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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. Hahaha no your not... You'll be flogging again I can feel it. Seriously, I think newbies must feel apprehensive at first, I know I was. "I've come a long way baby" !
  2. I'll have to refer to your expertise on this one.
  3. Never have seen "against all odds"..... pretty much any movie that has sexual content and is probably a R -17 rating due to sexual content.
  4. yes I do... Why? But I like to be a mystery more
  5. But it looks as though you don't need it...... good for you!
  6. Sheltered???? Nooo, you've just become enlightened!
  7. It seems to have always been that way, but it's never been as slow as this. And yes I agree very disappointing.
  8. yes mystery can be better. skype is the next best thing when there is nothing else, oh of course there's face time too.
  9. I sure I wouldn't know if someone were so No it wouldn't Will it make you hot to watch you SO masturbate for you?
  10. Ok so we've established you're not really into the porn. Do you like erotically charged movies? For example 91/2 weeks?
  11. Attention all Men! If you appreciate your women, let her know. Don't just tell her show her. If you do, you'll have her eating out of the palm of your hands.
  12. That's just the way we ladies like it......
  13. It's not only that they come back home, it's that you need to sit back sometimes, and others you need to be there to listen or coach or whatever they need. Its up to the parent most of the time to make the judgement call on which is wanted or needed. Even when and if they ever have children I feel like there will always be something. It's really very beautiful but it's also so very hard sometimes especially when your own judgements are completely different from theirs. That being said, I wouldn't have it any other way.
  14. It seem you might be a minority here on this forum, but IRL I wouldn't know. The images on "image wars" are sexy, fun and very erotic. Ironic.... no just personal tastes.
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