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Everything posted by Shariana

  1. I LOVE penetration! However, if I haven't had sex in awhile (like what's going to be when my SO finally gets back here from NZ) or if I have been doing kegals a lot, it tends to hurt and I like it to go a bit faster..... My first time with my SO he lasted about an hour (changing positions and relubing.... O.o). And let me tell you. It had been a few months since I had sex, and boy was I SORE!!! But, I did get my first gspot orgasm (ever) from him that night..... I love it, but foreplay is great too.... Ideally for me, about 30-45 min unless I'm in a real fixation mood.... then he can go to town for hours and I wouldn't mind..... But, on the nights that he lasts 15 min or so, he makes sure I'm taken care of in other ways.... So honestly, I love penetration, but I'm happy as a lark no matter what way I get my "O"
  2. I never really had a sex talk with my parents. When I was very little, I would rub on my pillows and stuffed animals. Mom knew about that and said as long as I kept my undies on and kept things out of it (for sanitary reasons), it was ok. I like that doctor's ideas though. I just told my SO about it and he said "I'll let you take care of any girls we have, hun. I won't be the one to hand her a vibrator and tell her to go to town!" LOL However, he agreed that it was a good idea. He also said that if he found his kids looking at porn he wouldn't be too concerned, depending on the age and if it was something a little too grotesque for their age, of course.... But if he did find something in their room or on their computer, he would take the time to talk to them explaining that not all women (or even men) look that way and not to hold people they date to that standard. Great find!
  3. Why are some girls such bitches? Absolutely NO respect for authority. I think someone needs to open a can of whoop-ass. >.<
  4. I am not a huge fan of my body image. But... I LOVE massages! I hate getting disrobed in front of anyone.... even my SO. But..... I do eventually warm up to it. Usually, we start out with just a back massage, through a shirt.... eventually, he'll slide it up a bit to focus on my lower back, will unclasp my bra, and eventually take off my shirt as he works his way up.... that way, if he doesn't like what he sees, I won't know other than he stopped removing clothing! XD (He's told me many times that he loves how I look, but after my last relationship, I have trouble warming up to any nudity.)
  5. I need to disconnect my internet. This paper will never get done otherwise.... o.o' Only a few hours until my SO gets home... gotta finish by then!
  6. Can't someone just give me a freaking answer?!?! Geez!
  7. I love those days! Too bad they seem to be few and far between....
  8. I would like to even out my breasts. My left is larger than my right by at least a full cup size. >.< I would also like to be able to keep one, maybe two sizes of jeans instead of 4. My weight changes so drastically that I have 5 sets of clothing, small to extra-extra large, 6 to 14. And these physical, but I would like to get control over my OCD and my problems with my self-image. As for my SO..... I would love to see him stop putting himself down all the time. He insists that he's stupid because he didn't finish electrical school and couldn't test well.... He is one of the wisest men that I know. He insists that he's ugly and will eventually drive me to insanity.... I wish he could see himself the way that I do......
  9. Dinner reservations: 2pm Location: Restaurant on the CT river, overlooking the birds floating on the water Cost of dinner and dessert for 5: $210 and a $40 tip Classic priceless moment: My Alzhiemer's ridden grandmother cracking "april fools!" jokes (milk filled onion rings, can't taste things and making us think she had a stroke, etc) and making fun of my dad's ever failing hearing that he refuses to correct. We haven't all laughed like that in MONTHS! Great Easter dinner!
  10. VERY true! TPBM is having a wonderful morning
  11. After my first two relationships, I have found myself having a hard time trusting any man. I don't trust their compliments, I don't trust their motives.... only recently have I gotten myself out of that..... My first SO pretty much forced some things on me that I did NOT want. My second SO made me feel worthless and destroyed my self esteem. My SO now is working to reverse what they did, and is doing a DAMN good job. I never trusted those first two the same way again. NEVER will be. But, my trust of men, in general, is getting better.... slowly but surely.
  12. anyone care to lend me a time fast fowarding device? or a matter transportation device? 39 days and I'm getting restless!
  13. Hm.... my sister goes back to school tomorrow..... I'm gonna send Andy a very suggestive text message on Monday..... let's see how fast he can drive home from work....
  14. I have a few things... kisses on the neck.... the earlobe.... whispering naughty comments in my ear.... scratching/rubbing my back.... and that intense kiss when he comes up to me, puts his arms around my waist, pulls me hard against him and up a bit, and kisses deepy.....
  15. False. I wish I could, but I'm saving up for a trip to New Zealand! TPBM loves the sound of rain
  16. A friend recently was complaining about not being able to see her boyfriend for a week while he was vacationing with his family. She then looked at me and said "ohhhh yeah..... how long now?" I responded "43 days, 4 hours and 12 minutes." Her reply? "Damn." May can't come soon enough. >.<
  17. HUGE thunder storms recently.... frost on the windows this morning but 60ish by this afternoon.... and a VERY large brush fire in a nearby town. That time of year! I love the crazy changes. >.<
  18. False.... saving money as much as possible TPBM wants to go to bed
  19. Creepy? or intriguing? =D we got some SNOW today. Was 57 yesterday! What happened?!
  20. If some guys do that after 5 days..... I wonder what my SO will do after 8 months!
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