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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I honestly couldnt say it better then what Mikayla has already said. I am sure thought that the Dr. will not tell you NO MORE EVER, with anal sex but may tell you to obstain from it for a little bit of time. Although I do know that I have had some similair experiances but they have never lasted more then a day. Although it was mainly my fault since I didnt use enough lube for that area, also I had no pain. I did end up going to my Dr though just to make everything was okay, and it was I just had a little tear inside my canal, no biggie. Wish you the best and please keep us posted.
  2. Great Review Val. Don't forget I am heading your way. LMAO This looks like something I need to try.
  3. Great Reviews!! Exotic Phoenix, Whoohoo sounds like you were soo close to have that g-spot O. The clenching is very much normal. You just have to relaxe and try to breath threw it. Good luck reaching that g-spot O sounds like you were soo close. Randygirl , make sure you add the picture to your review too!!
  4. I Love the look this has. I am also wondering how it work as far as the g-spot goes. Thanks
  5. I personaly enjoy swallowing without it. Once in a while flavored lubes are alright, I have tried a few, some of them are actually pretty good.
  6. Welcome to the team. Also make sure to add the picture and the link! In the review team area you will also find alot of helpful hints for reviews, and directions on how to post the pic. If you need any help we are all here
  7. Welcome Beunolas!! Nice to see another Arizona person here.
  8. That was HOT!! Hopefully one day it will become true.
  9. Loving the reviewing. Great information and was fun to read. Thanks.
  10. Welcome and enjoy this site if full of great information.
  11. I also enjoy the new updates thank Rob.
  12. OH heck no!!! I will bring the cream, you aint leaving me out of this one. LOL
  13. Sign me up,, and if Mikayla is bring Margaritas, dam I am checking flights right now. LOL
  14. I love my Jessica's Strobbing probe. It really did make finding my g-spot easy.
  15. How strong would you say the vibrations where? Also looks like this is waterproof, are you going to try it in the water or?
  16. Awesome!! Good luck on the rest hun.((((((((((hugs)))))))))
  17. I loved the impulse rod!! Tyger is right there are lots of reviews already posted on this product.
  18. I know that Whiskeywomen purchased it and try it out. I told said she should write a review on it. She didn't notice anything either, and was not very fond of it at all.
  19. First of good luck on your surgery, I wish you the best. I am sure it is just nerves, and stress. I know at times mine hasn't actually gone numb unless I have vibrated her so much she is in shock. LOL I honestly think it is just nerves hun no need to worry. Good luck and Hope all goes well in surgery, my thoughts are with you.
  20. Great review! Really interesing product, from the sounds of it...It can come kiss me!!
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