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Everything posted by synirr

  1. Oh heck yes. Mine is freaking gorgeous, but the external beauty isn't even the half of it
  2. Yeah, a lot of natives are really aggressive. North America's answer to cichlids, I guess.
  3. A tank of native fish would be really cool... from what I understand they are nuts about our sunfish over in Europe.
  4. Beautiful specimens! I don't really have any good pics of mine and most of them are still babies, but I have a Chaco gold stripe, a greenbottle blue, a Mexican red knee, a Venezuelan suntiger, an Indian ornamental, and a golden redrump.
  5. Only a few of my fish have names... the oscar is Aristotle, and the midas hybrid he lives with is named Marie Antoinette. I've had both of them for about 4 years now and got them when they were teeny, about 2". I'd love to use that tank for something cooler, like chocolate cichlids or Hoplarchus psittacus, but I'd never give up my babies.
  6. I did major maintenance on them a couple of days ago so I thought I'd take some new shots. Algae scrubbed, waterchanged, and pruned where appropriate Don't mind the 40g, it's not finished yet. I plan to have it fully planted, but I need to buy another layer of sand substrate before I get that underway, and the brand I want is expensive so I have been putting it off. It's gonna cost me $50 in sand alone, yeesh. The 80g, cleaner than it has been in years. And some of the fish themselves. Marble sleeper goby in the 80g Lorteti puffers in the 20g long, eating a bloodworm dinner. Archocentrus centrarchus in the 40g
  7. This. Oh Lord. I work in a tropical fish shop, so like any pet store, we see a lot of kids come through, and you can't imagine some of the heathens I have seen. I sure do love it when their idiot parents let them run around on our perpetually wet floors and hit the tanks. I don't know how many times I have had to tell kids not to hit the tanks... it scares the fish, and gives me the extra task of having to wipe their grubby little fingerprints off the glass. I don't even like kids, so I sure as hell don't enjoy playing disciplinarian with brats. That said, we do get a decent number of well-behaved, intelligent kids who are content to just enjoy looking at the animals and ask questions, but they're far outnumbered by the heathens.
  8. About 8" arms and all. He's around 6" now
  9. We've done this twice before on another forum I'm a staff member of, and it was a lot of fun!! The first time a couple of people didn't receive their gifts though, and it can and does happen despite best efforts to prevent it, so if people want to participate it should definitely be in the spirit of giving . I think setting a price limit is a good idea just so there are no ruffled feathers or feeling guilty if you receive something far more expensive than what you sent, though... on the other forum we do $20 excluding shipping costs. That community is extremely close-knit so we just sent our addresses to someone who redistributed them at random to other participants, I'm not sure what would work for here if most people are uncomfortable with that system. Our participants also included a little wishlist when they submitted their info so their Secret Santa would have some idea of what to shop for, although it wasn't required that the gift be from the list.
  10. I may be getting a pet octopus soon!
  11. Yes, yes, and yes. It has been years since I did the cybersex thing, but I'm no stranger to webcams. Webcams were very helpful when my boy was out of town this summer and we could only see one-another in person once a week! Oddly, phone sex just seems awkward to me and I've never tried it, although I did have one ex who enjoyed masturbating while talking with me over the phone and seeing how long it took for me to figure out why he wasn't as talkative.
  12. I could almost see myself being interested in this if it weren't for the smell of urine being so offensive to me. My boy has told me that he has a slight interest in watching women pee, but I think his issue is the same as mine. If he asked me to pee for him I would, I'll try almost anything once, but I think it's mostly a fantasy for him and the idea of it happening in person isn't nearly as appealing.
  13. I'm not married, but in love for the first time in my life, and I definitely wasn't looking. I didn't even really "believe" in love. My boy was a coworker when I met him. I found him quite attractive (exactly my type) and he seemed kind of shy around me... very endearing. We still didn't know one-another very well when I finally asked him out, and I wasn't expecting much but figured I could at least get him in the sack a few times. He won me over very quickly, to my surprise, and I managed to hold onto him through some severe problems with depression he was having around the holidays, among lots of other issues. The timing was completely wrong, but somehow, it worked.
  14. The first couple of times I took my boy to a sex shop he as kind of intimidated by the size of the toys there. Now, though, I think he realizes that's not the norm... and even if it were, we have amazing sex and I make sure he knows it! He has told me that I'm the best partner he has ever had, and he's definitely the best I've had, so I mean really... what's to worry about?
  15. I'd take that as a cue that something had gone really wrong with the relationship and we need to discuss it. I wouldn't say I'd be "heartbroken" until I found out what the underlying issue was, but definitely shocked.
  16. Ugh, I want my clit done SO bad. I am a perfect candidate for a vertical clit hood piercing, too, I have just never had the money and the motivation at the same time. I have both my nipples done, and got them done mostly hoping it would increase sensation. I didn't notice any change in that department, but then again, my nipples have never been very sensative. On the plus side, they didn't hurt much at all. Something I notice you didn't mention, chloe, is that it's actually recommended that you use condoms for ANY sexual contact for AT LEAST two weeks, but preferably for the entirely of your healing time (around 6 weeks.) Any foreign bodily fluids can potentially aggravate the wound... your own fluids are fine because your body recognizes them as your own, but those of your partner are going to be assumed to be invasive by your immune system. Add that to the list of reasons I have been procrastinating getting this piercing done
  17. I used to save almost everything, but now most of what I save is media, easily stored on a harddrive where it's not taking up physical space I catalogue almost everything in pictures these days.
  18. Hey now... pot calling the kettle black? You're welcome to your opinion, but if you think what chloegirl said was knocking those who choose to have large families, maybe you shouldn't turn right back around and do the same to those who choose NOT to. I don't want children, I don't think it's sad, and it's not selfish at all for me to CHOOSE not to have a child that I don't want. Maybe for you childrearing is the ultimate goal, but personally, I guess I'll just have to go on living my sad little life that I intend to devote to other pursuits.
  19. I'm glad she got her point across. Who knows, a child might never have been kidnapped if she hadn't done it herself! Then how would everyone know how easy it is?
  20. Absolutely! Sounds like you need to make it known, somehow, that your mind is made up and that trying to change that is just going to create arguments and hurt your relationship. His options are either you, or another baby... he can't have both.
  21. Sexuality is a spectrum, so it's entirely possible to be attracted to this idea and yet have no interest in men in general. That said, it could also be a little bit of denial.
  22. At my computer desk... that's where Xtube is!
  23. We're "official" as of last night, woooo!!!! I've dated plenty, but I'd consider this my first "serious" relationship, so it feels like a big step and honestly I'm pretty terrified, but it's great. Thanks to everyone who offered advice in my original thread about it, and especially thanks to you Iha . Your post was spot-on and was exactly what I needed to hear at the time!
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