys though I have masturbated with just my fingers to. Also if I am reading a erotic book then that will get me going to
  18. Well since I love anal toys and the whole DP thing, I think this one is getting added to my wish list and emailed straight to my hubby.
  19. I am going to agree with the other post here. I honestly believe that one you are not relaxing, I think that when you are feeling this you start to stress a little and wonder if it is going to happen or not. My best advice to you is to read the articles that Mikayla has written on this the are wonderful and packed full of information. Here I a link to it: http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc...have_orgasm.htm
  20. I am wondering if there was a mmm point to this.
  21. In order my ass and then my legs. I have been told numerous times that I have a hard body ass. I love it if I do say so myself. I have wonderful legs to, in fact this made me feel really good one day so I have to share it. I was sitting in the Dr's office one day and walked out to get a breath of fresh air, when I came back into the office this young couple, the women said," How did you get such beautiful legs?" I said, " wow thank you and then stated I am not sure, I do alot of bike riding and walking. Here husband or boyfriend stated'" can you give your legs and butt to my wife. She didnt take any offense to it at all and just laughed and said I wish. So I would have to say those are my favorite parts of my body.
  22. Well I am a anal lover, and have anal sex anytime I can. My best advice is first off make sure you try to have a bowel movement before attempting anal just so you know that you really don't have to go. Why it felt funny the next time I honestly can't answer that question unless of course, you may have done something different maybe a different postion, laying different etc.... I do have to ask you, just to make sure, you are using plently of lube right? I will tell you that I have found that Astroglide is really awesome for anal. You also need to make sure you are completely relaxed, if you need to try to stimulate your anus before you insert the butt plug. Also don't feel afraid or nervous to ask anything here and that is a good question and not grouse at all. I know that the first time I had anal I had the pressure of feeling like I had to go but I knew I didn't because I had just went before we attempted it. Have you read Mikayla's Articles on anal sex? I am sure you have I am just making sure, since they are packed full of information. I hope this helps some. Good Luck!
  23. Howard I totally agree with your words in this post. Trickychick, my husband wouldn't at first but now he loves it and I love to watch him. I agree though and I would respect what your SO has to say. Here is a little tip though, Although I haven't had a period in about 3months thanks to a hysterectomy, but what I use to do when it was that time of the month and I didn't feel like having sex. I would help him, whether it was me giving him a blow job, a dirty dance so I could watch him "whack off" as you say. I also sometimes just gave him a hand job. There are some men that just don't believe in masturbating, in fact my SO use to say isn't that what your for! Then once he found out that it turned me on, and I mean TURNED me on he relized that it wasn't a break in our vows or anything else. At this point though I think Howard is right in his opinion. I wouldn't ask him to and I think I would respect his feelings.
  24. I am so fucking horney in the kitchen!! Sept 2! Well that almost discribes me since I am always horney. Now I have to admit this does sound like my hubby. I wanna fuck under the stars!!! August 13. Sounds like a match made in heaven. I am always horney and he wants to fuck.
  25. My newest shipment arrived from Tootimid. This time my husband went to get the mail, I swear he looked more excited than me. He literally ran up the stairs and opened the package before I got to say a word. I must admit this was an experience that was completely new to me. I was excited to see that there was a sparkling egg in there. The egg is another name for a bullet. I am a HUGE fan of bullets and eggs, since they give me multiple orgasms every time. This type of product has unlimited capabilities. Here is a little of the basics about this product. I noticed once I opened the package that the egg has a hint of glitter. I must say this is actually a pretty toy. I know you are thinking a toy, how can a toy be pretty? Trust me this is pretty and a must see to believe. The product comes in 3 colors, black, blue and pink. I have the pink one. The egg is approximately 2" in length and about 1" in girth, just perfect for the beginner or advanced player. This product is not wireless but the wire on it is long enough that your partner can hold it and have complete control. I will tell you that since this toy is plastic it is extremely easy to care for. It was Time to test this little guy out. I got the 2AA batteries and insert them into the hand held control. Which I must say fits nicely and comfortably in the palm of your hand. The battery insertion was easy. I was so excited to see the power in this I rushed to my bed, where my hubby was already waiting. I laid the new egg on the bed first and turned it on. This little guy crawled across my bed. It is actually very quiet which I was impressed with, and EXTREMELY POWERFUL. I couldn't wait any longer. I laid back and my husband took control. He laid the egg right on my clitoral region, and slowly started to turn it up to high speed. I almost jumped out of my bed when he turned it to high, I could feel the vibrations all the way down to my toes. I instantly had an orgasm. I then decided to use it on my husband. I took the egg and placed it right underneath his scrotum, he about jumped off the bed to since I had it on high. He became rock hard, I then decided to rub it up and down his shaft. My husband had a hard time, pun intended, controlling himself. If you haven't tried it, try it, I promise you and your partner will love it! We DO!!!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4998
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