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Everything posted by JnWputer

  1. H is for Hairy.....you know the natural look
  2. Why do people pick their noses in the car......hello it has windows we can see you.
  3. D is for Door knob .....I know kinky
  4. yes and would it make you hot if I required you to make eye contact with me?
  5. YES and will it make you hot when I follow your rules?
  6. X for Xiphoids (Sword shaped)
  7. my favorite thing to do is to express to my husband, if I don't get it from you I am going to go out and get it from some where. Now that being said .......I have been with him for a long time almost 20 yrs. and I'm very aggressive......that sometimes can throw him off and I have to back off. I supplement with toys, fingers and so on. I totally feel for you. Have a heart to heart with him. Express your needs and where you are will to meet him half way on, but you have to talk to him.
  8. do you ever wonder how some people get dressed in the morning?
  9. Today is even better because it is Friday!!
  10. I is for indigo latex paint
  11. YES Dad.......just teasing.....Thank you so much for reading my complaints. Today is a good day.
  12. I try to be nice......sometimes I just can't. I tried to leave and they gave me a computer and said I could work from home......so I do but there are days when you are like you can't be that special. I have showed them with color coded arrows and they still don't get it.......and I just repeat I love my job, I love my job , I love my job
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