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1st Toy!

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So I have been wanting to introduce a sex toy for quite awhile into my relationship now and have been reading all the posts and especially Mikayla's toy reviews.

Earlier today, I finally brought the idea up to my boyfriend. He was a little hesitant at first, saying things like he's afraid that I will love the toy more than him! :rolleyes: And then went on to say that it would make him feel like "less of a man." Regardless, by the end of the conversation, he agreed to try it out, but I could tell that he wasnt fully comfortable with it.

This will be a first experience with a toy for both of us, and I wanted any suggestions as to what sort of toy I could get that wouldnt be too scary or emasculating for him... and maybe a little bit more advice on what to say to him to get him a little more comfortable with the idea. (I was thinking about a dual vibe, are there any on this site that anyone has tried that they have really liked?)

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Welcome to sex toys Par Par!

I definitely think sticking to a "non-phallic" toy (i.e. one that doesn't look too much like a real penis) is the way to go with your man. Dual Actions are REALLY nice, I have reviewed quite a few that I personally LOVE! However, I will say that a dual action can do things that your man can't -like penetrate you and hit your clit at the same time, and because of this, orgasm comes very quickly for most women. If your man is hesitant because he feels like he is going to be compared to the toy - this might not be the best choice for a first one. My personal opinion, men should understand that there is NO substitution for a real, hard, warm cock inside you. Toys are great enhancement, and it is very fun to play together, but the cherry and whipped cream is his real penis!

So, I say, if you want a dual - go for it GIRL! Just try to let him play with you, let him "do" you with it, or at least position him between your legs so he can get an eyeful as you play. Also remember (as if you didn't) that after you cum, you still have to be hot and heavy for him - cause' he will be really hot and heavy for you!

I have a few favorite duals - one is a g-spot dual - so you might want to consider that too:

My all time favorite, the Glittering Rotating G-SPot:


Classic IVibe Rabitt:


The wave - very different:


Hope these help!


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Oh listen, I am not saying that a man can't stimulate a woman's clit during sex...but I have yet to meet the man who can do it as fast and furious as my dual action clit stimulators! I am sorry guys, like I said, I prefer the real thing any day, but my Glittering G will make me cum in 30 seconds or less, and I ain't met the guy that can do that yet!!!

Mikayla ;)

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I would suggest getting a toy that's for him as well. Get him involved that way. I've been wanting to get one of those vibrating cock rings, that teases the clit and vibrates him at the same time. Show him that the toys aren't all about you. That you aren't doing this because he doesn't satisfy you, but because you want to enhance the experience. And like Mikayla said make sure he has a front row view, and let him play with the toys as well. I bought a vibrating bullet and my fiancee will position it on my clit and then insert his dick in me and every time he thrusts it will bump my clit. It drives me insane and he enjoys it too, cuz it vibrates him also. And also I would say don't use the toys every time you have sex. Remind him that he can get you off without any help sometimes, but that the toys just kind of make it more like 'adult play'. Oh, and I would also have him help you pick out the toy. Ask him what he thinks of this one or that one. That's another way of involving him, and proving that this is just a way to enhance what you already have, not replace him. Hope that helps some. :)

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Just an update for all of you! My new Glittering, Rotating G-Spot Vibe will arrive this week! I cant wait to use it, and surprisingly, the boyfriend is even more excited than I am. I followed everyone's suggestions and let him get involved in the whole toy shopping experience, so I think that is what helped him the most. Anyway, I will post and let everyone know how that goes. Now that I've gotten him used to the idea of this, I wonder what other toys he will be down to play with... :P

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Just an update for all of you! My new Glittering, Rotating G-Spot Vibe will arrive this week! I cant wait to use it, and surprisingly, the boyfriend is even more excited than I am. I followed everyone's suggestions and let him get involved in the whole toy shopping experience, so I think that is what helped him the most. Anyway, I will post and let everyone know how that goes. Now that I've gotten him used to the idea of this, I wonder what other toys he will be down to play with... :P

Hi - Im a little late to this party - but here are my thoughts. The issue your bf is having - in my opinion - are less about the toy and more about your feelings for him and what he has to offer. Bottom line - a toy probably can deliver the "hit" - harder and faster than a person - but thats not what any of us really want. We want that "hit" coupled with intimacy, closeness etc. Id suggest - talk through those things with him - get on the same page - then rev up the toy and both of you go at it.....enjoy....jonB

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So my very first toy arrived today! I'll post a review very soon! It looks a tad bit intimidating but I'm excited to play with it with the bf later tonight. So, I THINK its silicone.... does that mean its okay to just wash it with some anti bacterial soap later on? Has anybody used this toy before? What did you like or dislike about it?

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Did you get the Glittering Rotating G? If so, that toy is NOT silicone! It is a jelly material - so to clean it, you would use anti-bacterial soap and warm water, let it air dry. I suggest cleaning before and after play. You can also invest in some toy cleaner - I usually spray all my toys down anyway.

Silicone toys are the most hygenic - you can disinfect those 100% - Jelly toys can never truly be disinfected, because they are porous (have tiny holes) so the best you can do is clean it really, really well after each use. As far as being intimidated...don't be - it will be FUN with a capital F! Here is a link to the toy, with my review underneath, in case you haven't already read it. That will tell you all you need to know. Basically, this is the only toy I have that can get me off in less than 30 seconds EVERY, SINGLE, TIME!

Have Fun!



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I'm a little late to this party too! :rolleyes:

But, in cases of any newbies, let me also suggest, like I recently did to a now very happy friend, for a first toy that you plan on using with your SO (significant other) just a clit stimulator, such as the Hustler Rock It Clit stimulator.


This thing is awesome!! And it doesn't resemble a penis at all (great idea BTW, Mikalya). This would be less intimidating, easy to manuver, and can be used on both partners.

My husband was hesitant at first, with any kind of toy, saying that if he "did it for me" then I shouldn't NEED a sex toy. I had had sex toys before I met him, and he knew this, but I kept telling him that it was for added pleasure, not replacement.

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I don't get anything that resembles a real penis either. Never thought of why, just thought something a little bit brighter, would be less "intimidating". And it worked. Hubby uses toys with me more and more when we do have sex, and even let me use one on him the last time too!! Major big step there for us!! ;)

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I have to agree with Mikayla about the dual action. My wife and I just purchased one (not from here, sorry Mikayla, it wasn't available) and boy is it great. I haven't heard my wife moan like that in a while. It wasn't too bad for me either, haha. It can be a little unnerving at first but give it a good try and both of you will be happy you did.

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my wife is overseas; I buy her lots of sex toys because I want her to have sexual pleasure in that way, while I am away. And!! it will only ad to our sex when we are together. And phone sex is great. The partner, who pleasures there partner; usually stays together.

Take care,


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