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Everything posted by michelleddd

  1. Sure, sexual experiences come in all shapes and forms. Would it make you hot if I bought a toy for you to use on yourself while I watched and then joined in?
  2. Yes it would, I've looked into clothing optional/sex if you want hotels. I LOVE the openness and exhibition, I'm just not sure how much of a performer I am and sharing might be an issues........ Rules would have to be in place for something like that to work IMO. Would it make you hot to get a handjob in an empty/almost empty movie theater?
  3. Yes! as a matter of fact my SO used to travel for work, he'd give me 'road shows', very fun. Does making a woman squirt make you hot?
  4. lol I'm really good at being the barber.... and there's always a test afterward to make sure there are no strays. Would it make you hot to have 'porn night' once or twice a month?
  5. This is one I struggle with from time to time.... not wanting to demand unrealistic things from my partner but needing to feel a certain way with him and our relationship that only he can provide. The Love Languages is a good starting place I think and can be an eye opener as to why someone might not be responding to your way of loving/caring. A couple of mine off the top of my head.... I want to have sex 3 times a week, I need to have physical affection and attentiveness more. I want him to be creative with me, especially in the bedroom, but I need a playful partner in general, life would be unbearable to me if we didn't laugh all the time with each other or I couldn't be a silly dork when I wanted to be. I'm sure I have more.... I'll add them as they come up. What are some of your wants vs needs in this fast food, instant gratification society are we being realistic?
  6. I love to feel the excitement I've caused, huge compliment! Does it make you hot to shower with your SO?
  7. I agree that it could feel like cheating to some people and some would welcome it. Make it a pickup and you're on!! lol I'm having a flashback. Does other men finding me sexy/attractive make you hot? Respectfully of course......
  8. Only if we both knew we were playing...... Would it make you hot to come home and find me with another woman?
  9. It does feel good but I'm not orgasming from nipple stimulation. I have better erogenous zones. Does it make you hot dreaming up new scenarios for your partner?
  10. Longest marathon? hmmm probably the whole day scenario, off and on till one person just looses it. What makes you more hot? Making love or urgent monkey sex?
  11. RG, What's that old saying....... sex is like air, not important unless you're not getting any. It can be frustrating when one person decides the whole of your sex life and it's not what you want. I feel sad for women my age that don't like sex anymore, there are so many wonderful things about it. I agree that sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but it's as equally important as all the other components of a relationship IMO. I don't need a room mate, I want man/lover/partner in crime.
  12. Yes thinking about the highlights is very exciting.... I have a recent one that's driving me crazy, let's just say it involves me sucking/teasing him all day off and on with no relief. At one point he pulled away from my face and squirted once on my chest then it sort of oozed out of him, as he was telling me he wasn't cumming, it was just the relief valve going off. Which was true he came later when it was time. That one is burned in my brain and makes me hot everytime I imagine it again. Do you agree the tease enhances the outcome?
  13. Hot tub is always hot! I have had a few near misses in public. Does semi public exposure turn you on?
  14. awww thanks guys, very sweet! They're just boobs if you like that sort of thing.....
  15. I just saw your last response Rabbit, of course being woken up with a licking is heaven.
  16. Of course a night out is always fun...... Does it make you hot just sitting at work thinking of past encounters you've had? How many are in your spank bank line up?
  17. I'm not sure hot is the right word......... I love lap dances but I can get giggly about them too. Would it make you hot to just roll over in the morning as we wake to have warm, soft, snuggly sex?
  18. LOL I like delayed gratification but 24 hrs is a while....... Actually I like giving delayed gratification more than receiving. Would it make you hot if I reenacted your favorite go to spank bank fantasy for you?
  19. Things have got to get better... right?! Sorry to hear about your job and relationship at the same time. Think about it like you get a do over and how many people would kill for one of those?
  20. whoa... nice! Would it make you hot to be woken up in the morning receiving a bj or as we call it around here the alarm cock?
  21. It would not only make me hot it would make me crazy! Would it make you hot to go down on me and find out after you'd been down there a while, anal beads sticking out?
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