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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. WOW!! I can't believe your 58 either. Keep doing what you're doing. Thank you for sharing.
  2. I love those "Strong" vibrations!!! Great review ladies.
  3. I own a few dual action vibrators; I will admit that some of these types of products can seem a little overwhelming to the beginner. This would be one of them. I am not saying that it wouldn’t be good for the beginner, since the size isn’t overwhelming at all. Although I will say that there is a lot going on with this “pearl rabbit”. This product is a “Jelly” type material. I opened the package; the smell was a little overwhelming. Although after a few good washings with some antibacterial soap, and allowing it to air dry the smell did lighten up a bit and it was no longer overwhelming. I was a little nervous about how powerful this may be since it does take 3C batteries, along with how loud it may be. I grabbed some lube, turned on my stereo just in case. The batteries were very easy to put in. I immediately turned it on; I started by playing with the remote. I am sure glad that I decided to turn on my radio before turning on the rabbit. This product I found to be a little on the load side. The remote has easy to control dials. The first one controls the speed of the vibrations including the vibration of the little rabbit ears, the second control, controls the of the rotation of the pearls, on the side of the remote I noticed a button, I pushed the button and the pearls rotated a different direction. The “ears” of the clitoral stimulator are stiffer and do stay in place well. I do know that with some of the dual action the “ears” sometimes are a little flimsy. That is not the case here. This rabbit sent me to have a toe-curling orgasm I will not soon forget. I could feel the “pearls” twisting and rotating around inside me, just when I was about to come, I would change the direction of them in order to tease myself. The vibrations on high are a little on the strong side, which I highly enjoyed. I would recommend this product to anyone that is looking for a new dual action vibrator. Along with someone that doesn’t mind a lot of different things going on. The rabbit was very easy to use along with “hopping” to the job without hesitation. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3409
  4. This Rockin Rod will rock you more then all night. Let me start off by saying this product is not for beginners, but for advance players only. I love products that say, “Make sure you understand the size “. They say curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction brought her back, wanting more! The Rocking Rod is made of a soft-Jelly type material, which gives this man the “real” type feel. This isn’t a small boy; he comes in at a nice 8.5” length with a 2” girth. I was a little skeptical since this product states that the not only the shaft vibrates but the scrotum does as well. With this only taking 2AA batteries, I wasn’t sure if it would provide high enough vibrations for me to reach orgasms. I was sure mistaken. I took it out of the package, washed it up with a little antibacterial soap. The batteries were very easy to install. There is a remote that is attached to it, that is multi- speed and very easy to use. Instead of your typical dial to control the speed, this slides up and down, which made I found to be very convenient. I grabbed my favorite water-based lube and headed for some fun. Since this is a big boy I knew that I would have to get myself extremely worked up. Once I was extremely aroused, I began to insert my “rockin rod”. While inserting I made sure that the scrotum was facing towards my clitoral area. Since I have noticed that some times while playing with the “real” man I do need that extra excitement. I was amazed that with the 2AA batteries that not only did the shaft have plenty of vibration and power, but the scrotum was vibrating with just enough about of power to make me have multi-orgasms. The real look, along with the “real” real type feel, I would recommend this product to any advance player that loves the “real” feel, along with clitoral stimulation. So if you’re like me, and at times you need the “full” feeling this product is “rockin”. Let this “real” man rock you more then all night!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=6251
  5. False, having more testing done on my knee! TPBM is going out of town this weekend?
  6. AMEN SISTER!!! Well I tell ya Phoenix drivers along with where I am Mesa ones aren't much better.
  7. Very true! I honestly hardly ever were them in the first place. TPBM has hot plans for this weekend.
  8. Been wondering where you ran off to hon. Thought we all scared you away with our spankings hon. Hope everything goes well. Take care!! (((((((HUGS))))) to you. Hurry back or else. LOL
  9. I agree I sure do have alot better things to spend my money on. As far as the kegal thing sounds like a way to earn fast cash for women that want to be lazy about them. Hell everyday pretty much while I am either typing or cross-stitching, cleaning etc or whenever I think about it I do them. Nympho I am with you Lip sync? Lmao I have much better things to spend my money on.
  10. Everyone has pretty much given the best advice. I would make sure that your bladder is as empty as possible, before you start to try to stimulate it. There are many articles on it and I am sure that you read Mikaylas. Keep relaxing and breathing deeply while playing. I have g-spot O's although they don't smell like urine but it sure can flood a towel. LOL I think you are trying to hard in alot of ways and may be getting frustrated. Keep us posted! Best of luck to you!!
  11. Have a great time. I know that feeling around here I tell ya. LOL I swear the kids know you are up to something and just have to find something to ask or anything to to keep mom and dad from having fun. LOL Have a great time. You know we love details to.
  12. LMAO WW. I sure hope everyone who owns a dog has your toys put way up or in the box where they belong. LOL
  13. Great review Tyger!! Looks like a ring pop to be. LOL
  14. Bad Tyger I will find a way to punish you later!! Anyway I am glad to know that you enjoyed.
  15. I am in the Buffet line. Great articale Mikayla, as usual!!!
  16. Okay so it was 430am when I woke up this morning and wondered into the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. I filled the cup added a teaspoon of sugar and headed outside since it was a beautiful morning. I sit down and take a sip of my coffee and OMG it tasted like hell. I was like WTF, so I rinsed out my cup and poured another hmm coffee tasted fine, then proceeded to add a teaspoon of suger and YUCK. Well my wonderful children decided to fill the sugar bowl with salt instead. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Talk about a rude awaken. I havent decided their punishment yet but this is not a good way to wake up in the morning.
  17. Sounds like loads of fun. Also just wanted to let you know that TT sells a really fun coupon book also.
  18. I love candles, I have them in my bedroom, bathroom etc. It is quit romantic, when you have a nice bubble bath drawn up by your SO and candles lit all the way around the tub. Gotta love the candles, and the romantic enviroment they set. Glad to hear you had a great 4anniv.
  19. Glad to hear that your first 3some was good. Keep us posted since alot of the times relationship s tend to suffer afterwards glad to know that yours is still doing well.
  20. Keep trying and make sure to be completely relaxed. Also Mikayla wrote a great article on G-spot O's etc. There are lots of great informative articles there, above under the education section. Don't give up!
  21. Nice Tattoo Froggy!!!! I guess I will have to break down and show all mine. But most everyone has seen my favorite since it is in my profile.
  22. Beautiful pictures! I have to say I love that butt!!! Very pretty you are lady.
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