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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. See two men right off the bat... men are so easy to please!
  2. Being sincerely supportive, as you seem to be, is very important. However, until she find a way to love herself nothing is going to change. It doesn't matter if your thin, curvy or obese, if one doesn't love themselves for who and what they are it's not happening. Your wife NEEDS to find ways to increase her self image. Exercise is a great way... Now she may not be into going to a gym, or running, there are all kind so things you can do. You could start out by suggesting an evening walk, a family bike ride.... just get up and move and she'll feel more alive and invigorated. If she doesn't work, perhaps she needs to find a part time job to make her feel good about herself, the key is she needs to help herself, she's the only one that can do it.
  3. Good for you! I'm glad it's all working out for you, your perseverance has paid off. Just a quick FYI - Do you know some anti-anxiety meds can inhibit libido and performance?
  4. Effort and some AAA batteries and everything is perrrrrfect.
  5. No it's not a fun to be turned down. I'm not a man (obviously ) but my DH use to LOVE when I initiated, period. Now our sex drives are not in sync, but up until that point he loved it. Does you Man have some other issues with erections and arousal?; does he take meds to be enhance his erections? Maybe you should find the answers to these questions. Don't take for granted you already know?
  6. those lips are not attractive... wonder if men find them alluring?
  7. That's hysterical! I have to thank you for my morning laugh.
  8. Your right I think some of it is about power, and it can be very distressing. I'm glad you have your special friend to celebrate life and your sexuality. And, it does wonders tell your partner (her/him) how wonderfully sexy they are, as you do. Good for you Sunday!
  9. (savor the scent ) Yes Will it make you Hot if I asked you to describe to me what you wanted to do?
  10. tapping nails on table top...... word?
  11. I agree with all you've written. However, Holding, touching, talking, caressing is beautiful but only goes so far. When there is little actual sexual intimacy wouldn't you (meant generically) get frustrating and wouldn't the anger and resentment leak in and kill the joy of the holding, touching etc..?
  12. control ( as in if you have to ask, I'm in charge )
  13. No, No! Give a Man a good steak or lobster dinner with a worthy glass of red and they are happy campers.
  14. You sound just like my DH. Is that true for most men?
  15. Haha! No just college... common to hear upper classmen look a Freshman girls and and use the term "fresh meat". Heard it used when I was in college and it's still being used now. It's crude but true.
  16. That's not birth control that's just mean
  17. Just remember: If you don't use it you'll loose it.
  18. Back to Food and Sex.... Strawberries and Champaign, so delicious! I could be miserable, then at first sight of a that glass of champaign and some strawberries my mood will do a 360. I'm all yours!
  19. Too funny...... reminds me of college.
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