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Everything posted by zakdad

  1. That is too funny! I love it! Peace, Mark
  2. We know all about not having the time for sex, but we usally take an afternoon or two to have sex. Sometimes it is at night, but most of the time it is in the afternoon. We have a shop by our house that I work in and we have a futon here. So, we try to sneak up here and lock all the doors and have a good time. As we have two teeneagers and live in a log cabin, we have almost zero privacy except for the shop most of the time. We do plan things sometimes, but we also try to get away as often as we can to have a night or two alone. I agree with Iha that planned sex can be good if one of you plan it with the others knowledge. One of us will have everything planned out and the other just enjoys what the other has planned. It doesn't have to be an exact time, just the day and what part of the day. We work around each other on the timing! Best of luck to all of you that are having these problems and hope you get things straightened out to where you can have a fulfilling sex life! It works for us, but taking a weekend when we can just get away is always the best! Then there are no timetables to deal with! Just staying naked and getting it as much as we can!!! Peace, Mark
  3. I love a quick smartass answer!! That was great!! Thank you for sharing! Peace, Mark
  4. Well, some people are just strange, even in the country!! Sounds like you have tried to be a good neighbor, but sometimes that's not enough for some people. I would keep your kids away from her kids so she has to explain why they can't play together. Not sure if that would work or not, but it might make her think before being a bitch to you or your kids! It also doesn't sound like she understands boundaries, either! If she is making a rock garden and planting trees on your property, she probably doesn't care what any boundaries are for!! Just watch yourself and your kids and don't let her get under your skin too bad. Is she renting or buying the place? Do you own your place? That could be a biggie and if she is renting, maybe she won't be there long!!! Best of luck with this situation. Peace, Mark
  5. Great to hear about the new mattress and box springs!! Don't wear it out in the first night, though!!haha That's what we need to get asap! Of course, we wouldn't even get to break it in for a while, but we sure would as soon as we could!! Then we probably would break the damn thing!!haha Peace, Mark
  6. Oh, I forgot to add, I love your signature! I used to have a shirt that had that saying on the shirt! I love it!! Peace, Mark
  7. Welcome ufnny to the forum! Congrats on the pregnacy and hope everthing goes perfect for you! Just watch out when they become teenagers!!haha Hope to see you around more and yes, you have beautiful eyes!! Peace, Mark
  8. I don't have time to watch much TV, but I really Loved The Sopranos on HBO as well as 6 Feet Under and John From Ciny. I am going to have to get Showtime for Weeds, Tudors and Inside the NFL(which is moving from HBO this year and I love me some football)! A friend of mine is supposed to send me all the Weeds shows that have aired already. He said I will love the show and you all have me wanting to watch The Tudors now! Thanks Mikayla for that thread!! I may have to make a call to the cable company in the next few days! My biggest ones on regular TV is Lost, Reaper and Gene Simmons Family Jewels! Of course, I watch anything on the NFL Network!! I play fantasy football and have season tickets to the Titans, so I keep up with all things football! Not a guilty pleasure, but we watch Simpsons, Family Guy and King of the Hill all the time!!! Simpsons and Family Guy pretty much every night before going to sleep! Plus, The Simpsons are one of our families institutions as we have watched it since it was a skit on Tracy Ullman before our son was born! Damn, now that I read this, it sounds like I watch a lot of TV, but I really don't! Really, I promise!!haha Peace, Mark
  9. My wife loved the idea and yes, we have done this once in our several MMF encounters! I loved it and she was really turned on by the whole act! I am very much in love with my wife and really believe I am bi, but my main attraction is to women! She is bi as well. We just don't act on our bi tendancies very often! Hard to find the right person to be that comfortable with to even tell them about either of us! I still have to say that my favorite is with my wife and me alone!! It is just fun to do once in a while for us! Now, I want to say this, sometimes things are best left as fantasies! Some of these things can hurt a relationship unless you both agree on so many things about an encounter. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you two decide to do and communication is the best way to find out what is and isn't out of bounds!! Just be careful!!!! Peace, Mark
  10. Hey Bro, just messin' with my own ego!!haha But as they say, It's Good To Be King!! Keep up the great work and make her keep that smile on her face!!! Peace, Mark
  11. Damn, I thought I was the king of the g-spot!!haha That was a ego buster!!haha Just kidding! Great to have you on the boards and hope you learn even more from all the posts and articles! Make sure to keep Aiden happy and hope you guys have a long happy life together! This place should help the happy part!!haha Welcome and hope to hear from you on the boards more!! Peace, Mark
  12. Queensman, Listen to Tyger and Adien on this!! Search this site for tips, but the best is to communicate with your girlfriend about all of your fears and that you truely want to please her. All of us men have had these worries like you about sex. You never learn it all, but it is fun learning everything you can with real practice!! As a musician, the best practice is playing live and the same goes for sex! With a real live person!! Masterbation is great, but the real thing is where you learn! That goes for her and her toy as well! It is not going to be perfect the first time, but if you are 19 you should be able to go again pretty fast! Then, practice as much as she will let you!!haha Learning as you go to do the things that make her happy is a never ending process! This site is a great place to learn so many things and you should never quit learning!! I am 45 years old and never want to stop learning new ways to please my wife!! We practice as much as possible and still learn new things all the time! We just found a way to make her cum in a matter of minutes, but don't use that one all the time because we want to have prolonged sex with multiple orgasms for her when time permits! It is a journey to perfection that I hope niether of us will quit trying to find with our sex life! Now, you need to relax and let it happen!! Your brain is the real problem here! If you overthink anything and let yourself worry about what if, then it is more prone to affect YOU! Just relax, communicate and have FUN!! Everyone in the world was at the same point as you once in their lives(maybe not the masterbating part) and most of us have learned what it takes to make another person happy! You will get there, but don't be scared that you have to be great the first time!! Get ready for round two and learn from your mistakes!! That is really where communication really helps! She can tell you things and you can tell her things that will make the learning curve shorter!! The best of luck to you on this! Just relax and talk about things with your girlfriend!! Peace, Mark
  13. Great for you guys!! Let me tell you, he is going to freak on the orgasm!! OK, make sure that he is pretty aroused and relaxed. Maybe play around the area first with finger, tongue or whatever YOU are comfortable with! Use something small for first insertion like a finger(you can put on a condom or rubber gloves with the right lube) or small toy. Let him adjust to that first, then try the bigger toy after he is comfortable. Lots of lube throughout the whole process and take it SLOW!!! Might use towels or something under you guys so if it gets messy with the lube!! Lube takes a while to dry on the sheets or whatever and niether of you want to sleep in a lube wetspot!!haha As for the enema, that is up to you guys. That may help get him more comfortable quicker and give you better peace of mind!! If we are going to do the anal thing, I will try to have a good bowel movement and then take a shower and clean really good back there! But, that is up to you guys and what makes you guys feel better about everything! Posititon is a personal thing! I haven't really found that one position is better than others. If you want to give him oral while you are doing this, put a pillow under his lower back and part of his butt. Leave room to play!! Better access to both of his ass and cock!! If you want to just play with his ass, put the pillow under his pelvic area. That way he can be comfortable and give you plenty of room to explore him with either position!! The best of luck on this and I think he will love it! Remember, that is where the male g-spot is located!! Intense orgasm!!!! Let us know how it goes when you guys do try!! Peace, Mark
  14. Ah Tyger, don't be hatin'!!haha We are enjoying every minute we can!! Just wish I had more free time!! Too much work, music and all, but we are taking advantage of this as much as possible right now!! Thank you all for being happy for us! Well, except for tyger!!haha Peace, Mark
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