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Everything posted by Angelina

  1. Where do you buy this? We have used the jelly kind and they are too loose
  2. Okay for starters SuzyP has added me to her friends list; what do I do to accept? Also I was reading a blog and wanted to let Johnny Caretaker about a series of books that does what he and his wife want to do. Also how do I attach a picture? I am SOOOO challenged sometimes
  3. Wow you guys REALLY gave me something to think about, was planning on getting back to the gym next month and starting kick boxing again. This WILL happen after all I want to be smokin’ for my hubby and me.
  4. YEAH I do believe you are right it’s all about the journey eventually you’ll get to the top of the hill. Thanks. I did ask my husband if he was up to a little experimentation and he said sure as soon as we have time. I just cracked up, I commute 130 miles and work 10 hour shifts and he works all day and goes to school at night then we get to come home and take care of the cattle, chickens and dogs (oh ya and barn cats). Please i just want a little laundry ferrie. You can see why it’s so funny. If I can just get him to keep letting me read to him things on the site maybe we’ll find a little time after all.
  5. I either read a book or watch porn, I’ve never really gotten into the whole watching men just pound into women on the vid screen but I was loaned a movie Pirates and WOW that was just the ticket. It’s hard for me to have orgasms I’ve always felt kind of bad for my partners so I’d do the horrible deed of Faking it! I was in my late 20’s before I even had an O and I remember crying it was so dam intense. I had a toy that I (was stupid) and threw out thinking I’ll just buy a new one it was kind of over due but I CAN’T find it anywhere and I don’t have a name either. I’m not going to give up besides we just made a GIANT leap for sex kind and read the post about male masturbation. I really didn’t think he would listen.
  6. Oh my god that was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you eve been to a web site called Carnal Desires Publishing? They sell books like this and are always looking for authors. Hey if I had read that as a page I would’ve bought the book. HOT HOT HOT! I’ve been in the closet a LONG time.
  7. Angelina

    First Time

    Glad your experience was good I’ve never had good experiences (old bf ya know) thinking of trying again.
  8. CYBERSKIN VIRTUAL TOUCH VAGINA. I bought my husband one of these and I think with my insomnia and reading this I have either found courage to help him/us out or I’m REALLY punchy..not sure. Really good reading he NEEDS to read this good job and thanks. I have to say your wife has more courage then most people WOW I’m impressed and a little in awe of her. Something to aspire towards.
  9. Angelina


    This may sound weird but it makes me feel good to read all of these posts it shows me just how far we as women/men have come (no pun intended) just in my lifetime. I’m looking forward to the next 40 years WOO HOO!!! I wonder if folks are just coming out of the closet with this. Hell I haven’t figured out how to tell my husband what I like. I can face it I’m a coward, but hey I’m getting a little braver with each post. Thanks to all of you.
  10. Okay I’m on the NEED TO KNOW list here how the heck did you get him to be Dom in the bedroom? I’m an assertive woman so he thinks I’m dominant, but in the bedroom I so don’t want to be. How’d you do it? Please tell.
  11. If you’re in to Vampires then you must check out a author by the name of Sunny. The first book is Mona Lisa Awakening OMG what a turn on, we were on vacation and I had no toys and couldn’t have sex with my hubby I was in PAIN!
  12. I think she is embarrassed to admit that she likes or desires this (I’m a little like that too until recently). As weird as this sounds she may be more embarrassed if you ask her is she is embarrassed. I started getting MUCH less embarrassed in my mind when I started reading erotic novels now I’m trying to get my Hubby to read them too. I started out kinda light and got heavier now I’m reading BDSM books and am trying to figure these new feelings myself. Think about it.
  13. French vanilla, you can mix anything with it and it still tastes like heaven. (This is supposed to be what you WANT right?) Not have?
  14. sounds like experience talking (thanks for the idea)
  15. I commute 130 miles round trip, lucky for me I have a friend that lives close by the hospital I work at so I stay there. I filled up tonight at Costco for 3.86 a gallon for the cheap stuff. We are really seeing the price increase on the farm diesel is outrageous, chicken and cattle feed have almost doubled in the last year and a half and we can’t raise our prices enough to make up for it. Remember this when you pay at the check stands the farmer is paying more too and can’t pass the increase on to you to make a profit. This is most definitely a rock and a hard place.
  16. OMG that would have scared the livin’ @#!& out of me. You did the right thing some people are FREAKS ( and not in a good way) It makes me crazy when people wear dark clothing at night because U can’t see ‘em. I live out in the middle of nowhere and only worry about stupid deer. Glad you're going to be okay...
  17. Do you find the Jelly ( I think that’s what you call them) too loose? I’m not sure about the leather one with the balls..is it hard to put on? Also what about some kind of cream? Is there something that works good for that also? I sound so naive even to me.
  18. Do you find the Jelly ( I think that’s what you call them) too loose? I’m not sure about the leather one with the balls..is it hard to put on? Also what about some kind of cream? Is there something that works good for that also? I sound so naive even to me.
  19. I was looking at that and was wondering if it would feel weird but I have to say that the visual of seeing the pearls shooting all over the room made me LMAO!!!
  20. I found one that has cayenne pepper in it and it’s not as hot as I thought it would/could be, it is nice and smooth not sticky at all. It’s called Premium warming JO I bought it at castles. I found that most of them have menthol or peppermint in them to give them some heat and I was looking for more. (Can’t help myself I work in a Pharmacy I read ingredients)
  21. I don’t feel full unless I’m not getting what you mean by “full”. My feet feel kinda numb (I feel REALLY dumb saying that) and then I have a throbbing in the genitalia but I don’t think I’m full. I will try to give myself some gentle stim and see if that helps. I think Adien may have a point I wonder how much is hormonal.
  22. YES! I’m also in my mid 40’s and all I can think about lately is SEX! You’re probably right about hormones I think I’m hornier now then in my 20’s. I was reading a book and was so dam horny I was in PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve never experienced that before it was awful!
  23. Okay I took your advice and let him know that I’m on this web site for a little sex ed and he seemed okay with it ( I was a little shy) hey I was able to sort of broch the subject of DOM/SUB. He sort of snickered but I think it may have put a little bug in his ear. WHEEWWWW… I have made the first little (tiny) step. Thanks to all of you…okay I’m breathing again. He just came back from the barn and asked me to find out if anyone can recommend a stay up product…I almost spit out my drink!
  24. WOW I can’t even imagine being your age and figuring this out already! Good for you not having the hang ups that some of us have. I’ve gotten a lot of advice to try seems like a good bunch here.
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