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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I love undressing my hubby. While I undress him, I am also teasing him to no end. Undressing your SO can be wonderful foreplay.
  2. Mikayla, Just a quick question. I thought you were also working on a article how to reach a O. Just curious if you were still writing that one or? I am only asking since my girlfriend keeps asking me how, I have talked to her and she has also read the numerous post here on the forum. Just a curiosity, you know what they say curiosity kills that cat. LOL Thanks! Kathy
  3. I like the virgin one to! I think the others are still there I think if i saw it write it went virgin, newbie,member,advanced member,intern,teacher,master teacher. I could be wrong but yes I think it is very cute.
  4. I believe mine if it counts as a fetish would be heels and a teddy. I have had sex with them off of course but when I put on a pair heels, not just any heels the spiked heels and a teddy it turns me on, and of course my hubby but once I have it on and look in the mirror I get wet.
  5. Did someone say butts? I totally agree with Hrnychick a guy in some nice fitting jeans YUMMY. You know when it comes to men and there butts, I think all men can have nice asses in jeans, size of the butt doesn't matter to me.
  6. If I was single and not married I would for sure pick Howard, his knowledge and the advice he gives her on the form, I would sure be a big foul not to. I am sure with him it would be a hot hot night. As far as for a women of course Mikayla. =)
  7. Hello and Welcome to tootimid. Depending on where you live, you can check the web or I know here we have the New TImes.
  8. Allit, I have to let you know just because you said that most of the time people on the outside are highly magnified by people on death row etc... I just wanted to say that I understand where you are coming from on this and yes there are people like that. I on the other hand, have known Aaron for 17years, he has only be locked up for 12.5 years, so we had a great relationship for about 5 years before he ever got in trouble. I mean when I say close relationshipo, he was my best friend, we talked about everything and anything although we both were unable due to circumstances and our own marriages at the time to fulfill what we wanted with each other, we were extremely close. Just a little FYI =) Mikayla and the others, you have made some very valid points. In fact you all made me cry and maybe this is type of information was what I needed to hear. I am lucky though that I have the hubby I do in alot of ways, when we were dating I told him about Aaron and the feelings I had for him, he understond. I think you are all right in away. I have tried about 3 years ago to let him go, not go see him and I didn't last long my heart felt soo broken. I love my husband dearly and Lord knows we have been threw alot. Mikayla your point on a emotional cheater is right and I Think I am highly guilty of it and Howard thank you to and all of you that have responed. Just a little more info to, at the jail you can only give a quick peck and quick hug just to to let you all know. So what to do about it? The thought of not seeing him breaks my heart deeply, the thought of not writing him does to. Maybe I think I will sit down with my hubby again and make sure he is still okay with all this.
  9. Well let me tell you all the short version of this story. When I was married to my first husband, my husband's brother was married also, his wifes brother and I have always had the hots for one another. I have known him now for 17years he has been in prison for 12.5years now. I have also been faithful going to see him etc... He will never be released, he was on death row for 12years and the sentence was overturned to life in prison plus 265years. For the first 12years we talked behind glass, no contact what so ever. Just recently he has be moved to a unit that allows contact visits. A brief hug and kiss are allowed before and after each visit, you may hold hands and walk the yard. Now of course since this is my long time love/crush I was extremely excited and of course I give him a hug and kiss and we walk the yard. We do when we have the chance, without getting caught, our hands tend to travel a little, we talk about everything. I write him nasty nasty stories. I flirt with him and of course he flirts back. My husband knows the relationship between him and I, along with knowing that I do get to hug and kiss him quickly. I visit him every chance I get. I just want to hear everyones opinion on this one. Now I do have to admit if by some miracle, he ever does get out or sex visits is aloud I honestly believe that neither him nor I would be able to control ourselves. Hell we have been waiting for 17yrs to do it and let me tell you it is a hell of a build up. I am happily married and love my husband very much. This man though has always given me the butterfly feeling in my tummy, just thinking about him I get excited. I know cheating topics have been posted numerous times here, I am just wondering what you all think about this. Thanks and I look forward to all opinions!
  10. Hiya Inexperianced!!! There are also alot of sex educational articles here to. Here is a link to them. Also there is no reason to be ashamed of your virginity status. Why be ashamed and don't worry about it, I mean sex is adult play, stress relieving, fun don't worry about everything not being perfect you are learning. Heck I have 5 children and married and I am still learning. No reason to be ashamed or be worried about not doing something right, if you are ready to lose the V card make sure you and your partner are able to talk. Communication is a wonderful tool when it comes to sex. Good Luck and Keep us Posted!!!!! http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/index.htm
  11. All natural breast. Now I have felt and played with fake ones with my x before and to me they just weren't the same a little hard. All Natural for me and my hubby.
  12. WElcome abcd!!! There is alot of great information and aritcles here on sex. They are all under the sex education tab. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/index.htm here is a link to the articles. Hope this will help you. Also there is alot of information on the forum regarding sex. Hope this links Help.
  13. Whiskeywomen I have to say you made me laugh. Yes I am a clean freak I am so anal that I change my sheets after sex and yes every other day even if we don't have sex. I think there is a disorder for this LOL. Also well heck since you have that many dogs, I will be more then Happy to send you my collie/aussie mix. I am sure I will survive but still child birth to me would be a whole lot better.
  14. Whiskeywomen you are correct, that is why I said that he didn't say toys caused it but if not careful you could be setting yourself up for one. Since our Uretha's are so short, and I like alot of clitoral stimulation and play I just had to ask him. He said really anything can cause them, holding it is a big one. I feel so sorry for you I think UTI's since this is my first one ever are horrible. I rather give birth again I had all my children natural, and had back labor but out of all that pain something wonderful happened. I don't see anything wonderful happening here. I made this post since I know that I myself am very guilty at laying down toys and then picking them back up, along with my husband. That is why I had to ask the Dr about it. I thought the information he gave me was interesting and posted it, just so that everyone would know that if you are not careful when you are playing you could be setting yourself up for one. The slightest dirt on the vibe and then you put it on your clitoral area etc... Also yes I know that the Uretha and clit are seperate from one another, but being that everything is so close, the Dr said it is possible since we all know that bacteria loves to travel. Hmmmmm.... Never heard of the beer thing. I was told to get Cranberry juice, which I did along with the medication he gave me. Hehehe you just gave me a reason though to have a beer and I am not really a drinker but know I have an excuse to tell my hubby, I have another UTI so can you go get me a beer. Thanks Whiskey Kathy(Katprr)
  15. It is possible but of course we don't know her. When playing with her anus are you using a finger,toy? Have you asked her if she was interested in it? Mikayla has written some wonderful educational articles on anal play here is a link. I would talk to her and see what she thinks of it, as far as it leading to full anal play the possibility is there, I know that is how I started and now I love it and the whole DP thing. Hope this helps some. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...to_anal_sex.htm
  16. Well.......I have been in a Lesbian scene a few times, but not since I have been married. I think it would be cheating, whether your SO knows or not. I mean whether male or female I believe that if you are with someone and then have a sexual relationship with someone else regardless of their gender it is cheating. As far what the husband would think, I know mine would be jealous since he didn't get to join in or watch, a little upset that I didn't tell him and he had to find out the hard way. I believe that my hubby would ask for me to do it one more time so he could watch. Since we all know that the majority of men out there have this HUGE fantasy about two women. As far as it been as offensive, I asked my hubby on this issue and he plainly stated," it wouldn't be as bad since it was a women." He also stated" that if it was a man I cheated with he would be extremely upset and would be serious grounds for divorce." I had to know why he felt that way and he said," that even though it is cheating on him, he would be able to accept me cheating with a women alot better, at least then he knew that he was full filling his job and knew that it was nothing he was doing wrong in bed etc....... So I do think that men in general would accept a women cheating with another women, since women don't have penis's unless they are toys. Just our outlook on the situtation. Hope this helps some!
  17. See this goes to show you I learn something new everyday. Thanks Mikayla for info, I had no idea they had classes for pole dancing. Wish you the best Diamonddoll! Good luck and keep us posted.
  18. I am really not sure if there are classes for that, I don't think so. Watching and practice I would say are the key. Any dancing you can make exotic I think. When he isn't home put on something sexy and practice dancing around they room etc... Sorry I can't be more help Good Luck!
  19. Maples I agree with all the other post since I am a mother of five, but I do have a question for you. I am assuming this is the same man who raped you, beat you etc..... I think that also has alot to do with you sex drive, not only hormones. I mean I am calling it rape since you said stop and he didn't, traumatic things that happen also effect your sex life. Just a thought and a question.
  20. Hi and Welcome!!! I agree with all the other post listed above. Do not bring someone else into the relationship. My brother was burned extremely bad like yourself, first off you both are very lucky to be alive. My brother had numerous skin graphs done and in fact had to have serious surgery on his penis due to the burn. Yes he burned himself from the waist done and it was a gasoline accident. I am very sorry to hear of your accident you are a strong person, and hear don't be worried about asking anything at all, this site is full of information and a safe place for everyone. Now my brother of course had serious sexual problems, sounds to me like you are have a few to. That is to be expected. I would talk to my DR about it and see what all he has to say and offer. Now I have to ask,do you all own any toys? Instead of bringing a thrid person into your relationship which could in turn back fire on you. I would maybe get some toys, of course you to should talk about it first and see what her feelings and thoughts are. My brother was burned over 6years ago, and of course is doing alot better, he still has a few problems sexually but does use toys with his wife since we have talked about it and if I could remember what the DR gave him that also help I would post it. Good Luck to you! Please keep us posted
  21. All I can say to this is that I agree with Mikayla on this completely. Sometimes size can matter depending on how well they take direction but it doesn't always matter.
  22. WOW, Okay he beat you while you were pregnant, Oh my does this bring back serious memories to me. Why are you still with him? You also stated that he has his temper in check now, well let me tell you that is just like you said NOW. OKay now he gets drunk and doesn't listen to you in bed, and does exactly what he wants without you in mind at all. Big problem there. I was with my daughters father for 3years, he also use to hit me and BEAT me. He would get drunk and be rough in bed sometimes and not care if he was hurting me nor care at all about anything but himself. There are better men out there. Would I forgive him, NO. Is being drunk an excuse for what he did?NO. Has he hurt you before?YES. I forgave my daughters father numerous times, and let me tell you. One day I came home from work and he was drunk, and for no reason at all decided it was a good time to beat me. He ALMOST KILLED ME, he broke my back in 6 different places, I was at the time pregnant with my daughter. I spent 2 months in acoma, when I woke from acoma I had an officer standing above me and there were to armed officers also outside my door. Also my x (who is dead now)tied me down one time and did exactly what he wanted no matter how much I begged for him to stop etc.. So is it rape, YES!!! You said no, NO MEANS NO, and STOP MEANS STOP. Bottom line is and I am sorry if this sounds horrible or out of line. Should you forgive him? NO I highly agree with Whiskeywomen and her questions! I have no room at all for men or anyone who take abuse and say oh it was an accident! NO being drunk, sober, doing drugs is NO excuse for anything. It is this simple he drank it, he has a history of beating you, yes he basically raped you and didn't care. Get AWAY from him, before you or your child or someone gets seriously hurt. I am sorry if this sounds very harsh, but I have THANK GOD lived to tell others my story. The decision is yours of course, this is just my outlook and opinion. Get OUT!!!!! There are numerous places that will help. I know alot of them regardless of what state you live in, if you would like some info please feel free to PM me. Good Luck to you!!!
  23. Well this is the first in my book, I have never ever had a UTI tell recently, maybe I am lucky I don't know. So of course I go to the Doctor and ask him can sex toys cause a UTI? He stated,"it is only possible if you do not wash your toys before sex and after, or you are playing with it or your SO is playing with it on you and it happens to drop. Like on your sheets etc and you pick it up and continue. Okay I am soo guilty here, I wash my toys before and after playing with them all the time, I am a clean freak. Although I am a clean freak, neat freak, or whatever my SO calls me I am guilty of dropping the toy on the bed and changing to another and back to that one. My bed and the sheets are clean of course, but I do own animals cats, dog, etc.... They aren't allowed on my bed EVER, but I am sure when I am gone they get on my bed, which is what the DR and I were talking about. It is possible he said that the dropping of the toy could have caused the UTI if one of the animals were on the bed. The chances are small but heck while I am at the DRs might as well ask right? Let me make this clear though he DIDN't say that toys cause UTI's but if not careful, if you drop it etc and do not wash it you could be setting yourself up for one. UTI are very common in women but I just found this news a little interesting and decided to share it with you all. So becareful in the heat of the moment that if your SO or yourself drop a toy on the bed that you know is clean, but you own pets then make sure you wash it before you use it again or just don't use that one again.
  24. MY hubby is the biggest at 7.5 inches and a 2.25 approximatley in girth, I haven't actually measured but I have to be extremely aroused for him to insert his penis in me. He does make a tight full fit. As far as tits is concearned I don't like really big tits, the largest I have been with is 36C that is big enough for me.
  25. Well I have only had 1 personal message that was asking, did I enjoy the attention no. I am not one who is a attention seeking person, heck I get way to much attention here at home between my SO and my 5 children. My SO has never been the jealous type and in fact he gets on this form and will read and carry on, it was him that actually recieved this PM, I got it but he and I were reading the forum at the time and it came threw. He laughed and said I should tell the person to quite daydreaming I said no I will just write back I am not interested and happily married. I know alot of people like attention I mean I like attention of course but attention like that is a HUGE turn-off for me and I honestly do not enjoy it.
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