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Insatiable Ele


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Insatiable Ele


Here comes another product by California Exotics designed to create the elusive G-Spot O. Insatiable Ele is made of a beautiful blue TPR (rubber) material, that has the 5" shaft (1" diameter) for the g-spot, plus an elephant that will never forget where the clit is!

One of the best features of this toy is the removable 2 bullet power pack. Yes, I said 2 bullets! Each one has a spot in Ele, making the power you feel from the stimulators that much more intense. Each bullet has its own slide controller, so if you like a more powerful vibe in one spot, & an easier one in the other, you’re good to go with this baby! Gotta love those options!

This toy is only good with water-based lubes, & is not immersible in water, so be careful. Also, with TPR, you need to thoroughly wash the toy well each & every time before & after use.

So, after washing the Ele & her bullets, I get my 3 AA batteries out from my private stockpile of batteries, & put them in the power pack.

Settling down in, I rub myself a little bit, using both of the bullets, liking the intensity that both bullets can produce. I would say its highest setting would be a medium high (for me). For me, the stronger the vibes, the better the ride! Anyway, plugging the bullets into the back of Ele, I slowly insert the shaft inside of me, and Ele’s trunk finds its way to my clit rather easily. I was amazed at the strength of the vibes that I could feel in the trunk, very intense. Me likey! I thrust Ele in & out of me, but, try as I might, I couldn’t reach the g-spot O the toy bragged about. Don’t get me wrong, the toy felt great, & I was able to cum, but not from a g-spot O as I'd hoped to do.

One of the keys to achieving a g-spot O, is knowing what you like, & what gets you off. For me, I need a firmer toy that rubs my g-spot harder. This toy is curved for such a purpose, but, since it is TPR, it’s softer, & bends too easily for my tastes.

I'd hafta give this toy a 2.5 (out of 4) Tyger Paw rating. It was good, but not up to the hype for me. Although, the 2 bullets really do make up for it!

Will this be the elephant YOU remember?

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Great review Tyger!

I must say, that toy is CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! Too bad it is less than effective. I have had similar toys that claim to render a G-Orgasm, but if they are not firm enough, it is usually a no-go!


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Just a thought.......If hubby where to use this on you,

his angle would be different and maybe it be more effective.

Might be fun to research. I'm putting you in charge of that, Tyger!

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Great idea! Practice makes perfect, right!!? ;)

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Hey...........and if it still isn't satisfactory, you can have him get in there and finish the job!!

Thats one chore on the honey do list that will put a smile on his face............... :D

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Thanks for the review! And you have a private battery stash too? LOL! I had to do that when I discovered so many of the kids' toys take the same batteries most of mine do. Baby Boy's robot may not work but Momma's vibes must! :-)

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Thanks for the review! And you have a private battery stash too? LOL! I had to do that when I discovered so many of the kids' toys take the same batteries most of mine do. Baby Boy's robot may not work but Momma's vibes must! :-)

I keep a costco supply with my toys. There's nothing more frustrating than running out of batteries in the middle of .......... your own time.

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... There's nothing more frustrating than running out of batteries in the middle of .......... your own time.

OR, getting your motor running, reaching over for THE toy you have a hankering for, only to find it nearly lifeless and no batteries in the house. Ggrrrr! :angry:

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