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  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    With my husband, who has taken his time with me through all these years!!!
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  • # of sex toys you own?
    10 and counting
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    42 and FEMALE

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    Many things. Reading. Writing. Cooking
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  1. I would love to get together with you sexy lady

    Dewey big thick cock-3.png

  2. It is a typo... It was supposed to say him and I.
  3. It was a joke. Having a husband leave a wife because he wanted head and she wouldn't perform it, isn't harsh? I enjoy sex and think that others should it too as they see fit. I find no one here strange or weird, what I do find is many people here like to gang up on those who may find something that they are not comfortable in doing. I thought this was a place for those who like to gather and talk and share their feelings and what not. Their likes and dislikes, Instead of defending their practice or giving them support on how they feel, it's the other way around. My husband has said that himself. This forum isn't right for my husband, so with that I shall withdraw my hand. Be happy and I wish you all well.
  4. Maybe the driver of car had to much to drink. Anyhoo..I find most people are shallow in that respect. Love holds no one hostage. If he truly loved her, he wouldn't have demanded it it the first place. Guy was just using sex as an excuse to leave the wife.. Not only that, but to put sole blame on her, ( it seem to be so did everyone else. I include you in that also) because she found oral sex to be something foul. So what! She has the right to that feeling. She earned it. It's a two way street just as anything else in this world, Howard. He asked, she said no. And he says divorce. WTF is that? Hasn't it been written here over and over, you shouldn't want to just please yourself, that your partner feelings also matter. I don't expect my husband to do certain sexual things to me if he finds it displeasing. Nor he with me. It's called mutual respect, Howard. And I find I love the man even more as I write this. He is gentle and has no sexual demands that I cannot meet. It also seems to me it was almost a forced sexual situation on a woman who didn't find doing that her style. Forcing a women to choose, sucking or divorce. Like saying; Fuck or die? Which is it? Some say a wife can't be raped by her husband.. Maybe not but in some cases, I would have to say other wise here. Beside, I never said oral sex was nasty. The marriage bed is undefiled between husband and wife. If they choose to have kinky sex, then it's not a sin nor is it to have plain ordinary sex. God gave us that right. May that guys dick fall off!
  5. Oh I hope you're no suggesting the idea that my husband would but his dick in some other chicks mouth because I don't swallow! If a husband or wife is that shallow, maybe they should try getting off their knees. (keep your day job) I know my husband very well. Know what he wants and what his likes are. He knows mine. Being married for almost 20 years would have that effect on people. While the rules state that each shall have their own opinions as long as it does not offend another, in so many words.. I would suggest that some here should remember that. Because we, as in my husband and I took quite offense to this. I'm not much on taking the ball and running home to dear old momma. I'll play, as long as there is a fair playing field. And I'm not getting that here. So I'll move on.
  6. I like this woman and how she thinks.. I don't do either. Neither does hubby and I don't expect him to. I do oral from time to time but never really enjoyed it performed on me, maybe because his tongue isn't rough enough to fell it... lol I can't imagine swallowing anything of the sort. I don't like pre-cum at all. It's cold and slimy..... I would gag at the thought even or gag watching it done on film... I just prefer not do do it. Hubby has never ask me do do such. I'm the one who first suggested oral in our relationship and from time to time when I'm in the mood, I'll perform oral. More power to all who shallow and power to those of us who don't.
  7. I like this woman and how she thinks.. I don't do either. Neither does hubby and I don't expect him to. I do oral from time to time but never really enjoyed it performed on me, maybe because his tongue isn't rough enough to fell it... lol I can't imagine swallowing anything of the sort. I don't like pre-cum at all. It's cold and slimy..... I would gag at the thought even or gag watching it done on film... I just prefer not do do it. Hubby has never ask me do do such. I'm the one who first suggested oral in our relationship and from time to time I will do oral. More power to all who shallow and power to those of us who don't.
  8. There are allot of Texans on this board...... Hello
  9. Fargo


    A lady had asked Washington what kind of government we had... He replied; " A Republic, if you can keep it." Looks like we didn't keep it.
  10. It's called dumbing down of America... it takes away the individuality of people. No one over another. I think it's wrong that they do it. Same thing with uniforms. All kids look alike. No one showing off how much or how little their families have. I grew up poor, but didn't really care what another had. I looked at their family life. Most of those kids who had more than me had more problems. Drug use what have ya! I tell my kids that everyone is different and have different values and they should be respected for it. Just don't do what they do. lol I home schooled my kids. Different class of friends and people for them so some of what they see and here, puts them off. People need to be different on their own terms. Thats what makes, this world worth while. I say be different!
  11. Sometimes it puts my hubby into the mood... always
  12. Thank you. Just trying to read all that you have posted.....
  13. Newbie here. Love it!!!! 42 years old who resides in Texas. Married to a wonderful and patient man (49 years old) for almost 19 years. Have two kids who are 18 and 20 years of age. I enjoy my husband like no other. As a matter of fact, he was the one who gave me your forum address. He may be a member here, but has not posted. We're trying new things in our Young years. Always willing to learn new ways of pleasing my husband!!!!!!!! Looking forward into having fun! Fargo_Gal
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