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Pure Stud


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Review by Ladylove 10/28/09

The Pure Stud is made of a gorgeous ‘pure skin material’ life like specimen. It measures 6.5L X1.5W with an easy reach push button control at the very bottom. It has 3 separate speeds; low, med, and high, that’s all you’ll need. Which means you advance through the three speeds to off. Pure Skin is very much like cyber skin, but not exactly. This Stud is so life like it has a beautifully defined head complete with life like skin texturing, including veining and a set of well placed testicles. It’s a little tacky feeling to touch, and has a slight smell if you (literally) put it up to your nose, but otherwise it’s not noticeable or offensive in any way. And to top it off It’s waterproof! What more could you ask for. All you’ll need is 2AA batteries to rev him up.

If you hadn’t guessed already I love this ‘Pure (pleasure) Stud’. I saved this guy for when I had some extended me time. I wanted to make sure I tested him out thoroughly. To be perfectly frank I had to test it twice just to make sure. ;) And made sure I did! For me his size is perfect and it felt real. Underneath the ‘pure skin material’ core this stud has a hard stiff material (which I didn’t realize it until the second testing) that makes Pure Stud feel like he has a vein popping raging hard-on; but because of the ‘pure skin material’ covering he feels like the real deal. This is excellent for beginners or experienced and for those who like their vibe low or high. Pure Stud makes it to my bed side stable. I award him 4 1/2 out of 5 hearts.


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Sounds fab... I have been wanting a realistic one. I have a dildo with a suction cup but it is rubber or vinyl or something and I am not a fan. This one could work! a little pricey for me but hey, good to know LL nice review!!

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nice! What are the size dimensions on this and just how intense is the vibration on high! You know how greedy I am! Want it all to the MAX!!! ;)
Sounds fab... I have been wanting a realistic one. I have a dildo with a suction cup but it is rubber or vinyl or something and I am not a fan. This one could work! a little pricey for me but hey, good to know LL nice review!!


6.5 long X 1.5 wide the vibes would be considered high but not the highest I've ever felt. You know how some vibes hum, and some go bzzzzzz. This is a Bzzzzzzzz.

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Pure skin huh? Is that like cyberskin? I would be interested in finding out how to clean / care for that.

Great review, glad you liked 'him.'

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Pure skin huh? Is that like cyberskin? I would be interested in finding out how to clean / care for that.

Great review, glad you liked 'him.'

It feels very much like cyber skin, except it a little tacky to touch, but not to tacky to have to use lube. I didn't use any lube, but if I did it would have been water based. I check the package a few time to make sure 'cyber skin' wasn't written anywhere on the package, but because it felt so much like 'CS' I treated it as if it were. There wasn't any cleaning and caring instructions on package and no paper instructions at all, so I use anti bacterial soap before and after use, drying it off, then letting it air dry for a while, finishing with the cyber skin renew powder. I purposely left that out my cleaning and care in the review because none were given with the toy; and didn't want TT to be liable for a mistake if one was made. So far it seems to be fine. I'll let you know it that changes. And yea I really liked him! ;)

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  • Review Team

Thanks for the great review!

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