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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Wonderful writing. Almost made me need to go spend some alone time in my tub.
  2. Nice booty and with the whip effect it is great. I love the black and white effect!! Great Pics Val.
  3. Great Review!! Sounds like this was lots of fun!!
  4. Aww Sounds like you are soooo not having a good time. *hugs*Sorry to hear. I hope you killed that spider.
  5. ROFLMAO!!! Sending that to my X-inlaws it would fit them well.
  6. I love it!!! Thank goodness I only have to go threw one more teenager, since the others are raised. Although she is only 11 I tell ya she thinks she is 30. LOL
  7. I have lost alot of weight so actually I am trying to put some back on. LOL So I will be glad to take some from one of you. For the better, I have had some pretty bad relationships in my past and I now speak my mind, and I am very assertive, I have learned not to hold in all my feelings and allow them to buddle up inside and explode. I speak my mind but I also listen to what someone has to say. I will never be a doormat for anyone or allow anyone to control what I do, or try to.
  8. I would, in fact I have before while we were out and about. I am naturally a blonde and ended up a red head all night.
  9. Very nice sleek hair do. Wish I could get away with something like that.
  10. Awesome I love that it has its' own little carring case. Almost like a case for clippers how cute.
  11. Get the whip out Tyger!! Lemon Drop yummy I wonder if it taste like the lemon drop candy hmmm.
  12. I love the great games they are coming out with that are indepth, instead of the just plain old lets get dirty games. This ones sounds like loads of fun. Thanks for the great review Mikayla!
  13. I love biting at times, although I loved to be bit more then be the one biting I guess. At times during wild hot sex and I reach climax I have been known to bite depending on the type of play we are engaged in. The worse it has ever gone though is me having HUGE bruises on my arm or neck, and him on his chest. NO blood drawn or anything of that nature. I wouldn't say it is a fetish since this only happens once in awhile.
  14. When recieving I love it when his tongue hits my clit just right, and he lightly nibbles on it, it just about sends me threw the roof. There have been times numerous times when he has been twirling his tongue around my clit and then nibble on it just right and he has had to grab hold of my hips to keep me in place. Since I was trying to crawl the wall with my booty .
  15. Welcome to TT this site is full of wonderful people, great advice and their is lots to learn here we all try to help one another with sexual issues and life issues.
  16. Sounds like this is made of Silicone, is it or??? I love the shape of it. Keep trying and I bet you will find your G-spot. I want one of these to add to my toy box. Love the shape
  17. I am going to have to fully agree with Tyger she is absolutely correct. Spit drys things out, and being this is going to be your first time, I would recommend lube as well regardless. Your right there are a bunch of lubes to choose from, I personally LOVE the Tootimids lube, it is non-staining, non-greasy just a extremely great lube, that last a long time and goes a long way. Astroglide is another great lube as well. Look around and see what you feel would be best for you. Wishing you the best!!
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