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Everything posted by brandyfan411

  1. My father uses Magic Shaving Powder (since we are African American) so he doesn't get razor bumps. I have used it on my kitty and it does work. It's just a powder that you mix in with water. It doesn't stink like Nair either (I hate that smell). You spread it on with a spoon or knife (dad uses knife, I use spoon). I can't remember where my dad gets it from. I know he gets it in bulk. I would check Wal*Mart. My father's a tight-wad (even though he's a manager at GE *rolls eyes and scoffs) and shops at places like this all the time lol. Check online for Magic Shaving Powder. EDIT: OH, OH!! You can buy it at Sally's Beauty Supply Store!! If you have one of those near you, you can get it there. Hee hee, this just popped into my head.
  2. My goodness girl!! You must make alot of money because batteries at a 20 pack aren't cheap lol. Ever since I got my latest toy, I do masturbate more than usual but I still take my batteries out. But seriously.....you'd ave to masturbate marathon like to go through that many batteries lol. How many batteries do you toys take?! 8?!
  3. There is a sign that says "Welcome To The Lake" behind my toilet. I guess if you think about it, it's kind of funny.
  4. lol, I know it is. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard! But he honestly believed this. I don't know how he didn't at least try it....I guess he just went in for the kill and had sex.
  5. No.... I saw my parents having sex on our couch when I was 7. Phew, I wanted to poke my eyes out. I don't want to see my father's toys ever. Moms doesn't use toys and if she ever does, I hope I never see them. It's a horrid experience seeing your parents banging on the couch. Aw man...I gotta get away from this post. The memory is coming back.
  6. Sweetie, if he was with you for two years and hadn't put a ring on your finger yet, he was probably gonna leave anyways lol. No but really, guys can be big jerks....heck everybody can be big jerks. I know this is hurting you but look on the bright side. You can now find the one TRUE guy that will love you, regardless of your problem. And who knows? They said my mother couldn't have kids.....I'm here! Of course I have a younger brother and sister that are here too . You will heal quickly. When you do, move on and get back out here babe. There are plenty of fish in the daggon sea, you'll hook one. He was just a tainted fish. Be happy that you aren't stuck with a dickweed!! And if it helps.....we all love you!?
  7. Oh snap!! I know he was sweating bullets lol. I too would have just ran out.
  8. Batteries go fast at my house too. I started buying my own batteries because my brother hogs them all for his Wii remotes. As far as using up my own batteries, I have certain times when I can play. So, like an hour before my playing time I put my batteries back in. My routine after I'm done is I wash my toy and then remove the batteries.
  9. You HAVE to get one of these! The power behind these bullets is incredible!! And I noticed that the bullets get warm while you go. I thought it was a nice touch. This toy is too good lol. If anything can get me off in half the time it normally takes then it's great rofl. After having a few orgasms I drove myself crazy by first, putting it on the "pulsating" setting. It has a stop button for both of the bullets so if you skip something or wanna start over (the three main low,medium,and high settings are first) you don't have to keep pressing to get to them. Once I couldn't take it anymore, I put it on medium.....boy lemme tell you. I had one of those orgasms where my eyes get blurry and I can't even speak. I laid there for about two minutes before I came back lol. Next one I used to really drive me crazy was the setting where it starts off slow then builds up strenght. It teases you because as soon as you feel it hitting you, it goes back to slow. If you like a little bondage and having your man drive you nuts....THIS IS YOUR SETTING. I will have to tell Rob to order this! This is a must have toy, I honestly feel that. This toy is insane and definently needs to be put out there! My body was so happy, I just passed out at the end lol.
  10. I always take the batteries outta my toys. I just put them in a bowl until I get ready to use the toy again.
  11. I don't normally post about my toy unless I need help but I had to post on this toy: Well, I've been talking with the guys in my local Adult Store for a while about vibrating panties. I had purchased a Doc Johnson mini bullet.....but it's like the world's smallest bullet so it doesn't work (at least not for me). Every time I would go in, they didn't have what I wanted. I went in and they STILL didn't. They said "Please stay and lets just test out some stuff". I agreed so they started pulling out some random vibes that were cheap (all of their toys are under 20 bucks). We tested about 20 vibes, each one getting better. Finally Brian (that's the dude's name) pulls out the Colt 7 Function Twin Turbo Bullet! As soon as he pulled it out, I knew it was a winner. It has TWO bullets! They both function on their own with 7 different functions!! And when you run them both at the same time, neither one of them looses strength. The power behind these bad boys are insane and the different functions are too much fun (my favorite on the OUTSIDE is the wave, INSIDE is the one where it starts off slow then picks up speed and power). I got off work at 9pm. I stand on my feet all day so I took the toy with me so I could soak my feet (DO NOT IMMERSE THIS IN THE WATER!!). I sat on the edge of the tub (feet in water) and plugged one in. I had to test this out. The "small" setting is so powerful, I'd probably pass out if it was on "high" lol. I had an orgasm 15 minutes in!! It usually takes me a good 30 minutes to really get anywhere. There is a little handle bar in my tub to hold on to.....I grabbed it so hard I almost ripped it out of the wall lol. I was shakin' so much I had to get out of the tub before water got everywhere lol! I don't know if this great toy is for sell here. If it isn't, GET IT!! This is my favorite toy now!! This toy is great!! And the best thing is that you have TWO bullets to work with....stick them both where you please lol.
  12. Only on myspace at this point. I'll try and post some later today when I get a chance.
  13. lol, Much better....no cast this time! And nice body (sexy abs too)! Very nice
  14. I have had my first g-spot orgasm recently myself and I must say that I love clitoral more (I kind of figured this lol). So, you're not alone on that. I never had that uncomfortable pressure like you did but, I dunno, I guess clitoral is more enjoyable. I bought a dual toy (the g-spot part rotates) recently and while I liked the g-spot part, I like the clit action better. My only life changing orgasm has been from clitoral. I know I've only had one g-spot orgasm but it wasn't really on the level of my clit O's if you get what I mean.
  15. I was going to mention photobucket but he beat me to it. Photobucket will resize the photos for you. Also, you can go to ImageShack and have them resize the photos too. They are both free...just thought you'd like to know lol.
  16. I will agree with that. I've never really like flesh toned toy. I like toys that have the realistic veins and all but I also like "out-of-the-norm" colors (i.e. pink, purple, blue, orange).
  17. This is true. I live in Atlanta Georgia. This place is supposed to be known as a "black city" but there is still racism here. It's a sad fact but it's true. Biracial children do get heckeled here. I'm color blinded when it comes to racism but there are many who don't see it my way. I've seen many biracial kids get picked on. I've had friends that were messed with. I had a one friend named Natalie who was lighter than most but she wasn't "white". She endured alot (I was right there to fight for her) until we were both pulled out of school for homeschooling. Speaking as a black person, I've accountered alot of racism. I've worked at a Publix where even the management was slightly racist. I was a cashier and would get racist customers! I would get into trouble after they complained but what was I to do? I hope that one day we will be able to just live in peace. Until then, I'll continue to be around whatever "race" I want. Screw you if you don't like it lol. Howard, Blacks will NEVER look back in shame on these subjects because they will never be shameful. Blacks weren't able to model and stuff with "whites". We modeled in churches before we were "good enough" to model with the rest. If there was a Black Miss USA, we would be making great stride!! lol, Do you know how big that would be for "us"? There is an African American TV network (TV One) for the first time and there's nothing wrong with that. No, I don't like "black" and "white" only churches. But most of the time, if you step into a African American church and you're white they don't do anything except maybe greet you. I can't speak for Caucasin churches. But when it comes to the things you're talking about, those are big things so those will never be frowned upon.
  18. Tyger, I love the realness of your models. The thing about most of the erotic pictures out there is that they airbrush them so much, they look fake. Stretch marks and all so looks great!
  19. When I go completely bare I use Coochy Creme (or just soak my hairs in the shower) and a Venus Vibrance razor. Most of the time, I just trim it and take all the hair off away from my clitoral hood with a electric razor. Usually, getting rid of "ingrown hairs'' is almost impossible. I know your frustration, they do suck. That's part of the reason that I just trim it down. For me, it's important to just get it my hairs away from my clitoral hood (that's where most of my sensation comes from). As long as you get rid of your hairs outside your panty line, you're good lol. Peace! Vicky
  20. I had the most intense orgasm of my life a couple of days ago. I mean, I've never had so much blood engorge me! By the end of it, I was screwed over lol. I couldn't see straight, couldn't hear a daggon thing, and couldn't stand for about 5 minutes.....boy, was it the greatest thing ever! I didn't feel too hot when I woke up but it was a good ride lol. It's all part of it. But trust me, you're normal and workin' fine. Just sometimes, we do such a bangin' job our bodys are like "WHOA!" ROFL!
  21. If I were to put a song to your pics Snyirr, I would play "Let's Get It On" (by Marvin Gaye of course).
  22. Blondie, it all depends on how you're built. Usually, mine just gets puffy. There has only been one time where I've had more that one time where it had engorged itself with blood (it was a CRRRAZY night lol). When that happend, my inner lips swelled up and my clitoral hood opened up so you could see my clit. That was the only time I've went longer than two hours.....but that's beside the point. Really, you just have to get yourself aroused down there and look at it basically. There's no way any of us can tell you what yours is gonna look like.
  23. I figured I'd re-answer since my toy collection has grown. I still like the realistic ones. I mean, I have many different colored ones but they still look real. I dunno, I guess the realistic looks catches me more than the others. I don't like hard toys at all. As soon as I looked at them I said no. They have to be soft for me. But as far as looks go....realistic is for me. The only thing that doesn't look realstic that I have are my Ben Wa Balls lol.
  24. These are not too much at all! They are lovely pics, even if you haven't cut your hair yet lol. My favorite is probably the first one. Great facial expression lol.
  25. OMG! lol, you gotta make sure that the batteries are removed! That's why I always take my batteries out. It runs down the batteries anyways when you leave them in (like my camera does).
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