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Everything posted by Shariana

  1. I have a hard time orgasming during sex too. I found that a little bullet that my love can control helps tremendously. However, we don't use it before sex because I get a little numb. Try enjoying the process more than the outcome. Or, to make it last longer for you to have a greater chance of coming, have him stop when he feels like he is about to climax and pleasure you alone (orally, fingers, or toys). Having sex shouldn't be about orgasming... we can often do that on our own. It's about enjoying the closeness and intimacy with someone you love. Don't focus on destination or you won't enjoy the ride.
  2. Aw! *hugs* My love and I have a thing about roses.... but I get them on special occasions, never random. I wish he would write me or leave me voicemails or something.... but because I want him to, it's not as special if he did (so he says)... We need to get all the guys in the world together and tell them this!
  3. Sex+Fiero=impossible! We have a Fi at home and it was supposed to be my first car.... kinda run down though.... lol Let's see.... the basement below my boy's apartment while all our friends were upstairs (they never noticed we were gone) the couch in my living room while my parents were in their bedroom (many many times) couch in HIS apartment when his parents were there (many times again) a lake I go to a lot (parents walked down the hill... but we were IN the water, so they couldn't notice) my pool while friends were over (but they weren't in the pool... lol) and most recently the woods behind my house. We found a great little rock... but it wasn't too comfortable... lol We love having the thought of getting caught.... Adds to the erotica! XD
  4. My love and I are very close and every time we are together we have sex at least 2 times a day. However, I could and he could live without it. We love each other enough that we can just be together and be happy. He once said he'd go gay for me if I was a guy.... Not sure if I should be worried or touched there!
  5. My love and I like to use Trojan Extended Pleasure the most.... but they are a bit pricey for us.... I got a package of free condoms from some promotion online... Durex. Great condoms, but the TEPs actually extend how long our sex lasts by about 15-20 minutes.... now THAT'S a plus!
  6. I'm sorry you're having trouble! But, as everyone else said, take time to sit and talk to him... and when you are having sex and he start to move on, tell him to stop and continue what he's doing... tell him what feels the best. My boy realized I wasn't enjoying sex as much as he was and then slapped his leg and said no more. After a good talk and talking every time we have sex and foreplay he has found what really makes me click. But it takes time.... can't change overnight, but having a mad husband for awhile might be worth it. If you are happy in your relationship otherwise, don't have an affair. However, if things aren't right in general, you should consider seriously where you stand.
  7. I don't care if my guy kisses me after giving me oral.... and he doesn't care if I kiss him after... After all, if he doesn't mind it, why should I?
  8. hm.... My first time was with my current boyfriend.... it was right after our birthdays... he was 17, I was 18. I hadn't gotten to celebrate his birthday with him, so I went to visit him and tied a little bow around my waist so I was his present. We had fooled around a bit before.... but nothing more than just oral. For us, it was great. It was both of our first times and he went really slow and easy on me. I didn't bleed or hurt or anything after.... Once he came he got REALLY tired, but we cleaned up and went out for dinner and came back to his house for a movie.... we wound up having our second time then. March 26th I think... I wrote it on the ribbon.... =D It was a great time. My ex tried to get me to have sex with him.... forced me to give him a blow job... the first time he had me give him a hand job I started to cry... I didn't want to AT ALL. I only did it because I thought he loved me and was afraid he would leave me. I wound up leaving him, thank God.... my love now is the greatest... he kept asking me if I was sure.... sure about giving him a blow job, sure about letting him come in me, sure about everything. He doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable AT ALL. <3
  9. threesomes.... mfm.... my love being one, of course. But I think that would put a MAJOR strain on our relationship. I REALLY want to try out some BDSM.... soft stuff for now.... but idk how well he would take it.... he's just warming up to using toys on me... but.... idk, time will tell. =D
  10. Welcome! I'm sorry you have to be so far from your husband! I hope you get to see him soon to release some tension! The people here are GREAT and really help out a LOT! Enjoy your time here! ^.^
  11. I've always had trouble with Macs.... my dad would shoot himself before he got one for me... lol I just redid my spyware.... it's lowered down a LOT! Got only one this time... so I guess it didn't catch everything.... >.> Thanks for the help guys! ^.^ I really appreciate it!
  12. ohhhhhh my oh my! I had a GREAT night! At first he was rather "whatever, new toy, don't care" but then he got this look on his face when he found the PERFECT way to get me to come several times in a row.... then we tried using the bullet during sex... just resting on my clit.... OH MY GOD! I came 3 times before he was even close! He said it was DEFINITELY something to do again! =D My boy is learning..... VERY well! ^.^
  13. *dances* I get to go back this weekend cause I have some things to clear up for work this summer and family things.... so.... I WON'T FORGET THIS TIME! It's already in my bag ready to go to my lover's house! Best thing is he doesn't have to work on Saturday like he usually does. He has a practice exam for school, so he is working Sunday.... oh boy, are we going to have a FUN night! ^.^
  14. Wow so many responses! I have spybot and adaware.... JUST did a scan 3 days ago.... I'm using firefox because IE was giving me too many issues.... I'll have to check again and have my father fix it when I get home from school if all else fails. Thanks for the imput all! I really really appreciate it! ^.^
  15. it just went down from about 75 to 45 this past week here in CT.... I wish it would go below freezing one last time so all the bloody gnats would die!
  16. SO MANY POPUPS! I don't know why, but they are coming like the apocalypse! elearners.com publisher's clearning house auto insurance spyware protection (twice) I mean, come on! I'm in college, don't have a car yet, have spyware protection, and KNOW that publisher's is a one in a million chance, so why bother? Does anyone else have this problem on this site? I love the site, but it gets bothersome.... trying to write something and then you get a popup so you have to start over.... O.o'
  17. I just love the name Shariana and hope to name my daughter (if I have one) that..... My boyfriend likes the name Helen.... so maybe Helen Shariana? Hm.... gonna take some thinking! ^.^
  18. I knew about the Aglets for the shoelaces.... I never knew about the staircases for the fire departments... and Turtles can breathe through their butts? What the hell? XD I'll have to do some research on their anatomy.... cause that doesn't seem right.... O.o'
  19. As soon as you said the words "love" and "orange" it reminded me of some Japanese song from a game I sometimes play.... "Love is Orange" Sounds like a fun product! I might just have to try that at some point! ^.^
  20. My boyfriend actually encourages me to have sex with him when I have my period... we just put down an old shirt or something underneath us and he stays on top.... He knows it helps me with my cramps (like, a LOT!) and he's REALLY understanding about it all. If I have my period but can't have sex for whatever reason, he will often finger my clit to help me orgasm (also helps with my cramps) or will do a deep massage on my stomach or just hold pressure on my stomach while we watch a movie together... He's really great about it all and I'm very thankful to have him during my good and bad times.... <3
  21. Yeah.... but webcamming when my roomie is gone is virtually impossible.... unless I wait until I get home for the summer.... but even then I have to share a room with my sister now.... >.> Hm... I will see him soon enough.... maybe I should ask him..... =D By the way, Lilmiss! I love your avatar! I do ballroom dance... nothing too serious on my end, but my bf has said I seem more flexible now.... XD
  22. I'm sorry that you are having trouble! There are lots of things that can cause lower sex drive.... As for the being gone.... I know.... I was away from my SO for a month and barely had one night together before I had to leave... it sucks, but stay supportive as much as you can!
  23. Hm.... probably when my love and I just started dating (about a month... I was 18 at the time, he was 17) and I wound up in the hospital.... and he had to carry me to the toilet.... Not that funny, but it was MORTIFYING! Another good one was when my father took my ex and I out shooting. Now, my father and I had planned to put exploding targets up and not tell my ex. We told him to shoot VERY close to the center (he had never gone shooting before).... he shot about 3 times before hitting it just right... boom KABOOM! He fell over into a patch of damp moss and my father and I just started rolling in laughter.... he was rather pissed..... started to blush, and said "can we go now?" I LOVED it.... he was sooo embarrassed.... xD My ex and my current love are both immigrants as of 2000 or 2001, so we CONSTANTLY get mutually embarrassed by language barriers (I know what he's saying, but no one else does.... lol)
  24. I had friends in high school that moved here 15 years ago and still didn't get their green card because the government kept losing their paperwork... So they had trouble finding scholarships and loans for college... one school heard their problem and gave them both full rides on track and field scholarships... They are lucky. Not everyone gets that.... And I think I might just try it out when my room mate is at lab tonight...... Hm.... Maybe I should webcam with my bf while I'm at it.... =D
  25. Don't you just hate it when you get a new toy and you have it ALL set to use on your next visit with your SO or on your next vacation and you leave it. In your room. On the bed. In the bag you use to conceal it? And here's the kicker. You have a nosy roommate. >.> She didn't look, I don't think... but COME ON! I just got this new toy and haven't used it yet because I wanted to use it with my bf.... it was the first time we were together in over a month. And I didn't realize it until I was at the bus stop... no time to turn back then, or I would have missed my bus.... Now, that was a nuisance, but what REALLY got me was I found out that my stay with him would be cut short because of an unexpected new house mate... so I had to go home (I'm living at school, but still have my room at home with my family) and clear out my room for her to move into it. So my stay was supposed to be 3 days.... was 1. >.> Meh. I will see him in a little less than a month... Patience, Shari..... patience..... T.T (worst part is that I REALLY want to try out this toy.... but I don't want to without my love.... What do you guys think? Should I wait for him? Or give it a test run?) xD
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