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Will It Make You Hot If.........


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You could hold my leash any time. (LOL)

Size of what? If it is breasts, I'd have to say no size doesn't matter.

Body size I am attracted to petite women.

Penis size not that important. I like women too much.

Size of humor? It better be large.

Size of sexual interest and exploration? It needs to be huge... Or at least a healthy interest.

How far have you been willing to go... What has been the most experimental, exciting, bounty pushing experience you have done (both non-sexual and sexual)? Would you do it again?

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Woof woof! ;)

Good answer....

I've had to think about this one, my conclusion is that I don't think about sex in those terms I guess.

Of course I have a few boundaries but for the most part what ever happens between consenting adults

to me is all the same. Anal isn't any more kinky than oral or a threesome to me, some things may involve

more trust in an emotional context but from a sexual standpoint all the same. That's clear as mud lol!!

And you know what they say... It's only kinky the first time. ;)

In a non sexual way I'd say anything to do with heights is an accomplishment for me, not my strong suit.

Have you ever met anyone off the internet?

I have and it didn't turn out very well, somehow the attraction just wasn't there in person.

Although, I have a wonderful male friend for 10 years and we met on a discussion website.

Never met but have logged many hours on the phone, and yes phone sex.

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Heights used to be an issue until I road a mountain bike down a canyon wall with a sheer drop, 10,000 to the river.

Kink? I'm pretty open and enjoy many things, but still try to push my personal experiences and seek excitement.

I have never met anyone off the internet. Because of my past job I didn't do social networks, not even dating sites.

Have you ever had performed for your lover or had sex while in a dressing room?

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While being compatible is great, it may not always be necessary. Sometimes there is hidden kick that just needs to be discovered.

Have you ever tried restraints that fit on the door jam? It not would you be excited by being restrained or having your partner restrained in a standing position?

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Yes, thought that was normal. :) other people keep popping up in my mind.

Looks like it's time to try something new.

Have you ever found it hot to have love bites?

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Real biting or hickys? The more turned on I am the more pain I can endure....

By the time I cum a few times I'm pinching my own nips so much harder than the beginning when

they're too sensitive. I like a smack to the ass or grabbing my hair during doggy better than biting.

Has there ever been a time when you just flat refused to participate in a certain act.

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No, never. Always been willing to try what has been proposed.

Would it make you hot to have your lover present him/herself naked with dinner on his/her body for you to eat off from him/her?

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Not so much, I've tried a few different food items and except for the peach they don't do much for me.

Do you ever share with a friend a mind blowing sexual encounter you've had? Does it matter if it's your SO or a

one time thing?

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Can't say I have shared a mind blowing sexual encounter with a friend, at least verbally as in telling them about it. But sexual encounter... Well you know.

Would you be willing to dress up as Wonder Woman, tie me up with your lasso of truth, force secrets out of me before making me perform any sexual activity you wish?

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The first thing that attracts me to the woman across the room is her smile, confidence, intelligence and strength. I have a very strong attraction to strong and intelligent women.

What would be the best way to get and keep your attention?

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Getting my attention? I have to admit I'm a sucker for a pretty face and a big brain..........

Keeping me interested? Being honest, trustworthy, kind, goofy, attentive, adventurous in and out of the bedroom.

When you try something new are you ever surprised how much you enjoy it? How hot it makes you when maybe you

had an preconceived notion you might not like it?

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Absolutely I have done things that have surprised me and brought great unexpected pleasure.

What is your favorite thing that without hesitation will peek your interest? Intellectually? Personally? Sexually?

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That's a make me think kinda question......

Intellectually... I love a smart man, I can't do stupid. Even if he's intelligent about something I know nothing about I love

that he has a thirst to seek knowledge and can carry on a conversation about something besides sports.

Personally.... I love a man confidant enough to not be macho if that makes any sense. A man who is outgoing and isn't afraid to look silly.

I'm a huge dork so he has to fit into that, get my jokes and references and be a dork himself about at least one thing in his life. I need playful

in my relationships and to laugh everyday with him.

Sexually....It's not just one thing, of course I love a pretty face, a great smile, and long hair trips my trigger lol but it's more about an animal attraction

that is just there or it's not. Haven't you ever been attracted to someone you never really thought you would be? Someone you just wanted to fuck

and then find out about them later?

Do most men have a preference for innies or outies? Or does it matter?

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There have been times that I have been extremely attracted to some one I never thought I would be. A few months back I was in Chicago at met a woman that I would have never considered, but she blew me away. I was ready to take her to bed (didn't). This was just before my LTR ended.

I prefer innies, don't know about most men.

Have you been totally blown away by someone and unable to act on it? Was there a second chance?

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Yes I have, it doesn't happen often but when it does it's a nice feeling. I said in the cheating thread that I'm just not built that way so I take it for what it is,

an attraction and move on. I tend to stay in relationships for a looooong time so no the second chance thing hasn't happened to me. I do have one right now

that I'd do in a heartbeat but I'm committed and he just began a new relationship so it's attraction from afar. We never seem to be single at the same time. LOL

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

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I was a bit of a late bloomer, 21. I was in the seminary for a spell before that. Oh how I have fallen. I made it past the chains of old a long time ago.

Where has been the best place you have made love? (Other than a bedroom)

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It could go either way. It all depends on the game we are playing.

Have you tried electro-stimulation as a part of sex play? If not would you be willing to try it?

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Absolutely! My ideal mate profile is well outside of my race. I am in love with darker skin, think Toni Braxton and you have a good idea where my interests are. Having said this, I love women of all types and races. There is so much beauty to appreciate both inside and outside.

Yes, I have figured out you would be willing to try anything once and twice if you like it (or three times, or four, or on and on).

How far have you pushed you exhibitionist side while still staying just barely on the legitimate side of the law?

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