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Everything posted by Neuroticax

  1. I don't think I've ever said no during play.. I'm enjoying myself too much. lol I'm pretty lucky with my boyfriend knowing my sounds. Like my "This hurts stop" ow and my "Oh shit keep going" ow. Overall there really isn't a time where he's stopped because of pain unless my period is being expected.
  2. I count in three's also. My mother always acted like I was mentally ill when she'd catch me doing it.
  3. Can't wait for the second season.
  4. I really like how real they're being in their ad without being totally egotistical or arrogant. Good sense of humor too, imo.
  5. Only 2 more episodes left! wahhhh They signed for a second season though.
  6. I was looking through craigslist for shits and giggles and came across this MM4W ad. These guys are kinda funny and would seem like a blast to party with. lol
  7. This is in no particular order, just as I think of them. lol 1. In a cemetery. (Not on anything, just in it.) - So goth of, right? 2. On a pool table. 3. I've had sex outside, but I want to do it by a lake, up north in the fall. 4. On a balcony. 5. FFF 6. MFM(M?) 7. ... I'm sure I'll add more later, I just can't think right now. lol
  8. I'm right there with you with the clothes. No one else can do my laundry, I throw a huge fit. I also have issues with having my bookmarks (internet) organized a certain way. I drive my boyfriend crazy because I'm always moving his favorites around putting them in the right section. lol
  9. My kid really needs to find another movie to obsess over..
  10. My boyfriend goes for scent rather than looks. I keep myself trimmed, but shaving is a huge no-no since he doesn't like the way I smell after I shave. I feel the same way about the women I'm with, too. I don't mind men being bushy or trimmed, but I really don't care for bald men. It may elongate the penis, but it just looks too prepubescent to me.
  11. why do I keep messing up something that's perfect.
  12. I'm so sorry. I know exactly how this feels. Hugs cyber hugs.
  13. Neuroticax


    Great story! -whew-
  14. Ohhhhh good idea! We could broadcast it at movie theaters and bars!
  15. LOL That would be pretty awesome. Kind of like a flea circus, only under a microscope.
  16. I'd have to agree. This would also try and prove that we as humans are meant to be monogamous, which I don't believe we are. Jealousy could very well be confused with a "cheating" emotion, therefore making it irrelevant. Unless there's more to that than I'm aware of. It's an interesting theory, at best and would be neat. Out of everything, I think sperm probably won't even evolve to that status.
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